%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- %% ex: ts=4 sw=4 et -module(rebar_prv_clean). -behaviour(provider). -export([init/1, do/1, format_error/1]). -include("rebar.hrl"). -define(PROVIDER, clean). -define(DEPS, [app_discovery, install_deps]). %% =================================================================== %% Public API %% =================================================================== -spec init(rebar_state:t()) -> {ok, rebar_state:t()}. init(State) -> State1 = rebar_state:add_provider(State, providers:create([{name, ?PROVIDER}, {module, ?MODULE}, {bare, true}, {deps, ?DEPS}, {example, "rebar3 clean"}, {short_desc, "Remove compiled beam files from apps."}, {desc, "Remove compiled beam files from apps."}, {opts, [{all, $a, "all", undefined, "Clean all apps include deps"}, {apps, undefined, "apps", string, "Clean a specific list of apps or dependencies"}, {profile, $p, "profile", string, "Clean under profile. Equivalent to `rebar3 as clean`"}]}])), {ok, State1}. -spec do(rebar_state:t()) -> {ok, rebar_state:t()} | {error, string()}. do(State) -> Providers = rebar_state:providers(State), {All, Profiles, Specific} = handle_args(State), State1 = rebar_state:apply_profiles(State, [list_to_atom(X) || X <- Profiles]), Cwd = rebar_dir:get_cwd(), rebar_hooks:run_all_hooks(Cwd, pre, ?PROVIDER, Providers, State1), if All; Specific =/= [] -> DepsDir = rebar_dir:deps_dir(State1), DepsDirs = filelib:wildcard(filename:join(DepsDir, "*")), AllApps = rebar_app_discover:find_apps(DepsDirs, all, State), Filter = case All of true -> fun(_) -> true end; false -> fun(AppInfo) -> filter_name(AppInfo, Specific) end end, clean_apps(State1, Providers, AllApps, Filter); true -> ProjectApps = rebar_state:project_apps(State1), clean_apps(State1, Providers, ProjectApps, fun(_) -> true end) end, clean_extras(State1), rebar_hooks:run_all_hooks(Cwd, post, ?PROVIDER, Providers, State1), {ok, State1}. -spec format_error(any()) -> iolist(). format_error(Reason) -> io_lib:format("~p", [Reason]). %% =================================================================== %% Internal functions %% =================================================================== clean_apps(State, Providers, Apps, Filter) -> Compilers = rebar_state:compilers(State), [begin ?INFO("Cleaning out ~ts...", [rebar_app_info:name(AppInfo)]), AppDir = rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo), AppInfo1 = rebar_hooks:run_all_hooks(AppDir, pre, ?PROVIDER, Providers, AppInfo, State), rebar_compiler:clean(Compilers, AppInfo1), rebar_hooks:run_all_hooks(AppDir, post, ?PROVIDER, Providers, AppInfo1, State) end || AppInfo <- Apps, Filter(AppInfo)]. clean_extras(State) -> BaseDir = rebar_dir:base_dir(State), rebar_file_utils:rm_rf(filename:join([BaseDir, "extras"])). handle_args(State) -> {Args, _} = rebar_state:command_parsed_args(State), All = proplists:get_value(all, Args, false), Profiles = proplists:get_all_values(profile, Args), DepsRaw = proplists:get_value(apps, Args), Deps = parse_deps(DepsRaw), {All, Profiles, Deps}. parse_deps(undefined) -> []; parse_deps(Bin) -> case lists:usort(re:split(Bin, <<" *, *">>, [trim, unicode])) of [<<"">>] -> []; % nothing submitted Other -> Other end. filter_name(AppInfo, Names) -> Name = rebar_app_info:name(AppInfo), lists:member(Name, Names).