
296 lines
11 KiB

all() ->
%%% TEST SETUP %%%
init_per_testcase(Case, Config) ->
BasePaths = code:get_path(),
%% This test checks that the right module sets get loaded; however, we must
%% ensure that we do not have clashes with other test suites' loaded modules,
%% which we cannot track. As such, we have to ensure all module names here are
%% unique.
%% This is done by hand; if you see this test suite failing on its own, you
%% probably wrote a test suite that clashes!
Dir = filename:join([?config(priv_dir, Config), atom_to_list(?MODULE),
InDir = fun(Path) -> filename:join([Dir, Path]) end,
ADep = fake_app(<<"rp_a">>, <<"1.0.0">>, InDir("_build/default/lib/rp_a/")),
BDep = fake_app(<<"rp_b">>, <<"1.0.0">>, InDir("_build/default/lib/rp_b/")),
CDep = fake_app(<<"rp_c">>, <<"1.0.0">>, InDir("_build/default/lib/rp_c/")),
DDep = fake_app(<<"rp_d">>, <<"1.0.0">>, InDir("_build/default/lib/rp_d/")),
RelxDep = fake_app(<<"relx">>, <<"1.0.0">>, InDir("_build/default/lib/relx/")),
APlug = fake_app(<<"rp_a">>, <<"1.0.0">>,
RelxPlug = fake_app(<<"relx">>, <<"1.1.1">>,
EPlug = fake_app(<<"rp_e">>, <<"1.0.0">>,
TopApp0 = fake_app(<<"top_app">>, <<"1.0.0">>, InDir("_build/default/lib/top_app/"), [<<"rp_a">>, <<"rp_b">>]),
TopApp1 = rebar_app_info:applications(TopApp0, ['rp_a', 'rp_b']),
S0 = rebar_state:new(),
S1 = rebar_state:all_deps(S0, [ADep, BDep, CDep, DDep, RelxDep]),
S2 = rebar_state:all_plugin_deps(S1, [APlug, RelxPlug]),
S3 = rebar_state:project_apps(S2, [TopApp1]),
S4 = rebar_state:code_paths(S3, default, code:get_path()),
S5 = rebar_state:code_paths(
[rebar_app_info:ebin_dir(A) || A <- [ADep, BDep, CDep, DDep, RelxDep]]
S6 = rebar_state:code_paths(
[rebar_app_info:ebin_dir(A) || A <- [APlug, RelxPlug, EPlug]]
[{base_paths, BasePaths}, {root_dir, Dir}, {state, S6} | Config].
end_per_testcase(_, Config) ->
%% this is deeply annoying because we interfere with rebar3's own
%% path handling!
rebar_paths:unset_paths([plugins, deps], ?config(state, Config)),
fake_app(Name, Vsn, OutDir) ->
{ok, App} = rebar_app_info:new(Name, Vsn, OutDir),
compile_fake_appmod(App, []),
fake_app(Name, Vsn, OutDir, Apps) ->
{ok, App} = rebar_app_info:new(Name, Vsn, OutDir),
compile_fake_appmod(App, Apps),
compile_fake_appmod(App, Apps) ->
OutDir = rebar_app_info:ebin_dir(App),
Vsn = rebar_app_info:original_vsn(App),
Name = rebar_app_info:name(App),
AppsStr = apps_to_str(Apps),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([OutDir, ".touch"])),
AppFile = [
"{application,", Name, ", "
" [{description, \"some app\"}, "
" {vsn, \"", Vsn, "\"}, "
" {modules, [",Name,"]}, "
" {registered, []}, "
" {applications, [" ++ AppsStr ++ "]} "
" ]}. "],
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([OutDir, <<Name/binary, ".app">>]), AppFile),
Mod = [{attribute, 1, module, binary_to_atom(Name, utf8)},
{attribute, 2, export, [{f,0}]},
[{clause,3, [], [],
{ok, _, Bin} = compile:forms(Mod),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([OutDir, <<Name/binary, ".beam">>]), Bin).
%%% TESTS %%%
clashing_apps(Config) ->
Clashes = rebar_paths:clashing_apps([deps, plugins],
?config(state, Config)),
ct:pal("Clashes: ~p", [Clashes]),
?assertEqual([<<"relx">>, <<"rp_a">>], lists:sort(proplists:get_value(deps, Clashes))),
?assertEqual([], proplists:get_value(plugins, Clashes)),
set_paths(Config) ->
State = ?config(state, Config),
RootDir = filename:split(?config(root_dir, Config)),
%% Take a snapshot of runtime deps being set; to see if your test is valid, this should fail
%% when you set the [deps] paths here
rebar_paths:set_paths([runtime], State),
RuntimePaths = code:get_path(),
%% Revert back to regular dep paths
rebar_paths:set_paths([plugins, deps], State),
PluginPaths = code:get_path(),
rebar_paths:set_paths([deps, plugins], State),
DepPaths = code:get_path(),
%% Plugin related paths checks
RootDir ++ ["_build", "default", "plugins", "lib", "rp_a", "ebin"],
find_first_instance(RootDir, "rp_a", PluginPaths)
RootDir ++ ["_build", "default", "lib", "rp_b", "ebin"],
find_first_instance(RootDir, "rp_b", PluginPaths)
RootDir ++ ["_build", "default", "lib", "rp_c", "ebin"],
find_first_instance(RootDir, "rp_c", PluginPaths)
RootDir ++ ["_build", "default", "lib", "rp_d", "ebin"],
find_first_instance(RootDir, "rp_d", PluginPaths)
RootDir ++ ["_build", "default", "plugins", "lib", "rp_e", "ebin"],
find_first_instance(RootDir, "rp_e", PluginPaths)
RootDir ++ ["_build", "default", "plugins", "lib", "relx", "ebin"],
find_first_instance(RootDir, "relx", PluginPaths)
%% Dependency related paths checks
RootDir ++ ["_build", "default", "lib", "rp_a", "ebin"],
find_first_instance(RootDir, "rp_a", DepPaths)
RootDir ++ ["_build", "default", "lib", "rp_b", "ebin"],
find_first_instance(RootDir, "rp_b", DepPaths)
RootDir ++ ["_build", "default", "lib", "rp_c", "ebin"],
find_first_instance(RootDir, "rp_c", DepPaths)
RootDir ++ ["_build", "default", "lib", "rp_d", "ebin"],
find_first_instance(RootDir, "rp_d", DepPaths)
RootDir ++ ["_build", "default", "plugins", "lib", "rp_e", "ebin"],
find_first_instance(RootDir, "rp_e", DepPaths)
RootDir ++ ["_build", "default", "lib", "relx", "ebin"],
find_first_instance(RootDir, "relx", DepPaths)
%% Runtime related paths checks
RootDir ++ ["_build", "default", "lib", "rp_a", "ebin"],
find_first_instance(RootDir, "rp_a", RuntimePaths)
RootDir ++ ["_build", "default", "lib", "rp_b", "ebin"],
find_first_instance(RootDir, "rp_b", RuntimePaths)
{not_found, _},
find_first_instance(RootDir, "rp_c", RuntimePaths)
{not_found, _},
find_first_instance(RootDir, "rp_d", RuntimePaths)
{not_found, _},
find_first_instance(RootDir, "rp_e", RuntimePaths)
{not_found, _},
find_first_instance(RootDir, "relx", RuntimePaths)
check_modules(Config) ->
State = ?config(state, Config),
RootDir = ?config(root_dir, Config)++"/",
rebar_paths:set_paths([plugins, deps], State),
ct:pal("code:get_path() -> ~p", [code:get_path()]),
?assertEqual(RootDir ++ "_build/default/plugins/lib/rp_a/ebin", rp_a:f()),
ct:pal("~p", [catch file:list_dir(RootDir ++ "_build/default/lib/")]),
ct:pal("~p", [catch file:list_dir(RootDir ++ "_build/default/lib/rp_b/")]),
ct:pal("~p", [catch file:list_dir(RootDir ++ "_build/default/lib/rp_b/ebin")]),
ct:pal("~p", [catch b:module_info()]),
?assertEqual(RootDir ++ "_build/default/lib/rp_b/ebin", rp_b:f()),
?assertEqual(RootDir ++ "_build/default/lib/rp_c/ebin", rp_c:f()),
?assertEqual(RootDir ++ "_build/default/lib/rp_d/ebin", rp_d:f()),
?assertEqual(RootDir ++ "_build/default/plugins/lib/rp_e/ebin", rp_e:f()),
?assertEqual(RootDir ++ "_build/default/plugins/lib/relx/ebin", relx:f()),
?assertEqual(3, length(relx:module_info(exports))), % can't replace bundled
rebar_paths:set_paths([deps, plugins], State),
ct:pal("code:get_path() -> ~p", [code:get_path()]),
?assertEqual(RootDir ++ "_build/default/lib/rp_a/ebin", rp_a:f()),
?assertEqual(RootDir ++ "_build/default/lib/rp_b/ebin", rp_b:f()),
?assertEqual(RootDir ++ "_build/default/lib/rp_c/ebin", rp_c:f()),
?assertEqual(RootDir ++ "_build/default/lib/rp_d/ebin", rp_d:f()),
?assertEqual(RootDir ++ "_build/default/plugins/lib/rp_e/ebin", rp_e:f()),
?assertEqual(RootDir ++ "_build/default/lib/relx/ebin", relx:f()),
?assertEqual(3, length(relx:module_info(exports))), % can't replace bundled
%% once again
rebar_paths:set_paths([plugins, deps], State),
ct:pal("code:get_path() -> ~p", [code:get_path()]),
?assertEqual(RootDir ++ "_build/default/plugins/lib/rp_a/ebin", rp_a:f()),
?assertEqual(RootDir ++ "_build/default/lib/rp_b/ebin", rp_b:f()),
?assertEqual(RootDir ++ "_build/default/lib/rp_c/ebin", rp_c:f()),
?assertEqual(RootDir ++ "_build/default/lib/rp_d/ebin", rp_d:f()),
?assertEqual(RootDir ++ "_build/default/plugins/lib/rp_e/ebin", rp_e:f()),
?assertEqual(RootDir ++ "_build/default/plugins/lib/relx/ebin", relx:f()),
?assertEqual(3, length(relx:module_info(exports))), % can't replace bundled
misloaded_mods(_Config) ->
Res = rebar_paths:misloaded_modules(
[{a, "/0/1/2/file.beam"},
{b, "/1/2/3/4/file.beam"},
{c, "/2/1/file.beam"},
{f, preloaded},
{d, "/3/5/7/file.beam"},
{e, "/3/4/5/file.beam"}]
?assertEqual([a,c,d], Res),
%%% HELPERS %%%
find_first_instance(_RootDir, Frag, []) ->
{not_found, Frag};
find_first_instance(RootDir, Frag, [Path|Rest]) ->
Frags = filename:split(Path),
case lists:member(Frag, Frags) of
true ->
%% When testing the runtime deps the paths would have
%% apps such as `relx' that were not from within the root dir.
case re:run(Frags, RootDir) of
nomatch -> find_first_instance(RootDir, Frag, Rest);
{match, _} -> Frags
false -> find_first_instance(RootDir, Frag, Rest)
apps_to_str([]) ->
"stdlib, kernel";
apps_to_str(Apps) ->
AppsStr = unicode:characters_to_list(lists:join(", ", Apps)),
"stdlib, kernel, " ++ AppsStr.