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%%% $Id: map.erl,v 1.1 2005/02/13 00:42:12 vances Exp $
%%% @copyright 2005 Motivity Telecom Inc.
%%% @author Vance Shipley <>
%%% @end
%%% Copyright 2005 Motivity Telecom Inc.
%%% All rights reserved. No part of this computer program(s) may be
%%% used, reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted,
%%% in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
%%% recording, or otherwise without prior written permission of
%%% Motivity Telecom Inc.
%%% @doc Mobile Application Part
%%% <p>This module implements the user's API to the MAP protocol
%%% stack application.</p>
%%% @reference <a href="index.html">MAP User's Guide</a>
-copyright('Copyright (c) 2005 Motivity Telecom Inc.').
-vsn('$Revision: 1.1 $').
%% our published API functions
-export([start/0, stop/0]).
-export([open/3, close/1]).
%% @type map_options(). MAP layer options
%% <p>A list of one or more of the following tuples.</p>
%% <dl>
%% <dt><tt>{variant, Variant}</tt></dt><dd><tt>gsm | ansi</tt></dd>
%% </dl>
%% @end
%% The API functions
%% @spec () -> Result
%% Result = ok | {error, Reason}
%% Reason = term()
%% @equiv application:start(map)
start() ->
%% @spec () -> Result
%% Result = ok | {error, Reason}
%% Reason = term()
%% @equiv application:stop(map)
stop() ->
%% @spec (Module::atom(), Args::term(), Options::term()) -> PM
%% Options = [map_options() | GenFsmOptions]
%% GenFsmOptions = list()
%% PM = pid()
%% @doc Start a new MAP layer service access point.
%% <p>A new MAP protocol machine (PM) is created. The PM is
%% a collection of service state machines (SSM), one per MAP specific
%% service invoked, coordinated by a single dialogue state machine
%% (DSM). There are two types of SSM; requesting service state
%% machines (RSM) and performing service state machines (PSM).</p>
%% <p><tt>Module</tt> is the name of a
%% <a href="map_dsm_fsm.html"><tt>map_dsm_fsm</tt></a>
%% behaviour callback module which will provide the TCAP layer
%% adaptation.</p>
%% <p><tt>Args</tt> has meaning only to the callback module but
%% presumably would identify the specific TCAP service access
%% point (i.e. subsystem number) for this MAP layer.</p>
%% <p><tt>Options</tt> may include
%% <a href="#map_options">map_options()</a> and <tt>gen_fsm</tt>
%% options passed to the callback module.</p>
%% <p>The callback module will be started with:<br/>
%% <tt>gen_fsm:start_link(Module, Args, GenFsmOptions)</tt>
%% </p>
%% <p>Returns the pid of the DSM.</p>
%% @see gen_server:start_link/3
open(Module, Args, Options) ->
{ok, SupRef} = application:get_env(map, supref),
case supervisor:start_child(SupRef, [Module, Args, Options]) of
{ok, Sup} ->
Children = supervisor:which_children(Sup),
{value, {dsm, DSM, _, _}} = lists:keysearch(dsm, 1, Children),
{error, Reason} ->
%% @spec (PM::pid()) -> ok
%% @doc Close a MAP service access point.
%% <p><tt>PM</tt> is the pid of a DSM returned in a previous call to
%% <a href="#open-3"><tt>open/3</tt></a>.</p>
close(PM) when is_pid(PM) ->
gen_server:call(PM, close).