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# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# Copyright 2018 sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH <info@sysmocom.de>
import collections
import os
import subprocess
import sys
# Same folder
import parse
def git_clone(workdir, prefix, cache_git_fetch, repository, version):
""" Clone a missing git repository and checkout a specific version tag.
:param workdir: path to where all data (git, build, install) is stored
:param prefix: git url prefix (e.g. "https://git.osmocom.org/")
:param cache_git_fetch: list of repositories that have already been
fetched in this run of osmo-depcheck
:param repository: Osmocom git repository name (e.g. "libosmo-abis")
:param version: "master" or a version tag like "0.11.0" """
repodir = workdir + "/git/" + repository
if repository not in cache_git_fetch:
if os.path.exists(repodir):
# Fetch tags for existing source
print("Fetching tags...")
subprocess.run(["git", "-C", repodir, "fetch", "--tags", "-q"],
# Clone the source
url = prefix + repository
print("Cloning git repo: " + url)
subprocess.run(["git", "-C", workdir + "/git", "clone", "-q",
url], check=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
print("NOTE: if '" + repository + "' is part of a git"
" repository with a different name, please add it to the"
" mapping in 'config.py' and try again.")
# Only fetch the same repository once per session
# Checkout the version tag
subprocess.run(["git", "-C", repodir, "checkout", version, "-q"],
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
print("ERROR: git checkout failed! Invalid version specified?")
def generate(workdir, prefix, cache_git_fetch, initial, rev):
""" Generate the dependency graph of an Osmocom program by cloning the git
repository, parsing the "configure.ac" file, and recursing.
:param workdir: path to where all data (git, build, install) is stored
:param prefix: git url prefix (e.g. "https://git.osmocom.org/")
:param cache_git_fetch: list of repositories that have already been
fetched in this run of osmo-depcheck
:param initial: the first program to look at (e.g. "osmo-bts")
:param rev: the git revision to check out ("master", "0.1.0", ...)
:returns: a dictionary like the following:
{"osmo-bts": {"version": "master",
"depends": {"libosmocore": "0.11.0",
"libosmo-abis": "0.5.0"}},
"libosmocore": {"version": "0.11.0",
"depends": {}},
"libosmo-abis": {"version": "0.5.0",
"depends": {"libosmocore": "0.11.0"}} """
# Iterate over stack
stack = collections.OrderedDict({initial: rev})
ret = collections.OrderedDict()
while len(stack):
# Pop program from stack
program, version = next(iter(stack.items()))
del stack[program]
# Skip when already parsed
if program in ret:
# Add the programs dependencies to the stack
print("Looking at " + program + ":" + version)
git_clone(workdir, prefix, cache_git_fetch, program, version)
depends = parse.configure_ac(workdir, program)
# Add the program to the ret
ret[program] = {"version": version, "depends": depends}
return ret
def print_dict(depends):
""" Print the whole dependency graph.
:param depends: return value from generate() above """
print("Dependency graph:")
for program, data in depends.items():
version = data["version"]
depends = data["depends"]
print(" * " + program + ":" + version + " depends: " + str(depends))
def git_latest_tag(workdir, repository):
""" Get the last release string by asking git for the latest tag.
:param workdir: path to where all data (git, build, install) is stored
:param repository: Osmocom git repository name (e.g. "libosmo-abis")
:returns: the latest git tag (e.g. "1.0.2") """
dir = workdir + "/git/" + repository
complete = subprocess.run(["git", "-C", dir, "describe", "--abbrev=0",
"master"], check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
return complete.stdout.decode().rstrip()
def print_old(workdir, depends):
""" Print dependencies tied to an old release tag
:param workdir: path to where all data (git, build, install) is stored
:param depends: return value from generate() above """
print("Dependencies on old releases:")
for program, data in depends.items():
for depend, version in data["depends"].items():
latest = git_latest_tag(workdir, depend)
if latest == version:
print(" * " + program + ":" + data["version"] + " -> " +
depend + ":" + version + " (latest: " + latest + ")")