%% -*- mode: erlang;erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- %% ex: ts=4 sw=4 ft=erlang et {deps, [{erlware_commons, "1.5.0"}, {ssl_verify_fun, "1.1.6"}, {certifi, "2.6.1"}, {providers, "1.8.1"}, {getopt, "1.0.1"}, {bbmustache, "1.10.0"}, {relx, "4.5.0"}, {cf, "0.3.1"}, {cth_readable, "1.5.1"}, {eunit_formatters, "0.5.0"}]}. {post_hooks, [{"(linux|darwin|solaris|freebsd|netbsd|openbsd)", escriptize, "cp \"$REBAR_BUILD_DIR/bin/rebar3\" ./rebar3"}, {"win32", escriptize, "robocopy \"%REBAR_BUILD_DIR%/bin/\" ./ rebar3* " "/njs /njh /nfl /ndl & exit /b 0"} % silence things ]}. {escript_name, rebar3}. {escript_wrappers_windows, ["cmd", "powershell"]}. {escript_comment, "%%Rebar3 3.17.0\n"}. {escript_emu_args, "%%! +sbtu +A1\n"}. %% escript_incl_priv is for internal rebar-private use only. %% Do not use outside rebar. Config interface is not stable. {escript_incl_priv, [{relx, "templates/*"}, {rebar, "templates/*"}]}. {overrides, [{add, relx, [{erl_opts, [{d, 'RLX_LOG', rebar_log}]}]}]}. {erl_opts, [warnings_as_errors, {platform_define, "^(2[1-9])|(20\\\\.3)", filelib_find_source}, {platform_define, "^(1|(20))", no_customize_hostname_check}, {platform_define, "^(20)", fun_stacktrace} ]}. {edoc_opts, [preprocess]}. %% Use OTP 23+ when dialyzing rebar3 {dialyzer, [ {warnings, [unknown]}, {plt_extra_apps, [parsetools, public_key]} ]}. %% Keep only the logs of the last 5 runs {ct_opts, [{keep_logs, 5}]}. %% Profiles {profiles, [{test, [ {deps, [{meck, "0.8.13"}]}, {erl_opts, [debug_info, nowarn_export_all]} ] }, {systest, [ {erl_opts, [debug_info, nowarn_export_all]}, {ct_opts, [{dir, "systest"}]} ]}, {dialyzer, [ {erl_opts, [debug_info, nowarn_export_all]} ]}, {bootstrap, []}, {prod, [ {erl_opts, [no_debug_info]}, {overrides, [ {override, erlware_commons, [ {erl_opts, [{platform_define, "^[0-9]+", namespaced_types}, {platform_define, "^R1[4|5]", deprecated_crypto}, {platform_define, "^((1[8|9])|2)", rand_module}, {platform_define, "^2", unicode_str}, {platform_define, "^(R|1|20)", fun_stacktrace}, no_debug_info, warnings_as_errors]}, {deps, []}, {plugins, []}]}, {add, ssl_verify_hostname, [{erl_opts, [no_debug_info]}]}, {add, certifi, [{erl_opts, [no_debug_info]}]}, {add, cf, [{erl_opts, [no_debug_info]}]}, {add, cth_readable, [{erl_opts, [no_debug_info]}]}, {add, eunit_formatters, [{erl_opts, [no_debug_info]}]}, {override, bbmustache, [ {erl_opts, [no_debug_info, {platform_define, "^[0-9]+", namespaced_types}]}, {deps, []}, {plugins, []}]}, {add, getopt, [{erl_opts, [no_debug_info]}]}, {add, providers, [{erl_opts, [no_debug_info]}]}, {add, relx, [{erl_opts, [no_debug_info]}]}]} ]} ]}.