TCAP: resolve DHA / CCO dependencies on TC-U initiated BEGIN

Prior to this patch, DHA needs to know the CCO pid, and CCO needed to
know the DHA pid at startup.  The idea was to start CCO from within the
init() callback in DHA.  However, this caused a deadlock in the

We now use the locally registred process names (tcap_cco_DLGID) to
resolve the process.  However, it might be cleaner to use an ets table
at some later point.  For now it is nice to see the name of each process
in pman for debugging...
This commit is contained in:
Harald Welte 2011-12-17 17:06:29 +01:00
parent 5c1cd340eb
commit d828cfabba
7 changed files with 34 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -68,11 +68,16 @@
%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%----------------------------------------------------------------------
%% initialize the server %% initialize the server
init([Supervisor, USAP, DialogueID, DHA]) -> init([Supervisor, USAP, DialogueID]) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true), process_flag(trap_exit, true),
DHA = list_to_atom("tcap_dha_" ++ integer_to_list(DialogueID)),
{ok, #state{supervisor = Supervisor, usap = USAP, dha = DHA, {ok, #state{supervisor = Supervisor, usap = USAP, dha = DHA,
dialogueID = DialogueID, components = []}}. dialogueID = DialogueID, components = []}}.
%% set the DHA pid
handle_call(set_dha, From, State) ->
{noreply, State#state{dha = From}};
%% shutdown the server %% shutdown the server
handle_call(stop, _From, State) -> handle_call(stop, _From, State) ->
{stop, shutdown, ok, State}; {stop, shutdown, ok, State};

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@ -84,14 +84,8 @@
init({USAP, DialogueID, TCO, Supervisor}) -> init({USAP, DialogueID, TCO, Supervisor}) ->
init({USAP, DialogueID, TCO, undefined, Supervisor}); init({USAP, DialogueID, TCO, undefined, Supervisor});
init({USAP, DialogueID, TCO, SupId, Supervisor}) -> init({USAP, DialogueID, TCO, SupId, Supervisor}) ->
%% Start a Component Coordinator (CCO) process
ChildName = list_to_atom("cco_sup_" ++ integer_to_list(DialogueID)),
ChildArgs = [USAP, DialogueID, self()],
StartFunc = {supervisor, start_link, [tcap_components_sup, ChildArgs]},
ChildSpec = {ChildName, StartFunc, permanent, infinity,
supervisor, [tcap_components_sup]},
{ok, CCO} = supervisor:start_child(Supervisor, ChildSpec),
ets:insert(tcap_dha, {DialogueID, self()}), ets:insert(tcap_dha, {DialogueID, self()}),
CCO = list_to_atom("tcap_cco_" ++ integer_to_list(DialogueID)),
process_flag(trap_exit, true), process_flag(trap_exit, true),
{ok, idle, #state{usap = USAP, did = DialogueID, {ok, idle, #state{usap = USAP, did = DialogueID,
tco = TCO, supid = SupId, cco = CCO}}. tco = TCO, supid = SupId, cco = CCO}}.
@ -839,5 +833,5 @@ code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, State, _Extra) ->
% front-end function called by tcap_user to get CCO for given DHA % front-end function called by tcap_user to get CCO for given DHA
get_cco_pid(DHA) when is_pid(DHA) -> get_cco_pid(DHA) ->
gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(DHA, get_cco_pid). gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(DHA, get_cco_pid).

View File

@ -46,11 +46,10 @@
%% call backs needed for supervisor behaviour %% call backs needed for supervisor behaviour
-export([init/1]). -export([init/1]).
init([USAP, ID, DHA]) -> init([USAP, ID]) ->
Name = list_to_atom("tcap_cco_" ++ integer_to_list(ID)), Name = list_to_atom("tcap_cco_" ++ integer_to_list(ID)),
StartArgs = [tcap_cco_server, [self(), USAP, ID, DHA], [{debug, [trace]}]], StartArgs = [{local, Name}, tcap_cco_server, [self(), USAP, ID], [{debug, [trace]}]],
StartFunc = {gen_server, start_link, StartArgs}, StartFunc = {gen_server, start_link, StartArgs},
ChildSpec = {Name, StartFunc, temporary, 4000, worker, ChildSpec = {cco, StartFunc, temporary, 4000, worker, [tcap_cco_server]},
{ok,{{one_for_all, 0, 1}, [ChildSpec]}}. {ok,{{one_for_all, 0, 1}, [ChildSpec]}}.

View File

@ -46,18 +46,33 @@
%% call backs needed for supervisor behaviour %% call backs needed for supervisor behaviour
-export([init/1]). -export([init/1]).
%% Gen child specification for Component Coordinator (CCO) supervisor process
gen_comp_sup_spec(USAP, DialogueID) ->
ChildName = list_to_atom("tcap_components_sup_" ++ integer_to_list(DialogueID)),
ChildArgs = [USAP, DialogueID],
StartArgs = [{local, ChildName}, tcap_components_sup, ChildArgs],
StartFunc = {supervisor, start_link, StartArgs},
ChildSpec = {cco_sup, StartFunc, permanent, infinity,
supervisor, [tcap_components_sup]},
%% when started from TCO %% when started from TCO
init({USAP, LocalTID, TCO, SupId}) -> init({USAP, LocalTID, TCO, SupId}) ->
StartArgs = [tcap_dha_fsm, [{USAP, LocalTID, TCO, SupId, self()}], []], StartName = list_to_atom("tcap_dha_" ++ integer_to_list(LocalTID)),
StartArgs = [{local, StartName}, tcap_dha_fsm, [{USAP, LocalTID, TCO, SupId, self()}], []],
StartFunc = {gen_fsm, start_link, StartArgs}, StartFunc = {gen_fsm, start_link, StartArgs},
ChildSpecComp = gen_comp_sup_spec(USAP, LocalTID),
ChildSpec = {dha, StartFunc, permanent, 4000, worker, ChildSpec = {dha, StartFunc, permanent, 4000, worker,
[tcap_dha_fsm]}, [tcap_dha_fsm]},
{ok,{{one_for_all, 0, 1}, [ChildSpec]}}; {ok,{{one_for_all, 0, 1}, [ChildSpecComp, ChildSpec]}};
%% when started from TSM %% when started from TSM
init({USAP, LocalTID, TCO}) -> init({USAP, LocalTID, TCO}) ->
StartArgs = [tcap_dha_fsm, {USAP, LocalTID, TCO, self()}, []], StartName = list_to_atom("tcap_dha_" ++ integer_to_list(LocalTID)),
StartArgs = [{local, StartName}, tcap_dha_fsm, {USAP, LocalTID, TCO, self()}, []],
StartFunc = {gen_fsm, start_link, StartArgs}, StartFunc = {gen_fsm, start_link, StartArgs},
ChildSpecComp = gen_comp_sup_spec(USAP, LocalTID),
ChildSpec = {dha, StartFunc, permanent, 4000, worker, ChildSpec = {dha, StartFunc, permanent, 4000, worker,
[tcap_dha_fsm]}, [tcap_dha_fsm]},
{ok,{{one_for_all, 0, 1}, [ChildSpec]}}. {ok,{{one_for_all, 0, 1}, [ChildSpecComp, ChildSpec]}}.

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@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
init([USAP, InvokeID]) -> init([USAP, InvokeID]) ->
Name = list_to_atom("tcap_ism_" ++ integer_to_list(InvokeID)), Name = list_to_atom("tcap_ism_" ++ integer_to_list(InvokeID)),
StartArgs = [tcap_ism_fsm, [USAP, InvokeID], []], StartArgs = [{local, Name}, tcap_ism_fsm, [USAP, InvokeID], []],
StartFunc = {gen_fsm, start_link, StartArgs}, StartFunc = {gen_fsm, start_link, StartArgs},
ChildSpec = {Name, StartFunc, temporary, 4000, worker, ChildSpec = {Name, StartFunc, temporary, 4000, worker,
[tcap_ism_sup]}, [tcap_ism_sup]},

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@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
init({NSAP, USAP, TID, SupRef}) -> init({NSAP, USAP, TID, SupRef}) ->
Name = list_to_atom("tcap_tsm_" ++ integer_to_list(TID)), Name = list_to_atom("tcap_tsm_" ++ integer_to_list(TID)),
StartArgs = [tcap_tsm_fsm, [NSAP, USAP, TID, self(), SupRef], []], StartArgs = [{local, Name}, tcap_tsm_fsm, [NSAP, USAP, TID, self(), SupRef], []],
StartFunc = {gen_fsm, start_link, StartArgs}, StartFunc = {gen_fsm, start_link, StartArgs},
ChildSpec = {Name, StartFunc, permanent, 1000, worker, [tcap_tsm_fsm]}, ChildSpec = {Name, StartFunc, permanent, 1000, worker, [tcap_tsm_fsm]},
{ok,{{one_for_all, 0, 1}, [ChildSpec]}}. {ok,{{one_for_all, 0, 1}, [ChildSpec]}}.

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@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ start_sap(SccpModule, Args, Opts) ->
start_new_dha(TCO, LocalTID) -> start_new_dha(TCO, LocalTID) ->
Args = {self(), LocalTID, TCO}, Args = {self(), LocalTID, TCO},
% this returns the _supervisor_ pid, not DHA
{ok, Pid} = supervisor:start_link(tcap_dialogue_sup, Args), {ok, Pid} = supervisor:start_link(tcap_dialogue_sup, Args),
Pid. list_to_atom("tcap_dha_" ++ integer_to_list(LocalTID)).