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2021-12-27 19:09:21 +00:00
suite() ->
init_per_suite(Config) ->
end_per_suite(_Config) ->
init_per_testcase(_, Config) ->
end_per_testcase(_, _Config) ->
catch meck:unload().
all() ->
[build_and_clean_app, run_hooks_once, run_hooks_once_profiles,
escriptize_artifacts, run_hooks_for_plugins, deps_hook_namespace,
bare_compile_hooks_default_ns, deps_clean_hook_namespace, eunit_app_hooks,
sub_app_hooks, root_hooks, drop_hook_args].
%% Test post provider hook cleans compiled project app, leaving it invalid
build_and_clean_app(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, [], ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name, valid}]}),
RConfFile =
[{provider_hooks, [{post, [{compile, clean}]}]}]),
{ok, RConf} = file:consult(RConfFile),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RConf,
["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name, invalid}]}).
escriptize_artifacts(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
Artifact = "{{profile_dir}}/bin/"++Name,
RConfFile =
{escript_name, list_to_atom(Name)}
,{artifacts, [Artifact]}
{ok, RConf} = file:consult(RConfFile),
try rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RConf, ["compile"], return)
{missing_artifact, Artifact}}} ->
RConfFile1 =
{escript_name, list_to_atom(Name)}
,{artifacts, [Artifact]}
,{provider_hooks, [{post, [{compile, escriptize}]}]}
{ok, RConf1} = file:consult(RConfFile1),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RConf1,
["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name, valid}
,{file, filename:join([AppDir, "_build/default/bin", Name])}]}).
run_hooks_once(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
RebarConfig = [{pre_hooks, [{compile, "mkdir \"$REBAR_ROOT_DIR/blah\""}]}],
rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppDir, RebarConfig),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name, valid}]}).
%% test that even if a hook is defined at the project level in a used profile
%% the hook is not run for each application in the project umbrella
run_hooks_once_profiles(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
RebarConfig = [{profiles, [{hooks, [{pre_hooks, [{compile, "mkdir \"$REBAR_ROOT_DIR/blah\""}]}]}]}],
rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppDir, RebarConfig),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RebarConfig, ["as", "hooks", "compile"], {ok, [{app, Name, valid}]}).
deps_hook_namespace(Config) ->
mock_git_resource:mock([{deps, [{some_dep, "0.0.1"}]}]),
Deps = rebar_test_utils:expand_deps(git, [{"some_dep", "0.0.1", []}]),
TopDeps = rebar_test_utils:top_level_deps(Deps),
RebarConfig = [
{deps, TopDeps},
{overrides, [
{override, some_dep, [
{provider_hooks, [
{pre, [
{compile, clean}
Config, RebarConfig, ["compile"],
{ok, [{dep, "some_dep"}]}
%% tests that hooks to compile when running bare compile run in the default namespace
bare_compile_hooks_default_ns(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
HookFile = filename:join([?config(priv_dir, Config), "bare-post.hook"]),
Cmd = case os:type() of
{win32, _} -> "dir";
_ -> "ls"
ConfOpts = [{provider_hooks, [{post, [{compile, clean}]}]},
{post_hooks, [{compile, Cmd ++ " > " ++ HookFile}]}],
RConfFile = rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppDir, ConfOpts),
{ok, RConf} = file:consult(RConfFile),
Config, RConf, ["bare", "compile", "--paths", "."],
{ok, []}
%% check that hooks did actually run
?assertMatch({ok, _}, file:read_file(HookFile)),
deps_clean_hook_namespace(Config) ->
mock_git_resource:mock([{deps, [{some_dep, "0.0.1"}]}]),
Deps = rebar_test_utils:expand_deps(git, [{"some_dep", "0.0.1", []}]),
TopDeps = rebar_test_utils:top_level_deps(Deps),
RebarConfig = [
{deps, TopDeps},
{overrides, [
{override, some_dep, [
{provider_hooks, [
{pre, [
{compile, clean}
Config, RebarConfig, ["clean"],
{ok, [{dep, "some_dep"}]}
%% Checks that a hook that is defined on an app (not a top level hook of a project with subapps) is run
eunit_app_hooks(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
RConfFile =
{escript_name, list_to_atom(Name)}
,{provider_hooks, [{post, [{eunit, escriptize}]}]}
{ok, RConf} = file:consult(RConfFile),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RConf,
["eunit"], {ok, [{app, Name, valid}
,{file, filename:join([AppDir, "_build/test/bin", Name])}]}).
run_hooks_for_plugins(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(AppDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
PluginName = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("plugin1_"),
mock_git_resource:mock([{config, [{pre_hooks, [{compile, "echo whatsup > randomfile"}]}]}]),
RConfFile = rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppDir,
[{plugins, [
{git, ""++PluginName++".git",
{tag, Vsn}}}
{ok, RConf} = file:consult(RConfFile),
rebar_test_utils:run_and_check(Config, RConf, ["compile"], {ok, [{app, Name, valid},
{plugin, PluginName},
{file, filename:join([AppDir, "_build", "default", "plugins", PluginName, "randomfile"])}]}).
%% test that a subapp of a project keeps its hooks
sub_app_hooks(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("sub_app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
SubAppsDir = filename:join([AppDir, "apps", Name]),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(SubAppsDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
rebar_test_utils:create_config(SubAppsDir, [{provider_hooks, [{post, [{compile, clean}]}]}]),
RConfFile = rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppDir, []),
{ok, RConf} = file:consult(RConfFile),
%% Build with deps.
Config, RConf, ["compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name, invalid}]}
%% test that hooks at the top level don't run in the subapps
root_hooks(Config) ->
AppDir = ?config(apps, Config),
Name = rebar_test_utils:create_random_name("sub_app1_"),
Vsn = rebar_test_utils:create_random_vsn(),
SubAppsDir = filename:join([AppDir, "apps", Name]),
rebar_test_utils:create_app(SubAppsDir, Name, Vsn, [kernel, stdlib]),
rebar_test_utils:create_config(SubAppsDir, [{provider_hooks, [{post, [{compile, clean}]}]}]),
RConfFile = rebar_test_utils:create_config(AppDir, [{pre_hooks, [{compile, "mkdir \"$REBAR_ROOT_DIR/blah\""}]}]),
{ok, RConf} = file:consult(RConfFile),
%% Build with deps.
Config, RConf, ["compile"],
{ok, [{app, Name, invalid}]}
drop_hook_args(Config) ->
RebarConfig = [
{provider_hooks, [
{pre, [{eunit, path}]}
Config, RebarConfig, ["eunit", "--cover=false"],
{ok, []}