%%% $Id: sccp.erl,v 1.26 2007/08/15 11:02:50 vances Exp $ %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @copyright 2001-2005 Motivity Telecom %%% @author Vance Shipley [http://www.motivity.ca] %%% @end %%% %%% Copyright (c) 2001-2005, Motivity Telecom %%% %%% All rights reserved. %%% %%% Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without %%% modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions %%% are met: %%% %%% - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright %%% notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. %%% - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright %%% notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in %%% the documentation and/or other materials provided with the %%% distribution. %%% - Neither the name of Motivity Telecom nor the names of its %%% contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived %%% from this software without specific prior written permission. %%% %%% THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS %%% "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT %%% LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR %%% A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT %%% OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, %%% SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT %%% LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, %%% DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY %%% THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT %%% (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE %%% OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. %%% %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @doc Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP) application using NMS. %%%

Implements SCCP service access points (SAP) on top of the %%% nms application.

%%% %%% @see //nms %%% @reference %%% %%% NMS SCCP Developer's Reference Manual %%% @reference ITU-T Q.771-Q.774 %%% @reference ANSI T1.112 -module(sccp). -copyright('Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Motivity Telecom Inc.'). -author('vances@motivity.ca'). -vsn('$Revision: 1.26 $'). -include("nms_sccp.hrl"). -behaviour(gen_server). %% call backs needed for gen_server behaviour -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). %% our published API functions -export([start_link/2, start_link/3, start_link/7, stop/1]). -export([address/1, address_itu/1, address_ansi/1, bcd_digits/1, btoi/1]). -record(state, {user, board, entityid, serviceuserid, sap, ssn, queue, context, object, port}). %% TODO: find a way to have autoconf define these -define(SW_INT, 1). -define(SW_ANSI, 2). -define(ENC_UNKNOWN, 0). -define(ENC_BCD_ODD, 1). -define(ENC_BCD_EVEN, 2). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% The sccp exported API (not the service primitives) %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @spec (USAP::pid(), SSN::integer()) -> {ok, NSAP} | {error, Reason} %% NSAP = pid() %% Reason = term() %% %% @doc Starts an sccp server. %%

USAP is the pid of the SCCP-User.


SSN is the SCCP subsystem number for this SAP.


NSAP is a pid which the SCCP-User will use as the %% service access point for the SCCP-Service.

%% start_link(User, SSN) -> start_link(User, 0, SSN). %% %% @spec (USAP::pid(), SpID::integer(), SSN::integer()) -> {ok, NSAP} | {error, Reason} %% NSAP = pid() %% Reason = term() %% %% @doc Starts an sccp server. %%

USAP is the pid of the SCCP-User.


SpID NMS SCCP service access point ID on which to bind. %% This is SCCP SAP number which is defined in the TX board SCCP %% configuration.


SSN is the SCCP subsystem number for this SAP.


NSAP is a pid which the SCCP-User will use as the %% service access point for the SCCP-Service.

%% start_link(User, SpID, SSN) -> start_link(User, 1, 16#20, 0, SpID, SSN, 128). %% %% @spec (USAP::pid(), Board::integer(), EntityID::integer(), SuID::integer(), %% SpID::integer(), SSN::integer(), PoolSize::integer()) -> {ok, NSAP} | {error, Reason} %% NSAP = pid() %% Reason = term() %% %% @doc Starts an sccp server. %%

USAP is the pid of the SCCP-User.


Board is the number of the TX board for this SAP.


EntityID is the Entity ID which identifies this application %% to the NMS TX board.


SuID NMS SCCP calling application service user ID. %% This is User SAP number which is defined in the TX board SCCP %% configuration.


SpID NMS SCCP service access point ID on which to bind. %% This is SCCP SAP number which is defined in the TX board SCCP %% configuration.


SSN is the SCCP subsystem number for this SAP.


NSAP is a pid which the SCCP-User will use as the %% service access point for the SCCP-Service.


PoolSize is the number of messages allowed to %% be queued to the TX board.

%% start_link(User, Board, EntityID, SuID, SpID, SSN, PoolSize) -> Ourname = list_to_atom("sccp_ssn" ++ integer_to_list(SSN)), gen_server:start_link({local, Ourname}, ?MODULE, [User, Board, EntityID, SuID, SpID, SSN, PoolSize], []). %% @spec (NSAP) -> ok %% NSAP = pid() %% %% @doc Stop an sccp server. %%

Closes an SCCP service access point (SAP).


NSAP is a pid returned from a previous call to %% start_link/2,3,7.

%% stop(NSAP) -> gen_server:call(NSAP, stop). %% @type party(). SCCP called/calling party address. %%

A binary() or an #'SccpAddr'{} record.

%% @spec (SccpAddress::party()) -> SccpAddress %% SccpAddress = party() %% %% @doc Encodes/decodes SCCP called/calling party addresses. %%

Naively, but convienently, assumes national addresses %% are in ANSI format and international addresses are in %% ITU format when decoding.

%% @end %% % International Indicator address(<<0:1, _:7, _Rest/binary>> = OrigBin) -> address_itu(OrigBin); % National Indicator address(<<1:1, _:7, _Rest/binary>> = OrigBin) -> address_ansi(OrigBin); % encode ANSI address records address(CP) when is_record(CP, 'SccpAddr'), CP#'SccpAddr'.swtype == ?SW_ANSI -> address_ansi(CP); % encode ITU address records address(CP) when is_record(CP, 'SccpAddr'), CP#'SccpAddr'.swtype == ?SW_INT -> address_itu(CP). %% @spec (SccpAddress::party()) -> SccpAddress %% SccpAddress = party() %% %% @doc Encodes/decodes an ITU-T variant SCCP called/calling party address. %%

Operates according to ITU-T Q.713 3.4.

%% @end %% %% [note: ANSI reverse the order of the PC & SSN] %% address_itu(<>) -> #'SccpAddr'{presind = 1, swtype = ?SW_INT, natintind = NatIntInd, routingind = RoutingInd, gltitleind = GlobalTitleInd, subsystemind = SubsystemInd, pointcodeind = PointCodeInd}; address_itu(<>) -> case PointCodeInd of 1 -> % ITU-T point codes are 14 bits (Q.713 clause <> = Addresses, PointCode = (MSB bsl 8) bor LSB, AddressWithPC = #'SccpAddr'{presind = 1, swtype = ?SW_INT, natintind = NatIntInd, pointcodeind = 1, pointcode = PointCode}; 0 -> RestAddresses = Addresses, AddressWithPC = #'SccpAddr'{presind = 1, swtype = ?SW_INT, natintind = NatIntInd, pointcodeind = 0} end, case SubsystemInd of 1 -> <> = RestAddresses, AddressWithSSN = AddressWithPC#'SccpAddr'{subsystemind = 1, subsystem = SubSystemNumber}; 0 -> MoreAddresses = RestAddresses, AddressWithSSN = AddressWithPC#'SccpAddr'{subsystemind = 0} end, case GlobalTitleInd of % no global title included 2#0000 -> AddressWithGT = AddressWithSSN#'SccpAddr'{ gltitleind = GlobalTitleInd}; % global title includes nature of address indicator only 2#0001 -> <> = MoreAddresses, case OddEven of 0 -> Encoding = ?ENC_BCD_EVEN; 1 -> Encoding = ?ENC_BCD_ODD end, GlobalTitleLen = size(GlobalTitle), GlobalTitleRestSize = (?MAX_GLT_SZ - GlobalTitleLen), AddressWithGT = AddressWithSSN#'SccpAddr'{ gltitleind = GlobalTitleInd, encoding = Encoding, nataddrind = NatureOfAddressInd, gltitle = <>/binary>>, gltitlelen = GlobalTitleLen}; % global title includes translation type only 2#0010 -> <> = MoreAddresses, GlobalTitleLen = size(GlobalTitle), GlobalTitleRestSize = (?MAX_GLT_SZ - GlobalTitleLen), AddressWithGT = AddressWithSSN#'SccpAddr'{ gltitleind = GlobalTitleInd, gltranstype = TranslationType, gltitle = <>/binary>>, gltitlelen = GlobalTitleLen}; % global title includes translation type, numbering plan % and encoding scheme 2#0011 -> <> = MoreAddresses, GlobalTitleLen = size(GlobalTitle), GlobalTitleRestSize = (?MAX_GLT_SZ - GlobalTitleLen), AddressWithGT = AddressWithSSN#'SccpAddr'{ gltitleind = GlobalTitleInd, gltranstype = TranslationType, numplan = NumberingPlan, encoding = EncodingScheme, gltitle = <>/binary>>, gltitlelen = GlobalTitleLen}; % global title includes translation type, numbering plan, % encoding scheme and nature of address indicator 2#0100 -> <> = MoreAddresses, GlobalTitleLen = size(GlobalTitle), GlobalTitleRestSize = (?MAX_GLT_SZ - GlobalTitleLen), AddressWithGT = AddressWithSSN#'SccpAddr'{ gltitleind = GlobalTitleInd, gltranstype = TranslationType, numplan = NumberingPlan, encoding = EncodingScheme, nataddrind = NatureOfAddressInd, gltitle = <>/binary>>, gltitlelen = GlobalTitleLen}; % GlobalTitleInd 2#0101 to 2#0111 spare international % 2#1000 to 2#1110 spare national % 2#1111 reserved for extension _ -> <> = MoreAddresses, GlobalTitleLen = size(GlobalTitle), GlobalTitleRestSize = (?MAX_GLT_SZ - GlobalTitleLen), AddressWithGT = AddressWithSSN#'SccpAddr'{ gltitleind = GlobalTitleInd, gltitle = <>/binary>>, gltitlelen = GlobalTitleLen} end, AddressWithGT#'SccpAddr'{routingind = RoutingInd}; address_itu(CP) when is_record(CP, 'SccpAddr') -> Indicators = <<(CP#'SccpAddr'.natintind):1, (CP#'SccpAddr'.routingind):1, (CP#'SccpAddr'.gltitleind):4, (CP#'SccpAddr'.subsystemind):1, (CP#'SccpAddr'.pointcodeind):1>>, case CP#'SccpAddr'.pointcodeind of 0 -> BinAfterPC = Indicators; 1 -> <<_:18, MSB:6, LSB:8>> = CP#'SccpAddr'.pointcode, BinAfterPC = <> end, case CP#'SccpAddr'.subsystemind of 0 -> BinAfterSSN = BinAfterPC; 1 -> BinAfterSSN = <> end, GTLen = CP#'SccpAddr'.gltitlelen, <> = CP#'SccpAddr'.gltitle, case CP#'SccpAddr'.gltitleind of %% no global title included 2#0000 -> BinAfterSSN; %% global title includes nature of address indicator only 2#0001 -> case (CP#'SccpAddr'.encoding) of %% BCD odd number of digits 16#01 -> OddEven = 1; %% BCD even number of digits 16#02 -> OddEven = 0 end, <>; %% global title includes translation type only 2#0010 -> <>; %% global title includes translation type, numbering plan %% and encoding scheme 2#0011 -> <>; %% global title includes translation type, numbering plan, %% encoding scheme and nature of address indicator 2#0100 -> <>; %% spare/reserved _ -> <> end. %% @spec (SccpAddress::party()) -> SccpAddress %% SccpAddress = party() %% %% @doc Encodes/decodes an ANSI variant SCCP called/calling party address. %%

Operates according to ANSI T1.112.3.

%% @end %% %% [note: ANSI reverse the order of the PC & SSN] %% address_ansi(<>) -> #'SccpAddr'{presind = 1, swtype = ?SW_ANSI, natintind = NatIntInd, routingind = RoutingInd, pointcodeind = PointCodeInd, subsystemind = SubsystemInd, gltitleind = GlobalTitleInd}; address_ansi(<>) -> case SubsystemInd of 1 -> <> = Addresses, AddressWithSSN = #'SccpAddr'{presind = 1, swtype = ?SW_ANSI, natintind = NatIntInd, subsystemind = 1, subsystem = SubSystemNumber}; 0 -> MoreAddresses = Addresses, AddressWithSSN = #'SccpAddr'{presind = 1, swtype = ?SW_ANSI, natintind = NatIntInd, subsystemind = 0} end, case PointCodeInd of 1 -> % ANSI point codes are three octets with the first octet % containing the network cluster member and the last % containing the network identifier <> = MoreAddresses, PointCode = (Network bsl 16) bor (Cluster bsl 8) bor Member, AddressWithPC = AddressWithSSN#'SccpAddr'{pointcodeind = 1, pointcode = PointCode}; 0 -> RestAddresses = MoreAddresses, AddressWithPC = AddressWithSSN#'SccpAddr'{pointcodeind = 0} end, case GlobalTitleInd of % no global title included 2#0000 -> AddressWithGT = AddressWithPC#'SccpAddr'{ gltitleind = GlobalTitleInd}; % global title includes translation type, numbering plan % and encoding scheme (ITU codes this format as 2#0011) 2#0001 -> <> = RestAddresses, GlobalTitleLen = size(GlobalTitle), GlobalTitleRestSize = (?MAX_GLT_SZ - GlobalTitleLen), AddressWithGT = AddressWithPC#'SccpAddr'{ gltitleind = GlobalTitleInd, gltranstype = TranslationType, numplan = NumberingPlan, encoding = EncodingScheme, gltitle = <>/binary>>, gltitlelen = GlobalTitleLen}; % global title includes translation type only 2#0010 -> <> = RestAddresses, GlobalTitleLen = size(GlobalTitle), GlobalTitleRestSize = (?MAX_GLT_SZ - GlobalTitleLen), AddressWithGT = AddressWithPC#'SccpAddr'{ gltitleind = GlobalTitleInd, gltranstype = TranslationType, gltitle = <>/binary>>, gltitlelen = GlobalTitleLen}; % GlobalTitleInd 2#0011 to 2#0100 not assigned for US networks % GlobalTitleInd 2#0101 to 2#0111 spare international % 2#1000 to 2#1110 spare national % 2#1111 reserved for extension _ -> <> = RestAddresses, GlobalTitleLen = size(GlobalTitle), GlobalTitleRestSize = (?MAX_GLT_SZ - GlobalTitleLen), AddressWithGT = AddressWithPC#'SccpAddr'{ gltitleind = GlobalTitleInd, gltitle = <>/binary>>, gltitlelen = GlobalTitleLen} end, AddressWithGT#'SccpAddr'{routingind = RoutingInd}; address_ansi(CP) when is_record(CP, 'SccpAddr') -> Indicators = <<(CP#'SccpAddr'.natintind):1, (CP#'SccpAddr'.routingind):1, (CP#'SccpAddr'.gltitleind):4, (CP#'SccpAddr'.pointcodeind):1, (CP#'SccpAddr'.subsystemind):1>>, case CP#'SccpAddr'.subsystemind of 0 -> BinAfterSSN = Indicators; 1 -> BinAfterSSN = <> end, case CP#'SccpAddr'.pointcodeind of 0 -> BinAfterPC = BinAfterSSN; 1 -> Member = 16#FF band CP#'SccpAddr'.pointcode, Cluster = 16#FF band (CP#'SccpAddr'.pointcode bsr 8), Network = 16#FF band (CP#'SccpAddr'.pointcode bsr 16), BinAfterPC = <> end, GTLen = CP#'SccpAddr'.gltitlelen, <> = CP#'SccpAddr'.gltitle, case CP#'SccpAddr'.gltitleind of % no global title 2#0000 -> BinAfterPC; % global title includes translation type, % numbering plan and encoding scheme 2#0001 -> <>; % global title includes translation type 2#0010 -> <>; % spare/reserved _ -> <> end. %% @type protoclass(). SCCP protocol class. %%

An #'SccpProtoClass'{} record.

%% @type importance(). SCCP importance. %%

An #'SccpImportance'{} record.

%% @spec (ConnectionOriented, QosParams) -> {ProtoClass, Importance} %% ProtoClass = protoclass() %% Importance = importance() %% %% @doc Creates the records required for the NMS API out of the %% qos parameter set in the service primitive. %% qos_parameters(ConnectionOriented, {SequenceControl, ReturnOption, MessagePriority}) -> if not ConnectionOriented and not SequenceControl -> Class = 0; not ConnectionOriented and SequenceControl -> Class = 1; ConnectionOriented and not SequenceControl -> Class = 2; ConnectionOriented and SequenceControl -> Class = 3 end, case ReturnOption of false -> MessageHandling = 0; true -> MessageHandling = 8 end, ProtoClass = #'SccpProtoClass'{classind = Class, msghandling = MessageHandling}, case MessagePriority of none -> Importance = #'SccpImportance'{}; Priority -> Importance = #'SccpImportance'{presind = 1, impvalue = Priority} end, {ProtoClass, Importance}. %% @spec (BCDDigits) -> Digits %% BCDDigits = [integer()] %% Digits = [char()] %% %% @doc Decode BCD encoded digit string. %%

BCD encoding uses 4 bits for each digit, packing two digits %% into each octet.


Returns a character string representation of the digits.

%% bcd_digits(BCDDigits) when is_binary(BCDDigits) -> bcd_digits(BCDDigits, []); bcd_digits(BCDDigits) when is_list(BCDDigits) -> bcd_digits(list_to_binary(BCDDigits), []). bcd_digits(<<>>, Result) -> Result; bcd_digits(<>, Acc) -> bcd_digits(Rest, Acc ++ integer_to_list(First) ++ integer_to_list(Second)). %% @spec (BCDDigits) -> integer() %% BCDDigits = [integer()] %% %% @doc Decode BCD encoded digit string. %%

BCD encoding uses 4 bits for each digit, packing two digits %% into each octet.


Returns an integer representation of the digits.

%% btoi(BCDDigits) when is_list(BCDDigits) -> list_to_integer(bcd_digits(BCDDigits)). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% The gen_server call backs %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @private %% %% @spec (Args) -> {ok, State} %% %% @doc Initialize the sccp server. %%

This callback is caled by the new process in response to %% the start_link/2,3,7 functions.

%% init([User, Board, EntityID, ServiceUserID, SAP, SSN, Poolsize]) -> Queue = na:ctaCreateQueue(), Context = na:ctaCreateContext(Queue, SSN, []), Service = "sccp", ServiceManager = "sccpmgr", ServiceName = {Service, ServiceManager}, ServiceAddress = 0, Arg = "", Args = [Board, 0, EntityID, 0, SAP, ServiceUserID, SSN, 0, Poolsize], ServiceArgs = {Arg, Args}, MVIPAddress = {0,0,0,0,0}, ServiceDecription = {ServiceName, ServiceAddress, ServiceArgs, MVIPAddress}, Object = na:ctaOpenServices(Queue, Context, [ServiceDecription]), State = #state{user = User, board = Board, entityid = EntityID, serviceuserid = ServiceUserID, sap = SAP, ssn = SSN, queue = Queue, context = Context, object = Object}, % load the dynamicly linked device driver PrivDir = code:priv_dir(nms), LibDir = filename:join([PrivDir, "lib"]), Name = nms_sccp_drv, case erl_ddll:try_load(LibDir, Name, [{monitor, pending_driver}]) of {error, permanent} -> init1(State); {error, ErrorDescriptor} -> {stop, erl_ddll:format_error(ErrorDescriptor)}; {ok, Loaded} when Loaded == loaded; Loaded == already_loaded -> init1(State); {ok, pending_driver, Ref} -> receive {'UP', Ref, driver, Name, loaded} -> init1(State); {'UP', Ref, driver, Name, permanent} -> init1(State); {'DOWN', Ref, driver, Name, load_cancelled} -> {stop, load_cancelled}; {'DOWN', Ref, driver, Name, {load_failure, Failure}} -> {stop, erl_ddll:format_error(Failure)} after 10 -> {stop, timeout} end end. init1(State) -> Port = open_port({spawn, 'nms_sccp_drv'}, [stream, binary]), process_flag(trap_exit, true), {ok, State#state{port = Port}}. %% @private %% %% @spec (Request, From, State) -> {stop, shutdown, State} %% %% @doc Handle requests sent with gen_server:call/2,3. %% @end %% % shutdown the sccp server handle_call(stop, _From, State) -> {stop, shutdown, State}. %% @private %% %% @spec (Request, State) -> {noreply, State} %% %% @doc Handle requests sent with gen_server:cast/2. %% @end % % service primitives received from the SCCP-Users % % Connection-Oriented Primitives handle_cast({'N', 'CONNECT', request, {_CalledAddress, _CallingAddress, _RespondingAddress, _ExpeditedDataSelection, _QualityOfServiceParameterSet, _UserData, _Importance, _ConnectionID}}, State) -> {noreply, State}; handle_cast({'N', 'CONNECT', response, {_CalledAddress, _CallingAddress, _RespondingAddress, _ExpeditedDataSelection, _QualityOfServiceParameterSet, _UserData, _Importance, _ConnectionID}}, State) -> {noreply, State}; handle_cast({'N', 'DATA', request, {_Importance, _UserData, _ConnectionID}}, State) -> {noreply, State}; handle_cast({'N', 'EXPEDITEDDATA', request , {_UserData, _ConnectionID}}, State) -> {noreply, State}; handle_cast({'N', 'DISCONNECT', request, {_Originator, _Reason, _UserData, _RespondingAddress, _Importance, _ConnectionID}}, State) -> {noreply, State}; handle_cast({'N', 'RESET', request, {_Originator, _Reason, _ConnectionID}}, State) -> {noreply, State}; handle_cast({'N', 'RESET', response, {_Originator, _Reason, _ConnectionID}}, State) -> {noreply, State}; handle_cast({'N', 'INFORM', request, {_Reason, _ConnectionID, _QualityOfServiceParameterSet}}, State) -> {noreply, State}; % Connectionless Primitives handle_cast({'N', 'UNITDATA', request, {CalledAddress, CallingAddess, QualityOfServiceParameterSet, UserData}}, State) -> {ProtoClass, Importance} = qos_parameters(false, QualityOfServiceParameterSet), Data = #'SccpData'{presind = 1, data = UserData, datalen = size(UserData)}, SCCPUDataRqst = nms_sccp:'SccpUdataRqst'(#'SccpUdataRqst'{ protoclass = ProtoClass, calledpty = address(CalledAddress), callingpty = address(CallingAddess), % TODO: what about end-of-sequence? (eos = 0) importance = Importance, data = Data}), erlang:port_command(State#state.port, <>), {noreply, State}; % Management Primitives handle_cast({'N', 'COORD', request, {_AffectedSubsystem, _SubsystemMultiplicityIndicator}}, State) -> {noreply, State}; handle_cast({'N', 'COORD', response, {_AffectedSubsystem, _SubsystemMultiplicityIndicator}}, State) -> {noreply, State}; handle_cast({'N', 'STATE', request, {_AffectedSubsystem, _UserStatus, _SubsystemMultiplicityIndicator}}, State) -> {noreply, State}. %% @private %% %% @spec (Info, State) -> {noreply, State} | {stop, Reason, State} %% %% @doc Handle system events and messages. %% @end %% % % service primitives received from the NMS SCCP service % handle_info({{sccpEventData, _Context, _Port, _UserId}, {SccpRcvInfoBlk, SccpAllMsgs}}, State) -> I = nms_sccp:'SccpRcvInfoBlk'(SccpRcvInfoBlk), MoreInfo = {I#'SccpRcvInfoBlk'.board, I#'SccpRcvInfoBlk'.evnttype, I#'SccpRcvInfoBlk'.suid, I#'SccpRcvInfoBlk'.connid, I#'SccpRcvInfoBlk'.opc}, forward_primitive(State#state.user, I#'SccpRcvInfoBlk'.indtype, MoreInfo, SccpAllMsgs), {noreply, State}; % trapped exit signals handle_info({'EXIT', Port, Reason} = R, State) when is_port(Port) -> error_logger:error_report([Port, Reason, "Port terminated"]), {stop, R, State}; handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason} = R, State) when is_pid(Pid) -> error_logger:error_report([Pid, Reason, "Linked Pid terminated"]), {stop, R, State}. %% @private %% %% @spec (Reason, State) -> ok %% %% @doc Called when the system is being shutdown. %% @end %% % someone wants us to shutdown and cleanup terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok. %% @private %% %% @spec (OldVsn, State, Extra) -> {ok, NewState} %% %% @doc Called during a release upgarde. %% code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% internal functions %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @private %% %% @spec (User, Name, Params, SccpAllMsgs) -> ok %% %% @doc Handles incoming primitives from the NMS driver and sends standardized %% SCCP-service primitives to the service user. %% @end %% %% TODO: all parameters should be encoded in standardized format %% forward_primitive(User, ?SCCPUDATIND, {_Board, _EvntType, _Suid, _Connid, OPC}, SccpAllMsgs) -> UD = nms_sccp:'SccpUdataRqst'(SccpAllMsgs), CL = nms_sccp:'SccpProtoClass'(UD#'SccpUdataRqst'.protoclass), CD = nms_sccp:'SccpAddr'(UD#'SccpUdataRqst'.calledpty), CG = nms_sccp:'SccpAddr'(UD#'SccpUdataRqst'.callingpty), IM = nms_sccp:'SccpImportance'(UD#'SccpUdataRqst'.importance), SD = nms_sccp:'SccpData'(UD#'SccpUdataRqst'.data), % if there is no point code in the calling party address we % insert the originating point code from the routing label if (CG#'SccpAddr'.presind == 0) -> NewCG = #'SccpAddr'{presind = 1, swtype = CD#'SccpAddr'.swtype, % cheating? pointcodeind = 1, pointcode = OPC}; (CG#'SccpAddr'.presind == 1) and (CG#'SccpAddr'.pointcodeind == 0) -> NewCG = CG#'SccpAddr'{pointcodeind = 1, pointcode = OPC}; (CG#'SccpAddr'.presind == 1) and (CG#'SccpAddr'.pointcodeind == 1) -> NewCG = CG end, CallingParty = address(NewCG), CalledParty = address(CD), case CL#'SccpProtoClass'.classind of 0 -> SequenceControl = false; 1 -> SequenceControl = true end, case CL#'SccpProtoClass'.msghandling of 0 -> ReturnOption = false; 8 -> ReturnOption = true end, case IM#'SccpImportance'.presind of 0 -> Importance = none; 1 -> Importance = IM#'SccpImportance'.impvalue end, PDULen = SD#'SccpData'.datalen, case SD#'SccpData'.presind of 1 -> <> = SD#'SccpData'.data; 0 -> PDU = <<>> end, gen_server:cast(User, {'N', 'UNITDATA', indication, {CalledParty, CallingParty, {SequenceControl, ReturnOption, Importance}, PDU}}); forward_primitive(User, ?SCCPSTAIND, {_, EventType, _, _, _}, SccpAllMsgs) -> UD = nms_sccp:'SccpUdataRqst'(SccpAllMsgs), gen_server:cast(User, {'N', 'NOTICE', indication, {UD#'SccpUdataRqst'.calledpty, UD#'SccpUdataRqst'.callingpty, UD#'SccpUdataRqst'.eos, EventType, UD#'SccpUdataRqst'.importance, UD#'SccpUdataRqst'.data}}); forward_primitive(User, ?SCCPCOORDIND, _MoreInfo, SccpAllMsgs) -> CO = nms_sccp:'SccpCoordRqst'(SccpAllMsgs), gen_server:cast(User, {'N', 'COORD', indication, {CO#'SccpCoordRqst'.assn, CO#'SccpCoordRqst'.smi}}); forward_primitive(User, ?SCCPCOORDCFM, _MoreInfo, SccpAllMsgs) -> CO = nms_sccp:'SccpCoordRqst'(SccpAllMsgs), gen_server:cast(User, {'N', 'COORD', confirm, {CO#'SccpCoordRqst'.assn, CO#'SccpCoordRqst'.smi}}); forward_primitive(User, ?SCCPSTATEIND, _MoreInfo, SccpAllMsgs) -> CO = nms_sccp:'SccpCoordRqst'(SccpAllMsgs), gen_server:cast(User, {'N', 'STATE', indication, {CO#'SccpCoordRqst'.assn, CO#'SccpCoordRqst'.status, CO#'SccpCoordRqst'.smi}}); forward_primitive(User, ?SCCPPCSTIND, {_, _, _, _, Opc}, SccpAllMsgs) -> CO = nms_sccp:'SccpCoordRqst'(SccpAllMsgs), gen_server:cast(User, {'N', 'PCSTATE', indication, {Opc, CO#'SccpCoordRqst'.status, none, none}}); forward_primitive(User, ?SCCPCONNIND, {_, _, _, Connid, _}, SccpAllMsgs) -> CN = nms_sccp:'SccpConnRqst'(SccpAllMsgs), gen_server:cast(User, {'N', 'CONNECT', indication, {CN#'SccpConnRqst'.calledpty, CN#'SccpConnRqst'.callingpty, none, CN#'SccpConnRqst'.eds, none, CN#'SccpConnRqst'.data, CN#'SccpConnRqst'.importance, Connid}}); %forward_primitive(User, ?SCCPCONNCFM, {_, _, _, Connid, _}, SccpAllMsgs) -> % CN = nms_sccp:'SccpConnRqst'(SccpAllMsgs), % gen_server:cast(User, {'N', 'CONNECT', confirm, % {CN#'SccpConnRqst'.calledpty, CN#'SccpConnRqst'.callingpty, % none, CN#'SccpConnRqst'.eds, none, CN#'SccpConnRqst'.data, % CN#'SccpConnRqst'.importance, Connid}}); forward_primitive(User, ?SCCPDATIND, {_, _, _, Connid, _}, SccpAllMsgs) -> DA = nms_sccp:'SccpDataRqst'(SccpAllMsgs), gen_server:cast(User, {'N', 'DATA', indication, {none, DA#'SccpDataRqst'.data, Connid}}); %forward_primitive(User, ?SCCPEDATIND, {_, _, _, Connid, _}, SccpAllMsgs) -> % DA = nms_sccp:'SccpDataRqst'(SccpAllMsgs), % gen_server:cast(User, {'N', 'EXPEDITEDDATA', indication, % {none, DA#'SccpDataRqst'.data, Connid}}); forward_primitive(User, ?SCCPRESETIND, {_, _, _, Connid, _}, SccpAllMsgs) -> RS = nms_sccp:'SccpResetRqst'(SccpAllMsgs), gen_server:cast(User, {'N', 'RESET', indication, {RS#'SccpResetRqst'.orig, RS#'SccpResetRqst'.cause, Connid}}); forward_primitive(User, ?SCCPRESETCFM, {_, _, _, Connid, _}, SccpAllMsgs) -> RS = nms_sccp:'SccpResetRqst'(SccpAllMsgs), gen_server:cast(User, {'N', 'RESET', confirm, {RS#'SccpResetRqst'.orig, RS#'SccpResetRqst'.cause, Connid}}); forward_primitive(User, ?SCCPRELIND, {_, _, _, Connid, _}, SccpAllMsgs) -> DC = nms_sccp:'SccpRelease'(SccpAllMsgs), gen_server:cast(User, {'N', 'DISCONNECT', indication, {DC#'SccpRelease'.orig, DC#'SccpRelease'.cause, DC#'SccpRelease'.data, DC#'SccpRelease'.rsppty, DC#'SccpRelease'.importance, Connid}}); forward_primitive(_User, ?SCCPDACKIND, _MoreInfo, _SccpAllMsgs) -> ok; forward_primitive(_User, ?SCCPCONNAUDCFM, _MoreInfo, _SccpAllMsgs) -> ok; forward_primitive(_User, ?SCCPRUNSTATEIND, {_,?SPRS_STANDALONE,SuID,_,OPC}, _SccpAllMsgs) -> <<_, N, C, M>> = <>, error_logger:info_msg("SCCP Point code ~w.~w.~w SuID ~w " "run state is standalone~n", [N, M, C, SuID]), ok; forward_primitive(_User, ?SCCPRUNSTATEIND, {_,?SPRS_PRIMARY,SuID,_,OPC}, _SccpAllMsgs) -> <<_, N, C, M>> = <>, error_logger:info_msg("SCCP Point code ~w.~w.~w SuID ~w " "run state is primary~n", [N, M, C, SuID]), ok; forward_primitive(_User, ?SCCPRUNSTATEIND, {_,?SPRS_BACKUP,SuID,_,OPC}, _SccpAllMsgs) -> <<_, N, C, M>> = <>, error_logger:info_msg("SCCP Point code ~w.~w.~w SuID ~w " "run state is backup~n", [N, M, C, SuID]), ok; forward_primitive(_User, ?SCCPCONGIND, _MoreInfo, _SccpAllMsgs) -> ok.