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2021-12-27 19:09:21 +00:00
%%% @doc Compatibility module for string functionality
%%% for pre- and post-unicode support.
%%% Also contains other useful string functionality.
%% Compatibility exports
-export([join/2, split/2, lexemes/2, trim/1, trim/3, uppercase/1, lowercase/1, chr/2]).
%% Util exports
%% string:join/2 copy; string:join/2 is getting obsoleted
%% and replaced by lists:join/2, but lists:join/2 is too new
%% for version support (only appeared in 19.0) so it cannot be
%% used. Instead we just adopt join/2 locally and hope it works
%% for most unicode use cases anyway.
join([], Sep) when is_list(Sep) ->
join([H|T], Sep) ->
H ++ lists:append([Sep ++ X || X <- T]).
split(Str, SearchPattern) -> string:split(Str, SearchPattern).
lexemes(Str, SepList) -> string:lexemes(Str, SepList).
trim(Str) -> string:trim(Str).
trim(Str, Direction, Cluster=[_]) -> string:trim(Str, Direction, Cluster).
uppercase(Str) -> string:uppercase(Str).
lowercase(Str) -> string:lowercase(Str).
chr(S, C) when is_integer(C) -> chr(S, C, 1).
chr([C|_Cs], C, I) -> I;
chr([_|Cs], C, I) -> chr(Cs, C, I+1);
chr([], _C, _I) -> 0.
%% @doc
%% Given a string or binary, parse it into a list of terms, ala file:consult/1
-spec consult(unicode:chardata()) -> {error, term()} | [term()].
consult(Str) ->
consult([], unicode:characters_to_list(Str), []).
consult(Cont, Str, Acc) ->
case erl_scan:tokens(Cont, Str, 0) of
{done, Result, Remaining} ->
case Result of
{ok, Tokens, _} ->
case erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens) of
{ok, Term} -> consult([], Remaining, [Term | Acc]);
{error, Reason} -> {error, Reason}
{eof, _Other} ->
{error, Info, _} ->
{error, Info}
{more, Cont1} ->
consult(Cont1, eof, Acc)