plot color cfg

This commit is contained in:
Max 2021-02-05 23:38:41 -05:00
parent ccf9a9f20b
commit 59a631b700
3 changed files with 67 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"label_color": "#ffffff",
"tic_color": "#cccccc",
"border_color": "#cccccc",
"plot_color": "#008000",
"background_color": "#000000"

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ def limit(a,lim):
PSEQ = 0
class wrap_gp(object):
def __init__(self, sps=_def_sps, logfile=None, title=None):
def __init__(self, sps=_def_sps, logfile=None, title=None, color_cfg='plot-colors.json'):
global PSEQ
self.sps = sps
self.center_freq = 0.0
@ -84,6 +84,17 @@ class wrap_gp(object):
y = self.sequence_id // 3
self.position = (x, y)
self.colors = {}
self.colors['label_color'] = ''
self.colors['tic_color'] = ''
self.colors['border_color'] = ''
self.colors['plot_color'] = ''
self.colors['background_color'] = ''
if color_cfg and os.access(color_cfg, os.R_OK):
ccfg = json.loads(open(color_cfg).read())
for color in ccfg:
self.colors[color] = ccfg[color]
def attach_gp(self):
@ -211,9 +222,33 @@ class wrap_gp(object):
pos = ' position %d, %d' % (x, y)
h0= 'set terminal x11 noraise size %d, %d%s title "%s"\n' % (plot_size[0], plot_size[1], pos, self.title)
background = ''
label_color = ''
tic_color = ''
border_color = ''
plot_color = ''
background_color = ''
if self.colors['label_color']:
label_color = 'textcolor rgb"%s"' % self.colors['label_color']
if self.colors['tic_color']:
tic_color = 'textcolor rgb"%s"' % self.colors['tic_color']
if self.colors['border_color']:
border_color = 'linecolor rgb"%s"' % self.colors['border_color']
if self.colors['plot_color']:
plot_color = 'linecolor rgb"%s"' % self.colors['plot_color']
if self.colors['background_color']:
background_color = 'fillcolor rgb"%s"' % self.colors['background_color']
background += 'set object 1 rectangle from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1 %s behind\n' % (background_color)
background += 'set xtics %s\n' % (tic_color)
background += 'set ytics %s\n' % (tic_color)
background += 'set border %s\n' % (border_color)
h = 'set key off\n'
if mode == 'constellation':
h+= background
#h+= background
plot_color = ''
h+= 'set size square\n'
h+= 'set xrange [-1:1]\n'
h+= 'set yrange [-1:1]\n'
@ -221,7 +256,9 @@ class wrap_gp(object):
h += 'set polar\n'
h += 'set angles degrees\n'
h += 'unset raxis\n'
h += 'set object circle at 0,0 size 1 fillcolor rgb 0x0f01 fillstyle solid behind\n'
h += 'set object 1 rectangle from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1 %s behind\n' % (background_color)
h += 'set object 2 circle at 0,0 size 1 fillcolor rgb 0x0f01 fillstyle solid behind\n'
h += 'set object 3 circle at 0,0 size 1 %s\n' % 'linecolor rgb"#0000f0"'
h += 'set style line 10 lt 1 lc rgb 0x404040 lw 0.1\n'
h += 'set grid polar 45\n'
h += 'set grid ls 10\n'
@ -233,16 +270,18 @@ class wrap_gp(object):
h += 'set format ""\n'
h += 'set style line 11 lt 1 lw 2 pt 2 ps 2\n'
h+= 'set title "Constellation"\n'
h+= 'set title "Constellation" %s\n' % (label_color)
elif mode == 'eye':
h+= background
h+= 'set yrange [-4:4]\n'
h+= 'set title "Datascope"\n'
h+= 'set title "Datascope" %s\n' % (label_color)
plot_color = ''
elif mode == 'symbol':
h+= background
h+= 'set yrange [-4:4]\n'
h+= 'set title "Symbol"\n'
h+= 'set title "Symbol" %s\n' % (label_color)
elif mode == 'fft' or mode == 'mixer':
h+= background
h+= 'unset arrow; unset title\n'
h+= 'set xrange [%f:%f]\n' % (self.freqs[0], self.freqs[len(self.freqs)-1])
h+= 'set xlabel "Frequency"\n'
@ -250,23 +289,25 @@ class wrap_gp(object):
h+= 'set grid\n'
h+= 'set yrange [-100:0]\n'
if mode == 'mixer': # mixer
h+= 'set title "Mixer: balance %3.0f (smaller is better)"\n' % (np.abs(self.avg_sum_pwr * 1000))
h+= 'set title "Mixer: balance %3.0f (smaller is better)" %s\n' % (np.abs(self.avg_sum_pwr * 1000), label_color)
else: # fft
h+= 'set title "Spectrum"\n'
h+= 'set title "Spectrum" %s\n' % (label_color)
if self.center_freq:
arrow_pos = (self.center_freq - self.relative_freq) / 1e6
h+= 'set arrow from %f, graph 0 to %f, graph 1 nohead\n' % (arrow_pos, arrow_pos)
h+= 'set title "Spectrum: tuned to %f Mhz"\n' % arrow_pos
h+= 'set title "Spectrum: tuned to %f Mhz" %s\n' % (arrow_pos, label_color)
elif mode == 'float':
h+= background
h+= 'set yrange [-2:2]\n'
h+= 'set title "Oscilloscope"\n'
h+= 'set title "Oscilloscope" %s\n' % (label_color)
elif mode == 'correlation':
h+= background
title = 'Correlation'
if self.title:
title = self.title
h+= 'set yrange [-1.1:1.1]\n'
h+= 'set title "%s"\n' % (title)
dat = '%s%splot %s\n%s' % (h0, h, ','.join(plots), s)
h+= 'set title "%s" %s\n' % (title, label_color)
dat = '%s%splot %s %s\n%s' % (h0, h, ','.join(plots), plot_color, s)
if self.logfile is not None:
with open(self.logfile, 'a') as fd:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"label_color": "#000000",
"tic_color": "#000000",
"border_color": "#000000",
"plot_color": "#c000ff",
"background_color": "#ffffff"