/* Radio main function * * (C) 2018 by Andreas Eversberg * All Rights Reserved * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ enum paging_signal; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../libsample/sample.h" #include "../libdebug/debug.h" #include "../libsdr/sdr_config.h" #include "../libsdr/sdr.h" #include "../libdisplay/display.h" #include "../liboptions/options.h" #include "radio.h" #define DEFAULT_LO_OFFSET -1000000.0 void *sender_head = NULL; int use_sdr = 0; int num_kanal = 1; /* only one channel used for debugging */ int rt_prio = 1; int fast_math = 0; void *get_sender_by_empfangsfrequenz() { return NULL; } static double frequency = 0.0; static int samplerate = 100000; static int latency = 30; static const char *tx_wave_file = NULL; static const char *rx_wave_file = NULL; static const char *tx_audiodev = NULL; static const char *rx_audiodev = NULL; static enum modulation modulation = MODULATION_NONE; static int rx = 0, tx = 0; static double bandwidth_am = 4500.0; static double bandwidth_fm = 15000.0; static double bandwidth = 0.0; static double deviation = 75000.0; static double modulation_index = 1.0; static double time_constant_us = 50.0; static double volume = 1.0; static int stereo = 0; static int rds = 0; static int rds2 = 0; /* global variable to quit main loop */ int quit = 0; void sighandler(int sigset) { if (sigset == SIGHUP) return; if (sigset == SIGPIPE) return; // clear_console_text(); printf("Signal received: %d\n", sigset); quit = 1; } static int get_char() { struct timeval tv = {0, 0}; fd_set fds; char c = 0; int __attribute__((__unused__)) rc; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(0, &fds); select(0+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (FD_ISSET(0, &fds)) { rc = read(0, &c, 1); return c; } else return -1; } void print_help(const char *arg0) { printf("Usage: %s --sdr-soapy|--sdr-uhd -f -M -R|-T [options]\n", arg0); /* - - */ printf("\noptions:\n"); printf(" -f --frequency \n"); printf(" Give frequency in Hertz.\n"); printf(" -s --samplerate \n"); printf(" Give signal processing sample rate in Hz. (default = %d)\n", samplerate); printf(" This sample rate must be high enough for the signal's spectrum to fit.\n"); printf(" I will inform you, if this bandwidth is too low.\n"); printf(" -r --tx-wave-file \n"); printf(" Input transmitted audio from wave file\n"); printf(" -w --rx-wave-file \n"); printf(" Output received audio to wave file\n"); printf(" -a --audio-device hw:,\n"); printf(" Input audio from sound card's device number\n"); printf(" -M --modulation fm | am | usb | lsb\n"); printf(" fm = Frequency modulation to be used for VHF.\n"); printf(" am = Amplitude modulation to be used for long/medium/short wave.\n"); printf(" usb = Amplitude modulation with upper side band only.\n"); printf(" lsb = Amplitude modulation with lower side band only.\n"); printf(" -R --rx\n"); printf(" Receive radio signal.\n"); printf(" -T --tx\n"); printf(" Transmit radio signal.\n"); printf(" -B --bandwidth\n"); printf(" Give bandwidth of audio frequency. (default AM=%.0f FM=%.0f)\n", bandwidth_am, bandwidth_fm); printf(" -D --deviation\n"); printf(" Give deviation of frequency modulated signal. (default %.0f)\n", deviation); printf(" -I --modulation-index 0..1\n"); printf(" Give modulation index of amplitude modulated signal. (default %.0f)\n", modulation_index); printf(" -E --emphasis | 0\n"); printf(" Use given time constant of pre- and de-emphasis for frequency\n"); printf(" modulation. Give 0 to disbale emphasis. (default = %.0f uS)\n", time_constant_us); printf(" VHF broadcast 50 uS in Europe and 75 uS in the United States.\n"); printf(" Other radio FM should use 530 uS, to cover complete speech spectrum.\n"); printf(" -V --volume %.3f\n", volume); printf(" Change volume of radio side. (Gains transmission, dampens reception)\n"); printf(" -S --stereo\n"); printf(" Enables stereo carrier for frequency modulated UHF broadcast.\n"); printf(" It uses the 'Pilot-tone' system.\n"); printf(" --fast-math\n"); printf(" Use fast math approximation for slow CPU / ARM based systems.\n"); printf(" --limesdr\n"); printf(" Auto-select several required options for LimeSDR\n"); printf(" --limesdr-mini\n"); printf(" Auto-select several required options for LimeSDR Mini\n"); sdr_config_print_help(); } #define OPT_FAST_MATH 1007 #define OPT_LIMESDR 1100 #define OPT_LIMESDR_MINI 1101 static void add_options(void) { option_add('h', "help", 0); option_add('f', "frequency", 1); option_add('s', "samplerate", 1); option_add('r', "tx-wave-file", 1); option_add('w', "rx-wave-file", 1); option_add('a', "audio-device", 1); option_add('M', "modulation", 1); option_add('R', "rx", 0); option_add('T', "tx", 0); option_add('B', "bandwidth", 1); option_add('D', "deviation", 1); option_add('I', "modulation-index", 1); option_add('E', "emphasis", 1); option_add('V', "volume", 1); option_add('S', "stereo", 0); option_add(OPT_FAST_MATH, "fast-math", 0); option_add(OPT_LIMESDR, "limesdr", 0); option_add(OPT_LIMESDR_MINI, "limesdr-mini", 0); sdr_config_add_options(); } static int handle_options(int short_option, int argi, char **argv) { switch (short_option) { case 'h': print_help(argv[0]); return 0; case 'f': frequency = atof(argv[argi]); break; case 's': samplerate = atof(argv[argi]); break; case 'r': tx_wave_file = strdup(argv[argi]); break; case 'w': rx_wave_file = strdup(argv[argi]); break; case 'a': tx_audiodev = strdup(argv[argi]); rx_audiodev = strdup(argv[argi]); break; case 'M': if (!strcasecmp(argv[argi], "fm")) modulation = MODULATION_FM; else if (!strcasecmp(argv[argi], "am")) modulation = MODULATION_AM_DSB; else if (!strcasecmp(argv[argi], "usb")) modulation = MODULATION_AM_USB; else if (!strcasecmp(argv[argi], "lsb")) modulation = MODULATION_AM_LSB; else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid modulation option, use '-h' for help!\n"); return -EINVAL; } break; case 'R': rx = 1; break; case 'T': tx = 1; break; case 'B': bandwidth = atof(argv[argi]); break; case 'D': deviation = atof(argv[argi]); break; case 'I': modulation_index = atof(argv[argi]); if (modulation_index < 0.0 || modulation_index > 1.0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid modulation index, use '-h' for help!\n"); return -EINVAL; } break; case 'E': time_constant_us = atof(argv[argi]); break; case 'V': volume = atof(argv[argi]); break; case 'S': stereo = 1; break; case OPT_FAST_MATH: fast_math = 1; break; case OPT_LIMESDR: { char *argv_lime[] = { argv[0], "--sdr-soapy", "--sdr-rx-antenna", "LNAL", "--sdr-rx-gain", "50", "--sdr-tx-gain", "50", "--sdr-samplerate", "5000000", "--sdr-bandwidth", "15000000", }; int argc_lime = sizeof(argv_lime) / sizeof (*argv_lime); return options_command_line(argc_lime, argv_lime, handle_options); } case OPT_LIMESDR_MINI: { char *argv_lime[] = { argv[0], "--sdr-soapy", "--sdr-rx-antenna", "LNAW", "--sdr-tx-antenna", "BAND2", "--sdr-rx-gain", "50", "--sdr-tx-gain", "50", "--sdr-samplerate", "5000000", "--sdr-bandwidth", "15000000", }; int argc_lime = sizeof(argv_lime) / sizeof (*argv_lime); return options_command_line(argc_lime, argv_lime, handle_options); } default: return sdr_config_handle_options(short_option, argi, argv); } return 1; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int rc, argi; radio_t radio; struct termios term, term_orig; int c; int latspl; debuglevel = 0; sdr_config_init(DEFAULT_LO_OFFSET); /* handle options / config file */ add_options(); rc = options_config_file("~/.osmocom/analog/radio.conf", handle_options); if (rc < 0) return 0; argi = options_command_line(argc, argv, handle_options); if (argi <= 0) return argi; if (frequency == 0.0) { printf("No frequency given, I suggest to use 100000000 (100 MHz) and FM\n\n"); print_help(argv[0]); exit(0); } /* global inits */ fm_init(fast_math); am_init(fast_math); rc = sdr_configure(samplerate); if (rc < 0) return rc; if (rc == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Please select SDR, use '-h' for help!\n"); exit(0); } if (modulation == MODULATION_NONE) { fprintf(stderr, "Please select modulation, use '-h' for help!\n"); exit(0); } if (bandwidth == 0) { if (modulation == MODULATION_FM) bandwidth = bandwidth_fm; else bandwidth = bandwidth_am; } if (stereo && modulation != MODULATION_FM) { fprintf(stderr, "Stereo works with FM only, use '-h' for help!\n"); exit(0); } if (!rx && !tx) { fprintf(stderr, "You need to specify --rx (receiver) and/or --tx (transmitter), use '-h' for help!\n"); exit(0); } if (stereo && bandwidth != 15000.0) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Stereo works with bandwidth of 15 KHz only, using this bandwidth!\n"); } if (stereo && time_constant_us != 75.0 && time_constant_us != 50.0) { fprintf(stderr, "Stereo works with time constant of 50 uS or 75 uS only, use '-h' for help!\n"); exit(0); } /* now we have latency and sample rate */ latspl = samplerate * latency / 1000; rc = radio_init(&radio, latspl, samplerate, tx_wave_file, rx_wave_file, (tx) ? tx_audiodev : NULL, (rx) ? rx_audiodev : NULL, modulation, bandwidth, deviation, modulation_index, time_constant_us, volume, stereo, rds, rds2); if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize radio with given options, exitting!\n"); exit(0); } void *sdr = NULL; float *sendbuff = NULL; sendbuff = calloc(latspl * 2, sizeof(*sendbuff)); if (!sendbuff) { fprintf(stderr, "No mem!\n"); goto error; } /* real time priority */ if (rt_prio > 0) { struct sched_param schedp; int rc; memset(&schedp, 0, sizeof(schedp)); schedp.sched_priority = rt_prio; rc = sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_RR, &schedp); if (rc) fprintf(stderr, "Error setting SCHED_RR with prio %d\n", rt_prio); } double tx_frequencies[1], rx_frequencies[1]; int am[1]; tx_frequencies[0] = frequency; rx_frequencies[0] = frequency; am[0] = 0; sdr = sdr_open(NULL, tx_frequencies, rx_frequencies, am, 1, 0.0, samplerate, latspl, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); if (!sdr) goto error; sdr_start(sdr); /* prepare terminal */ tcgetattr(0, &term_orig); term = term_orig; term.c_lflag &= ~(ISIG|ICANON|ECHO); term.c_cc[VMIN]=1; term.c_cc[VTIME]=2; tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &term); /* catch signals */ signal(SIGINT, sighandler); signal(SIGHUP, sighandler); signal(SIGTERM, sighandler); signal(SIGPIPE, sighandler); printf("Starting radio...\n"); rc = radio_start(&radio); if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to start radio's streaming, exitting!\n"); goto error; } int tosend, got; while (!quit) { usleep(1000); got = sdr_read(sdr, (void *)sendbuff, latspl, 0, NULL); if (rx) { got = radio_rx(&radio, sendbuff, got); if (got < 0) break; } tosend = sdr_get_tosend(sdr, latspl); if (tosend > latspl / 10) tosend = latspl / 10; if (tosend == 0) { continue; } /* perform radio modulation */ if (tx) tosend = radio_tx(&radio, sendbuff, tosend); else memset(sendbuff, 0, tosend * sizeof(*sendbuff) * 2); if (tosend < 0) break; /* write to SDR */ sdr_write(sdr, (void *)sendbuff, NULL, tosend, NULL, NULL, 0); /* process keyboard input */ next_char: c = get_char(); switch (c) { case 3: /* quit */ // if (clear_console_text) // clear_console_text(); printf("CTRL+c received, quitting!\n"); quit = 1; goto next_char; #if 0 - carrier frequency - deviation - modulation index - stereo pilot case 'm': /* toggle measurements display */ display_iq_on(0); display_spectrum_on(0); display_measurements_on(-1); goto next_char; #endif case 'q': /* toggle IQ display */ display_measurements_on(0); display_spectrum_on(0); display_iq_on(-1); goto next_char; case 's': /* toggle spectrum display */ display_measurements_on(0); display_iq_on(0); display_spectrum_on(-1); goto next_char; case 'B': calibrate_bias(); goto next_char; } } /* reset signals */ signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGHUP, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL); /* reset terminal */ tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &term_orig); error: /* reset real time prio */ if (rt_prio > 0) { struct sched_param schedp; memset(&schedp, 0, sizeof(schedp)); schedp.sched_priority = 0; sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_OTHER, &schedp); } free(sendbuff); if (sdr) sdr_close(sdr); radio_exit(&radio); /* global exits */ fm_exit(); am_exit(); return 0; }