%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- %% ex: ts=4 sw=4 et -module(rebar_relx). -export([do/2, opt_spec_list/0, format_error/1]). -ifdef(TEST). -export([merge_overlays/1]). -endif. -include_lib("providers/include/providers.hrl"). -include("rebar.hrl"). %% =================================================================== %% Public API %% =================================================================== -spec do(atom(), rebar_state:t()) -> {ok, rebar_state:t()} | {error, string()}. do(Provider, State) -> {Opts, _} = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State), RelxConfig = read_relx_config(State, Opts), ProfileString = rebar_dir:profile_dir_name(State), ExtraOverlays = [{profile_string, ProfileString}], CurrentProfiles = rebar_state:current_profiles(State), RelxMode = case lists:member(prod, CurrentProfiles) of true -> [{mode, prod}]; false -> [] end, DefaultOutputDir = filename:join(rebar_dir:base_dir(State), ?DEFAULT_RELEASE_DIR), RelxConfig1 = RelxMode ++ [output_dir(DefaultOutputDir, Opts), {overlay_vars_values, ExtraOverlays}, {overlay_vars, [{base_dir, rebar_dir:base_dir(State)} | overlay_vars(Opts)]} | merge_overlays(RelxConfig)], Args = [include_erts, system_libs, vm_args, sys_config], RelxConfig2 = maybe_obey_command_args(RelxConfig1, Opts, Args), {ok, RelxState_0} = rlx_config:to_state(RelxConfig2), XrefIgnores = rebar_state:get(State, xref_ignores, []), RelxState = rlx_state:filter_xref_warning(RelxState_0, fun(Warnings) -> rebar_prv_xref:filter_xref_results(undefined_function_calls, XrefIgnores, Warnings) end), Providers = rebar_state:providers(State), Cwd = rebar_state:dir(State), rebar_hooks:run_project_and_app_hooks(Cwd, pre, Provider, Providers, State), Releases = releases_to_build(Provider, Opts, RelxState), case Provider of relup -> {Release, ToVsn} = %% hd/1 can't fail because --all is not a valid option to relup case Releases of [{Rel,Vsn}|_] when is_atom(Rel) -> %% This is returned if --relvsn and --relname are given {Rel, Vsn}; [undefined|_] -> erlang:error(?PRV_ERROR(unknown_release)); [Rel|_] when is_atom(Rel) -> erlang:error(?PRV_ERROR(unknown_vsn)) end, UpFromVsn = proplists:get_value(upfrom, Opts, undefined), relx:build_relup(Release, ToVsn, UpFromVsn, RelxState); _ -> parallel_run(Provider, Releases, all_apps(State), RelxState) end, rebar_hooks:run_project_and_app_hooks(Cwd, post, Provider, Providers, State), {ok, State}. read_relx_config(State, Options) -> ConfigFile = proplists:get_value(config, Options, []), case ConfigFile of "" -> ConfigPath = filename:join([rebar_dir:root_dir(State), "relx.config"]), case {rebar_state:get(State, relx, []), file:consult(ConfigPath)} of {[], {ok, Config}} -> ?DEBUG("Configuring releases with relx.config", []), Config; {Config, {error, enoent}} -> ?DEBUG("Configuring releases the {relx, ...} entry" " from rebar.config", []), Config; {_, {error, Reason}} -> erlang:error(?PRV_ERROR({config_file, "relx.config", Reason})); {RebarConfig, {ok, _RelxConfig}} -> ?WARN("Found conflicting relx configs, configuring releases" " with rebar.config", []), RebarConfig end; ConfigFile -> case file:consult(ConfigFile) of {ok, Config} -> ?DEBUG("Configuring releases with: ~ts", [ConfigFile]), Config; {error, Reason} -> erlang:error(?PRV_ERROR({config_file, ConfigFile, Reason})) end end. -spec format_error(any()) -> iolist(). format_error(unknown_release) -> "Option --relname is missing"; format_error(unknown_vsn) -> "Option --relvsn is missing"; format_error(all_relup) -> "Option --all can not be applied to `relup` command"; format_error({config_file, Filename, Error}) -> io_lib:format("Failed to read config file ~ts: ~p", [Filename, Error]); format_error(Error) -> io_lib:format("~p", [Error]). %% parallel_run(release, [Release], AllApps, RelxState) -> relx:build_release(Release, AllApps, RelxState); parallel_run(tar, [Release], AllApps, RelxState) -> relx:build_tar(Release, AllApps, RelxState); parallel_run(Provider, Releases, AllApps, RelxState) -> rebar_parallel:queue(Releases, fun rel_worker/2, [Provider, AllApps, RelxState], fun rel_handler/2, []). rel_worker(Release, [Provider, Apps, RelxState]) -> try case Provider of release -> relx:build_release(Release, Apps, RelxState); tar -> relx:build_tar(Release, Apps, RelxState) end catch error:Error -> {Release, Error} end. rel_handler({{Name, Vsn}, {error, {Module, Reason}}}, _Args) -> ?ERROR("Error building release ~ts-~ts:~n~ts~ts", [Name, Vsn, rebar_utils:indent(1), Module:format_error(Reason)]), ok; rel_handler({{Name, Vsn}, Other}, _Args) -> ?ERROR("Error building release ~ts-~ts:~nUnknown return value: ~p", [Name, Vsn, Other]), ok; rel_handler({ok, _}, _) -> ok. releases_to_build(Provider, Opts, RelxState)-> case proplists:get_value(all, Opts, undefined) of undefined -> case proplists:get_value(relname, Opts, undefined) of undefined -> [undefined]; R -> case proplists:get_value(relvsn, Opts, undefined) of undefined -> [list_to_atom(R)]; RelVsn -> [{list_to_atom(R), RelVsn}] end end; true when Provider =:= relup -> erlang:error(?PRV_ERROR(all_relup)); true -> highest_unique_releases(rlx_state:configured_releases(RelxState)) end. %% takes a map of relx configured releases and returns a list of the highest %% version for each unique release name -spec highest_unique_releases(rlx_state:releases()) -> [{atom(), string() | undefined}]. highest_unique_releases(Releases) -> Unique = maps:fold(fun({Name, Vsn}, _, Acc) -> update_map_if_higher(Name, Vsn, Acc) end, #{}, Releases), maps:to_list(Unique). update_map_if_higher(Name, Vsn, Acc) -> maps:update_with(Name, fun(Vsn1) -> case rlx_util:parsed_vsn_lte(rlx_util:parse_vsn(Vsn1), rlx_util:parse_vsn(Vsn)) of true -> Vsn; false -> Vsn1 end end, Vsn, Acc). %% Don't override output_dir if the user passed one on the command line output_dir(DefaultOutputDir, Options) -> {output_dir, proplists:get_value(output_dir, Options, DefaultOutputDir)}. merge_overlays(Config) -> {Overlays, Others} = lists:partition(fun(C) when element(1, C) =:= overlay -> true; (_) -> false end, Config), %% Have profile overlay entries come before others to match how profiles work elsewhere NewOverlay = lists:flatmap(fun({overlay, Overlay}) -> Overlay end, lists:reverse(Overlays)), [{overlay, NewOverlay} | Others]. overlay_vars(Opts) -> case proplists:get_value(overlay_vars, Opts) of undefined -> []; [] -> []; FileName when is_list(FileName) -> [FileName] end. maybe_obey_command_args(RelxConfig, Opts, Args) -> lists:foldl( fun(Opt, Acc) -> case proplists:get_value(Opt, Opts) of undefined -> Acc; V -> lists:keystore(Opt, 1, Acc, {Opt, V}) end end, RelxConfig, Args). %% %% Returns a map of all apps that are part of the rebar3 project. %% This means the project apps and dependencies but not OTP libraries. -spec all_apps(rebar_state:t()) -> #{atom() => rlx_app_info:t()}. all_apps(State) -> maps:merge(app_infos_to_relx(rebar_state:project_apps(State), project), app_infos_to_relx(rebar_state:all_deps(State), dep)). %% -spec app_infos_to_relx([rlx_app_info:t()], rlx_app_info:app_type()) -> #{atom() => rlx_app_info:t()}. app_infos_to_relx(AppInfos, AppType) -> lists:foldl(fun(AppInfo, Acc) -> Acc#{binary_to_atom(rebar_app_info:name(AppInfo), utf8) => app_info_to_relx(rebar_app_info:app_to_map(AppInfo), AppType)} end, #{}, AppInfos). app_info_to_relx(#{name := Name, vsn := Vsn, applications := Applications, included_applications := IncludedApplications, dir := Dir, link := false}, AppType) -> rlx_app_info:new(Name, Vsn, Dir, Applications, IncludedApplications, AppType). -spec opt_spec_list() -> [getopt:option_spec()]. opt_spec_list() -> [{all, undefined, "all", boolean, "If true runs the command against all configured releases"}, {relname, $n, "relname", string, "Specify the name for the release that will be generated"}, {relvsn, $v, "relvsn", string, "Specify the version for the release"}, {upfrom, $u, "upfrom", string, "Only valid with relup target, specify the release to upgrade from"}, {output_dir, $o, "output-dir", string, "The output directory for the release. This is `./` by default."}, {help, $h, "help", undefined, "Print usage"}, {lib_dir, $l, "lib-dir", string, "Additional dir that should be searched for OTP Apps"}, {dev_mode, $d, "dev-mode", boolean, "Symlink the applications and configuration into the release instead of copying"}, {include_erts, $i, "include-erts", string, "If true include a copy of erts used to build with, if a path include erts at that path. If false, do not include erts"}, {override, $a, "override", string, "Provide an app name and a directory to override in the form :"}, {config, $c, "config", {string, ""}, "The path to a config file"}, {overlay_vars, undefined, "overlay_vars", string, "Path to a file of overlay variables"}, {vm_args, undefined, "vm_args", string, "Path to a file to use for vm.args"}, {sys_config, undefined, "sys_config", string, "Path to a file to use for sys.config"}, {system_libs, undefined, "system_libs", string, "Boolean or path to dir of Erlang system libs"}, {version, undefined, "version", undefined, "Print relx version"}, {root_dir, $r, "root", string, "The project root directory"}].