#! /bin/sh PIP3=`which pip3` USERDIR=~/.local/bin sudo apt-get install python3-pip # # # # # # un-comment the following two lines for ubuntu 16.04 # # # # # # #pip3 install --user pip==10.0.1 #PIP3=$USERDIR/pip3 echo PIP3 now set to $PIP3, checking version... $PIP3 --version $PIP3 install --user sqlalchemy $PIP3 install --user flask $PIP3 install --user datatables $PIP3 install --user flask-sqlalchemy cd git clone https://github.com/Pegase745/sqlalchemy-datatables.git cd sqlalchemy-datatables $PIP3 install --user . cd echo the following line must be added to your .bashrc echo "export PATH=$USERDIR:\$PATH"