
164 lines
9.1 KiB

-export([format_path/2, colorize/2, maybe_eunit_format/1]).
format_path(TC, Groups) ->
join([atom_to_list(P) || P <- lists:reverse([TC|Groups])], ".").
%% string:join/2 copy; string:join/2 is getting obsoleted
%% and replaced by lists:join/2, but lists:join/2 is too new
%% for version support (only appeared in 19.0) so it cannot be
%% used. Instead we just adopt join/2 locally and hope it works
%% for most unicode use cases anyway.
join([], Sep) when is_list(Sep) ->
join([H|T], Sep) ->
H ++ lists:append([Sep ++ X || X <- T]).
colorize(red, Txt) -> cf:format("~!r~s~!!", [Txt]);
colorize(green, Txt) -> cf:format("~!g~s~!!", [Txt]);
colorize(magenta, Txt) -> cf:format("~!m~s~!!",[Txt]).
maybe_eunit_format({failed, Reason}) ->
maybe_eunit_format({{Type, Props}, _}) when Type =:= assert_failed
; Type =:= assert ->
Keys = proplists:get_keys(Props),
HasEUnitProps = ([expression, value, line] -- Keys) =:= [],
HasHamcrestProps = ([expected, actual, matcher, line] -- Keys) =:= [],
HasEUnitProps ->
[io_lib:format("~nFailure/Error: ?assert(~s)~n", [proplists:get_value(expression, Props)]),
io_lib:format(" expected: ~p~n", [proplists:get_value(expected, Props)]),
case proplists:get_value(value, Props) of
{not_a_boolean, V} ->
io_lib:format(" got: ~p~n", [V]);
V ->
io_lib:format(" got: ~p~n", [V])
end, io_lib:format(" line: ~p", [proplists:get_value(line, Props)])] ++
[io_lib:format("~n comment: ~p", [Comment]) || {comment, Comment} <- [proplists:lookup(comment, Props)]];
HasHamcrestProps ->
[io_lib:format("~nFailure/Error: ?assertThat(~p)~n", [proplists:get_value(matcher, Props)]),
io_lib:format(" expected: ~p~n", [proplists:get_value(expected, Props)]),
io_lib:format(" got: ~p~n", [proplists:get_value(actual, Props)]),
io_lib:format(" line: ~p", [proplists:get_value(line, Props)])];
true ->
[io_lib:format("~nFailure/Error: unknown assert: ~p", [Props])]
maybe_eunit_format({{Type, Props}, _}) when Type =:= assertMatch_failed
; Type =:= assertMatch ->
Expr = proplists:get_value(expression, Props),
Pattern = proplists:get_value(pattern, Props),
Value = proplists:get_value(value, Props),
[io_lib:format("~nFailure/Error: ?assertMatch(~s, ~s)~n", [Pattern, Expr]),
io_lib:format(" expected: = ~s~n", [Pattern]),
io_lib:format(" got: ~p~n", [Value]),
io_lib:format(" line: ~p", [proplists:get_value(line, Props)])] ++
[io_lib:format("~n comment: ~p", [Comment]) || {comment, Comment} <- [proplists:lookup(comment, Props)]];
maybe_eunit_format({{Type, Props}, _}) when Type =:= assertNotMatch_failed
; Type =:= assertNotMatch ->
Expr = proplists:get_value(expression, Props),
Pattern = proplists:get_value(pattern, Props),
Value = proplists:get_value(value, Props),
[io_lib:format("~nFailure/Error: ?assertNotMatch(~s, ~s)~n", [Pattern, Expr]),
io_lib:format(" expected not: = ~s~n", [Pattern]),
io_lib:format(" got: ~p~n", [Value]),
io_lib:format(" line: ~p", [proplists:get_value(line, Props)])] ++
[io_lib:format("~n comment: ~p", [Comment]) || {comment, Comment} <- [proplists:lookup(comment, Props)]];
maybe_eunit_format({{Type, Props}, _}) when Type =:= assertEqual_failed
; Type =:= assertEqual ->
Expr = proplists:get_value(expression, Props),
Expected = proplists:get_value(expected, Props),
Value = proplists:get_value(value, Props),
[io_lib:format("~nFailure/Error: ?assertEqual(~w, ~s)~n", [Expected,
io_lib:format(" expected: ~p~n", [Expected]),
io_lib:format(" got: ~p~n", [Value]),
io_lib:format(" line: ~p", [proplists:get_value(line, Props)])] ++
[io_lib:format("~n comment: ~p", [Comment]) || {comment, Comment} <- [proplists:lookup(comment, Props)]];
maybe_eunit_format({{Type, Props}, _}) when Type =:= assertNotEqual_failed
; Type =:= assertNotEqual ->
Expr = proplists:get_value(expression, Props),
Value = proplists:get_value(value, Props),
[io_lib:format("~nFailure/Error: ?assertNotEqual(~p, ~s)~n",
[Value, Expr]),
io_lib:format(" expected not: == ~p~n", [Value]),
io_lib:format(" got: ~p~n", [Value]),
io_lib:format(" line: ~p", [proplists:get_value(line, Props)])] ++
[io_lib:format("~n comment: ~p", [Comment]) || {comment, Comment} <- [proplists:lookup(comment, Props)]];
maybe_eunit_format({{Type, Props}, _}) when Type =:= assertException_failed
; Type =:= assertException ->
Expr = proplists:get_value(expression, Props),
Pattern = proplists:get_value(pattern, Props),
{Class, Term} = extract_exception_pattern(Pattern), % I hate that we have to do this, why not just give DATA
[io_lib:format("~nFailure/Error: ?assertException(~s, ~s, ~s)~n", [Class, Term, Expr]),
case proplists:is_defined(unexpected_success, Props) of
true ->
[io_lib:format(" expected: exception ~s but nothing was raised~n", [Pattern]),
io_lib:format(" got: value ~p~n", [proplists:get_value(unexpected_success, Props)]),
io_lib:format(" line: ~p", [proplists:get_value(line, Props)])];
false ->
Ex = proplists:get_value(unexpected_exception, Props),
[io_lib:format(" expected: exception ~s~n", [Pattern]),
io_lib:format(" got: exception ~p~n", [Ex]),
io_lib:format(" line: ~p", [proplists:get_value(line, Props)])]
end] ++
[io_lib:format("~n comment: ~p", [Comment]) || {comment, Comment} <- [proplists:lookup(comment, Props)]];
maybe_eunit_format({{Type, Props}, _}) when Type =:= assertNotException_failed
; Type =:= assertNotException ->
Expr = proplists:get_value(expression, Props),
Pattern = proplists:get_value(pattern, Props),
{Class, Term} = extract_exception_pattern(Pattern), % I hate that we have to do this, why not just give DAT
Ex = proplists:get_value(unexpected_exception, Props),
[io_lib:format("~nFailure/Error: ?assertNotException(~s, ~s, ~s)~n", [Class, Term, Expr]),
io_lib:format(" expected not: exception ~s~n", [Pattern]),
io_lib:format(" got: exception ~p~n", [Ex]),
io_lib:format(" line: ~p", [proplists:get_value(line, Props)])] ++
[io_lib:format("~n comment: ~p", [Comment]) || {comment, Comment} <- [proplists:lookup(comment, Props)]];
maybe_eunit_format({{Type, Props}, _}) when Type =:= command_failed
; Type =:= command ->
Cmd = proplists:get_value(command, Props),
Expected = proplists:get_value(expected_status, Props),
Status = proplists:get_value(status, Props),
[io_lib:format("~nFailure/Error: ?cmdStatus(~p, ~p)~n", [Expected, Cmd]),
io_lib:format(" expected: status ~p~n", [Expected]),
io_lib:format(" got: status ~p~n", [Status]),
io_lib:format(" line: ~p", [proplists:get_value(line, Props)])] ++
[io_lib:format("~n comment: ~p", [Comment]) || {comment, Comment} <- [proplists:lookup(comment, Props)]];
maybe_eunit_format({{Type, Props}, _}) when Type =:= assertCmd_failed
; Type =:= assertCmd ->
Cmd = proplists:get_value(command, Props),
Expected = proplists:get_value(expected_status, Props),
Status = proplists:get_value(status, Props),
[io_lib:format("~nFailure/Error: ?assertCmdStatus(~p, ~p)~n", [Expected, Cmd]),
io_lib:format(" expected: status ~p~n", [Expected]),
io_lib:format(" got: status ~p~n", [Status]),
io_lib:format(" line: ~p", [proplists:get_value(line, Props)])] ++
[io_lib:format("~n comment: ~p", [Comment]) || {comment, Comment} <- [proplists:lookup(comment, Props)]];
maybe_eunit_format({{Type, Props}, _}) when Type =:= assertCmdOutput_failed
; Type =:= assertCmdOutput ->
Cmd = proplists:get_value(command, Props),
Expected = proplists:get_value(expected_output, Props),
Output = proplists:get_value(output, Props),
[io_lib:format("~nFailure/Error: ?assertCmdOutput(~p, ~p)~n", [Expected, Cmd]),
io_lib:format(" expected: ~p~n", [Expected]),
io_lib:format(" got: ~p~n", [Output]),
io_lib:format(" line: ~p", [proplists:get_value(line, Props)])] ++
[io_lib:format("~n comment: ~p", [Comment]) || {comment, Comment} <- [proplists:lookup(comment, Props)]];
maybe_eunit_format(Reason) ->
io_lib:format("~p", [Reason]).
extract_exception_pattern(Str) ->
["{", Class, Term|_] = re:split(Str, "[, ]{1,2}", [unicode,{return,list}]),
{Class, Term}.