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2021-12-27 19:09:21 +00:00
%%% @doc Meta-provider that dynamically compiles providers
%%% to run aliased commands.
%%% This is hackish and out-there, but this module has graduated
%%% from a plugin at after
%%% years of stability. Only some error checks were added
%% ===================================================================
%% Public API
%% ===================================================================
-spec init(rebar_state:t()) -> {ok, rebar_state:t()}.
init(State) ->
Aliases = rebar_state:get(State, alias, []),
lists:foldl(fun({Alias, Cmds}, {ok, StateAcc}) ->
case validate_provider(Alias, Cmds, State) of
true -> init_alias(Alias, Cmds, StateAcc);
false -> {ok, State}
end, {ok, State}, Aliases).
-dialyzer([{no_opaque, init_alias/3}, {no_return, init_alias/3}]). % warnings relate to use of opaque structures in :forms
init_alias(Alias, Cmds, State) ->
Module = list_to_atom("rebar_prv_alias_" ++ atom_to_list(Alias)),
MF = module(Module),
EF = exports(),
FF = do_func(Cmds),
{ok, _, Bin} = compile:forms([MF, EF, FF]),
code:load_binary(Module, "none", Bin),
Provider = providers:create([
{name, Alias},
{module, Module},
{bare, true},
{deps, []},
{example, example(Alias)},
{opts, []},
{short_desc, desc(Cmds)},
{desc, desc(Cmds)}
{ok, rebar_state:add_provider(State, Provider)}.
validate_provider(Alias, Cmds, State) ->
%% This would be caught and prevented anyway, but the warning
%% is friendlier
case providers:get_provider(Alias, rebar_state:providers(State)) of
not_found ->
%% check for circular deps in the alias.
case not proplists:is_defined(Alias, Cmds) of
true -> true;
false ->
?WARN("Alias ~p contains itself and would never "
"terminate. It will be ignored.",
_ ->
?WARN("Alias ~p is already the name of a command in "
"the default namespace and will be ignored.",
-dialyzer({no_unused, example/1}). % required since we suppress warnings for init_alias/3
example(Alias) ->
"rebar3 " ++ atom_to_list(Alias).
-dialyzer({no_unused, desc/1}). % required since we suppress warnings for init_alias/3
desc(Cmds) ->
"Equivalent to running: rebar3 do "
++ rebar_string:join(lists:map(fun to_desc/1, Cmds), ",").
to_desc({Cmd, Args}) when is_list(Args) ->
atom_to_list(Cmd) ++ " " ++ Args;
to_desc({Namespace, Cmd}) ->
atom_to_list(Namespace) ++ " " ++ atom_to_list(Cmd);
to_desc({Namespace, Cmd, Args}) ->
atom_to_list(Namespace) ++ " " ++ atom_to_list(Cmd) ++ " " ++ Args;
to_desc(Cmd) ->
module(Name) ->
{attribute, 1, module, Name}.
exports() ->
{attribute, 1, export, [{do, 1}]}.
do_func(Cmds) ->
{function, 1, do, 1,
[{clause, 1,
[{var, 1, 'State'}],
[{call, 1,
{remote, 1, {atom, 1, rebar_prv_do}, {atom, 1, do_tasks}},
[make_args(Cmds), {var, 1, 'State'}]}]}]}.
make_args(Cmds) ->
lists:map(fun make_tuple/1,
lists:map(fun make_arg/1, Cmds))).
make_arg({Namespace, Command, Args}) when is_atom(Namespace), is_atom(Command) ->
make_list([make_string(A) || A <- split_args(Args)])};
make_arg({Namespace, Command}) when is_atom(Namespace), is_atom(Command) ->
{make_atom(Namespace), make_atom(Command)};
make_arg({Cmd, Args}) ->
{make_string(Cmd), make_list([make_string(A) || A <- split_args(Args)])};
make_arg(Cmd) ->
{make_string(Cmd), make_list([])}.
make_tuple(Tuple) ->
{tuple, 1, tuple_to_list(Tuple)}.
make_list(List) ->
fun(Elem, Acc) -> {cons, 1, Elem, Acc} end,
{nil, 1},
make_string(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) ->
make_string(String) when is_list(String) ->
{string, 1, String}.
make_atom(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) ->
{atom, 1, Atom}.
%% In case someone used the long option format, the option needs to get
%% separated from its value.
split_args(Args) ->
lists:map(fun($=) -> 32; (C) -> C end, Args),
" ").