#!/usr/bin/liquidsoap # Example liquidsoap streaming from op25 to icecast # (c) 2019, 2020 gnorbury@bondcar.com, wllmbecks@gmail.com # set("log.stdout", true) set("log.file", false) set("log.level", 1) # Make the native sample rate compatible with op25 set("frame.audio.samplerate", 8000) input = mksafe(input.external(buffer=0.02, channels=2, samplerate=8000, restart_on_error=false, "./audio.py -x 2 -s")) # Consider increasing the buffer value on slow systems such as RPi3. e.g. buffer=0.25 # Longer buffer results in less choppy audio but at the expense of increased latency. # OPTIONAL AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSING BLOCKS # Uncomment to enable # # High pass filter #input = filter.iir.butterworth.high(frequency = 200.0, order = 4, input) # Low pass filter #input = filter.iir.butterworth.low(frequency = 3250.0, order = 4, input) # Normalization #input = normalize(input, gain_max = 3.0, gain_min = -3.0, target = -16.0, threshold = -40.0) # LOCAL AUDIO OUTPUT # Uncomment the appropriate line below to enable local sound # # Default audio subsystem out (input) # # PulseAudio #output.pulseaudio(input) # # ALSA #output.alsa(input) # ICECAST STREAMING # Uncomment to enable output to an icecast server # Change the "host", "password", and "mount" strings appropriately first! # For metadata to work properly, the host address given here MUST MATCH the address in op25's meta.json file # #output.icecast(%mp3(bitrate=16, samplerate=22050, stereo=false), description="op25", genre="Public Safety", url="", fallible=false, icy_metadata="false", host="localhost", port=8000, mount="mountpoint", password="hackme", mean(input))