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* Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Affero Public License.
* See the COPYING file in the main directory for details.
* This use of this software may be subject to additional restrictions.
* See the LEGAL file in the main directory for details.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <vector>
#include <ControlCommon.h>
#include <PowerManager.h>
#include "GSMConfigL1.h"
#include "GSML3RRElements.h"
#include "GSML3CommonElements.h"
#include "GSML3RRMessages.h"
#include "TRXManager.h"
namespace GSM {
class CCCHLogicalChannel;
class SDCCHLogicalChannel;
class TCHFACCHLogicalChannel;
class CCCHList : public std::vector<CCCHLogicalChannel*> {};
class SDCCHList : public std::vector<SDCCHLogicalChannel*> {};
class TCHList : public std::vector<TCHFACCHLogicalChannel*> {};
This object carries the top-level GSM air interface configuration.
It serves as a central clearinghouse to get access to everything else in the GSM code.
class GSMConfig : public GSMConfigL1 {
/** The paging mechanism is built-in. */
Control::Pager mPager;
PowerManager mPowerManager;
mutable Mutex mLock; ///< multithread access control
/**@name Groups of CCCH subchannels -- may intersect. */
CCCHList mAGCHPool; ///< access grant CCCH subchannels
CCCHList mPCHPool; ///< paging CCCH subchannels
/**@name Allocatable channel pools. */
TCHList mTCHPool;
/**@name Encoded L2 frames to be sent on the BCCH. */
L2Frame mSI1Frame;
L2Frame mSI2Frame;
L2Frame mSI3Frame;
L2Frame mSI4Frame;
/**@name Encoded L3 frames to be sent on the SACCH. */
L3Frame mSI5Frame;
L3Frame mSI6Frame;
int mT3122;
L3LocationAreaIdentity mLAI;
bool mHold; ///< If true, do not respond to RACH bursts.
/** All parameters come from gConfig. */
/** Start the internal control loops. */
void start();
/**@name Get references to L2 frames for BCCH SI messages. */
const L2Frame& SI1Frame() const { return mSI1Frame; }
const L2Frame& SI2Frame() const { return mSI2Frame; }
const L2Frame& SI3Frame() const { return mSI3Frame; }
const L2Frame& SI4Frame() const { return mSI4Frame; }
/**@name Get references to L3 frames for SACCH SI messages. */
const L3Frame& SI5Frame() const { return mSI5Frame; }
const L3Frame& SI6Frame() const { return mSI6Frame; }
/**@name Accessors. */
Control::Pager& pager() { return mPager; }
const L3LocationAreaIdentity& LAI() const { return mLAI; }
Re-encode the L2Frames for system information messages.
Called whenever a beacon parameter is changed.
void regenerateBeacon();
Hold off on channel allocations; don't answer RACH.
@param val true to hold, false to clear hold
void hold(bool val);
Return true if we are holding off channel allocation.
bool hold() const;
/** Find a minimum-load CCCH from a list. */
CCCHLogicalChannel* minimumLoad(CCCHList &chanList);
/** Return the total load of a CCCH list. */
size_t totalLoad(const CCCHList &chanList) const;
size_t AGCHLoad() { return totalLoad(mAGCHPool); }
size_t PCHLoad() { return totalLoad(mPCHPool); }
/**@name Manage CCCH subchannels. */
/** The add method is not mutex protected and should only be used during initialization. */
void addAGCH(CCCHLogicalChannel* wCCCH) { mAGCHPool.push_back(wCCCH); }
/** The add method is not mutex protected and should only be used during initialization. */
void addPCH(CCCHLogicalChannel* wCCCH) { mPCHPool.push_back(wCCCH); }
/** Return a minimum-load AGCH. */
CCCHLogicalChannel* getAGCH() { return minimumLoad(mAGCHPool); }
/** Return a minimum-load PCH. */
CCCHLogicalChannel* getPCH() { return minimumLoad(mPCHPool); }
/** Return a specific PCH. */
CCCHLogicalChannel* getPCH(size_t index)
return mPCHPool[index];
unsigned numAGCHs() const { return mAGCHPool.size(); }
/**@name Manage SDCCH Pool. */
/** The add method is not mutex protected and should only be used during initialization. */
void addSDCCH(SDCCHLogicalChannel *wSDCCH) { mSDCCHPool.push_back(wSDCCH); }
/** Return a pointer to a usable channel. */
SDCCHLogicalChannel *getSDCCH();
/** Return true if an SDCCH is available, but do not allocate it. */
size_t SDCCHAvailable() const;
/** Return number of total SDCCH. */
unsigned SDCCHTotal() const { return mSDCCHPool.size(); }
/** Return number of active SDCCH. */
unsigned SDCCHActive() const;
/** Just a reference to the SDCCH pool. */
const SDCCHList& SDCCHPool() const { return mSDCCHPool; }
/**@name Manage TCH pool. */
/** The add method is not mutex protected and should only be used during initialization. */
void addTCH(TCHFACCHLogicalChannel *wTCH) { mTCHPool.push_back(wTCH); }
/** Return a pointer to a usable channel. */
TCHFACCHLogicalChannel *getTCH();
/** Return true if an TCH is available, but do not allocate it. */
size_t TCHAvailable() const;
/** Return number of total TCH. */
unsigned TCHTotal() const { return mTCHPool.size(); }
/** Return number of active TCH. */
unsigned TCHActive() const;
/** Just a reference to the TCH pool. */
const TCHList& TCHPool() const { return mTCHPool; }
/**@name T3122 management */
unsigned T3122() const;
unsigned growT3122();
unsigned shrinkT3122();
/**@name Methods to create channel combinations. */
/** Combination 0 is a idle slot, as opposed to a non-transmitting one. */
void createCombination0(TransceiverManager &TRX, unsigned CN, unsigned TN);
/** Combination I is full rate traffic. */
void createCombinationI(TransceiverManager &TRX, unsigned CN, unsigned TN);
/** Combination VII is 8 SDCCHs. */
void createCombinationVII(TransceiverManager &TRX, unsigned CN, unsigned TN);
/** Get a handle to the power manager. */
PowerManager& powerManager() { return mPowerManager; }
}; // GSM
/**@addtogroup Globals */
/** A single global GSMConfig object in the global namespace. */
extern GSM::GSMConfig gBTS;
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