enable gen_fsm debug tracing for TSM and DHA for the tiem being

This commit is contained in:
Harald Welte 2012-01-29 23:23:24 +01:00
parent 983e81e9e6
commit c2773f018b
2 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ gen_comp_sup_spec(USAP, DialogueID) ->
%% when started from TCO
init({USAP, LocalTID, TCO, SupId}) ->
StartName = list_to_atom("tcap_dha_" ++ integer_to_list(LocalTID)),
StartArgs = [{local, StartName}, tcap_dha_fsm, [{USAP, LocalTID, TCO, SupId}], []],
StartArgs = [{local, StartName}, tcap_dha_fsm, [{USAP, LocalTID, TCO, SupId}], [{debug,[trace]}]],
StartFunc = {gen_fsm, start_link, StartArgs},
ChildSpecComp = gen_comp_sup_spec(USAP, LocalTID),
ChildSpec = {dha, StartFunc, permanent, 4000, worker,
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ init({USAP, LocalTID, TCO, SupId}) ->
%% when started from TSM
init({USAP, LocalTID, TCO}) ->
StartName = list_to_atom("tcap_dha_" ++ integer_to_list(LocalTID)),
StartArgs = [{local, StartName}, tcap_dha_fsm, {USAP, LocalTID, TCO}, []],
StartArgs = [{local, StartName}, tcap_dha_fsm, {USAP, LocalTID, TCO}, [{debug,[trace]}]],
StartFunc = {gen_fsm, start_link, StartArgs},
ChildSpecComp = gen_comp_sup_spec(USAP, LocalTID),
ChildSpec = {dha, StartFunc, permanent, 4000, worker,

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@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
gen_tsm_childspec(NSAP, USAP, TID, TCO) ->
Name = list_to_atom("tcap_tsm_" ++ integer_to_list(TID)),
StartArgs = [{local, Name}, tcap_tsm_fsm, [NSAP, USAP, TID, self(), TCO], []],
StartArgs = [{local, Name}, tcap_tsm_fsm, [NSAP, USAP, TID, self(), TCO], [{debug, [trace]}]],
StartFunc = {gen_fsm, start_link, StartArgs},
{Name, StartFunc, permanent, 1000, worker, [tcap_tsm_fsm]}.