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osmo-lpmgd - Osmocom Lab Power Management Daemon

In our test/lab setups, we do have a number of systems that run 24/7 but which are really used only very few hours per day. This has become very visible after we started (a few months ago) to deploy tasmota/influxdb/grafana for plotting many different power rails.

Direct on/off switching from within a given test job only works if that test job is the only user of the given resource (such as e.g. a BTS in osmo-gsm-tester).

For jenkins builders, OBS workers and similar machines, there could be any number of concurrent users. So there's no single job that can power on the resourec before using it, and power it off after it terminates.

What we need is a system that maintains a usage count, similar to how we do usage/reference counting in data structures in software development.

osmo-lpmgd is a modular python daemon which offers a REST API over which users can obtain usage tokens for named resources. The daemon then keeps track of the current use count and switches resources on/off as needed.

Jenkins jobs would then (e.g. in a pipeline) first obtain a usage token (which would implicitly power up the resource if it is not aleady powwered), and release the usage token after they're gone. This way we can power up build machines only when needed, saving significant electrical power, reducing noise and minimizing heat dissipation.

Git Repository

You can clone from the official Osmocom git repository using

git clone https://gitea.osmocom.org/laforge/osmo-lpmgd.git

There is a web interface at https://gitea.osmocom.org/laforge/osmo-lpmgd.





There's the actual daemon/server program osmo-lpmgd as well as a python library for an REST API client in the osmocom.lpmgd.client python module. A reference command line tool using that client is available in osmo-lpmgd-apitool