
3118 lines
123 KiB

suite() ->
all() ->
[{group, basic_app}, {group, release_apps},
{group, checkout_apps}, {group, checkout_deps},
{group, basic_srcdirs}, {group, release_srcdirs}, {group, unbalanced_srcdirs},
{group, basic_extras}, {group, release_extras}, {group, unbalanced_extras},
{group, root_extras},
recompile_when_hrl_changes, recompile_when_included_hrl_changes,
recompile_when_opts_change, recompile_when_dag_opts_change,
dont_recompile_when_opts_dont_change, dont_recompile_yrl_or_xrl,
deps_in_path, checkout_priority, highest_version_of_pkg_dep,
parse_transform_test, erl_first_files_test, mib_test,
umbrella_mib_first_test, deps_mib_test,
only_default_transitive_deps, clean_all,
clean_specific, profile_deps, deps_build_in_prod, only_deps,
override_deps, git_subdir_deps, override_add_deps, override_del_deps,
override_del_pkg_deps, override_opts, override_add_opts, override_del_opts,
apply_overrides_exactly_once, override_only_deps,
profile_override_deps, profile_override_add_deps, profile_override_del_deps,
profile_override_opts, profile_override_add_opts, profile_override_del_opts,
include_file_relative_to_working_directory, include_file_in_src,
include_file_relative_to_working_directory_test, include_file_in_src_test,
regex_filter_skip, regex_filter_regression,
recursive, no_recursive, extra_recursion,
rebar_config_os_var, split_project_apps_hooks,
groups() ->
[{basic_app, [], [build_basic_app, paths_basic_app, clean_basic_app]},
{release_apps, [], [build_release_apps, paths_release_apps, clean_release_apps]},
{checkout_apps, [], [paths_checkout_apps]},
{checkout_deps, [], [build_checkout_deps, paths_checkout_deps]},
{basic_srcdirs, [], [build_basic_srcdirs, paths_basic_srcdirs]},
{release_srcdirs, [], [build_release_srcdirs,
{unbalanced_srcdirs, [], [build_unbalanced_srcdirs,
{basic_extras, [], [build_basic_extra_dirs,
{release_extras, [], [build_release_extra_dirs,
{unbalanced_extras, [], [build_unbalanced_extra_dirs,
{root_extras, [], [build_extra_dirs_in_project_root,
init_per_group(basic_app, Config) ->
NewConfig = rebar_test_utils:init_rebar_state(Config, "basic_app_"),
AppDir = ?config(apps, NewConfig),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
[{app_names, [Name]}, {vsns, [Vsn]}|NewConfig];
init_per_group(release_apps, Config) ->
NewConfig = rebar_test_utils:init_rebar_state(Config, "release_apps_"),
AppDir = ?config(apps, NewConfig),
Name1 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("relapp1_"),
Vsn1 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(filename:join([AppDir,"apps",Name1]), Name1, Vsn1, [kernel, stdlib]),
Name2 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("relapp2_"),
Vsn2 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(filename:join([AppDir,"apps",Name2]), Name2, Vsn2, [kernel, stdlib]),
[{app_names, [Name1, Name2]}, {vsns, [Vsn1, Vsn2]}|NewConfig];
init_per_group(checkout_apps, Config) ->
NewConfig = rebar_test_utils:init_rebar_state(Config, "checkout_apps_"),
AppDir = ?config(apps, NewConfig),
CheckoutsDir = ?config(checkouts, NewConfig),
Name1 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("checkapp1_"),
Vsn1 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name1, Vsn1, [kernel, stdlib]),
Name2 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("checkapp2_"),
Vsn2 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(filename:join([CheckoutsDir,Name2]), Name2, Vsn2, [kernel, stdlib]),
[{app_names, [Name1, Name2]}, {vsns, [Vsn1, Vsn2]}|NewConfig];
init_per_group(checkout_deps, Config) ->
NewConfig = rebar_test_utils:init_rebar_state(Config, "checkout_deps_"),
AppDir = ?config(apps, NewConfig),
CheckoutsDir = ?config(checkouts, NewConfig),
DepsDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib"]),
Name1 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("checkapp1_"),
Vsn1 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name1, Vsn1, [kernel, stdlib]),
Name2 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("checkapp2_"),
Vsn2 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(filename:join([CheckoutsDir,Name2]), Name2, Vsn2, [kernel, stdlib]),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(filename:join([DepsDir,Name2]), Name2, Vsn1, [kernel, stdlib]),
[{app_names, [Name1, Name2]}, {vsns, [Vsn1, Vsn2]}|NewConfig];
init_per_group(Group, Config) when Group == basic_srcdirs; Group == basic_extras ->
NewConfig = rebar_test_utils:init_rebar_state(Config, "basic_srcdirs_"),
AppDir = ?config(apps, NewConfig),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
ExtraSrc = io_lib:format("-module(~ts_extra).\n-export([ok/0]).\nok() -> ok.\n", [Name]),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir, "extra", "dummy"])),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "extra", io_lib:format("~ts_extra.erl", [Name])]),
[{app_names, [Name]}, {vsns, [Vsn]}|NewConfig];
init_per_group(Group, Config) when Group == release_srcdirs; Group == release_extras ->
NewConfig = rebar_test_utils:init_rebar_state(Config, "release_srcdirs_"),
AppDir = ?config(apps, NewConfig),
Name1 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("relapp1_"),
Vsn1 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(filename:join([AppDir, "apps", Name1]), Name1, Vsn1, [kernel, stdlib]),
Name2 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("relapp2_"),
Vsn2 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(filename:join([AppDir, "apps", Name2]), Name2, Vsn2, [kernel, stdlib]),
ExtraOne = io_lib:format("-module(~ts_extra).\n-export([ok/0]).\nok() -> ok.\n", [Name1]),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir, "apps", Name1, "extra", "dummy"])),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "apps", Name1, "extra",
io_lib:format("~ts_extra.erl", [Name1])]),
ExtraTwo = io_lib:format("-module(~ts_extra).\n-export([ok/0]).\nok() -> ok.\n", [Name2]),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir, "apps", Name2, "extra", "dummy"])),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "apps", Name2, "extra",
io_lib:format("~ts_extra.erl", [Name2])]),
[{app_names, [Name1, Name2]}, {vsns, [Vsn1, Vsn2]}|NewConfig];
init_per_group(Group, Config) when Group == unbalanced_srcdirs; Group == unbalanced_extras ->
NewConfig = rebar_test_utils:init_rebar_state(Config, "unbalanced_srcdirs_"),
AppDir = ?config(apps, NewConfig),
Name1 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("relapp1_"),
Vsn1 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(filename:join([AppDir, "apps", Name1]), Name1, Vsn1, [kernel, stdlib]),
Name2 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("relapp2_"),
Vsn2 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(filename:join([AppDir, "apps", Name2]), Name2, Vsn2, [kernel, stdlib]),
ExtraOne = io_lib:format("-module(~ts_extra).\n-export([ok/0]).\nok() -> ok.\n", [Name1]),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir, "apps", Name1, "extra", "dummy"])),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "apps", Name1, "extra",
io_lib:format("~ts_extra.erl", [Name1])]),
[{app_names, [Name1, Name2]}, {vsns, [Vsn1, Vsn2]}|NewConfig];
init_per_group(root_extras, Config) ->
NewConfig = rebar_test_utils:init_rebar_state(Config, "root_extras_"),
AppDir = ?config(apps, NewConfig),
Name1 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("relapp1_"),
Vsn1 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(filename:join([AppDir, "apps", Name1]), Name1, Vsn1, [kernel, stdlib]),
Name2 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("relapp2_"),
Vsn2 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(filename:join([AppDir, "apps", Name2]), Name2, Vsn2, [kernel, stdlib]),
Extra = <<"-module(extra).\n-export([ok/0]).\nok() -> ok.\n">>,
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir, "extra", "dummy"])),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "extra", "extra.erl"]), Extra),
[{app_names, [Name1, Name2]}, {vsns, [Vsn1, Vsn2]}|NewConfig].
end_per_group(_Group, _Config) ->
init_per_suite(Config) ->
end_per_suite(_Config) ->
init_per_testcase(Test, Config) when
Test == dont_recompile_when_erl_compiler_options_env_does_not_change
Test == recompile_when_erl_compiler_options_env_changes ->
_ = code:ensure_loaded(os),
UnSetEnv = erlang:function_exported(os, unsetenv, 1),
_ = code:ensure_loaded(compile),
EnvOpts = erlang:function_exported(compile, env_compiler_options, 0),
case {UnSetEnv, EnvOpts} of
{true, true} -> maybe_init_config(Config);
_ -> {skip, "compile:env_compiler_options/0 unavailable"}
init_per_testcase(always_recompile_when_erl_compiler_options_set, Config) ->
_ = code:ensure_loaded(os),
UnSetEnv = erlang:function_exported(os, unsetenv, 1),
_ = code:ensure_loaded(compile),
EnvOpts = erlang:function_exported(compile, env_compiler_options, 0),
case {UnSetEnv, EnvOpts} of
{true, true} -> {skip, "compile:env_compiler_options/0 available"};
{true, false} -> maybe_init_config(Config);
_ -> {skip, "os:unsetenv/1 unavailable"}
init_per_testcase(_, Config) -> maybe_init_config(Config).
maybe_init_config(Config) ->
case ?config(apps, Config) of
undefined -> rebar_test_utils:init_rebar_state(Config);
_ -> Config
end_per_testcase(_, _Config) ->
catch meck:unload().
%% test cases
build_basic_app(Config) ->
[Name] = ?config(app_names, Config),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}).
build_release_apps(Config) ->
[Name1, Name2] = ?config(app_names, Config),
Config, [], ["compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name1}, {app, Name2}]}
build_checkout_deps(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
[Name1, Name2] = ?config(app_names, Config),
[_, Vsn2] = ?config(vsns, Config),
Deps = [{list_to_atom(Name2), Vsn2, {git, "", ""}}],
{ok, RebarConfig} = file:consult(rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppDir, [{deps, Deps}])),
Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name1}, {checkout, Name2}]}
build_basic_srcdirs(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
[Name] = ?config(app_names, Config),
RebarConfig = [{erl_opts, [{src_dirs, ["src", "extra"]}]}],
%% check a beam corresponding to the src in the extra src_dir exists
ExtraBeam = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin",
io_lib:format("~ts_extra.beam", [Name])]),
%% check the extra src_dir was copied/linked into the _build dir
ExtraDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "extra"]),
Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name}, {file, ExtraBeam}, {dir, ExtraDir}]}
build_release_srcdirs(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
[Name1, Name2] = ?config(app_names, Config),
RebarConfig = [{erl_opts, [{src_dirs, ["src", "extra"]}]}],
%% check a beam corresponding to the src in the extra src_dir exists
Extra1Beam = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name1, "ebin",
io_lib:format("~ts_extra.beam", [Name1])]),
Extra2Beam = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name2, "ebin",
io_lib:format("~ts_extra.beam", [Name2])]),
%% check the extra src_dir was copied/linked into the _build dir
Extra1Dir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name1, "extra"]),
Extra2Dir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name2, "extra"]),
Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name1}, {app, Name2},
{file, Extra1Beam}, {file, Extra2Beam},
{dir, Extra1Dir}, {dir, Extra2Dir}]}
build_unbalanced_srcdirs(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
[Name1, Name2] = ?config(app_names, Config),
RebarConfig = [{erl_opts, [{src_dirs, ["src", "extra"]}]}],
%% check a beam corresponding to the src in the extra src_dir exists
Extra1Beam = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name1, "ebin",
io_lib:format("~ts_extra.beam", [Name1])]),
%% check the extra src_dir was copied/linked into the _build dir
Extra1Dir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name1, "extra"]),
Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name1}, {app, Name2}, {file, Extra1Beam}, {dir, Extra1Dir}]}
%% check no extra src_dir were copied/linked into the _build dir
Extra2Dir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name2, "extra"]),
false = filelib:is_dir(Extra2Dir),
%% check only expected beams are in the ebin dir
{ok, Files} = rebar_utils:list_dir(filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name2, "ebin"])),
lists:all(fun(Beam) -> lists:member(Beam, [Name2 ++ ".app", "not_a_real_src_" ++ Name2 ++ ".beam"]) end,
build_basic_extra_dirs(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
[Name] = ?config(app_names, Config),
RebarConfig = [{erl_opts, [{extra_src_dirs, ["extra"]}]}],
%% check a beam corresponding to the src in the extra src_dir exists
ExtraBeam = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "extra",
io_lib:format("~ts_extra.beam", [Name])]),
Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name}, {file, ExtraBeam}]}
build_release_extra_dirs(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
[Name1, Name2] = ?config(app_names, Config),
RebarConfig = [{erl_opts, [{extra_src_dirs, ["extra"]}]}],
%% check a beam corresponding to the src in the extra src_dir exists
Extra1Beam = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name1, "extra",
io_lib:format("~ts_extra.beam", [Name1])]),
Extra2Beam = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name2, "extra",
io_lib:format("~ts_extra.beam", [Name2])]),
Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name1}, {app, Name2}, {file, Extra1Beam}, {file, Extra2Beam}]}
build_unbalanced_extra_dirs(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
[Name1, Name2] = ?config(app_names, Config),
RebarConfig = [{erl_opts, [{extra_src_dirs, ["extra"]}]}],
%% check a beam corresponding to the src in the extra src_dir exists
Extra1Beam = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name1, "extra",
io_lib:format("~ts_extra.beam", [Name1])]),
Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name1}, {app, Name2}, {file, Extra1Beam}]}
%% check no extra src_dir were copied/linked into the _build dir
false = filelib:is_dir(filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name2, "extra"])),
%% check only expected beams are in the ebin dir
{ok, Files} = rebar_utils:list_dir(filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name2, "ebin"])),
lists:all(fun(Beam) -> lists:member(Beam, [Name2 ++ ".app", "not_a_real_src_" ++ Name2 ++ ".beam"]) end,
build_extra_dirs_in_project_root(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
[Name1, Name2] = ?config(app_names, Config),
RebarConfig = [{erl_opts, [{extra_src_dirs, ["extra"]}]}],
%% check a beam corresponding to the src in the extra src_dir exists
ExtraBeam = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "extras", "extra", "extra.beam"]),
Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name1}, {app, Name2}, {file, ExtraBeam}]}
paths_basic_app(Config) ->
[Name] = ?config(app_names, Config),
[Vsn] = ?config(vsns, Config),
{ok, State} = rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], return),
code:add_paths(rebar_state:code_paths(State, all_deps)),
ok = application:load(list_to_atom(Name)),
Loaded = application:loaded_applications(),
{_, _, Vsn} = lists:keyfind(list_to_atom(Name), 1, Loaded).
paths_release_apps(Config) ->
[Name1, Name2] = ?config(app_names, Config),
[Vsn1, Vsn2] = ?config(vsns, Config),
{ok, State} = rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], return),
code:add_paths(rebar_state:code_paths(State, all_deps)),
ok = application:load(list_to_atom(Name1)),
ok = application:load(list_to_atom(Name2)),
Loaded = application:loaded_applications(),
{_, _, Vsn1} = lists:keyfind(list_to_atom(Name1), 1, Loaded),
{_, _, Vsn2} = lists:keyfind(list_to_atom(Name2), 1, Loaded).
paths_checkout_apps(Config) ->
[Name1, _Name2] = ?config(app_names, Config),
[Vsn1, _Vsn2] = ?config(vsns, Config),
{ok, State} = rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], return),
code:add_paths(rebar_state:code_paths(State, all_deps)),
ok = application:load(list_to_atom(Name1)),
Loaded = application:loaded_applications(),
{_, _, Vsn1} = lists:keyfind(list_to_atom(Name1), 1, Loaded).
paths_checkout_deps(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
[_Name1, Name2] = ?config(app_names, Config),
[_Vsn1, Vsn2] = ?config(vsns, Config),
%% rebar_test_utils:init_rebar_state/1,2 uses rebar_state:new/3 which
%% maybe incorrectly sets deps to [] (based on `rebar.lock`) instead of
%% to the checkapps
%% until that is sorted out the lock file has to be removed before
%% this test will pass
file:delete(filename:join([AppDir, "rebar.lock"])),
{ok, RebarConfig} = file:consult(filename:join([AppDir, "rebar.config"])),
{ok, State} = rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"], return),
[AppName2] = rebar_state:all_checkout_deps(State),
Name2Bin = binary:list_to_bin(Name2),
Name2Bin = rebar_app_info:name(AppName2),
code:add_paths(rebar_state:code_paths(State, all_deps)),
ok = application:load(list_to_atom(Name2)),
Loaded = application:loaded_applications(),
{_, _, Vsn2} = lists:keyfind(list_to_atom(Name2), 1, Loaded).
paths_basic_srcdirs(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
[Name] = ?config(app_names, Config),
RebarConfig = [{erl_opts, [{src_dirs, ["src", "extra"]}]}],
{ok, State} = rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"], return),
code:add_paths(rebar_state:code_paths(State, all_deps)),
Mod = list_to_atom(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~ts_extra", [Name]))),
{module, Mod} = code:ensure_loaded(Mod),
Expect = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin",
io_lib:format("~ts_extra.beam", [Name])]),
Expect = code:which(Mod).
paths_release_srcdirs(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
[Name1, Name2] = ?config(app_names, Config),
RebarConfig = [{erl_opts, [{src_dirs, ["src", "extra"]}]}],
{ok, State} = rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"], return),
code:add_paths(rebar_state:code_paths(State, all_deps)),
Mod1 = list_to_atom(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~ts_extra", [Name1]))),
{module, Mod1} = code:ensure_loaded(Mod1),
Mod2 = list_to_atom(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~ts_extra", [Name2]))),
{module, Mod2} = code:ensure_loaded(Mod2),
ExpectOne = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name1, "ebin",
io_lib:format("~ts_extra.beam", [Name1])]),
ExpectOne = code:which(Mod1),
ExpectTwo = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name2, "ebin",
io_lib:format("~ts_extra.beam", [Name2])]),
ExpectTwo = code:which(Mod2).
paths_unbalanced_srcdirs(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
[Name1, Name2] = ?config(app_names, Config),
RebarConfig = [{erl_opts, [{src_dirs, ["src", "extra"]}]}],
{ok, State} = rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"], return),
code:add_paths(rebar_state:code_paths(State, all_deps)),
Mod1 = list_to_atom(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~ts_extra", [Name1]))),
{module, Mod1} = code:ensure_loaded(Mod1),
Mod2 = list_to_atom(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~ts_extra", [Name2]))),
{error, nofile} = code:ensure_loaded(Mod2),
ExpectOne = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name1, "ebin",
io_lib:format("~ts_extra.beam", [Name1])]),
ExpectOne = code:which(Mod1).
paths_basic_extra_dirs(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
[Name] = ?config(app_names, Config),
RebarConfig = [{erl_opts, [{extra_src_dirs, ["extra"]}]}],
{ok, State} = rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"], return),
code:add_paths(rebar_state:code_paths(State, all_deps)),
Mod = list_to_atom(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~ts_extra", [Name]))),
{module, Mod} = code:ensure_loaded(Mod),
Expect = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "extra",
io_lib:format("~ts_extra.beam", [Name])]),
Expect = code:which(Mod).
paths_release_extra_dirs(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
[Name1, Name2] = ?config(app_names, Config),
RebarConfig = [{erl_opts, [{extra_src_dirs, ["extra"]}]}],
{ok, State} = rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"], return),
code:add_paths(rebar_state:code_paths(State, all_deps)),
Mod1 = list_to_atom(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~ts_extra", [Name1]))),
{module, Mod1} = code:ensure_loaded(Mod1),
Mod2 = list_to_atom(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~ts_extra", [Name2]))),
{module, Mod2} = code:ensure_loaded(Mod2),
ExpectOne = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name1, "extra",
io_lib:format("~ts_extra.beam", [Name1])]),
ExpectOne = code:which(Mod1),
ExpectTwo = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name2, "extra",
io_lib:format("~ts_extra.beam", [Name2])]),
ExpectTwo = code:which(Mod2).
paths_unbalanced_extra_dirs(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
[Name1, Name2] = ?config(app_names, Config),
RebarConfig = [{erl_opts, [{extra_src_dirs, ["extra"]}]}],
{ok, State} = rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"], return),
code:add_paths(rebar_state:code_paths(State, all_deps)),
Mod1 = list_to_atom(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~ts_extra", [Name1]))),
{module, Mod1} = code:ensure_loaded(Mod1),
Mod2 = list_to_atom(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~ts_extra", [Name2]))),
{error, nofile} = code:ensure_loaded(Mod2),
ExpectOne = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name1, "extra",
io_lib:format("~ts_extra.beam", [Name1])]),
ExpectOne = code:which(Mod1).
paths_extra_dirs_in_project_root(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
RebarConfig = [{erl_opts, [{extra_src_dirs, ["extra"]}]}],
{ok, State} = rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"], return),
code:add_paths(rebar_state:code_paths(State, all_deps)),
{module, extra} = code:ensure_loaded(extra),
Expect = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "extras", "extra", "extra.beam"]),
Expect = code:which(extra).
clean_basic_app(Config) ->
[Name] = ?config(app_names, Config),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["clean"], {ok, [{app, Name, invalid}]}).
clean_release_apps(Config) ->
[Name1, Name2] = ?config(app_names, Config),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["clean"],
{ok, [{app, Name1, invalid}, {app, Name2, invalid}]}).
clean_basic_extra_dirs(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
[Name] = ?config(app_names, Config),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["clean"], {ok, [{app, Name, invalid}]}),
Beam = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~ts_extra", [Name])),
false = ec_file:exists(filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "extras", Beam])).
clean_release_extra_dirs(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
[Name1, Name2] = ?config(app_names, Config),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["clean"],
{ok, [{app, Name1, invalid}, {app, Name2, invalid}]}),
Beam1 = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~ts_extra", [Name1])),
false = ec_file:exists(filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name1, "extras", Beam1])),
Beam2 = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~ts_extra", [Name2])),
false = ec_file:exists(filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name2, "extras", Beam2])).
clean_extra_dirs_in_project_root(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
[Name1, Name2] = ?config(app_names, Config),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["clean"],
{ok, [{app, Name1, invalid}, {app, Name2, invalid}]}),
false = ec_file:exists(filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "extras"])).
recompile_when_hrl_changes(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
ExtraSrc = <<"-module(test_header_include).\n"
"main() -> ?SOME_DEFINE.\n">>,
ExtraHeader = <<"-define(SOME_DEFINE, true).\n">>,
HeaderFile = filename:join([AppDir, "src", "test_header_include.hrl"]),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "test_header_include.erl"]), ExtraSrc),
ok = file:write_file(HeaderFile, ExtraHeader),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
{ok, Files} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
ModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- Files, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
NewExtraHeader = <<"-define(SOME_DEFINE, false).\n">>,
ok = file:write_file(HeaderFile, NewExtraHeader),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
{ok, NewFiles} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
NewModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- NewFiles, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
?assert(ModTime =/= NewModTime).
recompile_when_included_hrl_changes(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
ExtraSrc = <<"-module(test_header_include).\n"
"main() -> ?SOME_DEFINE.\n">>,
ExtraHeader = <<"-define(SOME_DEFINE, true).\n">>,
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir, "include", "dummy"])),
HeaderFile = filename:join([AppDir, "include", "test_header_include.hrl"]),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "test_header_include.erl"]), ExtraSrc),
ok = file:write_file(HeaderFile, ExtraHeader),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
{ok, Files} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
ModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- Files, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
NewExtraHeader = <<"-define(SOME_DEFINE, false).\n">>,
ok = file:write_file(HeaderFile, NewExtraHeader),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
{ok, NewFiles} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
NewModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- NewFiles, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
?assert(ModTime =/= NewModTime).
recompile_when_recursive_hrl_changes(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
%% The included path is specifically no specified with a ../<file> to
%% check dynamic path search generation for includes
RecurSrc = <<"-module(test_recursive_header_include).\n"
"main() -> ?SOME_DEFINE.\n">>,
ExtraHeader = <<"-define(SOME_DEFINE, true).\n">>,
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "recur", "dummy"])),
HeaderFile = filename:join([AppDir, "src", "test_header_include.hrl"]),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "recur", "test_recursive_header_include.erl"]), RecurSrc),
ok = file:write_file(HeaderFile, ExtraHeader),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
{ok, Files} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
ModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- Files, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
NewExtraHeader = <<"-define(SOME_DEFINE, false).\n">>,
ok = file:write_file(HeaderFile, NewExtraHeader),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
{ok, NewFiles} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
NewModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- NewFiles, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
?assert(ModTime =/= NewModTime),
recompile_extra_when_hrl_in_src_changes(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
ExtraSrc = <<"-module(test_header_include).\n"
"main() -> ?SOME_DEFINE.\n">>,
ExtraHeader = <<"-define(SOME_DEFINE, true).\n">>,
HeaderFile = filename:join([AppDir, "src", "test_header_include.hrl"]),
SrcFile = filename:join([AppDir, "extra", "test_header_include.erl"]),
ok = file:write_file(SrcFile, ExtraSrc),
ok = file:write_file(HeaderFile, ExtraHeader),
RebarCfg = [{extra_src_dirs, ["extra"]}],
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarCfg, ["compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name}]}),
EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "extra"]),
{ok, Files} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
ModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- Files, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
NewExtraHeader = <<"-define(SOME_DEFINE, false).\n">>,
ok = file:write_file(HeaderFile, NewExtraHeader, [sync]),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarCfg, ["compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name}]}),
{ok, NewFiles} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
NewModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- NewFiles, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
?assert(ModTime =/= NewModTime).
recompile_when_opts_included_hrl_changes(Config) ->
AppsDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
AppDir = filename:join([AppsDir, "apps", Name]),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
ExtraSrc = <<"-module(test_header_include).\n"
"main() -> ?SOME_DEFINE.\n">>,
ExtraHeader = <<"-define(SOME_DEFINE, true).\n">>,
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppsDir, "include", "dummy"])),
HeaderFile = filename:join([AppsDir, "include", "test_header_include.hrl"]),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "test_header_include.erl"]), ExtraSrc),
ok = file:write_file(HeaderFile, ExtraHeader),
%% Using relative path from the project root
RebarConfig = [{erl_opts, [{i, "include/"}]}],
{ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
ok = file:set_cwd(AppsDir),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
EbinDir = filename:join([AppsDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
{ok, Files} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
ModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- Files, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
NewExtraHeader = <<"-define(SOME_DEFINE, false).\n">>,
ok = file:write_file(HeaderFile, NewExtraHeader),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
{ok, NewFiles} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
NewModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- NewFiles, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
ok = file:set_cwd(Cwd),
?assert(ModTime =/= NewModTime).
recompile_when_foreign_included_hrl_changes(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
AppsDir = filename:join([AppDir, "apps"]),
Name1 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Name2 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app2_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(filename:join(AppsDir, Name1),
Name1, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(filename:join(AppsDir, Name2),
Name2, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
ExtraSrc = [<<"-module(test_header_include).\n"
"-include_lib(\"">>, Name2, <<"/include/test_header_include.hrl\").\n"
"main() -> ?SOME_DEFINE.\n">>],
ExtraHeader = <<"-define(SOME_DEFINE, true).\n">>,
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppsDir, Name1, "src", "dummy"])),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppsDir, Name2, "include", "dummy"])),
HeaderFile = filename:join([AppsDir, Name2, "include", "test_header_include.hrl"]),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppsDir, Name1, "src", "test_header_include.erl"]), ExtraSrc),
ok = file:write_file(HeaderFile, ExtraHeader),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name1}]}),
EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name1, "ebin"]),
{ok, Files} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
ModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- Files, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
NewExtraHeader = <<"-define(SOME_DEFINE, false).\n">>,
ok = file:write_file(HeaderFile, NewExtraHeader),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name1}]}),
{ok, NewFiles} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
NewModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- NewFiles, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
?assert(ModTime =/= NewModTime).
recompile_when_foreign_behaviour_changes(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
AppsDir = filename:join([AppDir, "apps"]),
Name1 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Name2 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app2_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(filename:join(AppsDir, Name1),
Name1, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(filename:join(AppsDir, Name2),
Name2, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
ExtraSrc = <<"-module(test_behaviour_include).\n"
"main() -> 1.\n">>,
Behaviour = <<"-module(app2_behaviour).\n"
"-callback main() -> term().\n">>,
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppsDir, Name1, "src", "dummy"])),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppsDir, Name2, "src", "dummy"])),
BehaviourFile = filename:join([AppsDir, Name2, "src", "app2_behaviour.erl"]),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppsDir, Name1, "src", "test_behaviour_include.erl"]), ExtraSrc),
ok = file:write_file(BehaviourFile, Behaviour),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name1}]}),
EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name1, "ebin"]),
{ok, Files} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
ModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- Files, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
NewBehaviour = <<"-module(app2_behaviour).\n"
"-callback main(_) -> term().\n">>,
ok = file:write_file(BehaviourFile, NewBehaviour),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name1}]}),
{ok, NewFiles} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
NewModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- NewFiles, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
?assert(ModTime =/= NewModTime).
recompile_when_recursive_behaviour_changes(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
AppsDir = filename:join([AppDir, "apps"]),
Name1 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(filename:join(AppsDir, Name1),
Name1, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
ExtraSrc = <<"-module(test_behaviour_include).\n"
"main() -> 1.\n">>,
Behaviour = <<"-module(app1_behaviour).\n"
"-callback main() -> term().\n">>,
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppsDir, Name1, "src", "dummy"])),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppsDir, Name1, "src", "sub", "dummy"])),
BehaviourFile = filename:join([AppsDir, Name1, "src", "sub", "app1_behaviour.erl"]),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppsDir, Name1, "src", "test_behaviour_include.erl"]), ExtraSrc),
ok = file:write_file(BehaviourFile, Behaviour),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name1}]}),
EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name1, "ebin"]),
{ok, Files} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
ModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- Files,
filename:extension(F) == ".beam",
filename:basename(F) =/= "app1_behaviour.beam"],
NewBehaviour = <<"-module(app1_behaviour).\n"
"-callback main(_) -> term().\n">>,
ok = file:write_file(BehaviourFile, NewBehaviour),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name1}]}),
{ok, NewFiles} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
NewModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- NewFiles,
filename:extension(F) == ".beam",
filename:basename(F) =/= "app1_behaviour.beam"],
?assert(ModTime =/= NewModTime).
recompile_when_parent_behaviour_changes(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
AppsDir = filename:join([AppDir, "apps"]),
Name1 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(filename:join(AppsDir, Name1),
Name1, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
ExtraSrc = <<"-module(test_behaviour_include).\n"
"main() -> 1.\n">>,
Behaviour = <<"-module(app1_behaviour).\n"
"-callback main() -> term().\n">>,
%% fun thing requires 2+ levels of nesting to trigger a regression due to bad path
%% merging/appending in lists levels.
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppsDir, Name1, "src", "sub", "dummy"])),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppsDir, Name1, "src", "sub", "sub", "dummy"])),
BehaviourFile = filename:join([AppsDir, Name1, "src", "sub", "app1_behaviour.erl"]),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppsDir, Name1, "src", "sub", "sub", "test_behaviour_include.erl"]), ExtraSrc),
ok = file:write_file(BehaviourFile, Behaviour),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name1}]}),
EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name1, "ebin"]),
{ok, Files} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
ModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- Files,
filename:extension(F) == ".beam",
filename:basename(F) =/= "app1_behaviour.beam"],
NewBehaviour = <<"-module(app1_behaviour).\n"
"-callback main(_) -> term().\n">>,
ok = file:write_file(BehaviourFile, NewBehaviour),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name1}]}),
{ok, NewFiles} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
NewModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- NewFiles,
filename:extension(F) == ".beam",
filename:basename(F) =/= "app1_behaviour.beam"],
?assert(ModTime =/= NewModTime).
recompile_when_opts_change(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
{ok, Files} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
ModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- Files, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppDir, [{erl_opts, [{d, some_define}]}]),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [{erl_opts, [{d, some_define}]}], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
{ok, NewFiles} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
NewModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- NewFiles, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
?assert(ModTime =/= NewModTime).
recompile_when_dag_opts_change(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
{ok, Files} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
Beams = [filename:join([EbinDir, F])
|| F <- Files, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
ModTime = [filelib:last_modified(Beam) || Beam <- Beams],
DepsDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib"]),
G = rebar_compiler_dag:init(DepsDir, rebar_compiler_erl, "project_apps", []),
%% change the config in the DAG...
[digraph:add_vertex(G, Beam, {artifact, [{d, some_define}]}) || Beam <- Beams],
digraph:add_vertex(G, '$r3_dirty_bit', true), % trigger a save
%% the rebar_compiler_erl module is annotated with a compiler version
%% to help rebuild deps
{ok, CompileVsn} = application:get_key(compiler, vsn),
CritMeta = [{compiler, CompileVsn}],
rebar_compiler_dag:maybe_store(G, DepsDir, rebar_compiler_erl, "project_apps", CritMeta),
%% ... but don't change the actual rebar3 config...
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
%% ... and checks that it rebuilds anyway due to DAG changes
{ok, NewFiles} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
NewBeams = [filename:join([EbinDir, F])
|| F <- NewFiles, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
NewModTime = [filelib:last_modified(Beam) || Beam <- NewBeams],
?assert(ModTime =/= NewModTime).
dont_recompile_when_opts_dont_change(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
{ok, Files} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
ModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- Files, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
{ok, NewFiles} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
NewModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- NewFiles, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
?assertEqual(ModTime, NewModTime).
dont_recompile_yrl_or_xrl(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
Xrl = filename:join([AppDir, "src", "not_a_real_xrl_" ++ Name ++ ".xrl"]),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Xrl),
XrlBody =
"D = [0-9]"
"{D}+ :"
" {token,{integer,TokenLine,list_to_integer(TokenChars)}}."
"{D}+\\.{D}+((E|e)(\\+|\\-)?{D}+)? :"
" {token,{float,TokenLine,list_to_float(TokenChars)}}."
"Erlang code.",
ok = ec_file:write(Xrl, XrlBody),
Yrl = filename:join([AppDir, "src", "not_a_real_yrl_" ++ Name ++ ".yrl"]),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Yrl),
YrlBody = ["Nonterminals E T F.\n"
"Terminals '+' '*' '(' ')' number.\n"
"Rootsymbol E.\n"
"E -> E '+' T: {'$2', '$1', '$3'}.\n"
"E -> T : '$1'.\n"
"T -> T '*' F: {'$2', '$1', '$3'}.\n"
"T -> F : '$1'.\n"
"F -> '(' E ')' : '$2'.\n"
"F -> number : '$1'.\n"],
ok = ec_file:write(Yrl, YrlBody),
XrlErl = filename:join([AppDir, "src", filename:basename(Xrl, ".xrl") ++ ".erl"]),
YrlErl = filename:join([AppDir, "src", filename:basename(Yrl, ".yrl") ++ ".erl"]),
EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
XrlBeam = filename:join([EbinDir, filename:basename(Xrl, ".xrl") ++ ".beam"]),
YrlBeam = filename:join([EbinDir, filename:basename(Yrl, ".yrl") ++ ".beam"]),
Hrl = filename:join([AppDir, "include", "some_header.hrl"]),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(Hrl),
HrlBody = yeccpre_hrl(),
ok = ec_file:write(Hrl, HrlBody),
RebarConfig = [{yrl_opts, [{includefile, "include/some_header.hrl"}]}],
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
XrlModTime = filelib:last_modified(XrlErl),
YrlModTime = filelib:last_modified(YrlErl),
XrlBeamModTime = filelib:last_modified(XrlBeam),
YrlBeamModTime = filelib:last_modified(YrlBeam),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
NewXrlModTime = filelib:last_modified(XrlErl),
NewYrlModTime = filelib:last_modified(YrlErl),
NewXrlBeamModTime = filelib:last_modified(XrlBeam),
NewYrlBeamModTime = filelib:last_modified(YrlBeam),
?assert(XrlBeamModTime == NewXrlBeamModTime),
?assert(YrlBeamModTime == NewYrlBeamModTime),
?assert(XrlModTime == NewXrlModTime),
?assert(YrlModTime == NewYrlModTime).
delete_beam_if_source_deleted(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
_SrcDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "src"]),
?assert(filelib:is_regular(filename:join(EbinDir, "not_a_real_src_" ++ Name ++ ".beam"))),
file:delete(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "not_a_real_src_" ++ Name ++ ".erl"])),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
?assertNot(filelib:is_regular(filename:join(EbinDir, "not_a_real_src_" ++ Name ++ ".beam"))).
deps_in_path(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
StartPaths = code:get_path(),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
DepName = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("dep1_"),
PkgName = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("pkg1_"),
{pkgdeps, [{{iolist_to_binary(PkgName), iolist_to_binary(Vsn)}, []}]}
RConfFile = rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppDir, [{deps, [
{list_to_atom(DepName), {git, ""++DepName++".git", {tag, Vsn}}},
{list_to_atom(PkgName), Vsn}
{ok, RConf} = file:consult(RConfFile),
%% Make sure apps we look for are not visible
%% Hope not to find src name
?assertEqual([], [Path || Path <- code:get_path(),
{match, _} <- [re:run(Path, DepName)]]),
%% Hope not to find pkg name in there
?assertEqual([], [Path || Path <- code:get_path(),
{match, _} <- [re:run(Path, PkgName)]]),
%% Build things
{ok, State} = rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(
Config, RConf, ["compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name}, {dep, DepName}, {dep, PkgName}]}
code:add_paths(rebar_state:code_paths(State, all_deps)),
%% Find src name in there
?assertNotEqual([], [Path || Path <- code:get_path(),
{match, _} <- [re:run(Path, DepName)]]),
%% find pkg name in there
?assertNotEqual([], [Path || Path <- code:get_path(),
{match, _} <- [re:run(Path, PkgName)]]),
true = code:set_path(lists:filter(fun(P) -> ec_file:exists(P) end, StartPaths)),
%% Make sure apps we look for are not visible again
%% Hope not to find src name
?assertEqual([], [Path || Path <- code:get_path(),
{match, _} <- [re:run(Path, DepName)]]),
%% Hope not to find pkg name in there
?assertEqual([], [Path || Path <- code:get_path(),
{match, _} <- [re:run(Path, PkgName)]]),
%% Rebuild
{ok, State1} = rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(
Config, RConf, ["compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name}, {dep, DepName}, {dep, PkgName}]}
%% Find src name in there
code:add_paths(rebar_state:code_paths(State1, all_deps)),
?assertNotEqual([], [Path || Path <- code:get_path(),
{match, _} <- [re:run(Path, DepName)]]),
%% find pkg name in there
?assertNotEqual([], [Path || Path <- code:get_path(),
{match, _} <- [re:run(Path, PkgName)]]).
checkout_priority(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
CheckoutsDir = ?config(checkouts, Config),
StartPaths = code:get_path(),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
DepName = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("dep1_"),
PkgName = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("pkg1_"),
{pkgdeps, [{{iolist_to_binary(PkgName), iolist_to_binary(Vsn)}, []}]}
RConfFile = rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppDir, [{deps, [
{list_to_atom(DepName), {git, ""++DepName++".git", {tag, Vsn}}},
{list_to_atom(PkgName), Vsn}
{ok, RConf} = file:consult(RConfFile),
%% Build with deps.
Config, RConf, ["compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name}, {dep, DepName}, {dep, PkgName}]}
%% Build two checkout apps similar to dependencies to be fetched,
%% but on a different version
Vsn2 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(filename:join([CheckoutsDir,DepName]), DepName, Vsn2, [kernel, stdlib]),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(filename:join([CheckoutsDir,PkgName]), PkgName, Vsn2, [kernel, stdlib]),
%% Rebuild and make sure the checkout apps are in path
{ok, State} = rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(
Config, RConf, ["compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name}, {checkout, DepName}, {checkout, PkgName}]}
code:add_paths(rebar_state:code_paths(State, all_deps)),
[DepPath] = [Path || Path <- code:get_path(),
{match, _} <- [re:run(Path, DepName)]],
[PkgPath] = [Path || Path <- code:get_path(),
{match, _} <- [re:run(Path, PkgName)]],
{ok, [DepApp]} = file:consult(filename:join([DepPath, DepName ++ ".app"])),
{ok, [PkgApp]} = file:consult(filename:join([PkgPath, PkgName ++ ".app"])),
{application, _, DepProps} = DepApp,
{application, _, PkgProps} = PkgApp,
?assertEqual(Vsn2, proplists:get_value(vsn, DepProps)),
?assertEqual(Vsn2, proplists:get_value(vsn, PkgProps)).
highest_version_of_pkg_dep(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
PkgName = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("pkg1_"),
{pkgdeps, [{{iolist_to_binary(PkgName), <<"0.1.0">>}, []},
{{iolist_to_binary(PkgName), <<"0.0.1">>}, []},
{{iolist_to_binary(PkgName), <<"0.1.3">>}, []},
{{iolist_to_binary(PkgName), <<"0.1.1">>}, []}]}
RConfFile = rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppDir, [{deps, [list_to_atom(PkgName)]}]),
{ok, RConf} = file:consult(RConfFile),
%% Build with deps.
Config, RConf, ["compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name}, {dep, PkgName, <<"0.1.3">>}]}
parse_transform_test(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
RebarConfig = [{erl_opts, [{parse_transform, pascal}]}],
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
ExtraSrc = <<"-module(pascal). "
"-export([parse_transform/2]). "
"parse_transform(Forms, _Options) -> "
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "pascal.erl"]), ExtraSrc),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
true = filelib:is_file(filename:join([EbinDir, "pascal.beam"])).
erl_first_files_test(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
RebarConfig = [{erl_opts, [{parse_transform, mark_time}]},
{erl_first_files, ["src/mark_time.erl",
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
rebar_test_utils:write_src_file(AppDir, "a.erl"),
rebar_test_utils:write_src_file(AppDir, "b.erl"),
rebar_test_utils:write_src_file(AppDir, "d.erl"),
rebar_test_utils:write_src_file(AppDir, "e.erl"),
ExtraSrc = <<"-module(mark_time). "
"-export([parse_transform/2]). "
"parse_transform([Form={attribute,_,module,Mod}|Forms], Options) -> "
" [Form, {attribute,1,number, os:timestamp()} | Forms];"
"parse_transform([Form|Forms], Options) -> "
" [Form | parse_transform(Forms, Options)].">>,
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "mark_time.erl"]), ExtraSrc),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
true = filelib:is_file(filename:join([EbinDir, "mark_time.beam"])),
code:load_abs(filename:join([EbinDir, "a"])),
code:load_abs(filename:join([EbinDir, "b"])),
code:load_abs(filename:join([EbinDir, "d"])),
code:load_abs(filename:join([EbinDir, "e"])),
A = proplists:get_value(number, a:module_info(attributes)),
B = proplists:get_value(number, b:module_info(attributes)),
D = proplists:get_value(number, d:module_info(attributes)),
E = proplists:get_value(number, e:module_info(attributes)),
?assertEqual([B,D,A,E], lists:sort([A,B,D,E])).
mib_test(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
RebarConfig = [{mib_first_files, ["mibs/SIMPLE-MIB.mib"]}],
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
MibsSrc = <<"-- SIMPLE-MIB.\n"
"-- This is just a simple MIB used for testing!\n"
" MODULE-IDENTITY, enterprises\n"
"ericsson MODULE-IDENTITY\n"
" \"201403060000Z\"\n"
" \"rebar\"\n"
" \"rebar <>\n"
" or\n"
" whoever is currently responsible for the SIMPLE\n"
" enterprise MIB tree branch (enterprises.999).\"\n"
" \"This very small module is made available\n"
" for mib-compilation testing.\"\n"
" ::= { enterprises 999 }\n"
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir, "mibs", "dummy"])),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "mibs", "SIMPLE-MIB.mib"]), MibsSrc),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
%% check a bin corresponding to the mib in the mibs dir exists in priv/mibs
PrivMibsDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "priv", "mibs"]),
true = filelib:is_file(filename:join([PrivMibsDir, "SIMPLE-MIB.bin"])),
%% check a hrl corresponding to the mib in the mibs dir exists in include
true = filelib:is_file(filename:join([AppDir, "include", "SIMPLE-MIB.hrl"])),
%% check the mibs dir was linked into the _build dir
true = filelib:is_dir(filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "mibs"])).
umbrella_mib_first_test(Config) ->
AppsDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
AppDir = filename:join([AppsDir, "apps", Name]),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
BExporterSrc = <<"-- BEXPORTER-MIB.\n"
"-- This is just a simple MIB used for testing!\n"
" MODULE-IDENTITY, enterprises\n"
"ericsson MODULE-IDENTITY\n"
" \"201812050000Z\"\n"
" \"rebar\"\n"
" \"rebar <>\n"
" or\n"
" whoever is currently responsible for the SIMPLE\n"
" enterprise MIB tree branch (enterprises.999).\"\n"
" \"This very small module is made available\n"
" for mib-compilation testing.\"\n"
" ::= { enterprises 999 }\n"
"Something ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION\n"
" STATUS current\n"
AImporterSrc = <<"-- AIMPORTER-MIB.\n"
"-- This is just a simple MIB used for testing!\n"
" Something\n"
" MODULE-IDENTITY, enterprises\n"
"ericsson MODULE-IDENTITY\n"
" \"201812050000Z\"\n"
" \"rebar\"\n"
" \"rebar <>\n"
" or\n"
" whoever is currently responsible for the SIMPLE\n"
" enterprise MIB tree branch (enterprises.999).\"\n"
" \"This very small module is made available\n"
" for mib-compilation testing.\"\n"
" ::= { enterprises 1000 }\n"
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir, "mibs", "dummy"])),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "mibs", "AIMPORTER-MIB.mib"]), AImporterSrc),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "mibs", "BEXPORTER-MIB.mib"]), BExporterSrc),
FailureRebarConfig = [{mib_first_files, ["mibs/AIMPORTER-MIB.mib"]}],
SuccessRebarConfig = [{mib_first_files, ["mibs/BEXPORTER-MIB.mib"]}],
PrivMibsDir = filename:join([AppsDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "priv", "mibs"]),
FailureRebarConfig = [{mib_first_files, ["mibs/AIMPORTER-MIB.mib"]}],
catch (
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, FailureRebarConfig, ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}) ),
%% check that the bin file was NOT cretated
false = filelib:is_file(filename:join([PrivMibsDir, "AIMPORTER-MIB.bin"])),
SuccessRebarConfig = [{mib_first_files, ["mibs/BEXPORTER-MIB.mib"]}],
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, SuccessRebarConfig, ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
%% check a bin corresponding to the mib in the mibs dir exists in priv/mibs
true = filelib:is_file(filename:join([PrivMibsDir, "AIMPORTER-MIB.bin"])),
%% check a hrl corresponding to the mib in the mibs dir exists in include
true = filelib:is_file(filename:join([AppDir, "include", "AIMPORTER-MIB.hrl"])),
%% check the mibs dir was linked into the _build dir
true = filelib:is_dir(filename:join([AppsDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "mibs"])).
deps_mib_test() ->
[{doc, "reproduces the dependency handling required for the issue "
"reported in"}].
deps_mib_test(Config) ->
Priv = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
CliLvl2Mib =
" lvlModules, lvlApplications\n"
" LvlFoo\n"
" ;\n"
"lvl2Module MODULE-IDENTITY\n"
" LAST-UPDATED \"202009261630Z\"\n"
" ORGANIZATION \"'some org'\"\n"
" CONTACT-INFO \"'Contact: some contact'\"\n"
" \" \"\n"
" ::= { lvlModules 3 }\n"
CpiLvl0Mib1 =
" \n"
" lvlModules\n"
" ;\n\n"
" LAST-UPDATED \"202009261630Z\"\n"
" ORGANIZATION \"'some org'\"\n"
" CONTACT-INFO \"'Contact: some contact'\"\n"
" \" This MIB is part of the LVL MIB. It defines common\n"
" Textual Conventions used in other LVL mib modules.\"\n"
" ::= { lvlModules 2 }\n\n\n"
" DISPLAY-HINT \"512a\"\n"
" STATUS current\n"
" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..512))\n\n"
" STATUS current\n"
" SYNTAX INTEGER { foo(1), bar(2), baz(3) }\n\n"
CpiLvl0Mib2 =
" MODULE-IDENTITY, enterprises\n"
" ;\n\n"
"lvlRegModule MODULE-IDENTITY\n"
" LAST-UPDATED \"202009261630Z\"\n"
" ORGANIZATION \"'some org'\"\n"
" CONTACT-INFO \"'Contact: some contact'\"\n"
" \"The root MIB module for LVL\"\n"
" ::= { lvlModules 1 }\n\n"
"-- Example Enterprise Number for Documentation use\n"
"example OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 32473 }\n"
"lvl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { example 1 }\n\n"
"-- sub-tree for registrations (Modules information)\n"
"lvlReg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lvl 1 }\n"
"lvlModules OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lvlReg 1 }\n"
"-- the application subtree\n"
"lvlApplications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lvl 2 }\n"
CliLvl2Path = filename:join([Priv, "deps_mib", "cli_lvl2", "mibs", "LVL2-MIB.mib"]),
CpiLvl0Path1 = filename:join([Priv, "deps_mib", "cpi_lvl0", "mibs", "LVL0-TC.mib"]),
CpiLvl0Path2 = filename:join([Priv, "deps_mib", "cpi_lvl0", "mibs", "LVL0-REG.mib"]),
NprLvl1Path = filename:join([Priv, "deps_mib", "npr_lvl1", "mibs"]), % no mibs dir
FakeLvl1Path = filename:join([Priv, "deps_mib", "fake_lvl1", "mibs", "no_file"]), % no mibs file
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(CliLvl2Path),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(CpiLvl0Path1), % CpiLvl0Path2 is the same dir
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(NprLvl1Path),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(FakeLvl1Path),
ok = file:write_file(CliLvl2Path, CliLvl2Mib),
ok = file:write_file(CpiLvl0Path1, CpiLvl0Mib1),
ok = file:write_file(CpiLvl0Path2, CpiLvl0Mib2),
Res = rebar_compiler_mib:dependencies(
?assertEqual(lists:sort([CpiLvl0Path1, CpiLvl0Path2]),
only_default_transitive_deps(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
GitDeps = rebar_test_utils:expand_deps(git, [{"a", "1.0.0", []}]),
PkgName = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("pkg1_"),
{SrcDeps, _} = rebar_test_utils:flat_deps(GitDeps),
mock_git_resource:mock([{deps, SrcDeps},
{config, [{profiles, [{test, [{deps, [list_to_atom(PkgName)]}]}]}]}]),
mock_pkg_resource:mock([{pkgdeps, [{{iolist_to_binary(PkgName), <<"0.1.0">>}, []}]}]),
Deps = rebar_test_utils:top_level_deps(GitDeps),
RConfFile = rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppDir, [{deps, Deps}]),
{ok, RConf} = file:consult(RConfFile),
%% Build with deps.
Config, RConf, ["as", "test", "compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name}, {dep, "a", <<"1.0.0">>}, {dep_not_exist, PkgName}]}
clean_all(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
DepName = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("dep1_"),
PkgName = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("pkg1_"),
{pkgdeps, [{{iolist_to_binary(PkgName), iolist_to_binary(Vsn)}, []}]}
RConfFile = rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppDir, [{deps, [
{list_to_atom(DepName), {git, ""++DepName++".git", {tag, Vsn}}},
{list_to_atom(PkgName), Vsn}
{ok, RConf} = file:consult(RConfFile),
%% Build things
Config, RConf, ["compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name}, {app, DepName}, {app, PkgName}]}
%% Clean all
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["clean", "--all"],
{ok, [{app, Name, invalid},
{app, DepName, invalid},
{app, PkgName, invalid}]}).
clean_specific(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
DepName = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("dep1_"),
PkgName = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("pkg1_"),
{pkgdeps, [{{iolist_to_binary(PkgName), iolist_to_binary(Vsn)}, []}]}
RConfFile = rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppDir, [{deps, [
{list_to_atom(DepName), {git, ""++DepName++".git", {tag, Vsn}}},
{list_to_atom(PkgName), Vsn}
{ok, RConf} = file:consult(RConfFile),
%% Build things
Config, RConf, ["compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name}, {app, DepName}, {app, PkgName}]}
%% Clean all
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["clean", "--apps="++DepName++","++Name],
{ok, [{app, Name, invalid},
{app, DepName, invalid},
{app, PkgName, valid}]}).
override_deps(Config) ->
Deps = rebar_test_utils:expand_deps(git, [{"some_dep", "0.0.1", [{"other_dep", "0.0.1", []}]}]),
TopDeps = rebar_test_utils:top_level_deps(Deps),
{SrcDeps, _} = rebar_test_utils:flat_deps(Deps),
mock_git_resource:mock([{deps, SrcDeps}]),
RebarConfig = [
{deps, TopDeps},
{overrides, [
{override, some_dep, [
{deps, []}
Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"],
{ok, [{dep, "some_dep"},
{dep_not_exist, "other_dep"}]}
git_subdir_deps(Config) ->
Deps = rebar_test_utils:expand_deps(git_subdir, [{"some_dep", "0.0.1", [{"other_dep", "0.0.1", []}]}]),
TopDeps = rebar_test_utils:top_level_deps(Deps),
{SrcDeps, _} = rebar_test_utils:flat_deps(Deps),
mock_git_subdir_resource:mock([{deps, SrcDeps}]),
RebarConfig = [
{deps, TopDeps}
Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"],
{ok, [{subdir_dep, "some_dep"},
{subdir_dep, "other_dep"}]}
override_add_deps(Config) ->
Deps = rebar_test_utils:expand_deps(git, [{"some_dep", "0.0.1", [{"other_dep", "0.0.1", []}]}]),
TopDeps = rebar_test_utils:top_level_deps(Deps),
DepA = {dep_a, "0.0.1", {git, "", {tag, "0.0.1"}}},
DepB = {dep_b, "0.0.1", {git, "", {tag, "0.0.1"}}},
DepC = {dep_c, "0.0.1", {git, "", {tag, "0.0.1"}}},
{SrcDeps, _} = rebar_test_utils:flat_deps(Deps),
mock_git_resource:mock([{deps, [DepA, DepB, DepC | SrcDeps]}]),
RebarConfig = [
{deps, TopDeps},
{overrides, [
{add, some_dep, [
{deps, [DepA, DepB]}
{add, [
{deps, [DepC]}
Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"],
{ok, [{dep, "some_dep"},
{dep, "other_dep"},
{dep, "dep_a"},
{dep, "dep_b"},
{dep, "dep_c"}]}
override_del_deps(Config) ->
Deps = rebar_test_utils:expand_deps(git, [{"some_dep", "0.0.1", [{"dep_a", "0.0.1", []},
{"dep_b", "0.0.1", []},
{"dep_c", "0.0.1", []}]},
{"other_dep", "0.0.1", [{"dep_c", "0.0.1", []},
{"dep_d", "0.0.1", []}]}]),
TopDeps = rebar_test_utils:top_level_deps(Deps),
DepA = {dep_a, "0.0.1", {git, "", {tag, "0.0.1"}}},
DepB = {dep_b, "0.0.1", {git, "", {tag, "0.0.1"}}},
DepC = {dep_c, "0.0.1", {git, "", {tag, "0.0.1"}}},
{SrcDeps, _} = rebar_test_utils:flat_deps(Deps),
mock_git_resource:mock([{deps, SrcDeps}]),
RebarConfig = [
{deps, TopDeps},
{overrides, [
{del, some_dep, [
{deps, [DepA, DepB]}
{del, [
{deps, [DepC]}
Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"],
{ok, [{dep, "some_dep"},
{dep, "other_dep"},
{dep_not_exist, "dep_a"},
{dep_not_exist, "dep_b"},
{dep_not_exist, "dep_c"},
{dep, "dep_d"}]}
override_del_pkg_deps(Config) ->
Deps = rebar_test_utils:expand_deps(pkg, [{"some_dep", "0.0.1", [{"other_dep", "0.0.1", []}]}]),
TopDeps = rebar_test_utils:top_level_deps(Deps),
{_, PkgDeps} = rebar_test_utils:flat_deps(Deps),
mock_pkg_resource:mock([{pkgdeps, PkgDeps}]),
RebarConfig = [
{deps, TopDeps},
{overrides, [
{del, some_dep, [
{deps, [other_dep]},
%% regression: a non-existing option deletion
%% could trigger an infinite loop
{provider_hooks, [{post, [{compile, xref}]}]}
Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"],
{ok, [{dep, "some_dep"},
{dep_not_exist, "other_dep"}]}
override_opts(Config) ->
AppsDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
AppDir = filename:join([AppsDir, "apps", Name]),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
RebarConfig = [
{erl_opts, [
{overrides, [
{override, [
{erl_opts, [compressed]}
rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppsDir, RebarConfig),
Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
Path = filename:join([AppsDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
Mod = list_to_atom("not_a_real_src_" ++ Name),
true = lists:member(compressed, proplists:get_value(options, Mod:module_info(compile), [])),
false = lists:member(warn_missing_spec, proplists:get_value(options, Mod:module_info(compile), [])).
%% test for fix of
%% only apply overrides once
%% verify by having an override add the macro TEST to the dep some_dep
%% building under `ct` will fail if the `add` is applied more than once
apply_overrides_exactly_once(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Deps = rebar_test_utils:expand_deps(git, [{"some_dep", "0.0.1", [{"other_dep", "0.0.1", []}]}]),
TopDeps = rebar_test_utils:top_level_deps(Deps),
{SrcDeps, _} = rebar_test_utils:flat_deps(Deps),
mock_git_resource:mock([{deps, SrcDeps}]),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
RebarConfig = [{deps, TopDeps},
{overrides, [
{add, some_dep, [
{erl_opts, [{d, 'TEST'}]}
rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppDir, RebarConfig),
Config, RebarConfig, ["ct", "--compile_only"], {ok, [{app, Name}, {dep, "some_dep"}], "test"}).
override_only_deps(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
RebarConfig = [
{deps, []}, %% with deps enabled, this test fails
{overrides, [
{add, [
{erl_opts, [{d, bad, a}, {d, bad, b}]}
rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppDir, RebarConfig),
Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
override_add_opts(Config) ->
AppsDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
AppDir = filename:join([AppsDir, "apps", Name]),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
RebarConfig = [
{erl_opts, [
{overrides, [
{add, [
{erl_opts, [compressed]}
rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppsDir, RebarConfig),
Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
Path = filename:join([AppsDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
Mod = list_to_atom("not_a_real_src_" ++ Name),
true = lists:member(compressed, proplists:get_value(options, Mod:module_info(compile), [])),
true = lists:member(warn_missing_spec, proplists:get_value(options, Mod:module_info(compile), [])).
override_del_opts(Config) ->
AppsDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
AppDir = filename:join([AppsDir, "apps", Name]),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
RebarConfig = [
{erl_opts, [
{overrides, [
{del, [
{erl_opts, [warn_missing_spec]}
rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppsDir, RebarConfig),
Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
Path = filename:join([AppsDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
Mod = list_to_atom("not_a_real_src_" ++ Name),
true = lists:member(compressed, proplists:get_value(options, Mod:module_info(compile), [])),
false = lists:member(warn_missing_spec, proplists:get_value(options, Mod:module_info(compile), [])),
profile_override_deps(Config) ->
Deps = rebar_test_utils:expand_deps(git, [{"some_dep", "0.0.1", [{"other_dep", "0.0.1", []}]}]),
TopDeps = rebar_test_utils:top_level_deps(Deps),
{SrcDeps, _} = rebar_test_utils:flat_deps(Deps),
mock_git_resource:mock([{deps, SrcDeps}]),
RebarConfig = [
{deps, TopDeps},
{profiles, [
{a, [
{overrides, [
{override, some_dep, [
{deps, []}
Config, RebarConfig, ["as", "a", "compile"],
{ok, [{dep, "some_dep"},
{dep_not_exist, "other_dep"}]}
profile_override_add_deps(Config) ->
Deps = rebar_test_utils:expand_deps(git, [{"some_dep", "0.0.1", [{"other_dep", "0.0.1", []}]}]),
TopDeps = rebar_test_utils:top_level_deps(Deps),
DepA = {dep_a, "0.0.1", {git, "", {tag, "0.0.1"}}},
DepB = {dep_b, "0.0.1", {git, "", {tag, "0.0.1"}}},
DepC = {dep_c, "0.0.1", {git, "", {tag, "0.0.1"}}},
{SrcDeps, _} = rebar_test_utils:flat_deps(Deps),
mock_git_resource:mock([{deps, [DepA, DepB, DepC | SrcDeps]}]),
RebarConfig = [
{deps, TopDeps},
{profiles, [
{a, [
{overrides, [
{add, some_dep, [
{deps, [DepA, DepB]}
{add, [
{deps, [DepC]}
Config, RebarConfig, ["as", "a", "compile"],
{ok, [{dep, "some_dep"},
{dep, "other_dep"},
{dep, "dep_a"},
{dep, "dep_b"},
{dep, "dep_c"}]}
profile_override_del_deps(Config) ->
Deps = rebar_test_utils:expand_deps(git, [{"some_dep", "0.0.1", [{"dep_a", "0.0.1", []},
{"dep_b", "0.0.1", []},
{"dep_c", "0.0.1", []}]},
{"other_dep", "0.0.1", [{"dep_c", "0.0.1", []},
{"dep_d", "0.0.1", []}]}]),
TopDeps = rebar_test_utils:top_level_deps(Deps),
DepA = {dep_a, "0.0.1", {git, "", {tag, "0.0.1"}}},
DepB = {dep_b, "0.0.1", {git, "", {tag, "0.0.1"}}},
DepC = {dep_c, "0.0.1", {git, "", {tag, "0.0.1"}}},
{SrcDeps, _} = rebar_test_utils:flat_deps(Deps),
mock_git_resource:mock([{deps, SrcDeps}]),
RebarConfig = [
{deps, TopDeps},
{profiles, [
{a, [
{overrides, [
{del, some_dep, [
{deps, [DepA, DepB]}
{del, [
{deps, [DepC]}
Config, RebarConfig, ["as", "a", "compile"],
{ok, [{dep, "some_dep"},
{dep, "other_dep"},
{dep_not_exist, "dep_a"},
{dep_not_exist, "dep_b"},
{dep_not_exist, "dep_c"},
{dep, "dep_d"}]}
profile_override_opts(Config) ->
AppsDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
AppDir = filename:join([AppsDir, "apps", Name]),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
RebarConfig = [
{erl_opts, [
{profiles, [
{a, [
{overrides, [
{override, [
{erl_opts, [compressed]}
rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppsDir, RebarConfig),
Config, RebarConfig, ["as", "a", "compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
Path = filename:join([AppsDir, "_build", "a", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
Mod = list_to_atom("not_a_real_src_" ++ Name),
true = lists:member(compressed, proplists:get_value(options, Mod:module_info(compile), [])),
false = lists:member(warn_missing_spec, proplists:get_value(options, Mod:module_info(compile), [])).
profile_override_add_opts(Config) ->
AppsDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
AppDir = filename:join([AppsDir, "apps", Name]),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
RebarConfig = [
{erl_opts, [
{profiles, [
{a, [
{overrides, [
{add, [
{erl_opts, [compressed]}
rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppsDir, RebarConfig),
Config, RebarConfig, ["as", "a", "compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
Path = filename:join([AppsDir, "_build", "a", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
Mod = list_to_atom("not_a_real_src_" ++ Name),
true = lists:member(compressed, proplists:get_value(options, Mod:module_info(compile), [])),
true = lists:member(warn_missing_spec, proplists:get_value(options, Mod:module_info(compile), [])).
profile_override_del_opts(Config) ->
AppsDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
AppDir = filename:join([AppsDir, "apps", Name]),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
RebarConfig = [
{erl_opts, [
{profiles, [
{a, [
{overrides, [
{del, [
{erl_opts, [warn_missing_spec]}
rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppsDir, RebarConfig),
Config, RebarConfig, ["as", "a", "compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
Path = filename:join([AppsDir, "_build", "a", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
Mod = list_to_atom("not_a_real_src_" ++ Name),
true = lists:member(compressed, proplists:get_value(options, Mod:module_info(compile), [])),
false = lists:member(warn_missing_spec, proplists:get_value(options, Mod:module_info(compile), [])),
profile_deps(Config) ->
Deps = rebar_test_utils:expand_deps(git, [{"some_dep", "0.0.1", [{"other_dep", "0.0.1", []}]}]),
TopDeps = rebar_test_utils:top_level_deps(Deps),
{SrcDeps, _} = rebar_test_utils:flat_deps(Deps),
mock_git_resource:mock([{deps, SrcDeps}]),
RebarConfig = [
{deps, TopDeps},
{profiles, [{a, []}]}],
Config, RebarConfig, ["as", "a", "compile"],
{ok, [{dep, "some_dep"},{dep, "other_dep"}]}
only_deps(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
Deps = rebar_test_utils:expand_deps(git, [{"some_dep", "0.0.1", [{"other_dep", "0.0.1", []}]}]),
TopDeps = rebar_test_utils:top_level_deps(Deps),
{SrcDeps, _} = rebar_test_utils:flat_deps(Deps),
mock_git_resource:mock([{deps, SrcDeps}]),
RConfFile = rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppDir, [{deps, TopDeps}]),
{ok, RConf} = file:consult(RConfFile),
Config, RConf, ["compile", "--deps_only"],
{ok, [{app_not_exist, Name}, {dep, "some_dep"},{dep, "other_dep"}]}
%% verify a deps prod profile is used
%% tested by checking prod hooks run and outputs to default profile dir for dep
%% and prod deps are installed for dep
deps_build_in_prod(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
GitDeps = rebar_test_utils:expand_deps(git, [{"asdf", "1.0.0", []}]),
PkgName = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("pkg1_"),
{SrcDeps, _} = rebar_test_utils:flat_deps(GitDeps),
mock_git_resource:mock([{deps, SrcDeps},
{config, [{profiles, [{prod, [{pre_hooks, [{compile, "echo whatsup > randomfile"}]},
{deps, [list_to_atom(PkgName)]}]}]}]}]),
mock_pkg_resource:mock([{pkgdeps, [{{iolist_to_binary(PkgName), <<"0.1.0">>}, []}]}]),
Deps = rebar_test_utils:top_level_deps(GitDeps),
RConfFile = rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppDir, [{deps, Deps}]),
{ok, RConf} = file:consult(RConfFile),
%% Build with deps.
Config, RConf, ["compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name}, {dep, "asdf", <<"1.0.0">>}, {dep, PkgName},
{file, filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", "asdf", "randomfile"])}]}
%% verify that the proper include path is defined
%% according the erlang doc which states:
%% If the filename File is absolute (possibly after variable substitution),
%% the include file with that name is included. Otherwise, the specified file
%% is searched for in the following directories, and in this order:
%% * The current working directory
%% * The directory where the module is being compiled
%% * The directories given by the include option
include_file_relative_to_working_directory(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
Src = <<"-module(test).\n"
"test() -> ?TEST_MACRO.\n"
Include = <<"-define(TEST_MACRO, test).\n">>,
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "dummy"])),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "test.erl"]), Src),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir, "include", "dummy"])),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "include", "test.hrl"]), Include),
RebarConfig = [],
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig,
{ok, [{app, Name}]}).
include_file_in_src(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
Src = <<"-module(test).\n"
"test() -> ?TEST_MACRO.\n"
Include = <<"-define(TEST_MACRO, test).\n">>,
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "dummy"])),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "test.erl"]), Src),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "test.hrl"]), Include),
RebarConfig = [],
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig,
{ok, [{app, Name}]}).
%% verify that the proper include path is defined
%% according the erlang doc which states:
%% If the filename File is absolute (possibly after variable substitution),
%% the include file with that name is included. Otherwise, the specified file
%% is searched for in the following directories, and in this order:
%% * The current working directory
%% * The directory where the module is being compiled
%% * The directories given by the include option
%% This test ensures that things keep working when additional directories
%% are used for apps, such as the test/ directory within the test profile.
include_file_relative_to_working_directory_test(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
Src = <<"-module(test).\n"
"test() -> ?TEST_MACRO.\n"
Include = <<"-define(TEST_MACRO, test).\n">>,
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "dummy"])),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir, "test", "dummy"])),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "test", "test.erl"]), Src),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir, "include", "dummy"])),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "include", "test.hrl"]), Include),
RebarConfig = [],
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig,
["as", "test", "compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name}]}).
%% Same as `include_file_in_src/1' but using the `test/' directory
%% within the test profile.
include_file_in_src_test(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
Src = <<"-module(test).\n"
"test() -> ?TEST_MACRO.\n"
Include = <<"-define(TEST_MACRO, test).\n">>,
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "dummy"])),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir, "test", "dummy"])),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "test", "test.erl"]), Src),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "test.hrl"]), Include),
RebarConfig = [],
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig,
["as", "test", "compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name}]}).
%% Same as `include_file_in_src_test/1' but using multiple top-level
%% apps as dependencies.
include_file_in_src_test_multiapp(Config) ->
Name1 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app2_"),
Name2 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
AppDir1 = filename:join([?config(apps, Config), "lib", Name1]),
AppDir2 = filename:join([?config(apps, Config), "lib", Name2]),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir1, Name1, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib, list_to_atom(Name2)]),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir2, Name2, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
Src = "-module(test).\n"
"-include_lib(\"" ++ Name2 ++ "/include/test.hrl\").\n"
"test() -> ?TEST_MACRO.\n"
Include = <<"-define(TEST_MACRO, test).\n">>,
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir1, "src", "dummy"])),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir1, "test", "dummy"])),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir2, "src", "dummy"])),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir2, "include", "dummy"])),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir1, "test", "test.erl"]), Src),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir2, "include", "test.hrl"]), Include),
RebarConfig = [],
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig,
["as", "test", "compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name1}]}),
%% this test sets the env var, compiles, records the file last modified timestamp,
%% recompiles and compares the file last modified timestamp to ensure it hasn't
%% changed. this test should run on 19.x+
dont_recompile_when_erl_compiler_options_env_does_not_change(Config) ->
%% save existing env to restore after test
ExistingEnv = os:getenv("ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS"),
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("erl_compiler_options_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
true = os:unsetenv("ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS"),
true = os:putenv("ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS", "[{d, some_macro}]"),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
{ok, Files} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
ModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- Files, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
{ok, NewFiles} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
NewModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- NewFiles, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
?assert(ModTime == NewModTime),
%% restore existing env
case ExistingEnv of
false -> ok;
_ -> os:putenv("ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS", ExistingEnv)
%% this test compiles, records the file last modified timestamp, sets the env
%% var, recompiles and compares the file last modified timestamp to ensure it
%% has changed. this test should run on 19.x+
recompile_when_erl_compiler_options_env_changes(Config) ->
%% save existing env to restore after test
ExistingEnv = os:getenv("ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS"),
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("erl_compiler_options_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
true = os:unsetenv("ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS"),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
{ok, Files} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
ModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- Files, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
true = os:putenv("ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS", "[{d, some_macro}]"),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
{ok, NewFiles} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
NewModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- NewFiles, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
?assert(ModTime =/= NewModTime),
%% restore existing env
case ExistingEnv of
false -> ok;
_ -> os:putenv("ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS", ExistingEnv)
rebar_config_os_var(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("rebar_config_os_var_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppDir, [{erl_opts, []}]),
AltConfig = filename:join(AppDir, "test.rebar.config"),
file:write_file(AltConfig, "{erl_opts, [compressed]}."),
true = os:putenv("REBAR_CONFIG", AltConfig),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
Path = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
Mod = list_to_atom("not_a_real_src_" ++ Name),
true = lists:member(compressed, proplists:get_value(options, Mod:module_info(compile), [])),
%% this test sets the env var, compiles, records the file last modified
%% timestamp, recompiles and compares the file last modified timestamp to
%% ensure it has changed. this test should run on 18.x
always_recompile_when_erl_compiler_options_set(Config) ->
%% save existing env to restore after test
ExistingEnv = os:getenv("ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS"),
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("erl_compiler_options_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
true = os:unsetenv("ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS"),
true = os:putenv("ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS", "[{d, some_macro}]"),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
{ok, Files} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
ModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- Files, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
{ok, NewFiles} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
NewModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- NewFiles, filename:extension(F) == ".beam"],
?assert(ModTime =/= NewModTime),
%% restore existing env
case ExistingEnv of
false -> ok;
_ -> os:putenv("ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS", ExistingEnv)
recompile_when_parse_transform_inline_changes(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("parse_transform_inline_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "dummy"])),
ModSrc = <<"-module(example).\n"
"-compile([{parse_transform, example_parse_transform}]).\n"
"foo(_, _) -> ok.">>,
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "example.erl"]),
ParseTransform = <<"-module(example_parse_transform).\n"
"parse_transform(AST, _) -> AST.\n">>,
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "example_parse_transform.erl"]),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
{ok, Files} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
ModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- Files, filename:basename(F, ".beam") == "example"],
NewParseTransform = <<"-module(example_parse_transform).\n"
"parse_transform(AST, _) -> identity(AST).\n"
"identity(AST) -> AST.\n">>,
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "example_parse_transform.erl"]),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
{ok, NewFiles} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
NewModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- NewFiles, filename:basename(F, ".beam") == "example"],
?assert(ModTime =/= NewModTime).
recompile_when_parse_transform_as_opt_changes(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("parse_transform_opt_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "dummy"])),
ModSrc = <<"-module(example).\n"
"foo(_, _) -> ok.">>,
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "example.erl"]),
ParseTransform = <<"-module(example_parse_transform).\n"
"parse_transform(AST, _) -> AST.">>,
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "example_parse_transform.erl"]),
RebarConfig = [{erl_opts, [{parse_transform, example_parse_transform}]}],
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
{ok, Files} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
ModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- Files, filename:basename(F, ".beam") == "example"],
NewParseTransform = <<"-module(example_parse_transform).\n"
"parse_transform(AST, _) -> identity(AST).\n"
"identity(AST) -> AST.">>,
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "example_parse_transform.erl"]),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
{ok, NewFiles} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
NewModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- NewFiles, filename:basename(F, ".beam") == "example"],
?assert(ModTime =/= NewModTime).
dont_recompile_when_parse_transform_as_opt_unchanged(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("parse_transform_opt_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "dummy"])),
ModSrc = <<"-module(example).\n"
"foo(_, _) -> ok.">>,
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "example.erl"]),
ParseTransform = <<"-module(example_parse_transform).\n"
"parse_transform(AST, _) -> AST.">>,
ok = file:write_file(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "example_parse_transform.erl"]),
RebarConfig = [{erl_opts, [{parse_transform, example_parse_transform}]}],
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
{ok, Files} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
ModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- Files, filename:basename(F, ".beam") == "example"],
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
{ok, NewFiles} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
NewModTime = [filelib:last_modified(filename:join([EbinDir, F]))
|| F <- NewFiles, filename:basename(F, ".beam") == "example"],
?assert(ModTime =:= NewModTime).
recursive(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name}]}),
EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
{ok, Files} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
%% check that rec is in modules list of .app file
AppFile = filename:join(EbinDir, Name++".app"),
{ok, [{application, _, List}]} = file:consult(AppFile),
{modules, Modules} = lists:keyfind(modules, 1, List),
?assert(lists:member(rec, Modules)).
no_recursive(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
RebarConfig1 = [{erlc_compiler,[{recursive,false}]}],
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig1, ["compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name}]}),
EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
{ok, Files1} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
RebarConfig2 = [{src_dirs,[{"src",[{recursive,false}]}]}],
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig2, ["compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name}]}),
{ok, Files2} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
extra_recursion(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
rebar_test_utils:write_src_file(filename:join([AppDir, "src", "src2"]), "rec.erl"),
rebar_test_utils:write_src_file(filename:join([AppDir, "test", "test2"]), "rectest.erl"),
%% Default for src directories: recursive
%% default for extra_src directories: non-recursive
RebarConfig1 = [],
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig1, ["as", "test", "compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name}]}),
EbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "test", "lib", Name, "ebin"]),
{ok, Files1} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
?assert(lists:member("rec.beam", Files1)),
file:delete(filename:join(EbinDir, "rec.beam")),
TestEbinDir = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "test", "lib", Name, "test"]),
{ok, TestFiles1} = rebar_utils:list_dir(TestEbinDir),
?assertNot(lists:member("rectest.beam", TestFiles1)),
RebarConfig2 = [{src_dirs,[{"src",[{recursive,false}]}]},
{extra_src_dirs, [{"test", [{recursive, true}]}]}],
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig2, ["as", "test", "compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name}]}),
{ok, Files2} = rebar_utils:list_dir(EbinDir),
{ok, TestFiles2} = rebar_utils:list_dir(TestEbinDir),
?assert(lists:member("rectest.beam", TestFiles2)),
regex_filter_skip(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("regex_skip"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
Expected = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin","._rec.beam"]),
RebarConfig = [],
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"],
{ok, [{file, Expected}]}),
%% the file was not found, as desired!
error:{assertion_failed,_} -> %% OTP =< 17
error:{assert,_} -> %% OTP >= 18
regex_filter_regression(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("regex_regression"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
Expected = filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "lib", Name, "ebin","r_f.beam"]),
RebarConfig = [],
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"],
{ok, [{file, Expected}]}),
%% This test could also have existed in rebar_hooks_SUITE but it's more
%% about compiler implementation details than the hook logic itself,
%% so it was located here.
split_project_apps_hooks() ->
[{doc, "Ensure that a project with multiple project apps runs the "
"pre-hooks before all the apps are compiled, and the post "
"hooks after they are all compiled."}].
split_project_apps_hooks(Config) ->
BaseDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name1 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app2_"),
Name2 = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
AppDir1 = filename:join([BaseDir, "lib", Name1]),
AppDir2 = filename:join([BaseDir, "lib", Name2]),
HookDir = filename:join([BaseDir, "hooks"]),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir1, Name1, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib, list_to_atom(Name2)]),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir2, Name2, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir1, "src", "dummy"])),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir1, "test", "dummy"])),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir2, "src", "dummy"])),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([AppDir2, "include", "dummy"])),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([HookDir, "dummy"])),
Cmd = case os:type() of
{win32, _} -> "dir /B";
_ -> "ls"
Cfg = fun(Name) ->
[{pre_hooks, [{compile, Cmd++" \""++HookDir++"\" > \""++filename:join(HookDir, "pre-compile-"++Name)++"\""},
{erlc_compile, Cmd++" \""++HookDir++"\" > \""++filename:join(HookDir, "pre-erlc-"++Name)++"\""},
{app_compile, Cmd++" \""++HookDir++"\" > \""++filename:join(HookDir, "pre-app-"++Name)++"\""}]},
{post_hooks, [{compile, Cmd++" \""++HookDir++"\" > \""++filename:join(HookDir, "post-compile-"++Name)++"\""},
{erlc_compile, Cmd++" \""++HookDir++"\" > \""++filename:join(HookDir, "post-erlc-"++Name)++"\""},
{app_compile, Cmd++" \""++HookDir++"\" > \""++filename:join(HookDir, "post-app-"++Name)++"\""}]}
ok = file:write_file(filename:join(AppDir1, "rebar.config"),
io_lib:format("~p.~n~p.", Cfg("app1"))),
ok = file:write_file(filename:join(AppDir2, "rebar.config"),
io_lib:format("~p.~n~p.", Cfg("app2"))),
RebarConfig = Cfg("all"),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name1}, {app, Name2}]}),
%% Now for the big party:
%% - we expect whole pre-hooks to run before either app is compiled
%% - we don't expect app and erlc hooks on the total run
%% - we expect app2 to be compiled before app1 (rev alphabetical order)
%% - we expect all pre-hooks to show up before post-hooks
%% - the pre-order is: compile->erlc, taking place before any app
%% is actually compiled, so that analysis can be done on all apps.
%% - the post-order is more as expected:
%% - erlc post hook runs right with the app
%% - app pre hook runs right with the app
%% - app post hook runs right with the app
%% - compile post hook runs for each app individually
%% - we expect app compile post-hooks to show up in order
%% - we expect whole post-hooks to run last
CallOrder = [
validate_call_order(CallOrder, HookDir),
validate_call_order(Calls, Dir) -> validate_call_order(Calls, Dir, []).
validate_call_order([], _, _) ->
validate_call_order([Name|T], Dir, Seen) ->
{ok, Bin} = file:read_file(filename:join(Dir, Name)),
%% weird list of tokens, but works on lexemes/tokens for backwards compat
Found = rebar_string:lexemes(binary_to_list(Bin), [$\n, $\r, "\r\n"]),
NewSeen = [Name|Seen],
?assertEqual({Name, Found}, {Name, lists:sort(NewSeen)}),
validate_call_order(T, Dir, NewSeen).
app_file_linting(Config) ->
meck:new(rebar_log, [no_link, passthrough]),
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app_file_linting"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [foo]),
_ = rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], return),
History = meck:history(rebar_log),
Warnings = [{Str, Args} || {_, {rebar_log, log, [warn, Str, Args]}, _} <- History],
?assert(none /= proplists:lookup("~p is missing description entry", Warnings)),
?assert(none /= proplists:lookup("~p is missing kernel from applications list", Warnings)),
?assert(none /= proplists:lookup("~p is missing stdlib from applications list", Warnings)).
%% a copy of lib/parsetools/include/yeccpre.hrl so we can test yrl includefile
yeccpre_hrl() ->
<<"-type yecc_ret() :: {'error', _} | {'ok', _}.
-spec parse(Tokens :: list()) -> yecc_ret().
parse(Tokens) ->
yeccpars0(Tokens, {no_func, no_line}, 0, [], []).
-spec parse_and_scan({function() | {atom(), atom()}, [_]}
| {atom(), atom(), [_]}) -> yecc_ret().
parse_and_scan({F, A}) ->
yeccpars0([], {{F, A}, no_line}, 0, [], []);
parse_and_scan({M, F, A}) ->
Arity = length(A),
yeccpars0([], {{fun M:F/Arity, A}, no_line}, 0, [], []).
-spec format_error(any()) -> [char() | list()].
format_error(Message) ->
case io_lib:deep_char_list(Message) of
true ->
_ ->
%% To be used in grammar files to throw an error message to the parser
%% toplevel. Doesn't have to be exported!
-compile({nowarn_unused_function, return_error/2}).
-spec return_error(integer(), any()) -> no_return().
return_error(Line, Message) ->
throw({error, {Line, ?MODULE, Message}}).
-define(CODE_VERSION, \"1.4\").
yeccpars0(Tokens, Tzr, State, States, Vstack) ->
try yeccpars1(Tokens, Tzr, State, States, Vstack)
error:Error ->
try yecc_error_type(Error, []) of
Desc ->
erlang:raise(error, {yecc_bug, ?CODE_VERSION, Desc},
catch _:_ -> erlang:raise(error, Error, [])
%% Probably thrown from return_error/2:
throw: {error, {_Line, ?MODULE, _M}} = Error ->
yecc_error_type(function_clause, _) ->
yeccpars1([Token | Tokens], Tzr, State, States, Vstack) ->
yeccpars2(State, element(1, Token), States, Vstack, Token, Tokens, Tzr);
yeccpars1([], {{F, A},_Line}, State, States, Vstack) ->
case apply(F, A) of
{ok, Tokens, Endline} ->
yeccpars1(Tokens, {{F, A}, Endline}, State, States, Vstack);
{eof, Endline} ->
yeccpars1([], {no_func, Endline}, State, States, Vstack);
{error, Descriptor, _Endline} ->
{error, Descriptor}
yeccpars1([], {no_func, no_line}, State, States, Vstack) ->
Line = 999999,
yeccpars2(State, '$end', States, Vstack, yecc_end(Line), [],
{no_func, Line});
yeccpars1([], {no_func, Endline}, State, States, Vstack) ->
yeccpars2(State, '$end', States, Vstack, yecc_end(Endline), [],
{no_func, Endline}).
%% yeccpars1/7 is called from generated code.
%% When using the {includefile, Includefile} option, make sure that
%% yeccpars1/7 can be found by parsing the file without following
%% include directives. yecc will otherwise assume that an old
%% yeccpre.hrl is included (one which defines yeccpars1/5).
yeccpars1(State1, State, States, Vstack, Token0, [Token | Tokens], Tzr) ->
yeccpars2(State, element(1, Token), [State1 | States],
[Token0 | Vstack], Token, Tokens, Tzr);
yeccpars1(State1, State, States, Vstack, Token0, [], {{_F,_A}, _Line}=Tzr) ->
yeccpars1([], Tzr, State, [State1 | States], [Token0 | Vstack]);
yeccpars1(State1, State, States, Vstack, Token0, [], {no_func, no_line}) ->
Line = yecctoken_end_location(Token0),
yeccpars2(State, '$end', [State1 | States], [Token0 | Vstack],
yecc_end(Line), [], {no_func, Line});
yeccpars1(State1, State, States, Vstack, Token0, [], {no_func, Line}) ->
yeccpars2(State, '$end', [State1 | States], [Token0 | Vstack],
yecc_end(Line), [], {no_func, Line}).
%% For internal use only.
yecc_end({Line,_Column}) ->
{'$end', Line};
yecc_end(Line) ->
{'$end', Line}.
yecctoken_end_location(Token) ->
try erl_anno:end_location(element(2, Token)) of
undefined -> yecctoken_location(Token);
Loc -> Loc
catch _:_ -> yecctoken_location(Token)
-compile({nowarn_unused_function, yeccerror/1}).
yeccerror(Token) ->
Text = yecctoken_to_string(Token),
Location = yecctoken_location(Token),
{error, {Location, ?MODULE, [\"syntax error before: \", Text]}}.
-compile({nowarn_unused_function, yecctoken_to_string/1}).
yecctoken_to_string(Token) ->
try erl_scan:text(Token) of
undefined -> yecctoken2string(Token);
Txt -> Txt
catch _:_ -> yecctoken2string(Token)
yecctoken_location(Token) ->
try erl_scan:location(Token)
catch _:_ -> element(2, Token)
-compile({nowarn_unused_function, yecctoken2string/1}).
yecctoken2string({atom, _, A}) -> io_lib:write_atom(A);
yecctoken2string({integer,_,N}) -> io_lib:write(N);
yecctoken2string({float,_,F}) -> io_lib:write(F);
yecctoken2string({char,_,C}) -> io_lib:write_char(C);
yecctoken2string({var,_,V}) -> io_lib:format(\"~s\", [V]);
yecctoken2string({string,_,S}) -> io_lib:write_string(S);
yecctoken2string({reserved_symbol, _, A}) -> io_lib:write(A);
yecctoken2string({_Cat, _, Val}) -> io_lib:format(\"~p\", [Val]);
yecctoken2string({dot, _}) -> \"'.'\";
yecctoken2string({'$end', _}) -> [];
yecctoken2string({Other, _}) when is_atom(Other) ->
yecctoken2string(Other) ->
io_lib:format(\"~p\", [Other]).