
197 lines
5.2 KiB

%%% @author Heinz Nikolaus Gies <>
%%% @copyright (C) 2015, Project-FiFo UG
%%% @doc
%%% Printing library for coloured console output, extends the format
%%% strings by adding ~! (forground) ~# (background) and ~_ (underline)
%%% terminal colours.
%%% @end
%%% Created : 22 Sep 2015 by Heinz Nikolaus Gies <>
%% API exports
-export([format/1, format/2]).
-export([print/1, print/2]).
%% API functions
%% @doc Prints a coloured string.
%% Effectively the same as io:format just takes the additional color
%% console text colour can be set by ~!**<colour>**. ~#**<colour>**
%% will change the background. Both ~# only work with lowercase colours.
%% An uppercase letersindicate bold colours.
%% A `_` can be added after the ~! to make the text underlined.
%% The colour can be one of:
%% ! - resets the output
%% ^ - makes text bold
%% x,X - black
%% r,R - red
%% g,G - greeen
%% y,Y - yellow
%% b,B - blue
%% m,M - magenta
%% c,C - cyan
%% w,W - white
%% true color is supported by using
%% ~!#<rr><gg><bb> as each as hex values so ~!#ff6402
%% the same can be done for the background by yusign ~##
%% The function will disable colours on non x term termials
%% @end
print(Fmt, Args) ->
io:format(cfmt(Fmt), Args).
%% @doc Formates a coloured string
%% Arguments are the same as for print/2, just returns a string as
%% io_lib:format/2 does instead of printing it to stdout.
%% @end
format(Fmt, Args) ->
io_lib:format(cfmt(Fmt), Args).
print(Fmt) ->
print(Fmt, []).
format(Fmt) ->
format(Fmt, []).
%% Internal functions
-define(NX, "\033[0;30m").
-define(NR, "\033[0;31m").
-define(NG, "\033[0;32m").
-define(NY, "\033[0;33m").
-define(NB, "\033[0;34m").
-define(NM, "\033[0;35m").
-define(NC, "\033[0;36m").
-define(NW, "\033[0;37m").
-define(BX, "\033[1;30m").
-define(BR, "\033[1;31m").
-define(BG, "\033[1;32m").
-define(BY, "\033[1;33m").
-define(BB, "\033[1;34m").
-define(BM, "\033[1;35m").
-define(BC, "\033[1;36m").
-define(BW, "\033[1;37m").
-define(U, "\033[4m").
-define(B, "\033[1m").
-define(BGX, "\033[40m").
-define(BGR, "\033[41m").
-define(BGG, "\033[42m").
-define(BGY, "\033[43m").
-define(BGB, "\033[44m").
-define(BGM, "\033[45m").
-define(BGC, "\033[46m").
-define(BGW, "\033[47m").
-define(R, "\033[0m").
-define(CFMT(Char, Colour),
cfmt_([$~, $!, Char | S], Enabled) -> [Colour | cfmt_(S, Enabled)];
cfmt_([$~, $!, $_, Char | S], Enabled) -> [Colour, ?U | cfmt_(S, Enabled)]).
-define(CFMT_BG(Char, Colour),
cfmt_([$~, $#, Char | S], Enabled) -> [Colour | cfmt_(S, Enabled)]).
-define(CFMT_U(Char, Colour),
cfmt_([$~, $_, Char | S], Enabled) -> [Colour | cfmt_(S, Enabled)]).
colour_term() ->
case application:get_env(cf, colour_term) of
{ok, V} ->
undefined ->
Term = os:getenv("TERM"),
V = cf_term:has_color(Term),
application:set_env(cf, colour_term, V),
cfmt(S) ->
cfmt(S, colour_term()).
cfmt(S, Enabled) ->
lists:flatten(cfmt_(S, Enabled)).
cfmt_([$~, $!, $#, _R1, _R2, _G1, _G2, _B1, _B2 | S], false) ->
cfmt_(S, false);
cfmt_([$~, $#, $#, _R1, _R2, _G1, _G2, _B1, _B2 | S], false) ->
cfmt_(S, false);
cfmt_([$~, $!, $_, _C | S], false) ->
cfmt_(S, false);
cfmt_([$~, $#, _C | S], false) ->
cfmt_(S, false);
cfmt_([$~, $!, _C | S], false) ->
cfmt_(S, false);
cfmt_([$~, $!, $#, R1, R2, G1, G2, B1, B2 | S], Enabled) ->
R = list_to_integer([R1, R2], 16),
G = list_to_integer([G1, G2], 16),
B = list_to_integer([B1, B2], 16),
integer_to_list(R), $;,
integer_to_list(G), $;,
integer_to_list(B), $m |
cfmt_(S, Enabled)];
cfmt_([$~, $#, $#, R1, R2, G1, G2, B1, B2 | S], Enabled) ->
R = list_to_integer([R1, R2], 16),
G = list_to_integer([G1, G2], 16),
B = list_to_integer([B1, B2], 16),
integer_to_list(R), $;,
integer_to_list(G), $;,
integer_to_list(B), $m |
cfmt_(S, Enabled)];
cfmt_([$~, $!, $_, $_ | S], Enabled) ->
[?U |cfmt_(S, Enabled)];
cfmt_([$~,$!, $^ | S], Enabled) ->
[?B | cfmt_(S, Enabled)];
cfmt_([$~,$!, $_, $^ | S], Enabled) ->
[?U, ?B | cfmt_(S, Enabled)];
?CFMT($!, ?R);
?CFMT($x, ?NX);
?CFMT($X, ?BX);
?CFMT($r, ?NR);
?CFMT($R, ?BR);
?CFMT($g, ?NG);
?CFMT($G, ?BG);
?CFMT($y, ?NY);
?CFMT($Y, ?BY);
?CFMT($b, ?NB);
?CFMT($B, ?BB);
?CFMT($m, ?NM);
?CFMT($M, ?BM);
?CFMT($c, ?NC);
?CFMT($C, ?BC);
?CFMT($w, ?NW);
?CFMT($W, ?BW);
?CFMT_BG($x, ?BGX);
?CFMT_BG($r, ?BGR);
?CFMT_BG($g, ?BGG);
?CFMT_BG($y, ?BGY);
?CFMT_BG($b, ?BGB);
?CFMT_BG($m, ?BGM);
?CFMT_BG($c, ?BGC);
?CFMT_BG($w, ?BGW);
cfmt_([$~,$~ | S], Enabled) ->
[$~,$~ | cfmt_(S, Enabled)];
cfmt_([C | S], Enabled) ->
[C | cfmt_(S, Enabled)];
cfmt_([], false) ->
cfmt_([], _Enabled) ->