TCO/TCU: Make sure to start all supervisors on INVOKE

This introduces a new 'call' from the TC-User to TCO, which creates
the equired transaction_sup, dialogues_sup, dha_fsm and tsm_fsm _before_
the TC-INVOKE component will be passed into the new DHA fsm.

Once the TCO actually receives the TR-BEGIN, it will not start the
transaction supervisor, but merely look it up based on the TR-user
provided transaction ID.
This commit is contained in:
Harald Welte 2012-01-29 20:07:38 +01:00
parent 0b3d9b053c
commit 05f7778a81
2 changed files with 18 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -214,6 +214,13 @@ handle_call(dialogueID, From, State) ->
% shutdown the server
handle_call(stop, _From, State) ->
{stop, shutdown, ok, State};
handle_call({local_new_trans, OTID}, Usap, State) ->
% Create a Transaction State Machine (TSM)
ChildName = list_to_atom("tcap_trans_sup_" ++ integer_to_list(OTID)),
StartFunc = get_start(out_transaction, [OTID, Usap] , State),
ChildSpec = {ChildName, StartFunc, temporary, 1000, worker, [tcap_tsm_fsm]},
Ret = supervisor:start_child(State#state.supervisor, ChildSpec),
{reply, Ret, State};
% unknown request
handle_call(Request, From, State) ->
Module = State#state.module,
@ -511,12 +518,8 @@ handle_cast({'TR', 'UNI', request, UniParams}, State)
handle_cast({'TR', 'BEGIN', request, BeginParams}, State)
when is_record(BeginParams, 'TR-BEGIN') ->
% Create a Transaction State Machine (TSM)
OTID = BeginParams#'TR-BEGIN'.transactionID,
ChildName = list_to_atom("tcap_trans_sup_" ++ integer_to_list(OTID)),
%%%% FIXME {ok, {M, F, A, Mods}} = application:get_env(start_tsm),
StartFunc = get_start(out_transaction, OTID, State),
ChildSpec = {ChildName, StartFunc, temporary, 1000, worker, [tcap_tsm_fsm]},
{ok, TSM} = supervisor:start_child(State#state.supervisor, ChildSpec),
TransactionID = BeginParams#'TR-BEGIN'.transactionID,
TSM = ets:lookup_element(tcap_transaction, TransactionID, 2),
gen_fsm:send_event(TSM, {'BEGIN', transaction, BeginParams}),
{noreply, State};
handle_cast({'TR', 'CONTINUE', request, ContParams}, State)
@ -651,7 +654,7 @@ get_start(in_transaction, TransactionID, State) ->
StartArgs = [TransactionID, SendFun, StartDHA],
{gen_fsm, start_link, [tcap_tsm_fsm, StartArgs, []]}
get_start(out_transaction, TransactionID, State) when is_record(State, state) ->
get_start(out_transaction, [TransactionID, Usap], State) when is_record(State, state) ->
#state{module = Module, supervisor = Sup} = State,
case erlang:function_exported(Module, start_transaction, 1) of
true ->
@ -660,7 +663,7 @@ get_start(out_transaction, TransactionID, State) when is_record(State, state) ->
SendFun = fun(P) -> Module:send_primitive(P, State#state.ext_state) end,
StartDHA = get_start(dialogue, TransactionID, State),
% FIXME: use StartDHA and pass it into transaction_sup->tsm_fsm
StartArgs = [SendFun, fixme_no_usap, TransactionID, self()],
StartArgs = [SendFun, Usap, TransactionID, self()],
{supervisor, start_link, [tcap_transaction_sup, StartArgs]}

View File

@ -53,8 +53,11 @@
get_or_start_dha(TCO, DialgId) ->
case ets:lookup(tcap_dha, DialgId) of
[] ->
% start new DHA FSM for this dialogue; it will start CCO
start_new_dha(TCO, DialgId);
% ask TCO to start new transaction_sup, which will start
% dialogue_sup, which will start dha_fsm
gen_server:call(TCO, {local_new_trans, DialgId}),
[{DialgId, DHA}] = ets:lookup(tcap_dha, DialgId),
[{DialgId, DHA}] ->