-module(certifi). -compile({parse_transform, certifi_pt}). -export([cacertfile/0, cacerts/0]). %% @doc CACertFile gives the path to the file with an X.509 certificate list %% containing the Mozilla CA Certificate that can then be used via the %% cacertfile setting in ssl options passed to the connect function. cacertfile() -> PrivDir = case code:priv_dir(certifi) of {error, _} -> %% try to get relative priv dir. useful for tests. AppDir = filename:dirname( filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)) ), filename:join(AppDir, "priv"); Dir -> Dir end, filename:join(PrivDir, "cacerts.pem"). %% @doc CACerts builds an X.509 certificate list containing the Mozilla CA %% Certificate that can then be used via the cacerts setting in ssl options %% passed to the connect function. -spec cacerts() -> [binary(),...]. cacerts() -> ok.