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2021-12-27 19:09:21 +00:00
%% vi:ts=4 sw=4 et
%% @copyright Dale Harvey
%% @doc Format dates in erlang
%% Licensed under the MIT license
%% This module formats erlang dates in the form {{Year, Month, Day},
%% {Hour, Minute, Second}} to printable strings, using (almost)
%% equivalent formatting rules as, US vs
%% European dates are disambiguated in the same way as
%% That is, Dates
%% in the m/d/y or d-m-y formats are disambiguated by looking at the
%% separator between the various components: if the separator is a
%% slash (/), then the American m/d/y is assumed; whereas if the
%% separator is a dash (-) or a dot (.), then the European d-m-y
%% format is assumed. To avoid potential ambiguity, it's best to use
%% ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD) dates.
%% erlang has no concept of timezone so the following
%% formats are not implemented: B e I O P T Z
%% formats c and r will also differ slightly
%% See tests at bottom for examples
-author("Dale Harvey <>").
-export([format/1, format/2]).
-export([parse/1, parse/2]).
%% These are used exclusively as guards and so the function like
%% defines make sense
-define( is_num(X), (X >= $0 andalso X =< $9) ).
-define( is_meridian(X), (X==[] orelse X==[am] orelse X==[pm]) ).
-define( is_us_sep(X), ( X==$/) ).
-define( is_world_sep(X), ( X==$-) ).
-define( MONTH_TAG, month ).
-define( is_year(X), (is_integer(X) andalso X > 31) ).
-define( is_day(X), (is_integer(X) andalso X =< 31) ).
-define( is_hinted_month(X), (is_tuple(X) andalso size(X)=:=2 andalso element(1,X)=:=?MONTH_TAG) ).
-define( is_month(X), ( (is_integer(X) andalso X =< 12) orelse ?is_hinted_month(X) ) ).
-define( is_tz_offset(H1,H2,M1,M2), (?is_num(H1) andalso ?is_num(H2) andalso ?is_num(M1) andalso ?is_num(M2)) ).
-define(GREGORIAN_SECONDS_1970, 62167219200).
-define(ISO_8601_DATETIME_FORMAT, "Y-m-dTG:i:sZ").
-define(ISO_8601_DATETIME_WITH_MS_FORMAT, "Y-m-dTG:i:s.fZ").
-type year() :: non_neg_integer().
-type month() :: 1..12 | {?MONTH_TAG, 1..12}.
-type day() :: 1..31.
-type hour() :: 0..23.
-type minute() :: 0..59.
-type second() :: 0..59.
-type microsecond() :: 0..999999.
-type daynum() :: 1..7.
-type date() :: {year(),month(),day()}.
-type time() :: {hour(),minute(),second()} | {hour(),minute(),second(),microsecond()}.
-type datetime() :: {date(),time()}.
-type now() :: {integer(),integer(),integer()}.
-spec format(string()) -> string().
%% @doc format current local time as Format
format(Format) ->
format(Format, calendar:universal_time(),[]).
-spec format(string(),datetime() | now()) -> string().
%% @doc format Date as Format
format(Format, {_,_,Ms}=Now) ->
{Date,{H,M,S}} = calendar:now_to_datetime(Now),
format(Format, {Date, {H,M,S,Ms}}, []);
format(Format, Date) ->
format(Format, Date, []).
-spec format_iso8601(datetime()) -> string().
%% @doc format date in the ISO8601 format
%% This always puts 'Z' as time zone, since we have no notion of timezone
format_iso8601({{_, _, _}, {_, _, _}} = Date) ->
format(?ISO_8601_DATETIME_FORMAT, Date);
format_iso8601({{_, _, _}, {_, _, _, _}} = Date) ->
format(?ISO_8601_DATETIME_WITH_MS_FORMAT, Date).
-spec parse(string()) -> datetime().
%% @doc parses the datetime from a string
parse(Date) ->
do_parse(Date, calendar:universal_time(),[]).
-spec parse(string(),datetime() | now()) -> datetime().
%% @doc parses the datetime from a string
parse(Date, {_,_,_}=Now) ->
do_parse(Date, calendar:now_to_datetime(Now), []);
parse(Date, Now) ->
do_parse(Date, Now, []).
do_parse(Date, Now, Opts) ->
case filter_hints(parse(tokenise(uppercase(Date), []), Now, Opts)) of
{error, bad_date} ->
erlang:throw({?MODULE, {bad_date, Date}});
{D1, T1} = {{Y, M, D}, {H, M1, S}}
when is_number(Y), is_number(M),
is_number(D), is_number(H),
is_number(M1), is_number(S) ->
case calendar:valid_date(D1) of
true -> {D1, T1};
false -> erlang:throw({?MODULE, {bad_date, Date}})
{D1, _T1, {Ms}} = {{Y, M, D}, {H, M1, S}, {Ms}}
when is_number(Y), is_number(M),
is_number(D), is_number(H),
is_number(M1), is_number(S),
is_number(Ms) ->
case calendar:valid_date(D1) of
true -> {D1, {H,M1,S,Ms}};
false -> erlang:throw({?MODULE, {bad_date, Date}})
Unknown -> erlang:throw({?MODULE, {bad_date, Date, Unknown }})
filter_hints({{Y, {?MONTH_TAG, M}, D}, {H, M1, S}}) ->
filter_hints({{Y, M, D}, {H, M1, S}});
filter_hints({{Y, {?MONTH_TAG, M}, D}, {H, M1, S}, {Ms}}) ->
filter_hints({{Y, M, D}, {H, M1, S}, {Ms}});
filter_hints(Other) ->
-spec nparse(string()) -> now().
%% @doc parses the datetime from a string into 'now' format
nparse(Date) ->
case parse(Date) of
{DateS, {H, M, S, Ms} } ->
GSeconds = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({DateS, {H, M, S} }),
ESeconds = GSeconds - ?GREGORIAN_SECONDS_1970,
{ESeconds div 1000000, ESeconds rem 1000000, Ms};
DateTime ->
GSeconds = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(DateTime),
ESeconds = GSeconds - ?GREGORIAN_SECONDS_1970,
{ESeconds div 1000000, ESeconds rem 1000000, 0}
parse([Year, X, Month, X, Day, Hour, $:, Min, $:, Sec, $., Micros, $Z ], _Now, _Opts)
when ?is_world_sep(X)
andalso (Micros >= 0 andalso Micros < 1000000)
andalso Year > 31 ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, []), Min, Sec}, {Micros}};
parse([Year, X, Month, X, Day, Hour, $:, Min, $:, Sec, $Z ], _Now, _Opts)
when (?is_us_sep(X) orelse ?is_world_sep(X))
andalso Year > 31 ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, []), Min, Sec}};
parse([Year, X, Month, X, Day, Hour, $:, Min, $:, Sec, $., Micros, $+, Off | _Rest ], _Now, _Opts)
when (?is_us_sep(X) orelse ?is_world_sep(X))
andalso (Micros >= 0 andalso Micros < 1000000)
andalso Year > 31 ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, []) - Off, Min, Sec}, {Micros}};
parse([Year, X, Month, X, Day, Hour, $:, Min, $:, Sec, $+, Off | _Rest ], _Now, _Opts)
when (?is_us_sep(X) orelse ?is_world_sep(X))
andalso Year > 31 ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, []) - Off, Min, Sec}, {0}};
parse([Year, X, Month, X, Day, Hour, $:, Min, $:, Sec, $., Micros, $-, Off | _Rest ], _Now, _Opts)
when (?is_us_sep(X) orelse ?is_world_sep(X))
andalso (Micros >= 0 andalso Micros < 1000000)
andalso Year > 31 ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, []) + Off, Min, Sec}, {Micros}};
parse([Year, X, Month, X, Day, Hour, $:, Min, $:, Sec, $-, Off | _Rest ], _Now, _Opts)
when (?is_us_sep(X) orelse ?is_world_sep(X))
andalso Year > 31 ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, []) + Off, Min, Sec}, {0}};
%% Date/Times 22 Aug 2008 6:35.0001 PM
parse([Year,X,Month,X,Day,Hour,$:,Min,$:,Sec,$., Ms | PAM], _Now, _Opts)
when ?is_meridian(PAM) andalso
(?is_us_sep(X) orelse ?is_world_sep(X))
andalso ?is_year(Year) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, PAM), Min, Sec}, {Ms}};
parse([Month,X,Day,X,Year,Hour,$:,Min,$:,Sec,$., Ms | PAM], _Now, _Opts)
when ?is_meridian(PAM) andalso ?is_us_sep(X)
andalso ?is_year(Year) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, PAM), Min, Sec}, {Ms}};
parse([Day,X,Month,X,Year,Hour,$:,Min,$:,Sec,$., Ms | PAM], _Now, _Opts)
when ?is_meridian(PAM) andalso ?is_world_sep(X)
andalso ?is_year(Year) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, PAM), Min, Sec}, {Ms}};
parse([Year,X,Month,X,Day,Hour,$:,Min,$:,Sec,$., Ms], _Now, _Opts)
when (?is_us_sep(X) orelse ?is_world_sep(X))
andalso ?is_year(Year) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour,[]), Min, Sec}, {Ms}};
parse([Month,X,Day,X,Year,Hour,$:,Min,$:,Sec,$., Ms], _Now, _Opts)
when ?is_us_sep(X) andalso ?is_month(Month) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, []), Min, Sec}, {Ms}};
parse([Day,X,Month,X,Year,Hour,$:,Min,$:,Sec,$., Ms ], _Now, _Opts)
when ?is_world_sep(X) andalso ?is_month(Month) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, []), Min, Sec}, {Ms}};
%% Date/Times Dec 1st, 2012 6:25 PM
parse([Month,Day,Year,Hour,$:,Min,$:,Sec | PAM], _Now, _Opts)
when ?is_meridian(PAM) andalso ?is_hinted_month(Month) andalso ?is_day(Day) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, PAM), Min, Sec}};
parse([Month,Day,Year,Hour,$:,Min | PAM], _Now, _Opts)
when ?is_meridian(PAM) andalso ?is_hinted_month(Month) andalso ?is_day(Day) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, PAM), Min, 0}};
parse([Month,Day,Year,Hour | PAM], _Now, _Opts)
when ?is_meridian(PAM) andalso ?is_hinted_month(Month) andalso ?is_day(Day) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, PAM), 0, 0}};
%% Date/Times Dec 1st, 2012 18:25:15 (no AM/PM)
parse([Month,Day,Year,Hour,$:,Min,$:,Sec], _Now, _Opts)
when ?is_hinted_month(Month) andalso ?is_day(Day) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, []), Min, Sec}};
parse([Month,Day,Year,Hour,$:,Min], _Now, _Opts)
when ?is_hinted_month(Month) andalso ?is_day(Day) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, []), Min, 0}};
%% Date/Times Fri Nov 21 14:55:26 +0000 2014 (Twitter format)
parse([Month, Day, Hour,$:,Min,$:,Sec, Year], _Now, _Opts)
when ?is_hinted_month(Month), ?is_day(Day), ?is_year(Year) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, []), Min, Sec}};
%% Times - 21:45, 13:45:54, 13:15PM etc
parse([Hour,$:,Min,$:,Sec | PAM], {Date, _Time}, _O) when ?is_meridian(PAM) ->
{Date, {hour(Hour, PAM), Min, Sec}};
parse([Hour,$:,Min | PAM], {Date, _Time}, _Opts) when ?is_meridian(PAM) ->
{Date, {hour(Hour, PAM), Min, 0}};
parse([Hour | PAM],{Date,_Time}, _Opts) when ?is_meridian(PAM) ->
{Date, {hour(Hour,PAM), 0, 0}};
%% Dates (Any combination with word month "aug 8th, 2008", "8 aug 2008", "2008 aug 21" "2008 5 aug" )
%% Will work because of the "Hinted month"
parse([Day,Month,Year], {_Date, Time}, _Opts)
when ?is_day(Day) andalso ?is_hinted_month(Month) andalso ?is_year(Year) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, Time};
parse([Month,Day,Year], {_Date, Time}, _Opts)
when ?is_day(Day) andalso ?is_hinted_month(Month) andalso ?is_year(Year) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, Time};
parse([Year,Day,Month], {_Date, Time}, _Opts)
when ?is_day(Day) andalso ?is_hinted_month(Month) andalso ?is_year(Year) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, Time};
parse([Year,Month,Day], {_Date, Time}, _Opts)
when ?is_day(Day) andalso ?is_hinted_month(Month) andalso ?is_year(Year) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, Time};
%% Dates 23/april/1963
parse([Day,Month,Year], {_Date, Time}, _Opts) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, Time};
parse([Year,X,Month,X,Day], {_Date, Time}, _Opts)
when (?is_us_sep(X) orelse ?is_world_sep(X))
andalso ?is_year(Year) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, Time};
parse([Month,X,Day,X,Year], {_Date, Time}, _Opts) when ?is_us_sep(X) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, Time};
parse([Day,X,Month,X,Year], {_Date, Time}, _Opts) when ?is_world_sep(X) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, Time};
%% Date/Times 22 Aug 2008 6:35 PM
%% Time is "7 PM"
parse([Year,X,Month,X,Day,Hour | PAM], _Date, _Opts)
when ?is_meridian(PAM) andalso
(?is_us_sep(X) orelse ?is_world_sep(X))
andalso ?is_year(Year) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, PAM), 0, 0}};
parse([Day,X,Month,X,Year,Hour | PAM], _Date, _Opts)
when ?is_meridian(PAM) andalso ?is_world_sep(X) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, PAM), 0, 0}};
parse([Month,X,Day,X,Year,Hour | PAM], _Date, _Opts)
when ?is_meridian(PAM) andalso ?is_us_sep(X) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, PAM), 0, 0}};
%% Time is "6:35 PM" ms return
parse([Year,X,Month,X,Day,Hour,$:,Min | PAM], _Date, _Opts)
when ?is_meridian(PAM) andalso
(?is_us_sep(X) orelse ?is_world_sep(X))
andalso ?is_year(Year) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, PAM), Min, 0}};
parse([Day,X,Month,X,Year,Hour,$:,Min | PAM], _Date, _Opts)
when ?is_meridian(PAM) andalso ?is_world_sep(X) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, PAM), Min, 0}};
parse([Month,X,Day,X,Year,Hour,$:,Min | PAM], _Date, _Opts)
when ?is_meridian(PAM) andalso ?is_us_sep(X) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, PAM), Min, 0}};
%% Time is "6:35:15 PM"
parse([Year,X,Month,X,Day,Hour,$:,Min,$:,Sec | PAM], _Now, _Opts)
when ?is_meridian(PAM) andalso
(?is_us_sep(X) orelse ?is_world_sep(X))
andalso ?is_year(Year) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, PAM), Min, Sec}};
parse([Month,X,Day,X,Year,Hour,$:,Min,$:,Sec | PAM], _Now, _Opts)
when ?is_meridian(PAM) andalso ?is_us_sep(X) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, PAM), Min, Sec}};
parse([Day,X,Month,X,Year,Hour,$:,Min,$:,Sec | PAM], _Now, _Opts)
when ?is_meridian(PAM) andalso ?is_world_sep(X) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, PAM), Min, Sec}};
parse([Day,Month,Year,Hour | PAM], _Now, _Opts)
when ?is_meridian(PAM) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, PAM), 0, 0}};
parse([Day,Month,Year,Hour,$:,Min | PAM], _Now, _Opts)
when ?is_meridian(PAM) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, PAM), Min, 0}};
parse([Day,Month,Year,Hour,$:,Min,$:,Sec | PAM], _Now, _Opts)
when ?is_meridian(PAM) ->
{{Year, Month, Day}, {hour(Hour, PAM), Min, Sec}};
parse(_Tokens, _Now, _Opts) ->
{error, bad_date}.
tokenise([], Acc) ->
%% ISO 8601 fractions of a second
tokenise([$., N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6 | Rest], Acc)
when ?is_num(N1), ?is_num(N2), ?is_num(N3), ?is_num(N4), ?is_num(N5), ?is_num(N6) ->
tokenise(Rest, [ ltoi([N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6]), $. | Acc]);
tokenise([$., N1, N2, N3, N4, N5 | Rest], Acc)
when ?is_num(N1), ?is_num(N2), ?is_num(N3), ?is_num(N4), ?is_num(N5) ->
tokenise(Rest, [ ltoi([N1, N2, N3, N4, N5]) * 10, $. | Acc]);
tokenise([$., N1, N2, N3, N4 | Rest], Acc)
when ?is_num(N1), ?is_num(N2), ?is_num(N3), ?is_num(N4) ->
tokenise(Rest, [ ltoi([N1, N2, N3, N4]) * 100, $. | Acc]);
tokenise([$., N1, N2, N3 | Rest], Acc) when ?is_num(N1), ?is_num(N2), ?is_num(N3) ->
tokenise(Rest, [ ltoi([N1, N2, N3]) * 1000, $. | Acc]);
tokenise([$., N1, N2 | Rest], Acc) when ?is_num(N1), ?is_num(N2) ->
tokenise(Rest, [ ltoi([N1, N2]) * 10000, $. | Acc]);
tokenise([$., N1 | Rest], Acc) when ?is_num(N1) ->
tokenise(Rest, [ ltoi([N1]) * 100000, $. | Acc]);
tokenise([N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6 | Rest], Acc)
when ?is_num(N1), ?is_num(N2), ?is_num(N3), ?is_num(N4), ?is_num(N5), ?is_num(N6) ->
tokenise(Rest, [ ltoi([N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6]) | Acc]);
tokenise([N1, N2, N3, N4, N5 | Rest], Acc)
when ?is_num(N1), ?is_num(N2), ?is_num(N3), ?is_num(N4), ?is_num(N5) ->
tokenise(Rest, [ ltoi([N1, N2, N3, N4, N5]) | Acc]);
tokenise([N1, N2, N3, N4 | Rest], Acc)
when ?is_num(N1), ?is_num(N2), ?is_num(N3), ?is_num(N4) ->
tokenise(Rest, [ ltoi([N1, N2, N3, N4]) | Acc]);
tokenise([N1, N2, N3 | Rest], Acc)
when ?is_num(N1), ?is_num(N2), ?is_num(N3) ->
tokenise(Rest, [ ltoi([N1, N2, N3]) | Acc]);
tokenise([N1, N2 | Rest], Acc)
when ?is_num(N1), ?is_num(N2) ->
tokenise(Rest, [ ltoi([N1, N2]) | Acc]);
tokenise([N1 | Rest], Acc)
when ?is_num(N1) ->
tokenise(Rest, [ ltoi([N1]) | Acc]);
%% Worded Months get tagged with ?MONTH_TAG to let the parser know that these
%% are unambiguously declared to be months. This was there's no confusion
%% between, for example: "Aug 12" and "12 Aug"
%% These hint tags are filtered in filter_hints/1 above.
tokenise("JANUARY"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,1} | Acc]);
tokenise("JAN"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,1} | Acc]);
tokenise("FEBRUARY"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,2} | Acc]);
tokenise("FEB"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,2} | Acc]);
tokenise("MARCH"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,3} | Acc]);
tokenise("MAR"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,3} | Acc]);
tokenise("APRIL"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,4} | Acc]);
tokenise("APR"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,4} | Acc]);
tokenise("MAY"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,5} | Acc]);
tokenise("JUNE"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,6} | Acc]);
tokenise("JUN"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,6} | Acc]);
tokenise("JULY"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,7} | Acc]);
tokenise("JUL"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,7} | Acc]);
tokenise("AUGUST"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,8} | Acc]);
tokenise("AUG"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,8} | Acc]);
tokenise("SEPTEMBER"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,9} | Acc]);
tokenise("SEPT"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,9} | Acc]);
tokenise("SEP"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,9} | Acc]);
tokenise("OCTOBER"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,10} | Acc]);
tokenise("OCT"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,10} | Acc]);
tokenise("NOVEMBER"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,11} | Acc]);
tokenise("NOVEM"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,11} | Acc]);
tokenise("NOV"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,11} | Acc]);
tokenise("DECEMBER"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,12} | Acc]);
tokenise("DECEM"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,12} | Acc]);
tokenise("DEC"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [{?MONTH_TAG,12} | Acc]);
tokenise([$: | Rest], Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [ $: | Acc]);
tokenise([$/ | Rest], Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [ $/ | Acc]);
tokenise([$- | Rest], Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [ $- | Acc]);
tokenise("AM"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [am | Acc]);
tokenise("PM"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [pm | Acc]);
tokenise("A"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [am | Acc]);
tokenise("P"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [pm | Acc]);
%% Postel's Law
%% be conservative in what you do,
%% be liberal in what you accept from others.
%% See RFC 793 Section 2.10
%% Mebbies folk want to include Saturday etc in a date, nae borra
tokenise("MONDAY"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc);
tokenise("MON"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc);
tokenise("TUESDAY"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc);
tokenise("TUES"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc);
tokenise("TUE"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc);
tokenise("WEDNESDAY"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc);
tokenise("WEDS"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc);
tokenise("WED"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc);
tokenise("THURSDAY"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc);
tokenise("THURS"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc);
tokenise("THUR"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc);
tokenise("THU"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc);
tokenise("FRIDAY"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc);
tokenise("FRI"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc);
tokenise("SATURDAY"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc);
tokenise("SAT"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc);
tokenise("SUNDAY"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc);
tokenise("SUN"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc);
%% Hmm Excel reports GMT in times so nuke that too
tokenise("GMT"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc);
tokenise("UTC"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc);
tokenise("DST"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc); % daylight saving time
tokenise([$, | Rest], Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc);
tokenise([32 | Rest], Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc); % Spaces
tokenise("TH"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc);
tokenise("ND"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc);
tokenise("ST"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc);
tokenise("OF"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc);
tokenise("T"++Rest, Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc); % 2012-12-12T12:12:12 ISO formatting.
tokenise([$Z | Rest], Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [$Z | Acc]); % 2012-12-12T12:12:12Zulu
tokenise([$+, H1,H2,M1,M2| Rest], Acc) when ?is_tz_offset(H1,H2,M1,M2) -> tokenise(Rest, Acc); % Tue Nov 11 15:03:18 +0000 2014 Twitter format
tokenise([$+| Rest], Acc) -> tokenise(Rest, [$+ | Acc]); % 2012-12-12T12:12:12.xxxx+ ISO formatting.
tokenise([Else | Rest], Acc) ->
tokenise(Rest, [{bad_token, Else} | Acc]).
hour(Hour, []) -> Hour;
hour(12, [am]) -> 0;
hour(Hour, [am]) -> Hour;
hour(12, [pm]) -> 12;
hour(Hour, [pm]) -> Hour+12.
-spec format(string(),datetime(),list()) -> string().
%% Finished, return
format([], _Date, Acc) ->
%% Escape backslashes
format([$\\,H|T], Dt, Acc) ->
%% Year Formats
format([$Y|T], {{Y,_,_},_}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [itol(Y)|Acc]);
format([$y|T], {{Y,_,_},_}=Dt, Acc) ->
[_, _, Y3, Y4] = itol(Y),
format(T, Dt, [[Y3,Y4]|Acc]);
format([$L|T], {{Y,_,_},_}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [itol(is_leap(Y))|Acc]);
format([$o|T], {Date,_}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [itol(iso_year(Date))|Acc]);
%% Month Formats
format([$n|T], {{_,M,_},_}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [itol(M)|Acc]);
format([$m|T], {{_,M,_},_}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [pad2(M)|Acc]);
format([$M|T], {{_,M,_},_}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [smonth(M)|Acc]);
format([$F|T], {{_,M,_},_}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [month(M)|Acc]);
format([$t|T], {{Y,M,_},_}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [itol(calendar:last_day_of_the_month(Y,M))|Acc]);
%% Week Formats
format([$W|T], {Date,_}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [pad2(iso_week(Date))|Acc]);
%% Day Formats
format([$j|T], {{_,_,D},_}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [itol(D)|Acc]);
format([$S|T], {{_,_,D},_}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt,[suffix(D)| Acc]);
format([$d|T], {{_,_,D},_}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [pad2(D)|Acc]);
format([$D|T], {Date,_}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [sdayd(Date)|Acc]);
format([$l|T], {Date,_}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [day(calendar:day_of_the_week(Date))|Acc]);
format([$N|T], {Date,_}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [itol(calendar:day_of_the_week(Date))|Acc]);
format([$w|T], {Date,_}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [itol(to_w(calendar:day_of_the_week(Date)))|Acc]);
format([$z|T], {Date,_}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [itol(days_in_year(Date))|Acc]);
%% Time Formats
format([$a|T], Dt={_,{H,_,_}}, Acc) when H >= 12 ->
format(T, Dt, ["pm"|Acc]);
format([$a|T], Dt={_,{_,_,_}}, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, ["am"|Acc]);
format([$A|T], {_,{H,_,_}}=Dt, Acc) when H >= 12 ->
format(T, Dt, ["PM"|Acc]);
format([$A|T], Dt={_,{_,_,_}}, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, ["AM"|Acc]);
format([$g|T], {_,{H,_,_}}=Dt, Acc) when H == 12; H == 0 ->
format(T, Dt, ["12"|Acc]);
format([$g|T], {_,{H,_,_}}=Dt, Acc) when H > 12 ->
format(T, Dt, [itol(H-12)|Acc]);
format([$g|T], {_,{H,_,_}}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [itol(H)|Acc]);
format([$G|T], {_,{H,_,_}}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [pad2(H)|Acc]);
format([$h|T], {_,{H,_,_}}=Dt, Acc) when H > 12 ->
format(T, Dt, [pad2(H-12)|Acc]);
format([$h|T], {_,{H,_,_}}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [pad2(H)|Acc]);
format([$H|T], {_,{H,_,_}}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [pad2(H)|Acc]);
format([$i|T], {_,{_,M,_}}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [pad2(M)|Acc]);
format([$s|T], {_,{_,_,S}}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [pad2(S)|Acc]);
format([$f|T], {_,{_,_,_}}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [itol(0)|Acc]);
%% Time Formats ms
format([$a|T], Dt={_,{H,_,_,_}}, Acc) when H > 12 ->
format(T, Dt, ["pm"|Acc]);
format([$a|T], Dt={_,{_,_,_,_}}, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, ["am"|Acc]);
format([$A|T], {_,{H,_,_,_}}=Dt, Acc) when H > 12 ->
format(T, Dt, ["PM"|Acc]);
format([$A|T], Dt={_,{_,_,_,_}}, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, ["AM"|Acc]);
format([$g|T], {_,{H,_,_,_}}=Dt, Acc) when H == 12; H == 0 ->
format(T, Dt, ["12"|Acc]);
format([$g|T], {_,{H,_,_,_}}=Dt, Acc) when H > 12 ->
format(T, Dt, [itol(H-12)|Acc]);
format([$g|T], {_,{H,_,_,_}}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [itol(H)|Acc]);
format([$G|T], {_,{H,_,_,_}}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [pad2(H)|Acc]);
format([$h|T], {_,{H,_,_,_}}=Dt, Acc) when H > 12 ->
format(T, Dt, [pad2(H-12)|Acc]);
format([$h|T], {_,{H,_,_,_}}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [pad2(H)|Acc]);
format([$H|T], {_,{H,_,_,_}}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [pad2(H)|Acc]);
format([$i|T], {_,{_,M,_,_}}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [pad2(M)|Acc]);
format([$s|T], {_,{_,_,S,_}}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [pad2(S)|Acc]);
format([$f|T], {_,{_,_,_,Ms}}=Dt, Acc) ->
format(T, Dt, [pad6(Ms)|Acc]);
%% Whole Dates
format([$c|T], {{Y,M,D},{H,Min,S}}=Dt, Acc) ->
Format = "~4.10.0B-~2.10.0B-~2.10.0B"
++" ~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B",
Date = io_lib:format(Format, [Y, M, D, H, Min, S]),
format(T, Dt, [Date|Acc]);
format([$r|T], {{Y,M,D},{H,Min,S}}=Dt, Acc) ->
Format = "~s, ~p ~s ~p ~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B",
Args = [sdayd({Y,M,D}), D, smonth(M), Y, H, Min, S],
format(T, Dt, [io_lib:format(Format, Args)|Acc]);
format([$U|T], Dt, Acc) ->
Epoch = {{1970,1,1},{0,0,0}},
Time = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Dt) -
format(T, Dt, [itol(Time)|Acc]);
%% Unrecognised, print as is
format([H|T], Date, Acc) ->
format(T, Date, [H|Acc]).
%% @doc days in year
-spec days_in_year(date()) -> integer().
days_in_year({Y,_,_}=Date) ->
calendar:date_to_gregorian_days(Date) -
%% @doc is a leap year
-spec is_leap(year()) -> 1|0.
is_leap(Y) ->
case calendar:is_leap_year(Y) of
true -> 1;
false -> 0
%% @doc Made up numeric day of the week
%% (0 Sunday -> 6 Saturday)
-spec to_w(daynum()) -> integer().
to_w(7) -> 0;
to_w(X) -> X.
-spec suffix(day()) -> string().
%% @doc English ordinal suffix for the day of the
%% month, 2 characters
suffix(1) -> "st";
suffix(2) -> "nd";
suffix(3) -> "rd";
suffix(21) -> "st";
suffix(22) -> "nd";
suffix(23) -> "rd";
suffix(31) -> "st";
suffix(_) -> "th".
-spec sdayd(date()) -> string().
%% @doc A textual representation of a day, three letters
sdayd({Y,M,D}) ->
-spec sday(daynum()) -> string().
%% @doc A textual representation of a day, three letters
sday(1) -> "Mon";
sday(2) -> "Tue";
sday(3) -> "Wed";
sday(4) -> "Thu";
sday(5) -> "Fri";
sday(6) -> "Sat";
sday(7) -> "Sun".
-spec day(daynum()) -> string().
%% @doc A full textual representation of a day
day(1) -> "Monday";
day(2) -> "Tuesday";
day(3) -> "Wednesday";
day(4) -> "Thursday";
day(5) -> "Friday";
day(6) -> "Saturday";
day(7) -> "Sunday".
-spec smonth(month()) -> string().
%% @doc A short textual representation of a
%% month, three letters
smonth(1) -> "Jan";
smonth(2) -> "Feb";
smonth(3) -> "Mar";
smonth(4) -> "Apr";
smonth(5) -> "May";
smonth(6) -> "Jun";
smonth(7) -> "Jul";
smonth(8) -> "Aug";
smonth(9) -> "Sep";
smonth(10) -> "Oct";
smonth(11) -> "Nov";
smonth(12) -> "Dec".
-spec month(month()) -> string().
%% @doc A full textual representation of a month
month(1) -> "January";
month(2) -> "February";
month(3) -> "March";
month(4) -> "April";
month(5) -> "May";
month(6) -> "June";
month(7) -> "July";
month(8) -> "August";
month(9) -> "September";
month(10) -> "October";
month(11) -> "November";
month(12) -> "December".
-spec iso_week(date()) -> integer().
%% @doc The week of the years as defined in ISO 8601
iso_week(Date) ->
Week = iso_week_one(iso_year(Date)),
Days = calendar:date_to_gregorian_days(Date) -
trunc((Days / 7) + 1).
-spec iso_year(date()) -> integer().
%% @doc The year number as defined in ISO 8601
iso_year({Y, _M, _D}=Dt) ->
case Dt >= {Y, 12, 29} of
true ->
case Dt < iso_week_one(Y+1) of
true -> Y;
false -> Y+1
false ->
case Dt < iso_week_one(Y) of
true -> Y-1;
false -> Y
-spec iso_week_one(year()) -> date().
%% @doc The date of the the first day of the first week
%% in the ISO calendar
iso_week_one(Y) ->
Day1 = calendar:day_of_the_week({Y,1,4}),
Days = calendar:date_to_gregorian_days({Y,1,4}) + (1-Day1),
-spec itol(integer()) -> list().
%% @doc short hand
itol(X) ->
-spec pad2(integer() | float()) -> list().
%% @doc int padded with 0 to make sure its 2 chars
pad2(X) when is_integer(X) ->
pad2(X) when is_float(X) ->
-spec pad6(integer()) -> list().
pad6(X) when is_integer(X) ->
ltoi(X) ->
uppercase(Str) -> string:uppercase(Str).
uppercase(Str) -> string:to_upper(Str).
%%% Tests
-define(DATE, {{2001,3,10},{17,16,17}}).
-define(DATEMS, {{2001,3,10},{17,16,17,123456}}).
-define(DATE_NOON, {{2001,3,10},{12,0,0}}).
-define(DATE_MIDNIGHT, {{2001,3,10},{0,0,0}}).
-define(ISO, "o \\WW").
basic_format_test_() ->
?_assertEqual(format("F j, Y, g:i a",?DATE), "March 10, 2001, 5:16 pm"),
?_assertEqual(format("F jS, Y, g:i a",?DATE), "March 10th, 2001, 5:16 pm"),
?_assertEqual(format("F jS",{{2011,3,21},{0,0,0}}), "March 21st"),
?_assertEqual(format("F jS",{{2011,3,22},{0,0,0}}), "March 22nd"),
?_assertEqual(format("F jS",{{2011,3,23},{0,0,0}}), "March 23rd"),
?_assertEqual(format("F jS",{{2011,3,31},{0,0,0}}), "March 31st"),
?_assertEqual(format("m.d.y",?DATE), "03.10.01"),
?_assertEqual(format("j, n, Y",?DATE), "10, 3, 2001"),
?_assertEqual(format("Ymd",?DATE), "20010310"),
?_assertEqual(format("H:i:s",?DATE), "17:16:17"),
?_assertEqual(format("z",?DATE), "68"),
?_assertEqual(format("D M j G:i:s Y",?DATE), "Sat Mar 10 17:16:17 2001"),
?_assertEqual(format("ga",?DATE_NOON), "12pm"),
?_assertEqual(format("gA",?DATE_NOON), "12PM"),
?_assertEqual(format("ga",?DATE_MIDNIGHT), "12am"),
?_assertEqual(format("gA",?DATE_MIDNIGHT), "12AM"),
?_assertEqual(format("h-i-s, j-m-y, it is w Day",?DATE),
"05-16-17, 10-03-01, 1631 1617 6 Satpm01"),
?_assertEqual(format("\\i\\t \\i\\s \\t\\h\\e\\ jS \\d\\a\\y.",?DATE),
"it is the 10th day."),
?_assertEqual(format("H:m:s \\m \\i\\s \\m\\o\\n\\t\\h",?DATE),
"17:03:17 m is month")
basic_parse_test_() ->
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {17,16,17}},
parse("22nd of August 2008", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {6,0,0}},
parse("22-Aug-2008 6 AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {6,35,0}},
parse("22-Aug-2008 6:35 AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {6,35,12}},
parse("22-Aug-2008 6:35:12 AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {6,0,0}},
parse("August/22/2008 6 AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {6,35,0}},
parse("August/22/2008 6:35 AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {6,35,0}},
parse("22 August 2008 6:35 AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {6,0,0}},
parse("22 Aug 2008 6AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {6,35,0}},
parse("22 Aug 2008 6:35AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {6,35,0}},
parse("22 Aug 2008 6:35 AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {6,0,0}},
parse("22 Aug 2008 6", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {6,35,0}},
parse("22 Aug 2008 6:35", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {18,35,0}},
parse("22 Aug 2008 6:35 PM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {18,0,0}},
parse("22 Aug 2008 6 PM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {18,0,0}},
parse("Aug 22, 2008 6 PM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {18,0,0}},
parse("August 22nd, 2008 6:00 PM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {18,15,15}},
parse("August 22nd 2008, 6:15:15pm", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {18,15,15}},
parse("August 22nd, 2008, 6:15:15pm", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {18,15,0}},
parse("Aug 22nd 2008, 18:15", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,2}, {17,16,17}},
parse("2nd of August 2008", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,2}, {17,16,17}},
parse("August 2nd, 2008", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,2}, {17,16,17}},
parse("2nd August, 2008", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,2}, {17,16,17}},
parse("2008 August 2nd", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,2}, {6,0,0}},
parse("2-Aug-2008 6 AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,2}, {6,35,0}},
parse("2-Aug-2008 6:35 AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,2}, {6,35,12}},
parse("2-Aug-2008 6:35:12 AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,2}, {6,0,0}},
parse("August/2/2008 6 AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,2}, {6,35,0}},
parse("August/2/2008 6:35 AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,2}, {6,35,0}},
parse("2 August 2008 6:35 AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,2}, {6,0,0}},
parse("2 Aug 2008 6AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,2}, {6,35,0}},
parse("2 Aug 2008 6:35AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,2}, {6,35,0}},
parse("2 Aug 2008 6:35 AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,2}, {6,0,0}},
parse("2 Aug 2008 6", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,2}, {6,35,0}},
parse("2 Aug 2008 6:35", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,2}, {18,35,0}},
parse("2 Aug 2008 6:35 PM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,2}, {18,0,0}},
parse("2 Aug 2008 6 PM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,2}, {18,0,0}},
parse("Aug 2, 2008 6 PM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,2}, {18,0,0}},
parse("August 2nd, 2008 6:00 PM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,2}, {18,15,15}},
parse("August 2nd 2008, 6:15:15pm", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,2}, {18,15,15}},
parse("August 2nd, 2008, 6:15:15pm", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,2}, {18,15,0}},
parse("Aug 2nd 2008, 18:15", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2012,12,10}, {0,0,0}},
parse("Dec 10th, 2012, 12:00 AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2012,12,10}, {0,0,0}},
parse("10 Dec 2012 12:00 AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2001,3,10}, {11,15,0}},
parse("11:15", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2001,3,10}, {1,15,0}},
parse("1:15", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2001,3,10}, {1,15,0}},
parse("1:15 am", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2001,3,10}, {0,15,0}},
parse("12:15 am", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2001,3,10}, {12,15,0}},
parse("12:15 pm", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2001,3,10}, {3,45,39}},
parse("3:45:39", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{1963,4,23}, {17,16,17}},
parse("23-4-1963", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{1963,4,23}, {17,16,17}},
parse("23-april-1963", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{1963,4,23}, {17,16,17}},
parse("23-apr-1963", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{1963,4,23}, {17,16,17}},
parse("4/23/1963", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{1963,4,23}, {17,16,17}},
parse("april/23/1963", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{1963,4,23}, {17,16,17}},
parse("apr/23/1963", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{1963,4,23}, {17,16,17}},
parse("1963/4/23", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{1963,4,23}, {17,16,17}},
parse("1963/april/23", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{1963,4,23}, {17,16,17}},
parse("1963/apr/23", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{1963,4,23}, {17,16,17}},
parse("1963-4-23", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{1963,4,23}, {17,16,17}},
parse("1963-4-23", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{1963,4,23}, {17,16,17}},
parse("1963-apr-23", ?DATE)),
?_assertThrow({?MODULE, {bad_date, "23/ap/195"}},
parse("23/ap/195", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2001,3,10}, {6,45,0}},
parse("6:45 am", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2001,3,10}, {18,45,0}},
parse("6:45 PM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2001,3,10}, {18,45,0}},
parse("6:45 PM ", ?DATE))
parse_with_days_test_() ->
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {17,16,17}},
parse("Sat 22nd of August 2008", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {6,35,0}},
parse("Sat, 22-Aug-2008 6:35 AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {6,35,12}},
parse("Sunday 22-Aug-2008 6:35:12 AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {6,35,0}},
parse("Sun 22-Aug-2008 6:35 AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {6,35,0}},
parse("THURSDAY, 22-August-2008 6:35 AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {18,0,0}},
parse("THURSDAY, 22-August-2008 6 pM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {6,35,0}},
parse("THU 22 August 2008 6:35 AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {6,35,0}},
parse("FRi 22 Aug 2008 6:35AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {6,0,0}},
parse("FRi 22 Aug 2008 6AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {6,35,0}},
parse("Wednesday 22 Aug 2008 6:35 AM", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {6,35,0}},
parse("Monday 22 Aug 2008 6:35", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {6,0,0}},
parse("Monday 22 Aug 2008 6", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {18,0,0}},
parse("Monday 22 Aug 2008 6p", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {6,0,0}},
parse("Monday 22 Aug 2008 6a", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {18,35,0}},
parse("Mon, 22 Aug 2008 6:35 PM", ?DATE)),
% Twitter style
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {06,35,04}},
parse("Mon Aug 22 06:35:04 +0000 2008", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {06,35,04}},
parse("Mon Aug 22 06:35:04 +0500 2008", ?DATE))
parse_with_TZ_test_() ->
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {17,16,17}},
parse("Sat 22nd of August 2008 GMT", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {17,16,17}},
parse("Sat 22nd of August 2008 UTC", ?DATE)),
?_assertEqual({{2008,8,22}, {17,16,17}},
parse("Sat 22nd of August 2008 DST", ?DATE))
iso_test_() ->
?_assertEqual("2004 W53",format(?ISO,{{2005,1,1}, {1,1,1}})),
?_assertEqual("2004 W53",format(?ISO,{{2005,1,2}, {1,1,1}})),
?_assertEqual("2005 W52",format(?ISO,{{2005,12,31},{1,1,1}})),
?_assertEqual("2007 W01",format(?ISO,{{2007,1,1}, {1,1,1}})),
?_assertEqual("2007 W52",format(?ISO,{{2007,12,30},{1,1,1}})),
?_assertEqual("2008 W01",format(?ISO,{{2007,12,31},{1,1,1}})),
?_assertEqual("2008 W01",format(?ISO,{{2008,1,1}, {1,1,1}})),
?_assertEqual("2009 W01",format(?ISO,{{2008,12,29},{1,1,1}})),
?_assertEqual("2009 W01",format(?ISO,{{2008,12,31},{1,1,1}})),
?_assertEqual("2009 W01",format(?ISO,{{2009,1,1}, {1,1,1}})),
?_assertEqual("2009 W53",format(?ISO,{{2009,12,31},{1,1,1}})),
?_assertEqual("2009 W53",format(?ISO,{{2010,1,3}, {1,1,1}}))
ms_test_() ->
?_assertEqual({{2012,12,12}, {12,12,12,1234}}, parse("2012-12-12T12:12:12.001234")),
?_assertEqual({{2012,12,12}, {12,12,12,123000}}, parse("2012-12-12T12:12:12.123")),
?_assertEqual(format("H:m:s.f \\m \\i\\s \\m\\o\\n\\t\\h",?DATEMS),
"17:03:17.123456 m is month"),
?_assertEqual(Now, nparse(format("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s.f", Now)))
zulu_test_() ->
format_iso8601_test_() ->
parse_iso8601_test_() ->