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2021-12-27 19:09:21 +00:00
%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; fill-column: 80 -*-
%%% Copyright 2012 Erlware, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
%%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
%%% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%%% a copy of the License at
%%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
%%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
%%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
%%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
%%% under the License.
%%% @author Joe Armstrong
%%% @author Eric Merritt
%%% @doc
%%% This is a pretty simple topological sort for erlang. It was
%%% originally written for ermake by Joe Armstrong back in '98. It
%%% has been pretty heavily modified by Eric Merritt since '06 and
%%% modified again for relx/rebar3 by Tristan Sloughter.
%%% A partial order on the set S is a set of pairs {Xi,Xj} such that
%%% some relation between Xi and Xj is obeyed.
%%% A topological sort of a partial order is a sequence of elements
%%% [X1, X2, X3 ...] such that if whenever {Xi, Xj} is in the partial
%%% order i < j
%%% @end
%% Types
-type pair() :: {{atom(), atom()}, {atom(), atom()}}.
-type name() :: {atom(), atom()}.
-type element() :: name() | pair().
%% API
%% @doc Do a topological sort on the list of pairs.
-spec sort([pair()]) -> {ok, [{atom(), atom()}]} | {error, any()}.
sort(Pairs) ->
iterate(Pairs, [], all(Pairs)).
%% Internal Functions
%% @doc Iterate over the system. @private
-spec iterate([pair()], [name()], [name()]) ->
{ok, [name()]} | {error, string()}.
iterate([], L, All) ->
{ok, remove_duplicates(L ++ subtract(All, L))};
iterate(Pairs, L, All) ->
case subtract(lhs(Pairs), rhs(Pairs)) of
[] ->
{error, "Cycle found in providers dependencies."};
Lhs ->
iterate(remove_pairs(Lhs, Pairs), L ++ Lhs, All)
-spec all([pair()]) -> [{atom(), atom()}].
all(L) ->
lhs(L) ++ rhs(L).
-spec lhs([pair()]) -> [{atom(), atom()}].
lhs(L) ->
[X || {X, _} <- L].
-spec rhs([pair()]) -> [{atom(), atom()}].
rhs(L) ->
[Y || {_, Y} <- L].
%% @doc all the elements in L1 which are not in L2
%% @private
-spec subtract([element()], [element()]) -> [element()].
subtract(L1, L2) ->
[X || X <- L1, not lists:member(X, L2)].
%% @doc remove dups from the list. @private
-spec remove_duplicates([element()]) -> [element()].
remove_duplicates([H|T]) ->
case lists:member(H, T) of
true ->
false ->
remove_duplicates([]) ->
%% @doc
%% removes all pairs from L2 where the first element
%% of each pair is a member of L1
%% L2' L1 = [X] L2 = [{X,Y}].
%% @private
-spec remove_pairs([{atom(), atom()}], [pair()]) -> [pair()].
remove_pairs(L1, L2) ->
[All || All={X, _Y} <- L2, not lists:member(X, L1)].