
157 lines
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Executable File

#include "../libsquelch/squelch.h"
#include "../libfsk/fsk.h"
#include "../libmobile/sender.h"
enum mpt1327_band {
BAND_MPT1343_SUB1 = 0,
enum mpt1327_chan_type {
CHAN_TYPE_CC, /* control channel */
CHAN_TYPE_TC, /* traffic channel */
CHAN_TYPE_CC_TC, /* combined CC + TC */
enum mpt1327_state {
enum dsp_mode {
DSP_MODE_OFF = 0, /* no transmission, no reception */
DSP_MODE_CONTROL, /* send/receive codewords */
DSP_MODE_TRAFFIC, /* send/receive codewords and audio */
enum mpt1327_sched_state {
/* states on control channel */
/* states on traffic channel */
enum mpt1327_called_type {
CALLED_TYPE_UNIT, /* call to radio unit / line unit / group */
CALLED_TYPE_INTERPFX, /* same as above with different prefix */
CALLED_TYPE_SYSTEM, /* system wide call */
CALLED_TYPE_PBX_SHORT, /* call to short PBX extenstion */
CALLED_TYPE_PBX_LONG, /* call to long PBX extenstion */
CALLED_TYPE_PSTN_PRE, /* call to PSTN with prearranged number */
CALLED_TYPE_PSTN_LONG1, /* call to PSTN with 1..9 digits */
CALLED_TYPE_PSTN_LONG2, /* call to PSTN with 10..31 digits */
typedef struct mpt1327_sysdef {
uint16_t sys; /* system idenity */
int wt;
int per;
int pon;
double timeout;
int framelength;
int bcast_slots;
} mpt1327_sysdef_t;
typedef struct mpt1327_tx_sched {
enum mpt1327_sched_state state; /* what was currently scheduled */
int frame_length; /* number of slots in frame */
int frame_count; /* current slot number */
int dummy_slot; /* set, if next slot uses a dummy AHY */
int bcast_count; /* counts slots until sending broadcast */
} mpt1327_tx_sched_t;
typedef struct mpt1327_rx_sched {
int data_num; /* set if N data words are awaited */
int data_count; /* count data words */
int data_word; /* what data word to parse */
uint8_t data_prefix; /* unit that requires that data word */
uint16_t data_ident;
} mpt1327_rx_sched_t;
struct mpt1327;
typedef struct mpt1327_unit {
struct mpt1327_unit *next;
uint64_t state;
int repeat; /* number of repeating messages / retries after timeout */
struct timer timer; /* timeout waiting for unit response */
struct mpt1327 *tc; /* link to transceiver */
uint8_t prefix; /* unit's prefix */
uint16_t ident; /* unit's ident */
uint8_t called_prefix;
uint16_t called_ident;
enum mpt1327_called_type called_type;
char called_number[33]; /* 0+number+'\0' */
uint32_t callref; /* PBX/PSTN link to call control */
} mpt1327_unit_t;
typedef struct mpt1327 {
sender_t sender;
enum mpt1327_band band;
enum mpt1327_chan_type chan_type;
/* sender's states */
enum mpt1327_state state; /* current sender's state */
struct timer timer; /* inactivity timer to clear channel */
mpt1327_unit_t *unit; /* link to unit */
/* display measurements */
dispmeasparam_t *dmp_frame_level;
dispmeasparam_t *dmp_frame_quality;
dispmeasparam_t *dmp_super_level;
dispmeasparam_t *dmp_super_quality;
/* scheduler states */
mpt1327_tx_sched_t tx_sched; /* downlink scheduler states, see above */
mpt1327_rx_sched_t rx_sched; /* uplink scheduler states, see above */
/* dsp states */
int repeater; /* in repeater mode the received audio is repeated */
jitter_t repeater_dejitter; /* forwarding audio */
int pressel_on; /* set if somebody transmitting on TC */
enum dsp_mode dsp_mode; /* current mode: audio, durable tone 0 or 1, paging */
fsk_mod_t fsk_mod; /* fsk processing */
fsk_demod_t fsk_demod;
uint16_t sync_word; /* current sync word for channel */
uint16_t rx_sync; /* shift register to detect sync */
int rx_in_sync; /* if we are in sync and receive bits */
int rx_mute; /* set, if currently receiving a message */
uint64_t rx_bits; /* receive frame (one extra byte to terminate string) */
int rx_count; /* next bit to receive */
double rx_level[256]; /* level infos */
double rx_quality[256]; /* quality infos */
uint64_t tx_bits; /* carries bits of one frame to transmit */
int tx_bit_num; /* number of bits to tansmit, or 0, if no transmission */
int tx_count; /* next bit to transmit */
squelch_t squelch; /* squelch detection process */
} mpt1327_t;
void init_sysdef (uint16_t sys, int wt, int per, int pon, int timeout);
void flush_units(void);
double mpt1327_channel2freq(enum mpt1327_band band, int channel, int uplink);
const char *mpt1327_number_valid(const char *number);
const char *mpt1327_band_name(enum mpt1327_band band);
void mpt1327_band_list(void);
int mpt1327_band_by_short_name(const char *short_name);
void mpt1327_channel_list(void);
int mpt1327_channel_by_short_name(const char *short_name);
const char *chan_type_short_name(enum mpt1327_chan_type chan_type);
const char *chan_type_long_name(enum mpt1327_chan_type chan_type);
int mpt1327_create(enum mpt1327_band band, const char *kanal, enum mpt1327_chan_type chan_type, const char *device, int use_sdr, int samplerate, double rx_gain, double tx_gain, const char *write_rx_wave, const char *write_tx_wave, const char *read_rx_wave, const char *read_tx_wave, int loopback, double squelch_db);
void mpt1327_check_channels(void);
void mpt1327_destroy(sender_t *sender);
void mpt1327_receive_codeword(mpt1327_t *mpt1327, uint64_t bits, double quality, double level);
int mpt1327_send_codeword(mpt1327_t *mpt1327, uint64_t *bits);
void mpt1327_signal_indication(mpt1327_t *mpt1327);