
597 lines
23 KiB

%%% Module handling the directed graph required for the analysis
%%% of all top-level applications by the various compiler plugins.
-export([init/4, status/4, maybe_store/5, terminate/1]).
-export([prune/5, populate_sources/5, populate_deps/3, propagate_stamps/1,
compile_order/4, store_artifact/4]).
-define(DAG_VSN, 4).
-define(DAG_ROOT, "source").
-define(DAG_EXT, ".dag").
-type critical_meta() :: term().
-record(dag, {vsn = ?DAG_VSN :: pos_integer(),
meta :: critical_meta(),
vtab :: notable | [tuple()],
etab :: notable | [tuple()],
ntab :: notable | [tuple()]}).
-type dag() :: digraph:graph().
%% @doc You should initialize one DAG per compiler module.
%% `CritMeta' is any contextual information that, if it is found to change,
%% must invalidate the DAG loaded from disk.
-spec init(file:filename_all(), atom(), string() | undefined, critical_meta()) -> dag().
init(Dir, Compiler, Label, CritMeta) ->
G = digraph:new([acyclic]),
File = dag_file(Dir, Compiler, Label),
restore_dag(G, File, CritMeta)
_:_ ->
%% Don't mark as dirty yet to avoid creating compiler DAG files for
%% compilers that are actually never used.
?WARN("Failed to restore ~ts file. Discarding it.~n", [File]),
%% @doc Quickly validate whether a DAG exists by validating its file name,
%% version, and CritMeta data, without attempting to actually build it.
-spec status(file:filename_all(), atom(), string() | undefined, critical_meta()) ->
valid | bad_format | bad_vsn | bad_meta | not_found.
status(Dir, Compiler, Label, CritMeta) ->
File = dag_file(Dir, Compiler, Label),
case file:read_file(File) of
{ok, Data} ->
%% The CritMeta value is checked and if it doesn't match, we
%% consider things invalid. Same for the version.
try binary_to_term(Data) of
#dag{vsn = ?DAG_VSN, meta = CritMeta} -> valid;
#dag{vsn = ?DAG_VSN} -> bad_meta;
#dag{meta = CritMeta} -> bad_vsn;
_ -> bad_format
_:_ ->
{error, _Err} ->
%% @doc Clear up inactive (deleted) source files from a given project.
%% The file must be in one of the directories that may contain source files
%% for an OTP application; source files found in the DAG `G' that lie outside
%% of these directories may be used in other circumstances (i.e. options affecting
%% visibility, extra_src_dirs).
%% Prune out files that have no corresponding sources
prune(G, SrcExt, ArtifactExt, Sources, AppPaths) ->
%% Collect source files that may have been removed. These files:
%% * are not in Sources
%% * have SrcExt
%% In the process, prune header files - those don't have ArtifactExt
%% extension - using side effect in is_deleted_source/5.
case [Del || Del <- (digraph:vertices(G) -- Sources),
is_deleted_source(G, Del, filename:extension(Del), SrcExt, ArtifactExt)] of
[] ->
ok; %% short circuit without sorting AppPaths
Deleted ->
SafeAppPaths = safe_dirs(AppPaths),
OutFiles = filter_prefix(G, lists:sort(SafeAppPaths), lists:sort(Deleted)),
[maybe_rm_artifact_and_edge(G, Out, SrcExt, ArtifactExt, File)
|| {File, Out} <- OutFiles],
%% Some app paths may be prefixes of one another; for example,
%% `/some/app/directory' may be seen as a prefix
%% of `/some/app/directory_trick' and cause pruning outside
%% of the proper scopes.
safe_dirs(AppPaths) ->
[{safe_dir(AppDir), Path} || {AppDir, Path} <- AppPaths].
safe_dir([]) -> "/";
safe_dir("/") -> "/";
safe_dir([H|T]) -> [H|safe_dir(T)].
is_deleted_source(_G, _F, Extension, Extension, _ArtifactExt) ->
%% source file
is_deleted_source(_G, _F, Extension, _SrcExt, Extension) ->
%% artifact file - skip
is_deleted_source(G, F, _Extension, _SrcExt, _ArtifactExt) ->
%% must be header file or artifact
digraph:in_edges(G, F) == [] andalso maybe_rm_vertex(G, F),
%% This can be implemented using smarter trie, but since the
%% whole procedure is rare, don't bother with optimisations.
%% AppDirs & Fs are sorted, and to check if File is outside of
%% App, lists:prefix is checked. When the App with File in it
%% exists, verify file is still there on disk.
filter_prefix(_G, [], _) ->
filter_prefix(_G, _, []) ->
filter_prefix(G, Apps, [F|Fs]) when is_atom(F) ->
%% dirty bit shenanigans
filter_prefix(G, Apps, Fs);
filter_prefix(G, [{App, Out} | AppTail] = AppPaths, [File | FTail]) ->
case lists:prefix(App, File) of
true ->
[{File, Out} | filter_prefix(G, AppPaths, FTail)];
false when App < File ->
filter_prefix(G, AppTail, [File|FTail]);
false ->
filter_prefix(G, AppPaths, FTail)
finalise_populate_sources(_G, _InDirs, Waiting) when Waiting =:= #{} ->
finalise_populate_sources(G, InDirs, Waiting) ->
%% wait for all deps to complete
{deps, Pid, AbsIncls} ->
{Status, Source} = maps:get(Pid, Waiting),
%% the file hasn't been visited yet; set it to existing, but with
%% a last modified value that's null so it gets updated to something new.
[digraph:add_vertex(G, Src, 0) || Src <- AbsIncls,
digraph:vertex(G, Src) =:= false],
%% drop edges from deps that aren't included!
[digraph:del_edge(G, Edge) || Status == old,
Edge <- digraph:out_edges(G, Source),
{_, _Src, Path, _Label} <- [digraph:edge(G, Edge)],
not lists:member(Path, AbsIncls)],
%% Add the rest
[digraph:add_edge(G, Source, Incl) || Incl <- AbsIncls],
%% mark the digraph dirty when there is any change in
%% dependencies, for any application in the project
finalise_populate_sources(G, InDirs, Waiting);
{'DOWN', _MRef, process, Pid, normal} ->
finalise_populate_sources(G, InDirs, maps:remove(Pid, Waiting));
{'DOWN', _MRef, process, Pid, Reason} ->
{_Status, Source} = maps:get(Pid, Waiting),
?ERROR("Failed to get dependencies for ~s~n~p", [Source, Reason]),
%% @doc this function scans all the source files found and looks into
%% all the `InDirs' for deps (other source files, or files that aren't source
%% but still returned by the compiler module) that are related
%% to them.
populate_sources(G, Compiler, InDirs, Sources, DepOpts) ->
populate_sources(G, Compiler, InDirs, Sources, DepOpts, #{}).
populate_sources(G, _Compiler, InDirs, [], _DepOpts, Waiting) ->
finalise_populate_sources(G, InDirs, Waiting);
populate_sources(G, Compiler, InDirs, [Source|Erls], DepOpts, Waiting) ->
case digraph:vertex(G, Source) of
{_, LastUpdated} ->
case filelib:last_modified(Source) of
0 ->
%% The File doesn't exist anymore, delete
%% from the graph.
digraph:del_vertex(G, Source),
populate_sources(G, Compiler, InDirs, Erls, DepOpts, Waiting);
LastModified when LastUpdated < LastModified ->
digraph:add_vertex(G, Source, LastModified),
Worker = prepopulate_deps(Compiler, InDirs, Source, DepOpts, self()),
populate_sources(G, Compiler, InDirs, Erls, DepOpts, Waiting#{Worker => {old, Source}});
_ -> % unchanged
populate_sources(G, Compiler, InDirs, Erls, DepOpts, Waiting)
false ->
LastModified = filelib:last_modified(Source),
digraph:add_vertex(G, Source, LastModified),
Worker = prepopulate_deps(Compiler, InDirs, Source, DepOpts, self()),
populate_sources(G, Compiler, InDirs, Erls, DepOpts, Waiting#{Worker => {new, Source}})
%% @doc Scan all files in the digraph that are seen as dependencies, but are
%% neither source files nor artifacts (i.e. header files that don't produce
%% artifacts of any kind).
populate_deps(G, SourceExt, ArtifactExts) ->
%% deps are files that are part of the digraph, but couldn't be scanned
%% because they are neither source files (`SourceExt') nor mappings
%% towards build artifacts (`ArtifactExts'); they will therefore never
%% be handled otherwise and need to be re-scanned for accuracy, even
%% if they are not being analyzed (we assume `Compiler:deps' did that
%% in depth already, and improvements should be driven at that level)
IgnoredExts = [SourceExt | ArtifactExts],
Vertices = digraph:vertices(G),
[refresh_dep(G, digraph:vertex(G, File))
|| File <- Vertices,
Ext <- [filename:extension(File)],
not lists:member(Ext, IgnoredExts)],
%% @doc Take the timestamps/diff changes and propagate them from a dep to the
%% parent; given:
%% A 0 -> B 1 -> C 3 -> D 2
%% then we expect to get back:
%% A 3 -> B 3 -> C 3 -> D 2
%% This is going to be safe for the current run of regeneration, but also for the
%% next one; unless any file in the chain has changed, the stamp won't move up
%% and there won't be a reason to recompile.
%% The obvious caveat to this one is that a file changing by restoring an old version
%% won't be picked up, but this weakness already existed in terms of timestamps.
propagate_stamps(G) ->
case is_dirty(G) of
false ->
%% no change, no propagation to make
true ->
%% we can use a topsort, start at the end of it (files with no deps)
%% and update them all in order. By doing this, each file only needs to check
%% for one level of out-neighbours to set itself to the right appropriate time.
DepSort = lists:reverse(digraph_utils:topsort(G)),
propagate_stamps(G, DepSort)
%% @doc Return the reverse sorting order to get dep-free apps first.
compile_order(_, AppDefs, _SrcExt, _ArtifactExt) when length(AppDefs) =< 1 ->
[Name || {Name, _Path} <- AppDefs];
compile_order(G, AppDefs, SrcExt, ArtifactExt) ->
%% Build a digraph for following topo-sort, and populate
%% FileToApp map as a side effect for caching
AppDAG = digraph:new([acyclic]), % ignore cycles and hope it works
IsHeaderFile =
fun(File) ->
Ext = filename:extension(File),
(Ext =/= SrcExt) andalso (Ext =/= ArtifactExt)
fun(E, Cache) ->
case digraph:edge(G, E) of
{_, _, _, artifact} ->
%% skip artifacts, they don't affect compile order
{_, V1, V2, _} ->
case resolve_header_dependencies(V2, IsHeaderFile, Cache, G) of
{[], NewCache} ->
{ListOfDeps, NewCache} ->
fun(File, CurrentCache) ->
add_one_dependency_to_digraph(V1, File, CurrentCache, AppDefs, AppDAG)
end, new_cache(), digraph:edges(G)),
Standalone = [Name || {Name, _} <- AppDefs],
Sorted = interleave(Standalone, AppDAG),
%% Assume that the standalone app list respects the
%% rebar.config deps order, and enforce the sorted app
%% constraints onto it such that we're always respecting
%% the hard dependencies.
%% What we do here is a sort of run-length reordering based
%% on DAG information, which preserves the original dependency
%% order as declared, but successfully interleaves hard deps
%% to come first.
%% Note that this approach is required as opposed to topsort
%% because when the original DAG reports two distinct set of
%% app dependencies that are joined by an invisible compile-time
%% one (e.g. a parse_transform runtime dep between both sets),
%% then the topological sort can't provide the right ordering
%% information because it's flattened into one list, but
%% this one can.
interleave(Apps, DAG) ->
interleave(Apps, DAG, sets:new()).
interleave([], _, _) ->
interleave([App|Apps], DAG, Expanded) ->
case sets:is_element(App, Expanded) of
true ->
[App|interleave(Apps, DAG, Expanded)];
false ->
%% The DAG functions don't make it easy on insert to check for
%% duplicate edges across apps, so we clean them up here.
Deps = dedupe(digraph:out_neighbours(DAG, App)) -- sets:to_list(Expanded),
interleave(Deps ++ [App|Apps -- Deps], DAG, sets:add_element(App, Expanded))
dedupe(L) -> dedupe(L, sets:new()).
dedupe([], _) ->
dedupe([H|T], Set) ->
case sets:is_element(H, Set) of
true -> dedupe(T, Set);
false -> [H|dedupe(T, sets:add_element(H, Set))]
add_one_dependency_to_digraph(V1, V2, Cache, AppDefs, AppDAG) ->
%% First resolve the file we depend on so that we can shortcut resolution
%% If it is a file outside the repo.
case resolve_file_to_app(V2, AppDefs, Cache) of
{undefined, Cache1} ->
%% dependency on a file outside of the repo
{{ok, App}, Cache1} ->
case resolve_file_to_app(V1, AppDefs, Cache1) of
{{ok, App}, Cache2} ->
%% dependency within the same app
{undefined, Cache2} ->
%% A dependency from a file which is not part of the current set of apps we're
%% considering. This can happen for example when not all of your apps have
%% extra directories.
{{ok, AnotherApp}, Cache2} ->
%% actual dependency
%% unfortunately digraph has non-functional API depending on side effects
digraph:add_vertex(AppDAG, App), %% ignore errors for duplicate inserts
digraph:add_vertex(AppDAG, AnotherApp),
digraph:add_edge(AppDAG, AnotherApp, App),
-dialyzer({no_opaque, maybe_store/5}). % optimized digraph usage breaks opacity
%% @doc Store the DAG on disk if it was dirty
maybe_store(G, Dir, Compiler, Label, CritMeta) ->
case is_dirty(G) of
true ->
File = dag_file(Dir, Compiler, Label),
store_dag(G, File, CritMeta);
false ->
%% Get rid of the live state for the digraph; leave disk stuff in place.
terminate(G) ->
true = digraph:delete(G).
store_artifact(G, Source, Target, Meta) ->
digraph:add_vertex(G, Target, {artifact, Meta}),
digraph:add_edge(G, Target, Source, artifact).
%%% PRIVATE %%%
%% @private generate the name for the DAG based on the compiler module and
%% a custom label, both of which are used to prevent various compiler runs
%% from clobbering each other. The label `undefined' is kept for a default
%% run of the compiler, to keep in line with previous versions of the file.
dag_file(Dir, CompilerMod, undefined) ->
filename:join([rebar_dir:local_cache_dir(Dir), CompilerMod,
dag_file(Dir, CompilerMod, Label) ->
filename:join([rebar_dir:local_cache_dir(Dir), CompilerMod,
?DAG_ROOT ++ "_" ++ Label ++ ?DAG_EXT]).
-dialyzer({no_opaque, restore_dag/3}). % optimized digraph usage breaks opacity
restore_dag(G, File, CritMeta) ->
case file:read_file(File) of
{ok, Data} ->
%% The CritMeta value is checked and if it doesn't match, we fail
%% the whole restore operation.
#dag{vsn=?DAG_VSN, meta = CritMeta, vtab = VTab,
etab = ETab, ntab = NTab} = binary_to_term(Data),
{digraph, VT, ET, NT, false} = G,
true = ets:insert_new(VT, VTab),
true = ets:insert_new(ET, ETab),
true = ets:delete_all_objects(NT),
true = ets:insert(NT, NTab),
{error, _Err} ->
-dialyzer([{no_opaque, store_dag/3}, {no_return, store_dag/3}]). % optimized digraph usage breaks opacity
store_dag(G, File, CritMeta) ->
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(File),
{digraph, VT, ET, NT, false} = G,
Data = term_to_binary(#dag{meta = CritMeta, vtab = ets:tab2list(VT),
etab = ets:tab2list(ET), ntab = ets:select(NT, [{'_',[],['$_']}])}, [{compressed, 2}]),
file:write_file(File, Data).
%% Drop a file from the digraph if it doesn't exist, and if so,
%% delete its related build artifact
maybe_rm_artifact_and_edge(G, OutDir, SrcExt, Ext, Source) ->
%% This is NOT a double check it is the only check that the source file is actually gone
case filelib:is_regular(Source) of
true ->
%% Actually exists, don't delete
false ->
Edges = digraph:in_edges(G, Source),
Targets = [V1 || Edge <- Edges,
{_E, V1, _V2, artifact} <- [digraph:edge(G, Edge)]],
case Targets of
[] ->
Target = target(OutDir, Source, SrcExt, Ext),
?DIAGNOSTIC("Source ~ts is gone, deleting previous ~ts file if it exists ~ts", [Source, Ext, Target]),
[_|_] ->
lists:foreach(fun(Target) ->
?DIAGNOSTIC("Source ~ts is gone, deleting artifact ~ts "
"if it exists", [Source, Target]),
end, Targets)
digraph:del_vertex(G, Source),
maybe_rm_vertex(G, Source) ->
case filelib:is_regular(Source) of
true ->
false ->
digraph:del_vertex(G, Source),
%% Add dependencies of a given file to the DAG. If the file is not found yet,
%% mark its timestamp to 0, which means we have no info on it.
%% Source files will be covered at a later point in their own scan, and
%% non-source files are going to be covered by `populate_deps/3'.
prepopulate_deps(Compiler, InDirs, Source, DepOpts, Control) ->
{Worker, _MRef} = spawn_monitor(
fun () ->
SourceDir = filename:dirname(Source),
AbsIncls = case erlang:function_exported(Compiler, dependencies, 4) of
false ->
Compiler:dependencies(Source, SourceDir, InDirs);
true ->
Compiler:dependencies(Source, SourceDir, InDirs, DepOpts)
Control ! {deps, self(), AbsIncls}
%% check that a dep file is up to date
refresh_dep(_G, {artifact, _}) ->
%% ignore artifacts
refresh_dep(G, {File, LastUpdated}) ->
case filelib:last_modified(File) of
0 ->
%% Gone! Erase from the graph
digraph:del_vertex(G, File),
LastModified when LastUpdated < LastModified ->
digraph:add_vertex(G, File, LastModified),
_ ->
%% unchanged
%% Do the actual propagation of all files; the files are expected to be
%% in a topological order such that we don't need to go more than a level
%% deep in what we search.
propagate_stamps(_G, []) ->
propagate_stamps(G, [File|Files]) ->
Stamps = [Stamp
|| F <- digraph:out_neighbours(G, File),
{_, Stamp} <- [digraph:vertex(G, F)],
is_tuple(Stamp) andalso element(1, Stamp) =/= artifact],
case Stamps of
[] ->
_ ->
Max = lists:max(Stamps),
case digraph:vertex(G, File) of
{_, {artifact, _}} ->
{_, Smaller} when Smaller < Max ->
digraph:add_vertex(G, File, Max);
_ ->
propagate_stamps(G, Files).
%% @private Return what should be the base name of an erl file, relocated to the
%% target directory. For example:
%% target_base("ebin/", "src/my_module.erl", ".erl", ".beam") -> "ebin/my_module.beam"
target(OutDir, Source, SrcExt, Ext) ->
filename:join(OutDir, filename:basename(Source, SrcExt) ++ Ext).
%% Mark the digraph as having been modified, which is required to
%% save its updated form on disk after the compiling run.
%% This uses a magic vertex to carry the dirty state. This is less
%% than ideal because listing vertices may expect filenames and
%% instead there's going to be one trick atom through it.
mark_dirty(G) ->
digraph:add_vertex(G, '$r3_dirty_bit', true),
%% Check whether the digraph has been modified and is considered dirty.
is_dirty(G) ->
case digraph:vertex(G, '$r3_dirty_bit') of
{_, Bool} -> Bool;
false -> false
%% Remove the dirty status. Because the saving of a digraph on disk saves all
%% vertices, clear the flag before serializing it.
clear_dirty(G) ->
digraph:del_vertex(G, '$r3_dirty_bit').
%% Resolve all the dependencies of a header file transitively. Use a cache to
%% memoize the resolution.
resolve_header_dependencies(Name, IsHeaderFile, Cache, G) ->
case IsHeaderFile(Name) of
false ->
{[Name], Cache};
true ->
case lookup_header(Name, Cache) of
{ok, Deps} -> {Deps, Cache};
error ->
{Deps, NewCache} = resolve_full_header_file(Name, IsHeaderFile, Cache, G),
{Deps, add_header(Name, Deps, NewCache)}
resolve_full_header_file(Name, IsHeaderFile, Cache, G) ->
lists:foldl(fun(Dep, {Found, C}) ->
{Deps, C1} = resolve_header_dependencies(Dep, IsHeaderFile, C, G),
{Deps++Found, C1}
{[], Cache},
digraph:out_neighbours(G, Name)).
%% Resolve a file name to an app. Use a cache to
%% memoize the resolution.
resolve_file_to_app(File, AppDefs, Cache) ->
case lookup_file(File, Cache) of
error ->
App = resolve_full_file_to_app(File, AppDefs),
{App, add_file(File, App, Cache)};
{ok, App} ->
{App, Cache}
resolve_full_file_to_app(_File, []) ->
resolve_full_file_to_app(File, [{App, Dir} | Tail]) ->
case lists:prefix(Dir, File) of
true ->
{ok, App};
false ->
resolve_full_file_to_app(File, Tail)
%% This cache remembers resolutions of .hrl file dependencies and file to app resolutions.
new_cache() ->
{#{}, #{}}.
add_file(File, App, {FileCache, HeaderCache}) ->
{maps:put(File, App, FileCache), HeaderCache}.
add_header(Header, Deps, {FileCache, HeaderCache}) ->
{FileCache, maps:put(Header, Deps, HeaderCache)}.
lookup_file(File, {FileCache, _}) ->
maps:find(File, FileCache).
lookup_header(Hrl, {_, HeaderCache}) ->
maps:find(Hrl, HeaderCache).