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15 KiB

* Ezpwd Reed-Solomon -- Reed-Solomon encoder / decoder library
* Copyright (c) 2017, Hard Consulting Corporation.
* Ezpwd Reed-Solomon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
* the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the LICENSE file at the top of the
* source tree. Ezpwd Reed-Solomon is also available under Commercial license. The Djelic BCH code
* under djelic/ and the c++/ezpwd/bch_base wrapper is redistributed under the terms of the GPLv2+,
* regardless of the overall licensing terms.
* Ezpwd Reed-Solomon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See
* the GNU General Public License for more details.
#ifndef _EZPWD_BCH
#define _EZPWD_BCH
#include <sstream>
#include "rs_base" // Basic DEBUG, EZPWD_... preprocessor stuff, ezpwd::log_, etc.
#include "bch_base"
namespace ezpwd {
// ezpwd::bch_base -- Interface to underlying Djelic Linux Kernel API
// ezpwd::bch<SYMBOLS, CORRECTION> -- General BCH codec types; min. CORRECTION capacity, undefined PAYLOAD
// These implementations retain the original Djelic Linux Kernel API; specifically, they find
// a BCH codec of the given Galois order M (ie. has codewords of size 2**M-1), and at least the
// target bit-error correction capacity T. They may correct more than T errors, and the number
// of parity ECC bits will be selected by the algorithm. You need to compute the maximum
// non-parity payload by computing _bch->n - _bch->ecc_bits.
// The data and parity bits must always be on separate blocks of int8_t/uint8_t-sized data
// in the container. This is required because the underlying API must break the data and parity
// out as separate arrays for processing. So, if the computed ecc_bits is not evenly divisible
// by 8, some care must be taken to ensure that it is packed into exactly ecc_bytes of data at
// the end of the supplied container. Alternatively, it can be kept in a separate container.
// This is probably safest, as the bch_base/bch/BCH classes will never attempt to resize the
// data/parity containers when supplied separately.
// Like the Reed-Solomon APIs, the bch_base/bch/BCH APIs will alter the size of a variable
// container in encode(...), to add the BCH ECC "parity" data (eg. std::vector, std::string).
// Fixed containers (eg. std::array) are never resized, and it is assumed that ecc_bytes of
// parity data exist at the end of the container.
class bch_base {
ezpwd::bch_control *_bch;
bch_base( const bch_base & ) = delete; // no copy-constructor
size_t m,
size_t t,
unsigned int prim_poly = 0 )
: _bch( ezpwd::init_bch( int( m ), int( t ), prim_poly ))
virtual ~bch_base()
ezpwd::free_bch( this->_bch );
size_t ecc_bytes()
return _bch->ecc_bytes;
size_t ecc_bits()
return _bch->ecc_bits;
size_t t()
return _bch->t;
// <ostream> << bch_base -- output codec in standard BCH( N, N-ECC, T ) form
virtual std::ostream &output(
std::ostream &lhs )
return lhs << *this->_bch;
// encode -- container interfaces
// Returns number of ECC *bits* initialized (to be consistent w/ decode, which returns
// number of bit errors corrected).
int encode(
std::string &data )
typedef uint8_t uT;
typedef std::pair<uT *, uT *>
data.resize( data.size() + ecc_bytes() );
return encode( uTpair( (uT *)&data.front(), (uT *)&data.front() + data.size() ));
int encode(
const std::string &data,
std::string &parity )
typedef uint8_t uT;
typedef std::pair<const uT *, const uT *>
typedef std::pair<uT *, uT *>
parity.resize( ecc_bytes() );
return encode( cuTpair( (const uT *)&data.front(), (const uT *)&data.front() + data.size() ),
uTpair( (uT *)&parity.front(), (uT *)&parity.front() + parity.size() ));
template < typename T >
int encode(
std::vector<T> &data )
typedef typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type
typedef std::pair<uT *, uT *>
data.resize( data.size() + ecc_bytes() );
return encode( uTpair( (uT *)&data.front(), (uT *)&data.front() + data.size() ));
template < typename T >
int encode(
const std::vector<T>&data,
std::vector<T> &parity )
typedef typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type
typedef std::pair<const uT *, const uT *>
typedef std::pair<uT *, uT *>
parity.resize( ecc_bytes() );
return encode( cuTpair( (uT *)&data.front(), (uT *)&data.front() + data.size() ),
uTpair( (uT *)&parity.front(), (uT *)&parity.front() + parity.size() ));
template < typename T, size_t N >
int encode(
std::array<T,N> &data,
int pad = 0 ) // ignore 'pad' symbols at start of array
typedef typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type
typedef std::pair<uT *, uT *>
return encode( uTpair( (uT *)&data.front() + pad, (uT *)&data.front() + data.size() ));
// encode -- denote data+parity or data, parity using pairs of uint8_t iterators
// encode -- base implementation, in terms of uint8_t pointers
virtual int encode(
const std::pair<uint8_t *, uint8_t *>
&data )
return encode( data.first, data.second - data.first - ecc_bytes(), data.second - ecc_bytes() );
virtual int encode(
const std::pair<const uint8_t *, const uint8_t *>
const std::pair<uint8_t *, uint8_t *>
&parity )
if ( size_t( parity.second - parity.first ) != ecc_bytes() ) {
EZPWD_RAISE_OR_RETURN( std::runtime_error, "BCH: parity length incompatible with number of ECC bytes", -1 );
return encode( data.first, data.second - data.first, parity.first );
virtual int encode(
const uint8_t *data,
size_t len,
uint8_t *parity )
memset( parity, 0, ecc_bytes() ); // Djelic encode_bch requires ECC to be initialized to 0
ezpwd::encode_bch( this->_bch, data, len, parity );
return int( ecc_bits() );
// decode -- container interface, w/ optional corrected bit-error positions reported
// Does not correct errors in parity!
int decode(
std::string &data,
std::vector<int> *position= 0 )
typedef uint8_t uT;
typedef std::pair<uT *, uT *>
return decode( uTpair( (uT *)&data.front(), (uT *)&data.front() + data.size() ),
position );
int decode(
std::string &data,
std::string &parity,
std::vector<int> *position= 0 )
typedef uint8_t uT;
typedef std::pair<uT *, uT *>
return decode( uTpair( (uT *)&data.front(), (uT *)&data.front() + data.size() ),
uTpair( (uT *)&parity.front(), (uT *)&parity.front() + parity.size() ),
position );
template < typename T >
int decode(
std::vector<T> &data,
std::vector<int> *position= 0 )
typedef typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type
typedef std::pair<uT *, uT *>
return decode( uTpair( (uT *)&data.front(), (uT *)&data.front() + data.size() ),
position );
template < typename T >
int decode(
std::vector<T> &data,
std::vector<T> &parity,
std::vector<int> *position= 0 )
typedef typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type
typedef std::pair<uT *, uT *>
return decode( uTpair( (uT *)&data.front(), (uT *)&data.front() + data.size() ),
uTpair( (uT *)&parity.front(), (uT *)&parity.front() + parity.size() ),
position );
template < typename T, size_t N >
int decode(
std::array<T,N> &data,
int pad = 0, // ignore 'pad' symbols at start of array
std::vector<int> *position= 0 )
typedef typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type
typedef std::pair<uT *, uT *>
return decode( uTpair( (uT *)&data.front() + pad, (uT *)&data.front() + data.size() ),
position );
// decode -- denote data+parity or data, parity using pairs of uint8_t iterators
// decode -- decode and correct BCH codeword, returning number of corrections, or -1 if failed
// Corrects data in-place (unlike the basic Djelic Linux Kernel API, which only returns
// error positions. For consistency with ezpwd::rs..., we report all error positions as
// std::vector<int>, even though the underlying Djelic API reports them as arrays of
// unsigned int.
virtual int decode(
const std::pair<uint8_t *, uint8_t *>
std::vector<int> *position= 0 )
return decode( data.first, data.second - data.first - ecc_bytes(), data.second - ecc_bytes(),
position );
virtual int decode(
const std::pair<uint8_t *, uint8_t *>
const std::pair<uint8_t *, uint8_t *>
std::vector<int> *position= 0 )
if ( size_t( parity.second - parity.first ) != ecc_bytes() ) {
EZPWD_RAISE_OR_RETURN( std::runtime_error, "BCH: parity length incompatible with number ECC bytes", -1 );
return decode( data.first, data.second - data.first, parity.first,
position );
virtual int decode(
uint8_t *data,
size_t len,
uint8_t *parity,
std::vector<int> *position= 0 )
if ( position )
position->resize( t() * 2 ); // may be able to correct beyond stated capacity!
int corrects = ezpwd::correct_bch(
this->_bch, data, len, parity, 0, 0,
position ? (unsigned int *)&(*position)[0] : 0 );
if ( position && corrects >= 0 )
position->resize( corrects );
return corrects;
// {en,de}coded -- returns an encoded/corrected copy of the provided container
// NOTE:
// Must return exceptions on failure; If exceptions inhibited, returns a
// default-constructed instance of the supplied data container. This may be sufficient to
// reliably deduce failure; if not, this interface should not be used.
// Overloads decoded to also allow recovery of corrected error positions and count.
template <typename C>
C encoded(
C data )
if ( encode( data ) < 0 )
EZPWD_RAISE_OR_RETURN( std::runtime_error, "BCH: Could not encode data", C() );
return data;
template <typename C>
C decoded(
C data )
if ( decode( data ) < 0 )
EZPWD_RAISE_OR_RETURN( std::runtime_error, "BCH: Could not decode data", C() );
return data;
template <typename C>
C decoded(
C data,
std::vector<int> &position )
if ( decode( data, &position ) < 0 )
EZPWD_RAISE_OR_RETURN( std::runtime_error, "BCH: Could not decode data", C() );
return data;
}; // class bch_base
template < size_t SYMBOLS, size_t CORRECTION >
class bch
: public bch_base
: bch_base( ezpwd::log_<SYMBOLS + 1>::value, CORRECTION )
virtual ~bch()
}; // class bch
// std::ostream << ezpwd::bch_base
// Output a BCH codec description in standard form eg. BCH( 255, 239, 2 )
std::ostream &operator<<(
std::ostream &lhs,
const ezpwd::bch_base
&rhs )
return rhs.output( lhs );
// ezpwd::BCH<SYMBOLS, PAYLOAD, CAPACITY> -- Standard BCH codec types
// Specify and create a standard BCH codec with exactly the specified capacities. We create
// the undering BCH codec using SYMBOLS and CORRECTION capacity; the actual correction capacity
// T, the number of PARITY bits and hence PAYLOAD (CAPACITY - PARITY) is selected automatically
// by the underlying Djelic Linux Kernel BCH codec API. For this interface, we demand that the
// caller *knows* all of these values at compile time, however, mostly for future optimization
// purposes. We validate them, and fail the constructor if they don't match. See bch_test for
// an enumeration of all possible BCH codecs.
// In the future, this API may be re-implemented to not use the generic BCH API, but a more
// optimized locally-defined implementation that leverages the fixed SYMBOLS, PAYLOAD and
// CORRECTION capacities to produce more optimal code.
template < size_t SYMBOLS, size_t PAYLOAD, size_t CORRECTION >
class BCH
static const size_t M = ezpwd::log_<SYMBOLS + 1>::value; // Galois field order; eg. 255 --> 8
static const size_t N = SYMBOLS;
static const size_t T = CORRECTION;
static const size_t LOAD = PAYLOAD;
if ( this->_bch->t != T || this->_bch->n != N
|| this->_bch->n - this->_bch->ecc_bits != LOAD ) {
std::ostringstream err;
this->output( err )
<< " specified doesn't match underlying " << *this->_bch << " produced.";
EZPWD_RAISE_OR_ABORT( std::runtime_error, err.str().c_str() );
virtual ~BCH()
// <ostream> << BCH<...> -- output codec in standard BCH( N, N-ECC, T ) form
virtual std::ostream &output(
std::ostream &lhs )
return lhs
<< "BCH( " << std::setw( 3 ) << N
<< ", " << std::setw( 3 ) << LOAD
<< ", " << std::setw( 3 ) << T
<< " )";
}; // class BCH
// std::ostream << ezpwd::BCH<...>
// Output a BCH codec description in standard form eg. BCH( 255, 239, 2 )
// NOTE: clang/gcc disagree on the scoping of operator<< template/non-template functions...
template <size_t SYMBOLS, size_t PAYLOAD, size_t CORRECTION>
std::ostream &operator<<(
std::ostream &lhs,
&rhs )
return rhs.output( lhs );
} // namespace ezpwd
#endif // _EZPWD_BCH