#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2008-2011 Steve Glass # # Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Max H. Parke KA1RBI # # Copyright 2003,2004,2005,2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # (from radiorausch) # # This file is part of OP25 and part of GNU Radio # # OP25 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # OP25 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public # License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with OP25; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free # Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. import os import pickle import sys import threading import math import numpy import time import re import json import traceback try: import Hamlib except: pass try: import Numeric except: pass from gnuradio import audio, eng_notation, gr, gru, filter, blocks, fft, analog, digital from gnuradio.eng_option import eng_option from math import pi from optparse import OptionParser import op25 import op25_repeater import trunking import p25_demodulator import p25_decoder sys.path.append('tdma') import lfsr from gr_gnuplot import constellation_sink_c from gr_gnuplot import fft_sink_c from gr_gnuplot import symbol_sink_f from gr_gnuplot import eye_sink_f from terminal import curses_terminal from sockaudio import socket_audio #speeds = [300, 600, 900, 1200, 1440, 1800, 1920, 2400, 2880, 3200, 3600, 3840, 4000, 4800, 6000, 6400, 7200, 8000, 9600, 14400, 19200] speeds = [4800, 6000] os.environ['IMBE'] = 'soft' WIRESHARK_PORT = 23456 # The P25 receiver # class p25_rx_block (gr.top_block): # Initialize the P25 receiver # def __init__(self): self.trunk_rx = None self.kill_sink = None gr.top_block.__init__(self) # command line argument parsing parser = OptionParser(option_class=eng_option) parser.add_option("--args", type="string", default="", help="device args") parser.add_option("--antenna", type="string", default="", help="select antenna") parser.add_option("-a", "--audio", action="store_true", default=False, help="use direct audio input") parser.add_option("-A", "--audio-if", action="store_true", default=False, help="soundcard IF mode (use --calibration to set IF freq)") parser.add_option("-I", "--audio-input", type="string", default="", help="pcm input device name. E.g., hw:0,0 or /dev/dsp") parser.add_option("-i", "--input", default=None, help="input file name") parser.add_option("-b", "--excess-bw", type="eng_float", default=0.2, help="for RRC filter", metavar="Hz") parser.add_option("-c", "--calibration", type="eng_float", default=0.0, help="USRP offset or audio IF frequency", metavar="Hz") parser.add_option("-C", "--costas-alpha", type="eng_float", default=0.04, help="value of alpha for Costas loop", metavar="Hz") parser.add_option("-D", "--demod-type", type="choice", default="cqpsk", choices=('cqpsk', 'fsk4'), help="cqpsk | fsk4") parser.add_option("-P", "--plot-mode", type="choice", default=None, choices=(None, 'constellation', 'fft', 'symbol', 'datascope'), help="constellation | fft | symbol | datascope") parser.add_option("-f", "--frequency", type="eng_float", default=0.0, help="USRP center frequency", metavar="Hz") parser.add_option("-F", "--ifile", type="string", default=None, help="read input from complex capture file") parser.add_option("-H", "--hamlib-model", type="int", default=None, help="specify model for hamlib") parser.add_option("-s", "--seek", type="int", default=0, help="ifile seek in K") parser.add_option("-L", "--logfile-workers", type="int", default=None, help="number of demodulators to instantiate") parser.add_option("-S", "--sample-rate", type="int", default=320e3, help="source samp rate") parser.add_option("-t", "--tone-detect", action="store_true", default=False, help="use experimental tone detect algorithm") parser.add_option("-T", "--trunk-conf-file", type="string", default=None, help="trunking config file name") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbosity", type="int", default=0, help="message debug level") parser.add_option("-V", "--vocoder", action="store_true", default=False, help="voice codec") parser.add_option("-o", "--offset", type="eng_float", default=0.0, help="tuning offset frequency [to circumvent DC offset]", metavar="Hz") parser.add_option("-p", "--pause", action="store_true", default=False, help="block on startup") parser.add_option("-w", "--wireshark", action="store_true", default=False, help="output data to Wireshark") parser.add_option("-W", "--wireshark-host", type="string", default="", help="Wireshark host") parser.add_option("-r", "--raw-symbols", type="string", default=None, help="dump decoded symbols to file") parser.add_option("-R", "--rx-subdev-spec", type="subdev", default=(0, 0), help="select USRP Rx side A or B (default=A)") parser.add_option("-g", "--gain", type="eng_float", default=None, help="set USRP gain in dB (default is midpoint) or set audio gain") parser.add_option("-G", "--gain-mu", type="eng_float", default=0.025, help="gardner gain") parser.add_option("-N", "--gains", type="string", default=None, help="gain settings") parser.add_option("-O", "--audio-output", type="string", default="default", help="audio output device name") parser.add_option("-U", "--udp-player", action="store_true", default=False, help="enable built-in udp audio player") parser.add_option("-q", "--freq-corr", type="eng_float", default=0.0, help="frequency correction") parser.add_option("-d", "--fine-tune", type="eng_float", default=0.0, help="fine tuning") parser.add_option("-2", "--phase2-tdma", action="store_true", default=False, help="enable phase2 tdma decode") parser.add_option("-Z", "--decim-amt", type="int", default=1, help="spectrum decimation") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 0: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) self.channel_rate = 0 self.baseband_input = False self.rtl_found = False self.channel_rate = options.sample_rate self.fft_sink = None self.src = None if not options.input: # check if osmocom is accessible try: import osmosdr self.src = osmosdr.source(options.args) except Exception: print "osmosdr source_c creation failure" ignore = True if "rtl" in options.args.lower(): #print "'rtl' has been found in options.args (%s)" % (options.args) self.rtl_found = True gain_names = self.src.get_gain_names() for name in gain_names: range = self.src.get_gain_range(name) print "gain: name: %s range: start %d stop %d step %d" % (name, range[0].start(), range[0].stop(), range[0].step()) if options.gains: for tuple in options.gains.split(","): name, gain = tuple.split(":") gain = int(gain) print "setting gain %s to %d" % (name, gain) self.src.set_gain(gain, name) rates = self.src.get_sample_rates() try: print 'supported sample rates %d-%d step %d' % (rates.start(), rates.stop(), rates.step()) except: pass # ignore if options.freq_corr: self.src.set_freq_corr(options.freq_corr) if options.audio: self.channel_rate = 48000 self.baseband_input = True if options.audio_if: self.channel_rate = 96000 if options.ifile: self.channel_rate = 96000 # TODO: fixme # setup (read-only) attributes self.symbol_rate = 4800 self.symbol_deviation = 600.0 self.basic_rate = 48000 _default_speed = 4800 # keep track of flow graph connections self.cnxns = [] self.datascope_raw_input = False self.data_scope_connected = False self.constellation_scope_connected = False self.options = options for i in xrange(len(speeds)): if speeds[i] == _default_speed: self.current_speed = i self.default_speed_idx = i if options.hamlib_model: self.hamlib_attach(options.hamlib_model) # wait for gdb if options.pause: print 'Ready for GDB to attach (pid = %d)' % (os.getpid(),) raw_input("Press 'Enter' to continue...") self.input_q = gr.msg_queue(10) self.output_q = gr.msg_queue(10) # configure specified data source if options.input: self.open_file(options.input) elif options.frequency: self.open_usrp() elif options.audio_if: self.open_audio_c(self.channel_rate, options.gain, options.audio_input) elif options.audio: self.open_audio(self.channel_rate, options.gain, options.audio_input) elif options.ifile: self.open_ifile(self.channel_rate, options.gain, options.ifile, options.seek) else: pass # attach terminal thread self.terminal = curses_terminal(self.input_q, self.output_q) # attach audio thread if self.options.udp_player: self.audio = socket_audio("", WIRESHARK_PORT, self.options.audio_output) else: self.audio = None # setup common flow graph elements # def __build_graph(self, source, capture_rate): global speeds global WIRESHARK_PORT # tell the scope the source rate self.rx_q = gr.msg_queue(100) udp_port = 0 if self.options.udp_player or self.options.wireshark or (self.options.wireshark_host != ""): udp_port = WIRESHARK_PORT self.tdma_state = False self.xor_cache = {} self.fft_state = False self.c4fm_state = False self.fscope_state = False self.corr_state = False self.fac_state = False self.fsk4_demod_connected = False self.psk_demod_connected = False self.fsk4_demod_mode = False self.corr_i_chan = False if self.baseband_input: self.demod = p25_demodulator.p25_demod_fb(input_rate=capture_rate) else: # complex input # local osc self.lo_freq = self.options.offset + self.options.fine_tune if self.options.audio_if or self.options.ifile or self.options.input: self.lo_freq += self.options.calibration self.demod = p25_demodulator.p25_demod_cb( input_rate = capture_rate, demod_type = self.options.demod_type, relative_freq = self.lo_freq, offset = self.options.offset, if_rate = 48000, gain_mu = self.options.gain_mu, costas_alpha = self.options.costas_alpha, symbol_rate = self.symbol_rate) num_ambe = 0 if self.options.phase2_tdma: num_ambe = 1 self.decoder = p25_decoder.p25_decoder_sink_b(dest='audio', do_imbe=True, num_ambe=num_ambe, wireshark_host=self.options.wireshark_host, udp_port=udp_port, do_msgq = True, msgq=self.rx_q, audio_output=self.options.audio_output, debug=self.options.verbosity) # connect it all up self.connect(source, self.demod, self.decoder) if self.options.plot_mode == 'constellation': assert self.options.demod_type == 'cqpsk' ## constellation requires cqpsk demod-type self.constellation_sink = constellation_sink_c() self.demod.connect_complex('diffdec', self.constellation_sink) self.kill_sink = self.constellation_sink elif self.options.plot_mode == 'symbol': self.symbol_sink = symbol_sink_f() self.demod.connect_float(self.symbol_sink) self.kill_sink = self.symbol_sink elif self.options.plot_mode == 'fft': self.fft_sink = fft_sink_c() self.spectrum_decim = filter.rational_resampler_ccf(1, self.options.decim_amt) self.connect(self.spectrum_decim, self.fft_sink) self.demod.connect_complex('src', self.spectrum_decim) self.kill_sink = self.fft_sink elif self.options.plot_mode == 'datascope': assert self.options.demod_type == 'fsk4' ## datascope requires fsk4 demod-type self.eye_sink = eye_sink_f(sps=10) self.demod.connect_bb('symbol_filter', self.eye_sink) self.kill_sink = self.eye_sink if self.options.raw_symbols: self.sink_sf = blocks.file_sink(gr.sizeof_char, self.options.raw_symbols) self.connect(self.demod, self.sink_sf) logfile_workers = [] if self.options.phase2_tdma: num_ambe = 2 if self.options.logfile_workers: for i in xrange(self.options.logfile_workers): demod = p25_demodulator.p25_demod_cb(input_rate=capture_rate, demod_type=self.options.demod_type, offset=self.options.offset) decoder = p25_decoder.p25_decoder_sink_b(debug = self.options.verbosity, do_imbe = self.options.vocoder, num_ambe=num_ambe) logfile_workers.append({'demod': demod, 'decoder': decoder, 'active': False}) self.connect(source, demod, decoder) self.trunk_rx = trunking.rx_ctl(frequency_set = self.change_freq, debug = self.options.verbosity, conf_file = self.options.trunk_conf_file, logfile_workers=logfile_workers) self.du_watcher = du_queue_watcher(self.rx_q, self.trunk_rx.process_qmsg) # Connect up the flow graph # def __connect(self, cnxns): for l in cnxns: for b in l: if b == l[0]: p = l[0] else: self.connect(p, b) p = b self.cnxns.extend(cnxns) # Disconnect the flow graph # def __disconnect(self): for l in self.cnxns: for b in l: if b == l[0]: p = l[0] else: self.disconnect(p, b) p = b self.cnxns = [] def set_speed(self, new_speed): # assumes that lock is held, or that we are in init self.disconnect_demods() self.current_speed = new_speed self.connect_fsk4_demod() def configure_tdma(self, params): if params['tdma'] is not None and not self.options.phase2_tdma: print '***TDMA request for frequency %d failed- phase2_tdma option not enabled' % params['freq'] return set_tdma = False if params['tdma'] is not None: set_tdma = True if set_tdma == self.tdma_state: return # already in desired state self.tdma_state = set_tdma if set_tdma: self.decoder.set_slotid(params['tdma']) hash = '%x%x%x' % (params['nac'], params['sysid'], params['wacn']) if hash not in self.xor_cache: self.xor_cache[hash] = lfsr.p25p2_lfsr(params['nac'], params['sysid'], params['wacn']).xor_chars self.decoder.set_xormask(self.xor_cache[hash], hash) sps = self.basic_rate / 6000 else: sps = self.basic_rate / 4800 self.demod.clock.set_omega(float(sps)) def change_freq(self, params): freq = params['freq'] offset = params['offset'] center_freq = params['center_frequency'] fine_tune = self.options.fine_tune if self.options.hamlib_model: self.hamlib.set_freq(freq) elif params['center_frequency']: relative_freq = center_freq - freq if abs(relative_freq + self.options.offset) > self.channel_rate / 2: self.lo_freq = self.options.offset + self.options.fine_tune # relative tune not possible self.demod.set_relative_frequency(self.lo_freq) # reset demod relative freq self.set_freq(freq + offset) # direct tune instead else: self.lo_freq = self.options.offset + relative_freq + fine_tune if self.demod.set_relative_frequency(self.lo_freq): # relative tune successful self.set_freq(center_freq + offset) if self.fft_sink: self.fft_sink.set_relative_freq(self.lo_freq) else: self.lo_freq = self.options.offset + self.options.fine_tune # relative tune unsuccessful self.demod.set_relative_frequency(self.lo_freq) # reset demod relative freq self.set_freq(freq + offset) # direct tune instead else: self.set_freq(freq + offset) self.configure_tdma(params) params['json_type'] = 'change_freq' js = json.dumps(params) msg = gr.message().make_from_string(js, -4, 0, 0) self.input_q.insert_tail(msg) def hamlib_attach(self, model): Hamlib.rig_set_debug (Hamlib.RIG_DEBUG_NONE) # RIG_DEBUG_TRACE self.hamlib = Hamlib.Rig (model) self.hamlib.set_conf ("serial_speed","9600") self.hamlib.set_conf ("retry","5") self.hamlib.open () def q_action(self, action): msg = gr.message().make_from_string(action, -2, 0, 0) self.rx_q.insert_tail(msg) def set_gain(self, gain): if self.rtl_found: self.src.set_gain(gain, 'LNA') if self.options.verbosity: print 'RTL Gain of %d set to: %.1f' % (gain, self.src.get_gain('LNA')) else: if self.baseband_input: f = 1.0 else: f = 0.1 self.demod.set_baseband_gain(float(gain) * f) def set_audio_scaler(self, vol): #print 'audio scaler: %f' % ((1 / 32768.0) * (vol * 0.1)) self.decoder.set_scaler_k((1 / 32768.0) * (vol * 0.1)) def set_rtl_ppm(self, ppm): self.src.set_freq_corr(ppm) def set_freq_tune(self, val): self.demod.set_relative_frequency(val + self.lo_freq) def set_freq(self, target_freq): """ Set the center frequency we're interested in. @param target_freq: frequency in Hz @rypte: bool Tuning is a two step process. First we ask the front-end to tune as close to the desired frequency as it can. Then we use the result of that operation and our target_frequency to determine the value for the digital down converter. """ if not self.src: return False tune_freq = target_freq + self.options.calibration + self.options.offset r = self.src.set_center_freq(tune_freq) if self.fft_sink: self.fft_sink.set_center_freq(tune_freq) self.fft_sink.set_width(self.options.sample_rate) if r: #self.myform['freq'].set_value(target_freq) # update displayed va #if self.show_debug_info: # self.myform['baseband'].set_value(r.baseband_freq) # self.myform['ddc'].set_value(r.dxc_freq) return True return False # read capture file properties (decimation etc.) # def __read_file_properties(self, filename): f = open(filename, "r") self.info = pickle.load(f) ToDo = True f.close() # setup to rx from file # def __set_rx_from_file(self, filename, capture_rate): file = blocks.file_source(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, filename, True) gain = blocks.multiply_const_cc(self.options.gain) throttle = blocks.throttle(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, capture_rate) self.__connect([[file, gain, throttle]]) self.__build_graph(throttle, capture_rate) # setup to rx from Audio # def __set_rx_from_audio(self, capture_rate): self.__build_graph(self.source, capture_rate) # setup to rx from USRP # def __set_rx_from_osmosdr(self): # setup osmosdr capture_rate = self.src.set_sample_rate(self.options.sample_rate) if self.options.antenna: self.src.set_antenna(self.options.antenna) self.info["capture-rate"] = capture_rate self.src.set_bandwidth(capture_rate) r = self.src.set_center_freq(self.options.frequency + self.options.calibration+ self.options.offset) print 'set_center_freq: %d' % r if not r: raise RuntimeError("failed to set USRP frequency") # capture file # if preserve: if 0: try: self.capture_filename = os.tmpnam() except RuntimeWarning: ignore = True capture_file = blocks.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, self.capture_filename) self.__connect([[self.usrp, capture_file]]) else: self.capture_filename = None # everything else self.__build_graph(self.src, capture_rate) # Write capture file properties # def __write_file_properties(self, filename): f = open(filename, "w") pickle.dump(self.info, f) f.close() # Adjust the channel offset # def adjust_channel_offset(self, delta_hz): max_delta_hz = 12000.0 delta_hz *= self.symbol_deviation delta_hz = max(delta_hz, -max_delta_hz) delta_hz = min(delta_hz, max_delta_hz) self.channel_filter.set_center_freq(self.channel_offset - delta_hz+ self.options.offset) def open_ifile(self, capture_rate, gain, input_filename, file_seek): speed = 96000 # TODO: fixme ifile = blocks.file_source(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, input_filename, 1) if file_seek > 0: rc = ifile.seek(file_seek*1024, gr.SEEK_SET) assert rc == True #print "seek: %d, rc = %d" % (file_seek, rc) throttle = blocks.throttle(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, speed) self.source = blocks.multiply_const_cc(gain) self.connect(ifile, throttle, self.source) self.__set_rx_from_audio(speed) def open_audio_c(self, capture_rate, gain, audio_input_filename): self.info = { "capture-rate": capture_rate, "center-freq": 0, "source-dev": "AUDIO", "source-decim": 1 } self.audio_source = audio.source(capture_rate, audio_input_filename) self.audio_cvt = blocks.float_to_complex() self.connect((self.audio_source, 0), (self.audio_cvt, 0)) self.connect((self.audio_source, 1), (self.audio_cvt, 1)) self.source = blocks.multiply_const_cc(gain) self.connect(self.audio_cvt, self.source) self.__set_rx_from_audio(capture_rate) def open_audio(self, capture_rate, gain, audio_input_filename): self.info = { "capture-rate": capture_rate, "center-freq": 0, "source-dev": "AUDIO", "source-decim": 1 } self.audio_source = audio.source(capture_rate, audio_input_filename) self.source = blocks.multiply_const_ff(gain) self.connect(self.audio_source, self.source) self.__set_rx_from_audio(capture_rate) # Open the USRP # def open_usrp(self): # try: self.info = { "capture-rate": "unknown", "center-freq": self.options.frequency, "source-dev": "USRP", "source-decim": 1 } self.__set_rx_from_osmosdr() # except Exception, x: # wx.MessageBox("Cannot open USRP: " + x.message, "USRP Error", wx.CANCEL | wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION) # Set the channel offset # def set_channel_offset(self, offset_hz, scale, units): self.channel_offset = -offset_hz self.channel_filter.set_center_freq(self.channel_offset+ self.options.offset) self.frame.SetStatusText("Channel offset: " + str(offset_hz * scale) + units, 1) # Set the RF squelch threshold level # def set_squelch_threshold(self, squelch_db): self.squelch.set_threshold(squelch_db) self.frame.SetStatusText("Squelch: " + str(squelch_db) + "dB", 2) def process_qmsg(self, msg): # return true = end top block RX_COMMANDS = 'skip lockout hold' s = msg.to_string() if s == 'quit': return True elif s == 'update': if self.trunk_rx is None: return False ## possible race cond - just ignore js = self.trunk_rx.to_json() msg = gr.message().make_from_string(js, -4, 0, 0) self.input_q.insert_tail(msg) elif s == 'set_freq': freq = msg.arg1() self.set_freq(freq) elif s == 'add_default_config': nac = msg.arg1() self.trunk_rx.add_default_config(nac) elif s in RX_COMMANDS: self.rx_q.insert_tail(msg) return False ############################################################################ # data unit receive queue # class du_queue_watcher(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, msgq, callback, **kwds): threading.Thread.__init__ (self, **kwds) self.setDaemon(1) self.msgq = msgq self.callback = callback self.keep_running = True self.start() def run(self): while(self.keep_running): msg = self.msgq.delete_head() self.callback(msg) # Start the receiver # if __name__ == "__main__": tb = p25_rx_block() tb.start() try: while True: msg = tb.output_q.delete_head() if tb.process_qmsg(msg): break except: sys.stderr.write('main: exception occurred\n') sys.stderr.write('main: exception:\n%s\n' % traceback.format_exc()) if tb.terminal: tb.terminal.end_curses() if tb.audio: tb.audio.stop() tb.stop() if tb.kill_sink: tb.kill_sink.kill()