-- Pretty-printed by Asnp, the pretty-printer of France Telecom R&D (http://asn1.elibel.tm.fr/asnp/) MAP-CH-DataTypes {itu-t identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) modules(3) map-CH-DataTypes(13) version8(8)} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN EXPORTS SendRoutingInfoArg, SendRoutingInfoRes, ProvideRoamingNumberArg, ProvideRoamingNumberRes, ResumeCallHandlingArg, ResumeCallHandlingRes, NumberOfForwarding, SuppressionOfAnnouncement, CallReferenceNumber, ProvideSIWFSNumberArg, ProvideSIWFSNumberRes, SIWFSSignallingModifyArg, SIWFSSignallingModifyRes, SetReportingStateArg, SetReportingStateRes, StatusReportArg, StatusReportRes, RemoteUserFreeArg, RemoteUserFreeRes, IST-AlertArg, IST-AlertRes, IST-CommandArg, IST-CommandRes; IMPORTS SubscriberInfo, SupportedCamelPhases, OfferedCamel4CSIs, CUG-Interlock, O-CSI, D-CSI, O-BcsmCamelTDPCriteriaList, T-BCSM-CAMEL-TDP-CriteriaList, IST-SupportIndicator, IST-AlertTimerValue, T-CSI FROM MAP-MS-DataTypes {itu-t identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) modules(3) map-MS-DataTypes(11) version8(8)} ForwardingOptions, SS-List, CCBS-Feature FROM MAP-SS-DataTypes {itu-t identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) modules(3) map-SS-DataTypes(14) version8(8)} ISDN-AddressString, ISDN-SubaddressString, FTN-AddressString, ExternalSignalInfo, Ext-ExternalSignalInfo, IMSI, LMSI, Ext-BasicServiceCode, AlertingPattern, NAEA-PreferredCI FROM MAP-CommonDataTypes {itu-t identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) modules(3) map-CommonDataTypes(18) version8(8)} ExtensionContainer FROM MAP-ExtensionDataTypes {itu-t identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) modules(3) map-ExtensionDataTypes(21) version8(8)}; CUG-CheckInfo ::= SEQUENCE { cug-Interlock CUG-Interlock, cug-OutgoingAccess NULL OPTIONAL, extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ...} NumberOfForwarding ::= INTEGER(1..5) SendRoutingInfoArg ::= SEQUENCE { msisdn [0] ISDN-AddressString, cug-CheckInfo [1] CUG-CheckInfo OPTIONAL, numberOfForwarding [2] NumberOfForwarding OPTIONAL, interrogationType [3] InterrogationType, or-Interrogation [4] NULL OPTIONAL, or-Capability [5] OR-Phase OPTIONAL, gmsc-OrGsmSCF-Address [6] ISDN-AddressString, callReferenceNumber [7] CallReferenceNumber OPTIONAL, forwardingReason [8] ForwardingReason OPTIONAL, basicServiceGroup [9] Ext-BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL, networkSignalInfo [10] ExternalSignalInfo OPTIONAL, camelInfo [11] CamelInfo OPTIONAL, suppressionOfAnnouncement [12] SuppressionOfAnnouncement OPTIONAL, extensionContainer [13] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ..., alertingPattern [14] AlertingPattern OPTIONAL, ccbs-Call [15] NULL OPTIONAL, supportedCCBS-Phase [16] SupportedCCBS-Phase OPTIONAL, additionalSignalInfo [17] Ext-ExternalSignalInfo OPTIONAL, istSupportIndicator [18] IST-SupportIndicator OPTIONAL, pre-pagingSupported [19] NULL OPTIONAL, callDiversionTreatmentIndicator [20] CallDiversionTreatmentIndicator OPTIONAL, longFTN-Supported [21] NULL OPTIONAL, suppress-VT-CSI [22] NULL OPTIONAL, suppressIncomingCallBarring [23] NULL OPTIONAL, gsmSCF-InitiatedCall [24] NULL OPTIONAL} SuppressionOfAnnouncement ::= NULL InterrogationType ::= ENUMERATED {basicCall(0), forwarding(1)} OR-Phase ::= INTEGER(1..127) CallReferenceNumber ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (1..8)) ForwardingReason ::= ENUMERATED {notReachable(0), busy(1), noReply(2)} SupportedCCBS-Phase ::= INTEGER(1..127) -- exception handling: -- Only value 1 is used. -- Values in the ranges 2-127 are reserved for future use. -- If received values 2-127 shall be mapped on to value 1. CallDiversionTreatmentIndicator ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (1)) -- callDiversionAllowed (xxxx xx01) -- callDiversionNotAllowed (xxxx xx10) -- network default is call diversion allowed SendRoutingInfoRes ::= [3] SEQUENCE { imsi [9] IMSI OPTIONAL, -- IMSI must be present if SendRoutingInfoRes is not segmented. -- If the TC-Result-NL segmentation option is taken the IMSI must be -- present in one segmented transmission of SendRoutingInfoRes. extendedRoutingInfo ExtendedRoutingInfo OPTIONAL, cug-CheckInfo [3] CUG-CheckInfo OPTIONAL, cugSubscriptionFlag [6] NULL OPTIONAL, subscriberInfo [7] SubscriberInfo OPTIONAL, ss-List [1] SS-List OPTIONAL, basicService [5] Ext-BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL, forwardingInterrogationRequired [4] NULL OPTIONAL, vmsc-Address [2] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL, extensionContainer [0] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ..., naea-PreferredCI [10] NAEA-PreferredCI OPTIONAL, -- naea-PreferredCI is included at the discretion of the HLR operator. ccbs-Indicators [11] CCBS-Indicators OPTIONAL, msisdn [12] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL, numberPortabilityStatus [13] NumberPortabilityStatus OPTIONAL, istAlertTimer [14] IST-AlertTimerValue OPTIONAL, supportedCamelPhasesInVMSC [15] SupportedCamelPhases OPTIONAL, offeredCamel4CSIsInVMSC [16] OfferedCamel4CSIs OPTIONAL} NumberPortabilityStatus ::= ENUMERATED { notKnownToBePorted(0), ownNumberPortedOut(1), foreignNumberPortedToForeignNetwork(2), ... } -- exception handling: -- reception of other values than the ones listed the receiver shall ignore the -- whole NumberPortabilityStatus CCBS-Indicators ::= SEQUENCE { ccbs-Possible [0] NULL OPTIONAL, keepCCBS-CallIndicator [1] NULL OPTIONAL, extensionContainer [2] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ...} RoutingInfo ::= CHOICE { roamingNumber ISDN-AddressString, forwardingData ForwardingData} ForwardingData ::= SEQUENCE { forwardedToNumber [5] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL, -- When this datatype is sent from an HLR which supports CAMEL Phase 2 -- to a GMSC which supports CAMEL Phase 2 the GMSC shall not check the -- format of the number forwardedToSubaddress [4] ISDN-SubaddressString OPTIONAL, forwardingOptions [6] ForwardingOptions OPTIONAL, extensionContainer [7] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ..., longForwardedToNumber [8] FTN-AddressString OPTIONAL} ProvideRoamingNumberArg ::= SEQUENCE { imsi [0] IMSI, msc-Number [1] ISDN-AddressString, msisdn [2] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL, lmsi [4] LMSI OPTIONAL, gsm-BearerCapability [5] ExternalSignalInfo OPTIONAL, networkSignalInfo [6] ExternalSignalInfo OPTIONAL, suppressionOfAnnouncement [7] SuppressionOfAnnouncement OPTIONAL, gmsc-Address [8] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL, callReferenceNumber [9] CallReferenceNumber OPTIONAL, or-Interrogation [10] NULL OPTIONAL, extensionContainer [11] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ..., alertingPattern [12] AlertingPattern OPTIONAL, ccbs-Call [13] NULL OPTIONAL, supportedCamelPhasesInInterrogatingNode [15] SupportedCamelPhases OPTIONAL, additionalSignalInfo [14] Ext-ExternalSignalInfo OPTIONAL, orNotSupportedInGMSC [16] NULL OPTIONAL, pre-pagingSupported [17] NULL OPTIONAL, longFTN-Supported [18] NULL OPTIONAL, suppress-VT-CSI [19] NULL OPTIONAL, offeredCamel4CSIsInInterrogatingNode [20] OfferedCamel4CSIs OPTIONAL} ProvideRoamingNumberRes ::= SEQUENCE { roamingNumber ISDN-AddressString, extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ...} ResumeCallHandlingArg ::= SEQUENCE { callReferenceNumber [0] CallReferenceNumber OPTIONAL, basicServiceGroup [1] Ext-BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL, forwardingData [2] ForwardingData OPTIONAL, imsi [3] IMSI OPTIONAL, cug-CheckInfo [4] CUG-CheckInfo OPTIONAL, o-CSI [5] O-CSI OPTIONAL, extensionContainer [7] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ccbs-Possible [8] NULL OPTIONAL, msisdn [9] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL, uu-Data [10] UU-Data OPTIONAL, allInformationSent [11] NULL OPTIONAL, ..., d-csi [12] D-CSI OPTIONAL, o-BcsmCamelTDPCriteriaList [13] O-BcsmCamelTDPCriteriaList OPTIONAL} UU-Data ::= SEQUENCE { uuIndicator [0] UUIndicator OPTIONAL, uui [1] UUI OPTIONAL, uusCFInteraction [2] NULL OPTIONAL, extensionContainer [3] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ...} UUIndicator ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (1)) -- Octets are coded according to ETS 300 356 UUI ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (1..131)) -- Octets are coded according to ETS 300 356 ResumeCallHandlingRes ::= SEQUENCE { extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ...} CamelInfo ::= SEQUENCE { supportedCamelPhases SupportedCamelPhases, suppress-T-CSI NULL OPTIONAL, extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ..., offeredCamel4CSIs [0] OfferedCamel4CSIs OPTIONAL} ExtendedRoutingInfo ::= CHOICE { routingInfo RoutingInfo, camelRoutingInfo [8] CamelRoutingInfo} CamelRoutingInfo ::= SEQUENCE { forwardingData ForwardingData OPTIONAL, gmscCamelSubscriptionInfo [0] GmscCamelSubscriptionInfo, extensionContainer [1] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ...} GmscCamelSubscriptionInfo ::= SEQUENCE { t-CSI [0] T-CSI OPTIONAL, o-CSI [1] O-CSI OPTIONAL, extensionContainer [2] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ..., o-BcsmCamelTDP-CriteriaList [3] O-BcsmCamelTDPCriteriaList OPTIONAL, t-BCSM-CAMEL-TDP-CriteriaList [4] T-BCSM-CAMEL-TDP-CriteriaList OPTIONAL, d-csi [5] D-CSI OPTIONAL} ProvideSIWFSNumberArg ::= SEQUENCE { gsm-BearerCapability [0] ExternalSignalInfo, isdn-BearerCapability [1] ExternalSignalInfo, call-Direction [2] CallDirection, b-Subscriber-Address [3] ISDN-AddressString, chosenChannel [4] ExternalSignalInfo, lowerLayerCompatibility [5] ExternalSignalInfo OPTIONAL, highLayerCompatibility [6] ExternalSignalInfo OPTIONAL, extensionContainer [7] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ...} CallDirection ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (1)) -- OCTET 1 -- bit 1 (direction of call) -- 0 Mobile Originated Call (MOC) -- 1 Mobile Terminated Call (MTC) ProvideSIWFSNumberRes ::= SEQUENCE { sIWFSNumber [0] ISDN-AddressString, extensionContainer [1] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ...} SIWFSSignallingModifyArg ::= SEQUENCE { channelType [0] ExternalSignalInfo OPTIONAL, chosenChannel [1] ExternalSignalInfo OPTIONAL, extensionContainer [2] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ...} SIWFSSignallingModifyRes ::= SEQUENCE { chosenChannel [0] ExternalSignalInfo OPTIONAL, extensionContainer [1] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ...} SetReportingStateArg ::= SEQUENCE { imsi [0] IMSI OPTIONAL, lmsi [1] LMSI OPTIONAL, ccbs-Monitoring [2] ReportingState OPTIONAL, extensionContainer [3] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ...} ReportingState ::= ENUMERATED {stopMonitoring(0), startMonitoring(1), ... } -- exception handling: -- reception of values 2-10 shall be mapped to 'stopMonitoring' -- reception of values > 10 shall be mapped to 'startMonitoring' SetReportingStateRes ::= SEQUENCE { ccbs-SubscriberStatus [0] CCBS-SubscriberStatus OPTIONAL, extensionContainer [1] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ...} CCBS-SubscriberStatus ::= ENUMERATED { ccbsNotIdle(0), ccbsIdle(1), ccbsNotReachable(2), ... } -- exception handling: -- reception of values 3-10 shall be mapped to 'ccbsNotIdle' -- reception of values 11-20 shall be mapped to 'ccbsIdle' -- reception of values > 20 shall be mapped to 'ccbsNotReachable' StatusReportArg ::= SEQUENCE { imsi [0] IMSI, eventReportData [1] EventReportData OPTIONAL, callReportdata [2] CallReportData OPTIONAL, extensionContainer [3] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ...} EventReportData ::= SEQUENCE { ccbs-SubscriberStatus [0] CCBS-SubscriberStatus OPTIONAL, extensionContainer [1] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ...} CallReportData ::= SEQUENCE { monitoringMode [0] MonitoringMode OPTIONAL, callOutcome [1] CallOutcome OPTIONAL, extensionContainer [2] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ...} MonitoringMode ::= ENUMERATED {a-side(0), b-side(1), ... } -- exception handling: -- reception of values 2-10 shall be mapped 'a-side' -- reception of values > 10 shall be mapped to 'b-side' CallOutcome ::= ENUMERATED {success(0), failure(1), busy(2), ... } -- exception handling: -- reception of values 3-10 shall be mapped to 'success' -- reception of values 11-20 shall be mapped to 'failure' -- reception of values > 20 shall be mapped to 'busy' StatusReportRes ::= SEQUENCE { extensionContainer [0] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ...} RemoteUserFreeArg ::= SEQUENCE { imsi [0] IMSI, callInfo [1] ExternalSignalInfo, ccbs-Feature [2] CCBS-Feature, translatedB-Number [3] ISDN-AddressString, replaceB-Number [4] NULL OPTIONAL, alertingPattern [5] AlertingPattern OPTIONAL, extensionContainer [6] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ...} RemoteUserFreeRes ::= SEQUENCE { ruf-Outcome [0] RUF-Outcome, extensionContainer [1] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ...} RUF-Outcome ::= ENUMERATED { accepted(0), rejected(1), noResponseFromFreeMS(2), -- T4 Expiry noResponseFromBusyMS(3), -- T10 Expiry udubFromFreeMS(4), udubFromBusyMS(5), ... } -- exception handling: -- reception of values 6-20 shall be mapped to 'accepted' -- reception of values 21-30 shall be mapped to 'rejected' -- reception of values 31-40 shall be mapped to 'noResponseFromFreeMS' -- reception of values 41-50 shall be mapped to 'noResponseFromBusyMS' -- reception of values 51-60 shall be mapped to 'udubFromFreeMS' -- reception of values > 60 shall be mapped to 'udubFromBusyMS' IST-AlertArg ::= SEQUENCE { imsi [0] IMSI, extensionContainer [1] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ...} IST-AlertRes ::= SEQUENCE { istAlertTimer [0] IST-AlertTimerValue OPTIONAL, istInformationWithdraw [1] NULL OPTIONAL, callTerminationIndicator [2] CallTerminationIndicator OPTIONAL, extensionContainer [3] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ...} IST-CommandArg ::= SEQUENCE { imsi [0] IMSI, extensionContainer [1] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ...} IST-CommandRes ::= SEQUENCE { extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ...} CallTerminationIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { terminateCallActivityReferred(0), terminateAllCallActivities(1), ... } -- exception handling: -- reception of values 2-10 shall be mapped to ' terminateCallActivityReferred ' -- reception of values > 10 shall be mapped to ' terminateAllCallActivities ' -- In MSCs not supporting linkage of all call activities, any value received shall -- be interpreted as ' terminateCallActivityReferred ' END