TCO: make sure transaciton IDs are always converted from binary to int

This commit is contained in:
Harald Welte 2012-01-31 20:43:17 +01:00
parent 67f6051009
commit 250b36f2d8
1 changed files with 110 additions and 107 deletions

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@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ behaviour_info(Other) ->
@ -268,12 +269,11 @@ handle_call(Request, From, State) ->
% reference: Figure A.3/Q.774 (sheet 1 of 4)
handle_cast({'N', 'UNITDATA', indication, UdataParams}, State)
when is_record(UdataParams, 'N-UNITDATA') ->
DecRes = 'TR':decode('TCMessage', UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.userData),
io:format("Decoded TCMessage: ~p~n", [DecRes]),
case DecRes of
{ok, {unidirectional, TPDU}} ->
case 'TR':decode('Unidirectional', TPDU) of
{ok, Unidirectional} ->
{ok, {Tag, ActRes}} = 'TR':decode('TCMessage', UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.userData),
PpRes = {Tag, postproc_tcmessage(ActRes)},
io:format("Decoded TCMessage: ~p~n", [PpRes]),
case PpRes of
{unidirectional, Unidirectional = #'Unidirectional'{}} ->
% Create a Dialogue Handler (DHA)
DialogueID = new_tid(),
StartFunc = get_start(dialogue, DialogueID, State),
@ -288,17 +288,15 @@ handle_cast({'N', 'UNITDATA', indication, UdataParams}, State)
userData = UserData},
gen_fsm:send_event(DHA, {'TR', 'UNI', indication, TrParams}),
{noreply, State};
{error, Reason} ->
% Discard received message
% reference: Figure A.3/Q/774 (sheet 4 of 4) label (3)
error_logger:error_report(["Syntax error in received N-UNI", {error, Reason},
{caller, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.callingAddress},
{called, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.calledAddress}]),
{noreply, State}
{ok, {'begin', TPDU}} ->
case 'TR':decode('Begin', TPDU) of
{ok, Begin} ->
% {error, Reason} ->
% % Discard received message
% % reference: Figure A.3/Q/774 (sheet 4 of 4) label (3)
% error_logger:error_report(["Syntax error in received N-UNI", {error, Reason},
% {caller, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.callingAddress},
% {called, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.calledAddress}]),
% {noreply, State}
% end;
{'begin', TPDU = #'Begin'{}} ->
% Assign local transaction ID
TransactionID = new_tid(),
StartFunc = get_start(in_transaction, TransactionID, State),
@ -313,7 +311,7 @@ handle_cast({'N', 'UNITDATA', indication, UdataParams}, State)
% transaction handling needs to reflect tcap_transaction_sup
{ok, TSM} ->
% Created a Transaction State Machine (TSM)
TsmParams = UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'{userData = Begin},
TsmParams = UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'{userData = TPDU},
% BEGIN received TSM <- TCO
gen_fsm:send_event(TSM, {'BEGIN', received, TsmParams});
_Other ->
@ -334,21 +332,20 @@ handle_cast({'N', 'UNITDATA', indication, UdataParams}, State)
{called, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.calledAddress}])
{noreply, State};
{error, Reason} ->
% {error, Reason} ->
% is OTID derivable?
% Build ABORT message with appropraite P-Abort Cause value
% N-UNITDATA request TSL -> SCCP
% Discard received message
% reference: Figure A.3/Q/774 (sheet 4 of 4) label (4)
error_logger:error_report(["Syntax error in received N-BEGIN", {error, Reason},
{caller, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.callingAddress},
{called, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.calledAddress}]),
{noreply, State}
{ok, {continue, TPDU = #'Continue'{dtid = Dtid}}} ->
% % is OTID derivable?
% % Build ABORT message with appropraite P-Abort Cause value
% % N-UNITDATA request TSL -> SCCP
% % Discard received message
% % reference: Figure A.3/Q/774 (sheet 4 of 4) label (4)
% error_logger:error_report(["Syntax error in received N-BEGIN", {error, Reason},
% {caller, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.callingAddress},
% {called, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.calledAddress}]),
% {noreply, State}
{continue, TPDU = #'Continue'{dtid = Dtid}} ->
% DTID assigned?
case ets:lookup_element(tcap_transaction, decode_tid(Dtid), 2) of
case ets:lookup_element(tcap_transaction, Dtid, 2) of
{error, _Reason} ->
error_logger:error_report(["DTID not found in received N-CONTINUE",
{dtid, Dtid},
@ -380,9 +377,9 @@ handle_cast({'N', 'UNITDATA', indication, UdataParams}, State)
% {called, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.calledAddress}]),
% {noreply, State}
% end;
{ok, {'end', TPDU = #'End'{dtid = Dtid}}} ->
{'end', TPDU = #'End'{dtid = Dtid}} ->
% DTID assigned?
case ets:lookup_element(tcap_transaction, decode_tid(Dtid), 2) of
case ets:lookup_element(tcap_transaction, Dtid, 2) of
{error, _Reason} ->
error_logger:error_report(["DTID not found in received N-END",
{dtid, Dtid},
@ -408,9 +405,7 @@ handle_cast({'N', 'UNITDATA', indication, UdataParams}, State)
% {called, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.calledAddress}]),
% {noreply, State}
% end;
{ok, {abort, TPDU}} ->
case 'TR':decode('Abort', TPDU) of
{ok, Abort} ->
{abort, TPDU = #'Abort'{}} ->
% DTID assigned?
case catch ets:lookup(tcap_transaction, TPDU#'Abort'.dtid, 2) of
{error, _Reason} ->
@ -422,23 +417,23 @@ handle_cast({'N', 'UNITDATA', indication, UdataParams}, State)
% reference: Figure A.3/Q/774 (sheet 4 of 4) label (3)
{noreply, State};
TSM ->
TsmParams = UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'{userData = Abort},
TsmParams = UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'{userData = TPDU},
% Abort received TSM <- TCO
gen_fsm:send_event(TSM, {'ABORT', received, TsmParams}),
{noreply, State}
{error, Reason} ->
% {error, Reason} ->
% DTID assigned?
% Local Abort TSM <- TCO
% Discard received message
% reference: Figure A.3/Q/774 (sheet 4 of 4) label (5)
error_logger:error_report(["Syntax error in received N-ABORT", {error, Reason},
{caller, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.callingAddress},
{called, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.calledAddress}]),
{noreply, State}
{ok, {error, Reason}} ->
% % DTID assigned?
% % Local Abort TSM <- TCO
% % Discard received message
% % reference: Figure A.3/Q/774 (sheet 4 of 4) label (5)
% error_logger:error_report(["Syntax error in received N-ABORT", {error, Reason},
% {caller, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.callingAddress},
% {called, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.calledAddress}]),
% {noreply, State}
% end;
{error, Reason} ->
% Message type unknown
% OTID derivable?
@ -739,3 +734,11 @@ decode_tid(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
decode_tid(List) when is_list(List) ->
postproc_tcmessage(C=#'Continue'{otid = Otid, dtid = Dtid}) ->
C#'Continue'{otid = decode_tid(Otid), dtid = decode_tid(Dtid)};
postproc_tcmessage(E=#'End'{dtid = Dtid}) ->
E#'End'{dtid = decode_tid(Dtid)};
postproc_tcmessage(B=#'Begin'{otid = Otid}) ->
B#'Begin'{otid = decode_tid(Otid)}.