
693 lines
21 KiB

// Copyright 2017, 2018 Max H. Parke KA1RBI
// This file is part of OP25
// OP25 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// OP25 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
// License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with OP25; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
// Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA
// 02110-1301, USA.
var d_debug = 1;
var http_req = new XMLHttpRequest();
var counter1 = 0;
var error_val = null;
var current_tgid = null;
var send_busy = 0;
var send_qfull = 0;
var send_queue = [];
var req_cb_count = 0;
var request_count = 0;
var nfinal_count = 0;
var n200_count = 0;
var r200_count = 0;
var SEND_QLIMIT = 5;
function find_parent(ele, tagname) {
while (ele) {
if (ele.nodeName == tagname)
return (ele);
else if (ele.nodeName == "HTML")
return null;
ele = ele.parentNode;
return null;
function f_command(ele, command) {
var myrow = find_parent(ele, "TR");
var mytbl = find_parent(ele, "TABLE");
amend_d(myrow, mytbl, command);
function edit_freq(freq, to_ui) {
var MHZ = 1000000.0;
if (to_ui) {
var f = (freq / MHZ) + "";
if (f.indexOf(".") == -1)
f += ".0";
return f;
} else {
var f = parseFloat(freq);
if (freq.indexOf("."))
f *= MHZ;
return Math.round(f);
function edit_d(d, to_ui) {
var new_d = {};
var hexints = {"nac":1};
var ints = {"if_rate":1, "ppm":1, "rate":1, "offset":1, "nac":1, "logfile-workers":1, "decim-amt":1, "seek":1, "hamlib-model":1 };
var bools = {"active":1, "trunked":1, "rate":1, "offset":1, "phase2_tdma": 1, "phase2-tdma":1, "wireshark":1, "udp-player":1, "audio-if":1, "tone-detect":1, "vocoder":1, "audio":1, "pause":1 };
var floats = {"costas-alpha":1, "gain-mu":1, "calibration":1, "fine-tune":1, "gain":1, "excess-bw":1, "offset":1}
var lists = {"blacklist":1, "whitelist":1, "cclist":1};
var freqs = {"frequency":1, "cclist":1};
for (var k in d) {
if (!to_ui) {
if (d[k] == "None")
new_d[k] = "";
new_d[k] = d[k];
if (k == "plot" && !d[k].length)
new_d[k] = null;
if (k in ints) {
new_d[k] = parseInt(new_d[k]);
} else if (k in floats) {
new_d[k] = parseFloat(new_d[k]);
} else if (k in lists) {
var l = new_d[k].split(",");
if (k in freqs) {
var new_l = [];
for (var i in l)
new_l.push(edit_freq(l[i], to_ui));
new_d[k] = new_l;
} else {
new_d[k] = l;
} else if (k in freqs) {
new_d[k] = edit_freq(new_d[k], to_ui);
} else {
if (k in hexints) {
new_d[k] = "0x" + d[k].toString(16);
} else if (k in ints) {
if (d[k] == null)
new_d[k] = "";
new_d[k] = d[k].toString(10);
} else if (k in lists) {
if (k in freqs) {
var new_l = [];
for (var i in d[k]) {
new_l.push(edit_freq(d[k][i], to_ui));
new_d[k] = new_l.join(",");
} else {
new_d[k] = d[k].join(",");
} else if (k in freqs) {
new_d[k] = edit_freq(d[k], to_ui);
} else {
new_d[k] = d[k];
return new_d;
function edit_l(cfg, to_ui) {
var new_d = {"devices": [], "channels": []};
for (var device in cfg['devices'])
new_d["devices"].push(edit_d(cfg['devices'][device], to_ui));
for (var channel in cfg['channels'])
new_d["channels"].push(edit_d(cfg['channels'][channel], to_ui));
new_d["backend-rx"] = edit_d(cfg['backend-rx'], to_ui);
return new_d;
function amend_d(myrow, mytbl, command) {
var trunk_row = null;
if (mytbl.id == "chtable")
trunk_row = find_next(myrow, "TR");
if (command == "delete") {
var ok = confirm ("Confirm delete");
if (ok) {
if (mytbl.id == "chtable")
} else if (command == "clone") {
var newrow = myrow.cloneNode(true);
newrow.id = find_free_id("id_");
if (mytbl.id == "chtable") {
var newrow2 = trunk_row.cloneNode(true);
newrow2.id = "tr_" + newrow.id.substring(3);
if (trunk_row.nextSibling) {
myrow.parentNode.insertBefore(newrow2, trunk_row.nextSibling);
myrow.parentNode.insertBefore(newrow, trunk_row.nextSibling);
} else {
} else {
if (myrow.nextSibling)
myrow.parentNode.insertBefore(newrow, myrow.nextSibling);
} else if (command == "new") {
var newrow = null;
var parent = null;
if (mytbl.id == "chtable") {
newrow = document.getElementById("chrow").cloneNode(true);
parent = document.getElementById("chrow").parentNode;
} else if (mytbl.id == "devtable") {
newrow = document.getElementById("devrow").cloneNode(true);
parent = document.getElementById("devrow").parentNode;
} else {
return null;
newrow.style['display'] = '';
newrow.id = find_free_id("id_");
if (mytbl.id == "chtable") {
var newrow2 = document.getElementById("trrow").cloneNode(true);
newrow2.id = "tr_" + newrow.id.substring(3);
return newrow.id;
function nav_update(command) {
var names = ["b1", "b2", "b3", "b4", "b5"];
var bmap = { "status": "b1", "plot": "b2", "settings": "b3", "rx": "b4", "about": "b5" };
var id = bmap[command];
for (var id1 in names) {
b = document.getElementById(names[id1]);
if (names[id1] == id) {
b.className = "nav-button-active";
} else {
b.className = "nav-button";
function f_select(command) {
var div_list = ["status", "plot", "settings", "rx", "about"];
for (var i=0; i<div_list.length; i++) {
var ele = document.getElementById("div_" + div_list[i]);
if (command == div_list[i])
ele.style['display'] = "";
ele.style['display'] = "none";
var ctl = document.getElementById("controls");
if (command == "status")
ctl.style['display'] = "";
ctl.style['display'] = "none";
if (command == "settings")
function is_digit(s) {
if (s >= "0" && s <= "9")
return true;
return false;
function rx_update(d) {
if (d["files"].length > 0) {
for (var i=0; i<d["files"].length; i++) {
var img = document.getElementById("img" + i);
if (img['src'] != d["files"][i]) {
img['src'] = d["files"][i];
img.style["display"] = "";
error_val = d["error"];
// frequency, system, and talkgroup display
function change_freq(d) {
var html = "<span class=\"label\">Frequency: </span><span class=\"value\">" + d['freq'] / 1000000.0;
html += "</span> <span class=\"systgid\"> &nbsp;" + d['system'] + " </span> ";
if (d['tgid'] != null) {
html += "<span class=\"label\">Talkgroup ID: </span><span class=\"value\"> " + d['tgid'];
html += "</span> <span class=\"systgid\"> &nbsp;" + d['tag'] + " </span>";
html += "<br>";
var div_s2 = document.getElementById("div_s2");
div_s2.innerHTML = html;
div_s2.style["display"] = "";
if (d['tgid'] != null)
current_tgid = d['tgid'];
if (current_tgid != null) {
var div_s3 = document.getElementById("div_s3");
div_s3.style["display"] = "";
// adjacent sites table
function adjacent_data(d) {
if (Object.keys(d).length < 1) {
var html = "</div>";
return html;
var html = "<div class=\"adjacent\">";
html += "<table border=1 borderwidth=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100%>";
html += "<tr><th colspan=99 style=\"align: center\">Adjacent Sites</th></tr>";
html += "<tr><th>Frequency</th><th>Sys ID</th><th>RFSS</th><th>Site</th><th>Uplink</th></tr>";
var ct = 0;
for (var freq in d) {
var color = "#d0d0d0";
if ((ct & 1) == 0)
color = "#c0c0c0";
ct += 1;
html += "<tr style=\"background-color: " + color + ";\"><td>" + freq / 1000000.0 + "</td><td>" + d[freq]['sysid'].toString(16) + "</td><td>" + d[freq]["rfid"] + "</td><td>" + d[freq]["stid"] + "</td><td>" + (d[freq]["uplink"] / 1000000.0) + "</td></tr>";
html += "</table></div></div><br><br>";
// end adjacent sites table
return html;
// additional system info: wacn, sysID, rfss, site id, secondary control channels, freq error
function trunk_update(d) {
var do_hex = {"syid":0, "sysid":0, "wacn": 0};
var do_float = {"rxchan":0, "txchan":0};
var html = "";
for (var nac in d) {
if (!is_digit(nac.charAt(0)))
html += "<span class=\"nac\">";
html += "NAC " + "0x" + parseInt(nac).toString(16) + " ";
html += d[nac]['rxchan'] / 1000000.0;
html += " / ";
html += d[nac]['txchan'] / 1000000.0;
html += " tsbks " + d[nac]['tsbks'];
html += "</span><br>";
html += "<span class=\"label\">WACN: </span>" + "<span class=\"value\">0x" + parseInt(d[nac]['wacn']).toString(16) + " </span>";
html += "<span class=\"label\">System ID: </span>" + "<span class=\"value\">0x" + parseInt(d[nac]['sysid']).toString(16) + " </span>";
html += "<span class=\"label\">RFSS ID: </span><span class=\"value\">" + d[nac]['rfid'] + " </span>";
html += "<span class=\"label\">Site ID: </span><span class=\"value\">" + d[nac]['stid'] + "</span><br>";
if (d[nac]["secondary"].length) {
html += "<span class=\"label\">Secondary control channel(s): </span><span class=\"value\"> ";
for (i=0; i<d[nac]["secondary"].length; i++) {
html += d[nac]["secondary"][i] / 1000000.0;
html += " ";
html += "</span><br>";
if (error_val != null) {
html += "<span class=\"label\">Frequency error: </span><span class=\"value\">" + error_val + " Hz. (approx) </span><br>";
// system frequencies table
html += "<p><div class=\"info\"><div class=\"system\">";
html += "<table border=1 borderwidth=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100%>"; // was width=350
html += "<tr><th colspan=99 style=\"align: center\">System Frequencies</th></tr>";
html += "<tr><th>Frequency</th><th>Last Seen</th><th colspan=2>Talkgoup ID</th><th>Count</th></tr>";
var ct = 0;
for (var freq in d[nac]['frequency_data']) {
tg2 = d[nac]['frequency_data'][freq]['tgids'][1];
if (tg2 == null)
tg2 = "&nbsp;";
var color = "#d0d0d0";
if ((ct & 1) == 0)
color = "#c0c0c0";
ct += 1;
html += "<tr style=\"background-color: " + color + ";\"><td>" + parseInt(freq) / 1000000.0 + "</td><td>" + d[nac]['frequency_data'][freq]['last_activity'] + "</td><td>" + d[nac]['frequency_data'][freq]['tgids'][0] + "</td><td>" + tg2 + "</td><td>" + d[nac]['frequency_data'][freq]['counter'] + "</td></tr>";
html += "</table></div>";
// end system freqencies table
html += adjacent_data(d[nac]['adjacent_data']);
var div_s1 = document.getElementById("div_s1");
div_s1.innerHTML = html;
function config_list(d) {
var html = "";
html += "<select id=\"config_select\" name=\"cfg-list\" size=5>";
for (var file in d["data"]) {
html += "<option value=\"" + d["data"][file] + "\">" + d["data"][file] + "</option>";
html += "<option value=\"New Configuration\">New Configuration</option>";
html += "</select>";
document.getElementById("cfg_list_area").innerHTML = html;
function config_data(d) {
var cfg = edit_l(d['data'], true);
var chtable = document.getElementById("chtable");
var devtable = document.getElementById("devtable");
var chrow = document.getElementById("chrow");
var devrow = document.getElementById("devrow");
for (var device in cfg['devices'])
rollup_row("dev", document.getElementById(amend_d(devrow, devtable, "new")), cfg['devices'][device]);
for (var channel in cfg['channels'])
rollup_row("ch", document.getElementById(amend_d(chrow, chtable, "new")), cfg['channels'][channel]);
function open_editor() {
document.getElementById("edit_settings").style["display"] = "";
var rows = document.querySelectorAll(".dynrow");
var ct = 0;
for (var r in rows) {
var row = rows[r];
ct += 1;
if (row.id && (row.id.substring(0,3) == "id_" || row.id.substring(0,3) == "tr_")) {
var oldtbl = document.getElementById("rt_1");
if (oldtbl)
var tbl = document.getElementById("rxopt-table");
var newtbl = tbl.cloneNode(true);
newtbl.id = "rt_1";
newtbl.style["display"] = "";
var rxrow = newtbl.querySelector(".rxrow");
var advrow = newtbl.querySelector(".advrow");
rxrow.id = "rx_1";
advrow.id = "rx_2";
if (tbl.nextSibling)
tbl.parentNode.insertBefore(newtbl, tbl.nextSibling);
function http_req_cb() {
req_cb_count += 1;
s = http_req.readyState;
if (s != 4) {
nfinal_count += 1;
if (http_req.status != 200) {
n200_count += 1;
r200_count += 1;
var dl = JSON.parse(http_req.responseText);
var dispatch = {'trunk_update': trunk_update, 'change_freq': change_freq, 'rx_update': rx_update, 'config_data': config_data, 'config_list': config_list}
for (var i=0; i<dl.length; i++) {
var d = dl[i];
if (!("json_type" in d))
if (!(d["json_type"] in dispatch))
function do_onload() {
var ele = document.getElementById("div_status");
ele.style["display"] = "";
setInterval(do_update, 1000);
b = document.getElementById("b1");
b.className = "nav-button-active";
function do_update() {
send_command("update", 0);
function send_command(command, data) {
var d = {"command": command, "data": data};
function send(d) {
request_count += 1;
if (send_queue.length >= SEND_QLIMIT) {
send_qfull += 1;
send_queue.push( d );
function send_process() {
s = http_req.readyState;
if (s != 0 && s != 4) {
send_busy += 1;
http_req.open("POST", "/");
http_req.onreadystatechange = http_req_cb;
http_req.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
cmd = JSON.stringify( send_queue );
send_queue = [];
function f_scan_button(command) {
if (current_tgid == null)
send_command(command, -1);
send_command(command, current_tgid);
function f_debug() {
if (!d_debug) return;
var html = "busy " + send_busy;
html += " qfull " + send_qfull;
html += " sendq size " + send_queue.length;
html += " requests " + request_count;
html += "<br>callbacks:";
html += " total=" + req_cb_count;
html += " incomplete=" + nfinal_count;
html += " error=" + n200_count;
html += " OK=" + r200_count;
html += "<br>";
var div_debug = document.getElementById("div_debug");
div_debug.innerHTML = html;
function find_next(e, tag) {
var n = e.nextSibling;
for (var i=0; i<25; i++) {
if (n == null)
return null;
if (n.nodeName == tag)
return n;
n = n.nextSibling;
return null;
function find_free_id(pfx) {
for (var seq = 1; seq < 5000; seq++) {
var test_id = pfx + seq;
var ele = document.getElementById(test_id);
if (!ele)
return test_id;
return null;
function f_trunked(e) {
var row = find_parent(e, "TR");
var trrow = document.getElementById("tr_" + row.id.substring(3));
trrow['style']["display"] = (e.checked) ? "" : "none";
function read_write_sel(sel_node, def) {
var result = [];
var elist = sel_node.querySelectorAll("option");
for (var e in elist) {
var ele = elist[e];
if (def) {
if (!def[sel_node.name])
var options = def[sel_node.name].split(",");
var opts = {};
for (var o in options)
opts[options[o]] = 1;
if (ele.value in opts)
ele.selected = true;
ele.selected = false;
} else {
if (ele.selected)
if (!def)
return result.join();
function read_write(elist, def) {
var result = {};
var s = "len: " + elist.length + "; ";
for (var e in elist) {
s += elist[e].tagName + "; ";
for (var e in elist) {
var ele = elist[e];
if (ele.nodeName == 'INPUT') {
if (ele.type == 'text')
if (def) {
ele.value = def[ele.name];
s += ele.name + "=" + ele.value + "; ";
} else
result[ele.name] = ele.value;
else if (ele.type == 'checkbox')
if (def) {
ele.checked = def[ele.name];
s += "checkbox " + ele.name + "; ";
result[ele.name] = ele.checked;
} else if (ele.nodeName == 'SELECT') {
if (def) {
read_write_sel(ele, def);
s += "select " + ele.name + "; ";
result[ele.name] = read_write_sel(ele, def);
if (!def)
return result;
function rollup_row(which, row, def) {
var elements = Array.from(row.querySelectorAll("input,select"));
if (which == "ch") {
var trrow = document.getElementById("tr_" + row.id.substring(3));
elements = elements.concat(Array.from(trrow.querySelectorAll("input,select")));
else if (which == "rx") {
var advrow = document.getElementById("rx_2");
elements = elements.concat(Array.from(advrow.querySelectorAll("input,select")));
if (def && which == "ch")
trrow.style["display"] = (def["trunked"]) ? "" : "none";
var result = read_write(elements, def);
if (!def)
return result;
function rollup(which, def) {
var result = [];
var mytbl = document.getElementById(which + "table");
var elements = mytbl.querySelectorAll(".dynrow");
for (var e in elements) {
var row = elements[e];
if (row.id != null && row.id.substring(0,3) == "id_")
result.push(rollup_row(which, row));
if (!def)
return result;
function rollup_rx_rows(def) {
return rollup_row("rx", document.getElementById("rx_1"), def);
function f_save() {
var name = document.getElementById("config_name");
if (!name.value) {
alert("Name is required");
if (name.value == "New Configuration") {
alert ("'" + name.value + "' is a reserved name, please retry");
name.value = "";
var cfg = { "devices": rollup("dev", null), "channels": rollup("ch", null), "backend-rx": rollup_rx_rows(null) };
cfg = edit_l(cfg, false);
var request = {"name": name.value, "value": cfg};
send_command("config-save", request);
function f_list() {
var inp = document.getElementById("include_tsv");
send_command("config-list", (inp.checked) ? "tsv" : "");
function f_stop() {
send_command("rx-stop", "");
function f_start() {
var sel = document.getElementById("config_select");
if (!sel) return;
var val = read_write_sel(sel, null);
if ((!val) || val == "New Configuration") {
alert ("You must select a valid configuration to start");
if (val.indexOf("[TSV]") >= 0) {
alert ("TSV files not supported. First, invoke \"Edit\"; inspect the resulting configuration; then click \"Save\".");
send_command("rx-start", val);
function f_load() {
var sel = document.getElementById("config_select");
if (!sel) return;
var val = read_write_sel(sel, null);
if (!val) {
alert ("You must select a configuration to edit");
if (val == "New Configuration") {
} else {
send_command('config-load', val);
var ele = document.getElementById("config_name");
ele.value = val;
function show_advanced(o) {
var tbl = find_parent(o, "TABLE");
var row = tbl.querySelector(".advrow");
if (o.value == "Show") {
o.value = "Hide";
row.style["display"] = "";
} else {
o.value = "Show";
row.style["display"] = "none";