#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Max H. Parke KA1RBI # # This file is part of OP25 # # OP25 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # OP25 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public # License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with OP25; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free # Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. import sys import os import time import subprocess import json from gnuradio import gr, gru, eng_notation from gnuradio import blocks, audio from gnuradio.eng_option import eng_option import numpy as np from gnuradio import gr from math import pi _def_debug = 0 _def_sps = 10 GNUPLOT = '/usr/bin/gnuplot' FFT_AVG = 0.25 MIX_AVG = 0.15 BAL_AVG = 0.05 FFT_BINS = 512 def degrees(r): d = 360 * r / (2*pi) while d <0: d += 360 while d > 360: d -= 360 return d def limit(a,lim): if a > lim: return lim return a PSEQ = 0 class wrap_gp(object): def __init__(self, sps=_def_sps, logfile=None, title="", color_cfg='plot-colors.json'): global PSEQ self.sps = sps self.center_freq = 0.0 self.relative_freq = 0.0 self.offset_freq = 0.0 self.width = None self.ffts = () self.freqs = () self.avg_pwr = np.zeros(FFT_BINS) self.avg_sum_pwr = 0.0 self.buf = np.array([]) self.plot_count = 0 self.last_plot = 0 self.plot_interval = None self.sequence = 0 self.output_dir = None self.filename = None self.logfile = logfile self.title = title self.sequence_id = PSEQ PSEQ += 1 x = self.sequence_id % 3 y = self.sequence_id // 3 self.position = (x, y) self.colors = {} self.colors['label_color'] = '' self.colors['tic_color'] = '' self.colors['border_color'] = '' self.colors['plot_color'] = '' self.colors['background_color'] = '' if color_cfg and os.access(color_cfg, os.R_OK): ccfg = json.loads(open(color_cfg).read()) for color in ccfg: self.colors[color] = ccfg[color] self.attach_gp() def attach_gp(self): args = (GNUPLOT, '-noraise') exe = GNUPLOT self.gp = subprocess.Popen(args, executable=exe, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) def kill(self): try: self.gp.stdin.close() # closing pipe should cause subprocess to exit except IOError: pass sleep_count = 0 while True: # wait politely, but only for so long self.gp.poll() if self.gp.returncode is not None: break time.sleep(0.1) if self.gp.returncode is not None: break sleep_count += 1 if (sleep_count & 1) == 0: self.gp.kill() if sleep_count >= 3: break def set_interval(self, v): self.plot_interval = v def set_output_dir(self, v): self.output_dir = v def plot(self, buf, bufsz, mode='eye'): BUFSZ = bufsz consumed = min(len(buf), BUFSZ-len(self.buf)) if len(self.buf) < BUFSZ: self.buf = np.concatenate((self.buf, buf[:int(consumed)])) if len(self.buf) < BUFSZ: return consumed self.plot_count += 1 if mode == 'eye' and self.plot_count % 20 != 0: self.buf = np.array([]) return consumed plots = [] s = '' plot_size = (320,240) if mode == 'eye': nplots = len(self.buf) // self.sps - 2 for i in range(nplots): s += '\n'.join(['%f' % self.buf[i*self.sps+j] for j in range(self.sps+1)]) s += '\ne\n' plots.append('"-" with lines') elif mode == 'constellation': plot_size = (240,240) self.buf = self.buf[:100] for b in self.buf: s += '%f\t%f\n' % (degrees(np.angle(b)), limit(np.abs(b),1.0)) s += 'e\n' plots.append('"-" with points') for b in self.buf: #s += '%f\t%f\n' % (b.real, b.imag) s += '%f\t%f\n' % (degrees(np.angle(b)), limit(np.abs(b),1.0)) s += 'e\n' plots.append('"-" with lines') elif mode == 'symbol': for b in self.buf: s += '%f\n' % (b) s += 'e\n' plots.append('"-" with points') elif mode == 'fftf': self.ffts = np.fft.rfft(self.buf * np.blackman(BUFSZ)) / (0.42 * BUFSZ) #self.ffts = np.fft.fftshift(self.ffts) self.ffts = np.abs(self.ffts) ** 2.0 self.ffts /= np.max(self.ffts) for i in range(len(self.ffts)): s += '%f\n' % (self.ffts[i]) s += 'e\n' plots.append('"-" with lines') elif mode == 'fft' or mode == 'mixer': sum_pwr = 0.0 self.ffts = np.fft.fft(self.buf * np.blackman(BUFSZ)) / (0.42 * BUFSZ) self.ffts = np.fft.fftshift(self.ffts) self.freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(len(self.ffts)) self.freqs = np.fft.fftshift(self.freqs) tune_freq = (self.center_freq - self.relative_freq) / 1e6 if self.center_freq and self.width: self.freqs = ((self.freqs * self.width) + self.center_freq + self.offset_freq) / 1e6 for i in range(len(self.ffts)): if mode == 'fft': self.avg_pwr[i] = ((1.0 - FFT_AVG) * self.avg_pwr[i]) + (FFT_AVG * np.abs(self.ffts[i])) else: self.avg_pwr[i] = ((1.0 - MIX_AVG) * self.avg_pwr[i]) + (MIX_AVG * np.abs(self.ffts[i])) s += '%f\t%f\n' % (self.freqs[i], 20 * np.log10(self.avg_pwr[i])) if (mode == 'mixer') and (self.avg_pwr[i] > 1e-5): if (self.freqs[i] - self.center_freq) < 0: sum_pwr -= self.avg_pwr[i] elif (self.freqs[i] - self.center_freq) > 0: sum_pwr += self.avg_pwr[i] self.avg_sum_pwr = ((1.0 - BAL_AVG) * self.avg_sum_pwr) + (BAL_AVG * sum_pwr) s += 'e\n' plots.append('"-" with lines') elif mode == 'float' or mode == 'correlation': for b in self.buf: s += '%f\n' % (b) s += 'e\n' plots.append('"-" with lines') self.buf = np.array([]) # FFT processing needs to be completed to maintain the weighted average buckets # regardless of whether we actually produce a new plot or not. if self.plot_interval and self.last_plot + self.plot_interval > time.time(): return consumed self.last_plot = time.time() filename = None if self.output_dir: if self.sequence >= 2: delete_pathname = '%s/plot-%s%d-%d.png' % (self.output_dir, mode, self.sequence_id, self.sequence-2) if os.access(delete_pathname, os.W_OK): os.remove(delete_pathname) h0= 'set terminal png size %d, %d\n' % (plot_size) filename = 'plot-%s%d-%d.png' % (mode, self.sequence_id, self.sequence) h0 += 'set output "%s/%s"\n' % (self.output_dir, filename) self.sequence += 1 else: pos = '' if self.position is not None: x = self.position[0] * plot_size[0] y = self.position[1] * plot_size[1] x += 50 y += 75 pos = ' position %d, %d' % (x, y) h0= 'set terminal x11 noraise size %d, %d%s title "%s"\n' % (plot_size[0], plot_size[1], pos, self.title) background = '' label_color = '' tic_color = '' border_color = '' plot_color = '' background_color = '' if self.colors['label_color']: label_color = 'textcolor rgb"%s"' % self.colors['label_color'] if self.colors['tic_color']: tic_color = 'textcolor rgb"%s"' % self.colors['tic_color'] if self.colors['border_color']: border_color = 'linecolor rgb"%s"' % self.colors['border_color'] if self.colors['plot_color']: plot_color = 'linecolor rgb"%s"' % self.colors['plot_color'] if self.colors['background_color']: background_color = 'fillcolor rgb"%s"' % self.colors['background_color'] background += 'set object 1 rectangle from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1 %s behind\n' % (background_color) background += 'set xtics %s\n' % (tic_color) background += 'set ytics %s\n' % (tic_color) background += 'set border %s\n' % (border_color) h = 'set key off\n' if mode == 'constellation': #h+= background plot_color = '' h+= 'set size square\n' h+= 'set xrange [-1:1]\n' h+= 'set yrange [-1:1]\n' h += 'unset border\n' h += 'set polar\n' h += 'set angles degrees\n' h += 'unset raxis\n' h += 'set object 1 rectangle from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1 %s behind\n' % (background_color) h += 'set object 2 circle at 0,0 size 1 fillcolor rgb 0x0f01 fillstyle solid behind\n' h += 'set object 3 circle at 0,0 size 1 %s\n' % 'linecolor rgb"#0000f0"' h += 'set style line 10 lt 1 lc rgb 0x404040 lw 0.1\n' h += 'set grid polar 45\n' h += 'set grid ls 10\n' h += 'set xtics axis\n' h += 'set ytics axis\n' h += 'set xtics scale 0\n' h += 'set xtics ("" 0.2, "" 0.4, "" 0.6, "" 0.8, "" 1)\n' h += 'set ytics 0, 0.2, 1\n' h += 'set format ""\n' h += 'set style line 11 lt 1 lw 2 pt 2 ps 2\n' h+= 'set title "Constellation %s" %s\n' % (self.title, label_color) elif mode == 'eye': h+= background h+= 'set yrange [-4:4]\n' h+= 'set title "Datascope %s" %s\n' % (self.title, label_color) plot_color = '' elif mode == 'symbol': h+= background h+= 'set yrange [-4:4]\n' h+= 'set title "Symbol %s" %s\n' % (self.title, label_color) elif mode == 'fft' or mode == 'mixer': h+= background h+= 'unset arrow; unset title\n' h+= 'set xrange [%f:%f]\n' % (self.freqs[0], self.freqs[len(self.freqs)-1]) h+= 'set xlabel "Frequency"\n' h+= 'set ylabel "Power(dB)"\n' h+= 'set grid\n' h+= 'set yrange [-100:0]\n' if mode == 'mixer': # mixer h+= 'set title "Mixer %s: balance %3.0f (smaller is better)" %s\n' % (self.title, np.abs(self.avg_sum_pwr * 1000), label_color) else: # fft h+= 'set title "Spectrum %s" %s\n' % (self.title, label_color) if self.center_freq: arrow_pos = (self.center_freq - self.relative_freq) / 1e6 h+= 'set arrow from %f, graph 0 to %f, graph 1 nohead\n' % (arrow_pos, arrow_pos) h+= 'set title "Spectrum: tuned to %f Mhz" %s\n' % (arrow_pos, label_color) elif mode == 'fftf': h+= 'set yrange [-1:1.2]\n' h+= 'set title "fftf"\n' elif mode == 'float': h+= background h+= 'set yrange [-2:2]\n' h+= 'set title "Oscilloscope %s" %s\n' % (self.title, label_color) elif mode == 'correlation': h+= background title = 'Correlation' if self.title: title = self.title h+= 'set yrange [-1.1:1.1]\n' h+= 'set title "%s" %s\n' % (title, label_color) dat = '%s%splot %s %s\n%s' % (h0, h, ','.join(plots), plot_color, s) if self.logfile is not None: with open(self.logfile, 'a') as fd: fd.write(dat) if sys.version[0] != '2': dat = bytes(dat, 'utf8') self.gp.poll() if self.gp.returncode is None: # make sure gnuplot is still running try: self.gp.stdin.write(dat) except (IOError, ValueError): pass if filename: self.filename = filename return consumed def set_center_freq(self, f): self.center_freq = f def set_relative_freq(self, f): self.relative_freq = f def set_offset(self, f): self.offset_freq = f def set_width(self, w): self.width = w def set_logfile(self, logfile=None): self.logfile = logfile def set_title(self, title): self.title = title class eye_sink_f(gr.sync_block): """ """ def __init__(self, debug = _def_debug, sps = _def_sps): gr.sync_block.__init__(self, name="eye_sink_f", in_sig=[np.float32], out_sig=None) self.debug = debug self.sps = sps self.gnuplot = wrap_gp(sps=self.sps) def work(self, input_items, output_items): in0 = input_items[0] consumed = self.gnuplot.plot(in0, 100*self.sps, mode='eye') return consumed ### len(input_items[0]) def set_title(self, title): self.gnuplot.set_title(title) def kill(self): self.gnuplot.kill() class constellation_sink_c(gr.sync_block): """ """ def __init__(self, debug = _def_debug): gr.sync_block.__init__(self, name="constellation_sink_c", in_sig=[np.complex64], out_sig=None) self.debug = debug self.gnuplot = wrap_gp() def work(self, input_items, output_items): in0 = input_items[0] self.gnuplot.plot(in0, 1000, mode='constellation') return len(input_items[0]) def set_title(self, title): self.gnuplot.set_title(title) def kill(self): self.gnuplot.kill() class fft_sink_f(gr.sync_block): """ """ def __init__(self, debug = _def_debug): gr.sync_block.__init__(self, name="fft_sink_f", in_sig=[np.float32], out_sig=None) self.debug = debug self.gnuplot = wrap_gp() self.skip = 0 def work(self, input_items, output_items): self.skip += 1 if self.skip >= 50: self.skip = 0 in0 = input_items[0] self.gnuplot.plot(in0, FFT_BINS, mode='fftf') return len(input_items[0]) def kill(self): self.gnuplot.kill() class fft_sink_c(gr.sync_block): """ """ def __init__(self, debug = _def_debug): gr.sync_block.__init__(self, name="fft_sink_c", in_sig=[np.complex64], out_sig=None) self.debug = debug self.gnuplot = wrap_gp() self.skip = 0 def work(self, input_items, output_items): self.skip += 1 if self.skip >= 50: self.skip = 0 in0 = input_items[0] self.gnuplot.plot(in0, FFT_BINS, mode='fft') return len(input_items[0]) def set_title(self, title): self.gnuplot.set_title(title) def kill(self): self.gnuplot.kill() def set_center_freq(self, f): self.gnuplot.set_center_freq(f) self.gnuplot.set_relative_freq(0.0) def set_relative_freq(self, f): self.gnuplot.set_relative_freq(f) def set_offset(self, f): self.gnuplot.set_offset(f) def set_width(self, w): self.gnuplot.set_width(w) class mixer_sink_c(gr.sync_block): """ """ def __init__(self, debug = _def_debug): gr.sync_block.__init__(self, name="mixer_sink_c", in_sig=[np.complex64], out_sig=None) self.debug = debug self.gnuplot = wrap_gp() self.skip = 0 def work(self, input_items, output_items): self.skip += 1 if self.skip >= 10: self.skip = 0 in0 = input_items[0] self.gnuplot.plot(in0, FFT_BINS, mode='mixer') return len(input_items[0]) def set_title(self, title): self.gnuplot.set_title(title) def kill(self): self.gnuplot.kill() class symbol_sink_f(gr.sync_block): """ """ def __init__(self, debug = _def_debug): gr.sync_block.__init__(self, name="symbol_sink_f", in_sig=[np.float32], out_sig=None) self.debug = debug self.gnuplot = wrap_gp() def work(self, input_items, output_items): in0 = input_items[0] self.gnuplot.plot(in0, 2400, mode='symbol') return len(input_items[0]) def set_title(self, title): self.gnuplot.set_title(title) def kill(self): self.gnuplot.kill() class float_sink_f(gr.sync_block): """ """ def __init__(self, debug = _def_debug): gr.sync_block.__init__(self, name="float_sink_f", in_sig=[np.float32], out_sig=None) self.debug = debug self.gnuplot = wrap_gp() def work(self, input_items, output_items): in0 = input_items[0] self.gnuplot.plot(in0, 2000, mode='float') return len(input_items[0]) def set_title(self, title): self.gnuplot.set_title(title) def kill(self): self.gnuplot.kill() class correlation_sink_f(gr.sync_block): """ """ def __init__(self, sps=_def_sps, debug = _def_debug): gr.sync_block.__init__(self, name="plot_sink_f", in_sig=[np.float32], out_sig=None) self.debug = debug self.sps = sps self.gnuplot = wrap_gp() self.fs = [] self.cbuf = np.array([]) self.ignore = 0 self.pktlen = 1024 def set_length(self, l): self.pktlen = l def set_title(self, title): self.gnuplot.set_title(title) def set_signature(self, fs): self.fs = [] for s in fs: for i in range(self.sps): self.fs.append(s) self.fs.reverse() # reverse order for np.convolve self.fs = np.array(self.fs) def work(self, input_items, output_items): if len(self.cbuf) == 0 and self.ignore > 0: self.ignore -= len(input_items[0]) if self.ignore < 0: self.ignore = 0 return len(input_items[0]) if len(self.fs) == 0: return len(input_items[0]) in0 = input_items[0] self.cbuf = np.append(self.cbuf, in0) if len(self.cbuf) < self.pktlen: return len(input_items[0]) result = np.convolve(self.cbuf[:self.pktlen], self.fs) hi = np.max(np.abs(result)) if hi != 0: result = result / hi self.cbuf = [] self.ignore = 3000 * self.sps self.gnuplot.plot(result, len(result), mode='correlation') return len(input_items[0]) def kill(self): self.gnuplot.kill() def setup_correlation(sps, title, connect_bb): CFG_FILE = 'correlation.json' if not os.access(CFG_FILE, os.R_OK): sys.stderr.write('correlation plot ignored, missing config file %s\n' % CFG_FILE) return [] ccfg = json.loads(open(CFG_FILE).read()) sinks = [] for cfg in ccfg: sink = correlation_sink_f(sps=sps) sink.set_title('%s %s' % (title, cfg['name'])) l = cfg['length'] * sps * 4 LENGTH_LIMIT = 10000 if l > LENGTH_LIMIT: l = LENGTH_LIMIT sink.set_length(l) sink.set_signature(cfg['fs']) connect_bb('baseband_amp', sink) sinks.append(sink) return sinks