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%%% $Id: map_pm_sup.erl,v 1.1 2005/02/13 00:42:12 vances Exp $
%%% @copyright 2005 Motivity Telecom Inc.
%%% @author Vance Shipley <>
%%% @end
%%% Copyright 2005 Motivity Telecom Inc.
%%% All rights reserved. No part of this computer program(s) may be
%%% used, reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted,
%%% in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
%%% recording, or otherwise without prior written permission of
%%% Motivity Telecom Inc.
%%% @doc MAP service protocol machine supervisor.
%%% @reference <a href="index.html">MAP User's Guide</a>
%%% @private
-copyright('Copyright (c) 2005 Motivity Telecom Inc.').
-vsn('$Revision: 1.1 $').
%% @spec(StartArgs::term()) -> Result = {ok,{{RestartStrategy,MaxR,MaxT},[ChildSpec]}} | ignore
%% RestartStrategy = one_for_all | one_for_one | rest_for_one | simple_one_for_one
%% MaxR = MaxT = int()>=0
%% ChildSpec = child_spec()
%% @see supervisor:init/1
init([Module, Args, Options]) when is_atom(Module), is_list(Args), is_list(Options) ->
StartArgs = [Module, [self()] ++ Args, Options],
StartFunc = {gen_fsm, start_link, StartArgs},
ChildSpec = {dsm, StartFunc, permanent, 4000, worker, [Module, map_dsm_fsm]},
{ok,{{one_for_one, 10, 60}, [ChildSpec]}}.