
590 lines
22 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Max H. Parke KA1RBI
# This file is part of OP25
# OP25 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# OP25 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with OP25; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301, USA.
import sys
import os
import time
import re
import json
import socket
import traceback
import threading
import glob
import subprocess
import zmq
import op25
from gnuradio import gr
from waitress.server import create_server
from optparse import OptionParser
from multi_rx import byteify
from tsvfile import load_tsv, make_config
import logging
my_input_q = None
my_output_q = None
my_recv_q = None
my_port = None
my_backend = None
CFG_DIR = '../www/config/'
TSV_DIR = './'
fake http and ajax server module
TODO: make less fake
def ensure_str(s): # for python 2/3
if isinstance(s[0], str):
return s
ns = ''
for i in range(len(s)):
ns += chr(s[i])
return ns
class event_iterator:
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
_jslog_file = None # set to str(filename) to enable json log
msgs = []
while True:
msg = my_input_q.delete_head()
assert msg.type() == -4
d = json.loads(msg.to_string())
if my_input_q.empty_p():
js = json.dumps(msgs)
# TODO: json.loads followed by dumps is redundant -
# can this be optimized?
s = 'data:%s\r\n\r\n' % (js)
if _jslog_file:
t = json.dumps(msgs, indent=4, separators=[',',':'], sort_keys=True)
with open(_jslog_file, 'a') as logfd:
logfd.write('%s\n' % t)
if sys.version[0] != '2':
if isinstance(s, str):
s = s.encode()
return s
next = __next__ # for python2
def static_file(environ, start_response):
content_types = {'tsv': 'text/tab-separated-values', 'json': 'application/json', 'png': 'image/png', 'jpeg': 'image/jpeg', 'jpg': 'image/jpeg', 'gif': 'image/gif', 'css': 'text/css', 'js': 'application/javascript', 'html': 'text/html', 'ico': 'image/vnd.microsoft.icon'}
img_types = 'png jpg jpeg gif ico'.split()
data_types = 'tsv txt json db'.split()
if environ['PATH_INFO'] == '/':
filename = 'index.html'
filename = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_.\-/]', '', environ['PATH_INFO'])
suf = filename.split('.')[-1]
pathname = '../www/www-static'
if suf in img_types:
pathname = '../www/images'
elif suf in data_types:
pathname = TSV_DIR
pathname = '%s/%s' % (pathname, filename)
if suf not in content_types.keys() or '..' in filename or not os.access(pathname, os.R_OK):
sys.stderr.write('404 %s\n' % pathname)
status = '404 NOT FOUND - PATHNAME: %s FILENAME: %s CWD: %s' % (pathname, filename, os. getcwd())
content_type = 'text/plain'
output = status
output = open(pathname, 'rb').read()
content_type = content_types[suf]
status = '200 OK'
return status, content_type, output
def valid_tsv(filename):
if not os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
return False
line = open(filename).readline()
for word in 'Sysname Offset NAC Modulation TGID Whitelist Blacklist'.split():
if word not in line:
return False
return True
def tsv_config(filename):
DEFAULT_CFG = '../www/config/default.json'
filename = '%s%s' % (TSV_DIR, filename)
filename = filename.replace('[TSV]', '.tsv')
if not valid_tsv(filename):
return None
cfg = make_config(load_tsv(filename))
default_cfg = json.loads(open(DEFAULT_CFG).read())
result = default_cfg
channels = [ {'active': True,
'blacklist': cfg[nac]['blacklist'],
'whitelist': cfg[nac]['whitelist'],
'cclist': cfg[nac]['cclist'],
'demod_type': 'cqpsk',
'destination': 'udp://',
'filter_type': 'rc',
'frequency': 500000000,
'if_rate': 24000,
'nac': nac,
'name': cfg[nac]['sysname'],
'phase2_tdma': False,
'plot': "",
'tgids': cfg[nac]['tgid_map'],
'trunked': True
for nac in cfg.keys() ]
result['channels'] = channels
return {'json_type':'config_data', 'data': result}
def do_request(d):
global my_backend
if d['command'].startswith('rx-'):
msg = gr.message().make_from_string(json.dumps(d), -2, 0, 0)
if not my_backend.input_q.full_p():
return None
elif d['command'] == 'config-load':
if '[TSV]' in d['data']:
return tsv_config(d['data'])
filename = '%s%s.json' % (CFG_DIR, d['data'])
if not os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
return None
js_msg = json.loads(open(filename).read())
return {'json_type':'config_data', 'data': js_msg}
elif d['command'] == 'config-list':
files = glob.glob('%s*.json' % CFG_DIR)
files = [x.replace('.json', '') for x in files]
files = [x.replace(CFG_DIR, '') for x in files]
if d['data'] == 'tsv':
tsvfiles = glob.glob('%s*.tsv' % TSV_DIR)
tsvfiles = [x for x in tsvfiles if valid_tsv(x)]
tsvfiles = [x.replace('.tsv', '[TSV]') for x in tsvfiles]
tsvfiles = [x.replace(TSV_DIR, '') for x in tsvfiles]
files += tsvfiles
return {'json_type':'config_list', 'data': files}
elif d['command'] == 'config-save':
name = d['data']['name']
if '..' in name or '.json' in name or '/' in name:
return None
filename = '%s%s.json' % (CFG_DIR, d['data']['name'])
open(filename, 'w').write(json.dumps(d['data']['value'], indent=4, separators=[',',':'], sort_keys=True))
return None
elif d['command'] == 'config-savesettings':
filename = 'ui-settings.json'
open(filename, 'w').write(d['data'])
sys.stderr.write('saved UI settings to %s\n' % filename)
return None
elif d['command'] == 'config-tsvsave':
filename = d['file']
ok = True
if filename.lower().endswith('tsv'):
ok = True
elif filename.lower().endswith('json'):
ok = True
ok = False
if filename.startswith('.'):
ok = False
if '/' in filename:
ok = False
if '..' in filename:
ok = False
if not ok:
sys.stderr.write('cfg-tsvsave: invalid filename %s\n' % filename)
return None
open(filename, 'w').write(d['data'])
sys.stderr.write('saved UI settings to %s\n' % filename)
return None
def post_req(environ, start_response, postdata):
global my_input_q, my_output_q, my_recv_q, my_port
resp_msg = []
data = []
data = json.loads(postdata)
sys.stderr.write('post_req: error processing input: %s:\n' % (postdata))
traceback.print_exc(limit=None, file=sys.stderr)
sys.stderr.write('*** end traceback ***\n')
for d in data:
if type(d) is str:
sys.stderr.write('%f possible json sequence error: len %d type %s value %s\n' % (time.time(), len(d), type(d), d))
elif type(d) is not dict:
sys.stderr.write('%f possible json sequence error: type %s value %s\n' % (time.time(), type(d), d))
if d['command'].startswith('config-') or d['command'].startswith('rx-'):
resp = do_request(d)
if resp:
if d['command'].startswith('settings-'):
msg = gr.message().make_from_string(json.dumps(d), -4, 0, 0)
msg = gr.message().make_from_string(str(d['command']), -2, d['data'], 0)
if my_output_q.full_p():
my_output_q.delete_head_nowait() # ignores result
if not my_output_q.full_p():
status = '200 OK'
content_type = 'application/json'
output = json.dumps(resp_msg)
return status, content_type, output
def http_request(environ, start_response):
if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' and '/stream' in environ['PATH_INFO']:
status = '200 OK'
content_type = 'text/event-stream'
response_headers = [('Content-type', content_type),
('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')]
start_response(status, response_headers)
return iter(event_iterator())
elif environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET':
status, content_type, output = static_file(environ, start_response)
elif environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST':
postdata = environ['wsgi.input'].read()
status, content_type, output = post_req(environ, start_response, postdata)
status = '200 OK'
content_type = 'text/plain'
output = status
sys.stderr.write('http_request: unexpected input %s\n' % environ['PATH_INFO'])
response_headers = [('Content-type', content_type),
('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*'),
('Content-Length', str(len(output)))]
start_response(status, response_headers)
if sys.version[0] != '2':
if isinstance(output, str):
output = output.encode()
return [output]
def application(environ, start_response):
failed = False
result = http_request(environ, start_response)
failed = True
sys.stderr.write('application: request failed:\n%s\n' % traceback.format_exc())
if failed:
status = '500 Internal Server Error'
response_headers = [ ('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*') ]
start_response(status, response_headers)
output = status
if sys.version[0] != '2':
if isinstance(output, str):
output = output.encode()
return [output]
return result
def process_qmsg(msg):
if my_recv_q.full_p():
my_recv_q.delete_head_nowait() # ignores result
if my_recv_q.full_p():
class http_server(object):
def __init__(self, input_q, output_q, endpoint, **kwds):
global my_input_q, my_output_q, my_recv_q, my_port
host, port = endpoint.split(':')
if my_port is not None:
raise AssertionError('this server is already active on port %s' % my_port)
my_input_q = input_q
my_output_q = output_q
my_port = int(port)
my_recv_q = gr.msg_queue(10)
NTHREADS = 10 # TODO: make #threads a function of #plots ?
self.server = create_server(application, host=host, port=my_port, send_bytes=SEND_BYTES, expose_tracebacks=True, threads=NTHREADS)
def run(self):
class queue_watcher(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, msgq, callback, **kwds):
threading.Thread.__init__ (self, **kwds)
self.msgq = msgq
self.callback = callback
self.keep_running = True
def run(self):
msg = self.msgq.delete_head()
class Backend(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, options, input_q, output_q, init_config=None, **kwds):
threading.Thread.__init__ (self, **kwds)
self.keep_running = True
self.rx_options = None
self.input_q = input_q
self.output_q = output_q
self.verbosity = options.verbosity
self.zmq_context = zmq.Context()
self.zmq_port = options.zmq_port
self.zmq_sub = self.zmq_context.socket(zmq.SUB)
self.zmq_sub.connect('tcp://localhost:%d' % self.zmq_port)
self.zmq_sub.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, '')
self.zmq_pub = self.zmq_context.socket(zmq.PUB)
self.zmq_pub.sndhwm = 5
self.zmq_pub.bind('tcp://*:%d' % (self.zmq_port+1))
self.subproc = None
self.msg = None
self.q_watcher = queue_watcher(self.input_q, self.process_msg)
if init_config:
d = {'command': 'rx-start', 'data': init_config}
msg = gr.message().make_from_string(json.dumps(d), -4, 0, 0)
def publish(self, msg):
t = msg.type()
s = msg.to_string()
a = msg.arg1()
s = ensure_str(s)
self.zmq_pub.send_string(json.dumps({'command': s, 'data': a, 'msgtype': t}))
def check_subproc(self): # return True if subprocess is active
if not self.subproc:
return False
rc = self.subproc.poll()
if rc is None:
return True
self.subproc = None
return False
def process_msg(self, msg):
def make_command(options, config_file):
py_exe = 'python'
if sys.version[0] == '3':
py_exe = 'python3'
trunked_ct = [True for x in options._js_config['channels'] if x['trunked']]
total_ct = [True for x in options._js_config['channels']]
if trunked_ct and len(trunked_ct) != len(total_ct):
self.msg = 'no suitable backend found for this configuration'
return None
if not trunked_ct:
self.backend = '%s/%s' % (os.getcwd(), 'multi_rx.py')
opts = [py_exe, self.backend]
filename = '%s%s.json' % (CFG_DIR, config_file)
return opts
# TODO: this probably should be external and/or configurable
# these options must match up one for one with the rx.py cli opts
types = {'costas-alpha': 'float',
'trunk-conf-file': 'str',
'demod-type': 'str',
'logfile-workers': 'int',
'decim-amt': 'int',
'wireshark-host': 'str',
'gain-mu': 'float',
'phase2-tdma': 'bool',
'seek': 'int',
'ifile': 'str',
'pause': 'bool',
'antenna': 'str',
'calibration': 'float',
'fine-tune': 'float',
'raw-symbols': 'str',
'audio-output': 'str',
'vocoder': 'bool',
'input': 'str',
'wireshark': 'bool',
'gains': 'str',
'args': 'str',
'sample-rate': 'int',
'terminal-type': 'str',
'gain': 'float',
'excess-bw': 'float',
'offset': 'float',
'audio-input': 'str',
'audio': 'bool',
'plot-mode': 'str',
'audio-if': 'bool',
'tone-detect': 'bool',
'frequency': 'int',
'freq-corr': 'float',
'hamlib-model': 'int',
'udp-player': 'bool',
'verbosity': 'int',
'audio-gain': 'float',
'freq-error-tracking': 'bool',
'nocrypt': 'bool',
'wireshark-port': 'int'
self.backend = '%s/%s' % (os.getcwd(), 'rx.py')
opts = [py_exe, self.backend]
for k in [ x for x in dir(options) if not x.startswith('_') ]:
kw = k.replace('_', '-')
val = getattr(options, k)
if kw not in types.keys():
self.msg = 'make_command: unknown option: %s %s type %s' % (k, val, type(val))
return None
elif types[kw] == 'str':
if val:
opts.append('--%s' % kw)
opts.append('%s' % (val))
elif types[kw] == 'float':
opts.append('--%s' % kw)
if val:
opts.append('%f' % (val))
opts.append('%f' % (0))
elif types[kw] == 'int':
opts.append('--%s' % kw)
if val:
opts.append('%d' % (val))
opts.append('%d' % (0))
elif types[kw] == 'bool':
if val:
opts.append('--%s' % kw)
self.msg = 'make_command: unknown2 option: %s %s type %s' % (k, val, type(val))
return None
return opts
msg = json.loads(msg.to_string())
if msg['command'] == 'rx-start':
if self.check_subproc():
self.msg = 'start command failed: subprocess pid %d already active' % self.subproc.pid
options = rx_options(msg['data'])
if getattr(options, '_js_config', None) is None:
self.msg = 'start command failed: rx_options: unable to initialize config=%s' % (msg['data'])
options.verbosity = self.verbosity
options.terminal_type = 'zmq:tcp:%d' % (self.zmq_port)
cmd = make_command(options, msg['data'])
sys.stderr.write('executing %s\n' % (' '.join(cmd)))
if cmd:
self.subproc = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
elif msg['command'] == 'rx-stop':
if not self.check_subproc():
self.msg = 'stop command failed: subprocess not active'
if msg['data'] == 'kill':
elif msg['command'] == 'rx-state':
d = {}
if self.check_subproc():
d['rx-state'] = 'subprocess pid %d active' % self.subproc.pid
d['rx-state'] = 'subprocess not active, last msg: %s' % self.msg
msg = gr.message().make_from_string(json.dumps(d), -4, 0, 0)
if not self.output_q.full_p():
def run(self):
while self.keep_running:
js = self.zmq_sub.recv()
if not self.keep_running:
js = ensure_str(js)
msg = gr.message().make_from_string(js, -4, 0, 0)
if not self.output_q.full_p():
class rx_options(object):
def __init__(self, name):
def map_name(k):
return k.replace('-', '_')
filename = '%s%s.json' % (CFG_DIR, name)
if not os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
sys.stderr.write('unable to access config file %s\n' % (filename))
config = byteify(json.loads(open(filename).read()))
dev = [x for x in config['devices'] if x['active']][0]
if not dev:
chan = [x for x in config['channels'] if x['active']][0]
if not chan:
options = object()
for k in config['backend-rx'].keys():
setattr(self, map_name(k), config['backend-rx'][k])
for k in 'args frequency gains offset'.split():
setattr(self, k, dev[k])
self.demod_type = chan['demod_type']
self.freq_corr = dev['ppm']
self.sample_rate = dev['rate']
self.plot_mode = chan['plot']
self.phase2_tdma = chan['phase2_tdma']
self.trunk_conf_file = filename
self._js_config = config
def http_main():
global my_backend
# command line argument parsing
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-c", "--config", type="string", default=None, help="config json name, without prefix/suffix")
parser.add_option("-e", "--endpoint", type="string", default="", help="address:port to listen on (use addr to enable external clients)")
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbosity", type="int", default=0, help="message debug level")
parser.add_option("-p", "--pause", action="store_true", default=False, help="block on startup")
parser.add_option("-z", "--zmq-port", type="int", default=25000, help="backend sub port")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# wait for gdb
if options.pause:
print ('Ready for GDB to attach (pid = %d)' % (os.getpid(),))
raw_input("Press 'Enter' to continue...")
input_q = gr.msg_queue(20)
output_q = gr.msg_queue(20)
backend_input_q = gr.msg_queue(20)
backend_output_q = gr.msg_queue(20)
my_backend = Backend(options, backend_input_q, backend_output_q, init_config=options.config)
server = http_server(input_q, output_q, options.endpoint)
q_watcher = queue_watcher(output_q, lambda msg : my_backend.publish(msg))
backend_q_watcher = queue_watcher(backend_output_q, lambda msg : process_qmsg(msg))
if __name__ == '__main__':