
174 lines
6.6 KiB

%% Vendored from hex_core v0.7.1, do not edit manually
-export_type([publish_params/0, retirement_params/0, retirement_reason/0]).
-type publish_params() :: [{replace, boolean()}].
-type retirement_reason() :: other | invalid | security | deprecated | renamed.
-type retirement_params() :: #{reason := retirement_reason(), message => binary()}.
-type retirement_params() :: #{reason => retirement_reason(), message => binary()}.
%% @doc
%% Gets a package release.
%% Examples:
%% ```
%% > r3_hex_api_release:get(r3_hex_core:default_config(), <<"package">>, <<"1.0.0">>).
%% {ok, {200, ..., #{
%% <<"checksum">> => <<"540d210d81f56f17f64309a4896430e727972499b37bd59342dc08d61dff74d8">>,
%% <<"docs_html_url">> => <<"">>,
%% <<"downloads">> => 740,<<"has_docs">> => true,
%% <<"html_url">> => <<"">>,
%% <<"inserted_at">> => <<"2014-12-09T18:32:03Z">>,
%% <<"meta">> =>
%% #{<<"app">> => <<"package">>,
%% <<"build_tools">> => [<<"mix">>]},
%% <<"package_url">> => <<"">>,
%% <<"publisher">> => nil,<<"requirements">> => #{},
%% <<"retirement">> => nil,
%% <<"updated_at">> => <<"2019-07-28T21:12:11Z">>,
%% <<"url">> => <<"">>,
%% <<"version">> => <<"1.0.0">>
%% }}}
%% '''
%% @end
-spec get(r3_hex_core:config(), binary(), binary()) -> r3_hex_api:response().
get(Config, Name, Version) when is_map(Config) and is_binary(Name) and is_binary(Version) ->
Path = r3_hex_api:build_repository_path(Config, ["packages", Name, "releases", Version]),
r3_hex_api:get(Config, Path).
%% @doc
%% Publishes a new package release.
%% Examples:
%% ```
%% > r3_hex_api_release:publish(r3_hex_core:default_config(), Tarball).
%% {ok, {200, ..., #{
%% <<"checksum">> => <<"540d210d81f56f17f64309a4896430e727972499b37bd59342dc08d61dff74d8">>,
%% <<"docs_html_url">> => <<"">>,
%% <<"downloads">> => 740,<<"has_docs">> => true,
%% <<"html_url">> => <<"">>,
%% <<"inserted_at">> => <<"2014-12-09T18:32:03Z">>,
%% <<"meta">> =>
%% #{<<"app">> => <<"package">>,
%% <<"build_tools">> => [<<"mix">>]},
%% <<"package_url">> => <<"">>,
%% <<"publisher">> => nil,<<"requirements">> => #{},
%% <<"retirement">> => nil,
%% <<"updated_at">> => <<"2019-07-28T21:12:11Z">>,
%% <<"url">> => <<"">>,
%% <<"version">> => <<"1.0.0">>
%% }}}
%% '''
%% @end
-spec publish(r3_hex_core:config(), binary()) -> r3_hex_api:response().
publish(Config, Tarball) -> publish(Config, Tarball, []).
%% @doc
%% Publishes a new package release with query parameters.
%% Supported query params :
%% - replace : boolean
%% Examples:
%% ```
%% > r3_hex_api_release:publish(r3_hex_core:default_config(), Tarball, [{replace, true}]).
%% {ok, {201, ..., #{
%% <<"checksum">> => <<"540d210d81f56f17f64309a4896430e727972499b37bd59342dc08d61dff74d8">>,
%% <<"docs_html_url">> => <<"">>,
%% <<"downloads">> => 740,<<"has_docs">> => true,
%% <<"html_url">> => <<"">>,
%% <<"inserted_at">> => <<"2014-12-09T18:32:03Z">>,
%% <<"meta">> =>
%% #{<<"app">> => <<"package">>,
%% <<"build_tools">> => [<<"mix">>]},
%% <<"package_url">> => <<"">>,
%% <<"publisher">> => nil,<<"requirements">> => #{},
%% <<"retirement">> => nil,
%% <<"updated_at">> => <<"2019-07-28T21:12:11Z">>,
%% <<"url">> => <<"">>,
%% <<"version">> => <<"1.0.0">>
%% }}}
%% '''
%% @end
-spec publish(r3_hex_core:config(), binary(), publish_params()) -> r3_hex_api:response().
publish(Config, Tarball, Params) when is_map(Config) andalso is_binary(Tarball) andalso is_list(Params)->
QueryString = r3_hex_api:encode_query_string([{replace, proplists:get_value(replace, Params, false)}]),
Path = r3_hex_api:join_path_segments(r3_hex_api:build_repository_path(Config, ["publish"])),
PathWithQuery = <<Path/binary, "?", QueryString/binary>>,
TarballContentType = "application/octet-stream",
Config2 = put_header(<<"content-length">>, integer_to_binary(byte_size(Tarball)), Config),
Body = {TarballContentType, Tarball},
r3_hex_api:post(Config2, PathWithQuery, Body).
%% @doc
%% Deletes a package release.
%% Examples:
%% ```
%% > r3_hex_api_release:delete(r3_hex_core:default_config(), <<"package">>, <<"1.0.0">>).
%% {ok, {204, ..., nil}}
%% '''
%% @end
-spec delete(r3_hex_core:config(), binary(), binary()) -> r3_hex_api:response().
delete(Config, Name, Version) when is_map(Config) and is_binary(Name) and is_binary(Version) ->
Path = r3_hex_api:build_repository_path(Config, ["packages", Name, "releases", Version]),
r3_hex_api:delete(Config, Path).
%% @doc
%% Retires a package release.
%% Examples:
%% ```
%% > r3_hex_api_release:retire(r3_hex_core:default_config(), <<"package">>, <<"1.0.0">>, Params).
%% {ok, {204, ..., nil}}
%% '''
%% @end
-spec retire(r3_hex_core:config(), binary(), binary(), retirement_params()) -> r3_hex_api:response().
retire(Config, Name, Version, Params) when is_map(Config) and is_binary(Name) and is_binary(Version) ->
Path = r3_hex_api:build_repository_path(Config, ["packages", Name, "releases", Version, "retire"]),
r3_hex_api:post(Config, Path, Params).
%% @doc
%% Unretires a package release.
%% Examples:
%% ```
%% > r3_hex_api_release:unretire(r3_hex_core:default_config(), <<"package">>, <<"1.0.0">>).
%% {ok, {204, ..., nil}}
%% '''
%% @end
-spec unretire(r3_hex_core:config(), binary(), binary()) -> r3_hex_api:response().
unretire(Config, Name, Version) when is_map(Config) and is_binary(Name) and is_binary(Version) ->
Path = r3_hex_api:build_repository_path(Config, ["packages", Name, "releases", Version, "retire"]),
r3_hex_api:delete(Config, Path).
%% Internal functions
put_header(Name, Value, Config) ->
Headers = maps:get(http_headers, Config, #{}),
Headers2 = maps:put(Name, Value, Headers),
maps:put(http_headers, Headers2, Config).