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* Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* This use of this software may be subject to additional restrictions.
* See the LEGAL file in the main directory for details.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License.
* See the COPYING file in the main directory for details.
#ifndef GSML1FEC_H
#define GSML1FEC_H
#include "Threads.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include "BitVector.h"
#include "GSMCommon.h"
#include "GSMTransfer.h"
#include "GSMTDMA.h"
#include "GSM610Tables.h"
class ARFCNManager;
namespace GSM {
/* forward refs */
class GSMConfig;
class SAPMux;
class L1FEC;
class L1Encoder;
class L1Decoder;
class GeneratorL1Encoder;
class SACCHL1Encoder;
class SACCHL1Decoder;
class TrafficTranscoder;
Naming convention for bit vectors follows GSM 05.03 Section 2.2.
d[k] data
u[k] data bits after first encoding step
c[k] data bits after second encoding step
i[B][k] interleaved data bits
e[B][k] bits in a burst
Abstract class for L1 encoders.
In most subclasses, writeHighSide() drives the processing.
class L1Encoder {
ARFCNManager *mDownstream;
TxBurst mBurst; ///< a preformatted burst template
TxBurst mFillerBurst; ///< the filler burst for this channel
/**@name Config items that don't change. */
const TDMAMapping& mMapping; ///< multiplexing description
unsigned mTN; ///< timeslot number to use
unsigned mTSC; ///< training sequence for this channel
L1FEC *mParent; ///< a containing L1FEC, if any
/**@name Multithread access control and data shared across threads. */
mutable Mutex mLock;
/**@ Internal state. */
unsigned mTotalBursts; ///< total bursts sent since last open()
GSM::Time mPrevWriteTime; ///< timestamp of pervious generated burst
GSM::Time mNextWriteTime; ///< timestamp of next generated burst
volatile bool mRunning; ///< true while the service loop is running
bool mActive; ///< true between open() and close()
ViterbiR2O4 mVCoder; ///< nearly all GSM channels use the same convolutional code
The basic encoder constructor.
@param wTN TDMA timeslot number.
@param wMapping TDMA mapping onto the timeslot -- MUST PERSIST.
@param wParent The containing L1FEC, for sibling access -- may be NULL.
L1Encoder(unsigned wTN, const TDMAMapping& wMapping, L1FEC *wParent);
virtual ~L1Encoder() {}
/** Set the transceiver pointer. */
virtual void downstream(ARFCNManager *wDownstream)
assert(mDownstream==NULL); // Don't call this twice.
/**@name Accessors. */
const TDMAMapping& mapping() const { return mMapping; }
/**@name Components of the channel description. */
unsigned TN() const { return mTN; }
unsigned TSC() const { return mTSC; }
unsigned ARFCN() const; ///< this comes from mDownstream
TypeAndOffset typeAndOffset() const; ///< this comes from mMapping
/** Close the channel after blocking for flush. */
virtual void close();
/** Open the channel for a new transaction. */
virtual void open();
Returns true if the channel is in use by a transaction.
For broadcast and unicast channels this is always true.
For dedicated channels, this is taken from the sibling deocder.
virtual bool active() const;
Process pending L2 frames and/or generate filler and enqueue the resulting timeslots.
This method may block briefly, up to about 1/2 second.
This method is meaningless for some suclasses.
virtual void writeHighSide(const L2Frame&) { assert(0); }
/** Start the service loop thread, if there is one. */
virtual void start() { mRunning=true; }
/** Roll write times forward to the next positions. */
void rollForward();
/** Return pointer to paired L1 decoder, if any. */
virtual L1Decoder* sibling();
/** Return pointer to paired L1 decoder, if any. */
virtual const L1Decoder* sibling() const;
/** Make sure we're consistent with the current clock. */
void resync();
/** Block until the BTS clock catches up to mPrevWriteTime. */
void waitToSend() const;
Send the idle filling pattern, if any.
The default is a dummy burst.
virtual void sendIdleFill();
An abstract class for L1 decoders.
writeLowSide() drives the processing.
class L1Decoder {
SAPMux * mUpstream;
/**@name Mutex-controlled state information. */
mutable Mutex mLock; ///< access control
/**@name Timers from GSM 04.08 11.1.2 */
Z100Timer mT3101; ///< timer for new channels
Z100Timer mT3109; ///< timer for existing channels
Z100Timer mT3111; ///< timer for reuse of a closed channel
bool mActive; ///< true between open() and close()
/**@name Atomic volatiles, no mutex. */
// Yes, I realize we're violating our own rules here. -- DAB
volatile bool mRunning; ///< true if all required service threads are started
volatile float mFER; ///< current FER estimate
static const int mFERMemory=20; ///< FER decay time, in frames
/**@name Parameters fixed by the constructor, not requiring mutex protection. */
unsigned mTN; ///< timeslot number
const TDMAMapping& mMapping; ///< demux parameters
L1FEC* mParent; ///< a containing L1 processor, if any
ViterbiR2O4 mVCoder; ///< nearly all GSM channels use the same convolutional code
Constructor for an L1Decoder.
@param wTN The timeslot to decode on.
@param wMapping Demux parameters, MUST BE PERSISTENT.
@param wParent The containing L1FEC, for sibling access.
L1Decoder(unsigned wTN, const TDMAMapping& wMapping, L1FEC* wParent)
// Start T3101 so that the channel will
// become recyclable soon.
virtual ~L1Decoder() {}
Clear the decoder for a new transaction.
Start T3101, stop the others.
virtual void open();
Call this at the end of a tranaction.
Start T3111, stop the others.
virtual void close();
Returns true if the channel is in use for a transaction.
Returns true if T3111 is not active.
bool active() const;
/** Return true if any timer is expired. */
bool recyclable() const;
/** Connect the upstream SAPMux and L2. */
void upstream(SAPMux * wUpstream)
assert(mUpstream==NULL); // Only call this once.
/** Total frame error rate since last open(). */
float FER() const { return mFER; }
/** Return the multiplexing parameters. */
const TDMAMapping& mapping() const { return mMapping; }
/** Accept an RxBurst and process it into the deinterleaver. */
virtual void writeLowSide(const RxBurst&) = 0;
/** Return the decoder timeslot number. */
unsigned TN() const { return mTN; }
virtual L1FEC* parent() { return mParent; }
/** Return pointer to paired L1 encoder, if any. */
virtual L1Encoder* sibling();
/** Return pointer to paired L1 encoder, if any. */
virtual const L1Encoder* sibling() const;
/** Mark the decoder as started. */
virtual void start() { mRunning=true; }
void countGoodFrame();
void countBadFrame();
The L1FEC encapsulates an encoder and decoder.
class L1FEC {
L1Encoder* mEncoder;
L1Decoder* mDecoder;
The L1FEC constructor is over-ridden for different channel types.
But the default has no encoder or decoder.
L1FEC():mEncoder(NULL),mDecoder(NULL) {}
/** This is no-op because these channels should not be destroyed. */
virtual ~L1FEC() {};
/** Send in an RxBurst for decoding. */
void writeLowSide(const RxBurst& burst)
{ assert(mDecoder); mDecoder->writeLowSide(burst); }
/** Send in an L2Frame for encoding and transmission. */
void writeHighSide(const L2Frame& frame)
{ assert(mEncoder); mEncoder->writeHighSide(frame); }
/** Attach L1 to a downstream radio. */
void downstream(ARFCNManager*);
/** Attach L1 to an upstream SAPI mux and L2. */
void upstream(SAPMux* mux)
{ if (mDecoder) mDecoder->upstream(mux); }
/**@name Ganged actions. */
void open();
void close();
/**@name Pass-through actions. */
TypeAndOffset typeAndOffset() const
{ assert(mEncoder); return mEncoder->typeAndOffset(); }
unsigned ARFCN() const
{ assert(mEncoder); return mEncoder->ARFCN(); }
unsigned TN() const
{ assert(mEncoder); return mEncoder->TN(); }
unsigned TSC() const
{ assert(mEncoder); return mEncoder->TSC(); }
float FER() const
{ assert(mDecoder); return mDecoder->FER(); }
bool recyclable() const
{ assert(mDecoder); return mDecoder->recyclable(); }
bool active() const;
const TDMAMapping& txMapping() const
{ assert(mEncoder); return mEncoder->mapping(); }
const TDMAMapping& rcvMapping() const
{ assert(mEncoder); return mDecoder->mapping(); }
L1Decoder* decoder() { return mDecoder; }
L1Encoder* encoder() { return mEncoder; }
The TestL1FEC does loopbacks at each end.
class TestL1FEC : public L1FEC {
SAPMux * mUpstream;
ARFCNManager* mDownstream;
void writeLowSide(const RxBurst&);
void writeHighSide(const L2Frame&);
void downstream(ARFCNManager *wDownstream) { mDownstream=wDownstream; }
void upstream(SAPMux * wUpstream){ mUpstream=wUpstream;}
/** L1 decoder for Random Access (RACH). */
class RACHL1Decoder : public L1Decoder {
/**@name FEC state. */
Parity mParity; ///< block coder
BitVector mU; ///< u[], as per GSM 05.03 2.2
BitVector mD; ///< d[], as per GSM 05.03 2.2
// The RACH channel uses an internal FIFO,
// because the channel allocation process might block
// and we don't want to block the radio receive thread.
RxBurstFIFO mQ; ///< a FIFO to decouple the rx thread
Thread mServiceThread; ///< a thread to process the FIFO
RACHL1Decoder(const TDMAMapping &wMapping,
L1FEC *wParent)
{ }
/** Start the service thread. */
void start();
/** Decode the burst and call the channel allocator. */
void writeLowSide(const RxBurst&);
/** A loop to watch the FIFO. */
void serviceLoop();
/** A "C" calling interface for pthreads. */
friend void *RACHL1DecoderServiceLoopAdapter(RACHL1Decoder*);
void *RACHL1DecoderServiceLoopAdapter(RACHL1Decoder*);
/** Abstract L1 decoder for most control channels -- GSM 05.03 4.1 */
class XCCHL1Decoder : public L1Decoder {
/**@name FEC state. */
Parity mBlockCoder;
SoftVector mI[4]; ///< i[][], as per GSM 05.03 2.2
SoftVector mC; ///< c[], as per GSM 05.03 2.2
BitVector mU; ///< u[], as per GSM 05.03 2.2
BitVector mP; ///< p[], as per GSM 05.03 2.2
BitVector mDP; ///< d[]:p[] (data & parity)
BitVector mD; ///< d[], as per GSM 05.03 2.2
unsigned mRSSIHistory[4];
XCCHL1Decoder(unsigned wTN, const TDMAMapping& wMapping,
L1FEC *wParent);
/** Offset to the start of the L2 header. */
virtual unsigned headerOffset() const { return 0; }
/** The channel type. */
virtual ChannelType channelType() const = 0;
/** Accept a timeslot for processing and drive data up the chain. */
virtual void writeLowSide(const RxBurst&);
Accept a new timeslot for processing and save it in i[].
This virtual method works for all block-interleaved channels (xCCHs).
A different method is needed for diagonally-interleaved channels (TCHs).
@return true if a new frame is ready for deinterleaving.
virtual bool processBurst(const RxBurst&);
Deinterleave the i[] to c[].
This virtual method works for all block-interleaved channels (xCCHs).
A different method is needed for diagonally-interleaved channels (TCHs).
virtual void deinterleave();
Decode the frame and send it upstream.
Includes LSB-MSB reversal within each octet.
@return True if frame passed parity check.
bool decode();
/** Finish off a properly-received L2Frame in mU and send it up to L2. */
virtual void handleGoodFrame();
/** L1 decoder for the SDCCH. */
class SDCCHL1Decoder : public XCCHL1Decoder {
unsigned wTN,
const TDMAMapping& wMapping,
L1FEC *wParent)
{ }
ChannelType channelType() const { return SDCCHType; }
L1 decoder for the SACCH.
Like any other control channel, but with hooks for power/timing control.
class SACCHL1Decoder : public XCCHL1Decoder {
unsigned mRSSICounter;
volatile float mRSSI[4]; ///< RSSI history , dB wrt full scale
volatile float mTimingError[4]; ///< Timing error histoty in symbol
mutable volatile bool mPhyNew; ///< a flag to prevent phy params from being read twice
volatile int mActualMSPower; ///< actual MS tx power in dBm
volatile int mActualMSTiming; ///< actual MS tx timing advance in symbols
unsigned wTN,
const TDMAMapping& wMapping,
SACCHL1FEC *wParent)
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) mRSSI[i]=0.0F;
ChannelType channelType() const { return SACCHType; }
int actualMSPower() const { return mActualMSPower; }
int actualMSTiming() const { return mActualMSTiming; }
/** Override open() to set physical parameters with reasonable defaults. */
void open();
Override processBurst to catch the physical parameters.
bool processBurst(const RxBurst&);
/** Set pyshical parameters for initialization. */
void setPhy(float wRSSI, float wTimingError);
void setPhy(const SACCHL1Decoder& other);
/** RSSI of most recent received burst, in dB wrt full scale. */
float RSSI() const;
Timing error of most recent received burst, symbol units.
Positive is late; negative is early.
float timingError() const;
/** Return true if the physical parameters are fresh. */
bool phyNew() const { return mPhyNew; }
SACCHL1FEC *SACCHParent() { return mSACCHParent; }
SACCHL1Encoder* SACCHSibling();
This is a wrapper on handleGoodFrame that processes the physical header.
void handleGoodFrame();
unsigned headerOffset() const { return 16; }
/** L1 encoder used for many control channels -- mostly from GSM 05.03 4.1 */
class XCCHL1Encoder : public L1Encoder {
/**@name FEC signal processing state. */
Parity mBlockCoder; ///< block coder for this channel
BitVector mI[4]; ///< i[][], as per GSM 05.03 2.2
BitVector mC; ///< c[], as per GSM 05.03 2.2
BitVector mU; ///< u[], as per GSM 05.03 2.2
BitVector mD; ///< d[], as per GSM 05.03 2.2
BitVector mP; ///< p[], as per GSM 05.03 2.2
unsigned wTN,
const TDMAMapping& wMapping,
L1FEC* wParent);
/** Process pending incoming messages. */
virtual void writeHighSide(const L2Frame&);
/** Offset from the start of mU to the start of the L2 frame. */
virtual unsigned headerOffset() const { return 0; }
/** Send a single L2 frame. */
virtual void sendFrame(const L2Frame&);
Encode u[] to c[].
Includes LSB-MSB reversal within each octet.
void encode();
Interleave c[] to i[].
GSM 05.03 4.1.4.
virtual void interleave();
Format i[] into timeslots and send them down for transmission.
Set stealing flags assuming a control channel.
Also updates mWriteTime.
GSM 05.03 4.1.5, 05.02 5.2.3.
virtual void transmit();
/** L1 encoder used for full rate TCH and FACCH -- mostry from GSM 05.03 3.1 and 4.2 */
class TCHFACCHL1Encoder : public XCCHL1Encoder {
bool mPreviousFACCH; ///< A copy of the previous stealing flag state.
size_t mOffset; ///< Current deinterleaving offset.
BitVector mI[8]; ///< deinterleaving history, 8 blocks instead of 4
BitVector mTCHU; ///< u[], but for traffic
BitVector mTCHD; ///< d[], but for traffic
BitVector mClass1_c; ///< the class 1 part of taffic c[]
BitVector mClass1A_d; ///< the class 1A part of taffic d[]
BitVector mClass2_d; ///< the class 2 part of d[]
BitVector mFillerC; ///< copy of previous c[] for filling dead time
Parity mTCHParity;
VocoderFrameFIFO mSpeechQ; ///< input queue for speech frames
L2FrameFIFO mL2Q; ///< input queue for L2 FACCH frames
Thread mEncoderThread;
friend void TCHFACCHL1EncoderRoutine( TCHFACCHL1Encoder * encoder );
TCHFACCHL1Encoder(unsigned wTN,
const TDMAMapping& wMapping,
L1FEC* wParent);
/** Enqueue a traffic frame for transmission. */
void sendTCH(const unsigned char *frame)
{ mSpeechQ.write(new VocoderFrame(frame)); }
/** Extend open() to set up semaphores. */
void open();
/** Interleave c[] to i[]. GSM 05.03 4.1.4. */
virtual void interleave(int blockOffset);
/** Encode a FACCH and enqueue it for transmission. */
void sendFrame(const L2Frame&);
dispatch called in a while loop.
process reading transcoder and fifo to
interleave and send.
void dispatch();
/** Will start the dispatch thread. */
void start();
/** Encode a vocoder frame into c[]. */
void encodeTCH(const VocoderFrame& vFrame);
/** The C adapter for pthreads. */
void TCHFACCHL1EncoderRoutine( TCHFACCHL1Encoder * encoder );
/** L1 decoder used for full rate TCH and FACCH -- mostly from GSM 05.03 3.1 and 4.2 */
class TCHFACCHL1Decoder : public XCCHL1Decoder {
SoftVector mI[8]; ///< deinterleaving history, 8 blocks instead of 4
BitVector mTCHU; ///< u[] (uncoded) in the spec
BitVector mTCHD; ///< d[] (data) in the spec
SoftVector mClass1_c; ///< the class 1 part of c[]
BitVector mClass1A_d; ///< the class 1A part of d[]
SoftVector mClass2_c; ///< the class 2 part of c[]
VocoderFrame mVFrame; ///< unpacking buffer for vocoder frame
unsigned char mPrevGoodFrame[33]; ///< previous good frame.
Parity mTCHParity;
InterthreadQueue<unsigned char> mSpeechQ; ///< output queue for speech frames
TCHFACCHL1Decoder( unsigned wTN,
const TDMAMapping& wMapping,
L1FEC *wParent);
ChannelType channelType() const { return FACCHType; }
/** TCH/FACCH has a special-case writeLowSide. */
void writeLowSide(const RxBurst& inBurst);
Unlike other DCCHs, TCH/FACCH process burst calls
deinterleave, decode, handleGoodFrame.
bool processBurst( const RxBurst& );
/** Deinterleave i[] to c[]. */
void deinterleave(int blockOffset );
void replaceFACCH( int blockOffset );
Decode a traffic frame from TCHI[] and enqueue it.
Return true if there's a good frame.
bool decodeTCH(bool stolen);
Receive a traffic frame.
Non-blocking. Returns NULL if queue is dry.
Caller is responsible for deleting the returned array.
unsigned char *recvTCH() { return; }
/** Return count of internally-queued traffic frames. */
unsigned queueSize() const { return mSpeechQ.size(); }
/** Return true if the uplink is dead. */
bool uplinkLost() const;
This is base class for output-only encoders.
These all have very thin L2/L3 and are driven by a clock instead of a FIFO.
class GeneratorL1Encoder : public L1Encoder {
Thread mSendThread;
unsigned wTN,
const TDMAMapping& wMapping,
L1FEC* wParent)
{ }
void start();
/** The generate method actually produces output bursts. */
virtual void generate() =0;
/** The core service loop calls generate repeatedly. */
void serviceLoop();
/** Provide a C interface for pthreads. */
friend void *GeneratorL1EncoderServiceLoopAdapter(GeneratorL1Encoder*);
void *GeneratorL1EncoderServiceLoopAdapter(GeneratorL1Encoder*);
The L1 encoder for the sync channel (SCH).
The SCH sends out an encoding of the current BTS clock.
GSM 05.03 4.7.
class SCHL1Encoder : public GeneratorL1Encoder {
Parity mBlockCoder; ///< block parity coder
BitVector mU; ///< u[], as per GSM 05.03 2.2
BitVector mE; ///< e[], as per GSM 05.03 2.2
BitVector mD; ///< d[], as per GSM 05.03 2.2
BitVector mP; ///< p[], as per GSM 05.03 2.2
BitVector mE1; ///< first half of e[]
BitVector mE2; ///< second half of e[]
SCHL1Encoder(L1FEC* wParent);
void generate();
The L1 encoder for the frequency correction channel (FCCH).
The FCCH just sends bursts of zeroes at set points in the TDMA pattern.
See GSM 05.02 5.2.4.
class FCCHL1Encoder : public GeneratorL1Encoder {
FCCHL1Encoder(L1FEC *wParent);
void generate();
L1 encoder for repeating non-dedicated control channels (BCCH).
This have generator-like drive loops, but xCCH-like FEC.
class NDCCHL1Encoder : public XCCHL1Encoder {
Thread mSendThread;
unsigned wTN,
const TDMAMapping& wMapping,
L1FEC *wParent)
:XCCHL1Encoder(wTN, wMapping, wParent)
{ }
void start();
virtual void generate() =0;
/** The core service loop. */
void serviceLoop();
friend void *NDCCHL1EncoderServiceLoopAdapter(NDCCHL1Encoder*);
void *NDCCHL1EncoderServiceLoopAdapter(NDCCHL1Encoder*);
L1 encoder for the BCCH has generator filling behavior but xCCH-like FEC.
class BCCHL1Encoder : public NDCCHL1Encoder {
BCCHL1Encoder(L1FEC *wParent)
void generate();
L1 decoder for the SACCH.
Like any other control channel, but with hooks for power/timing control.
The SI5 and SI5 generation will be handled in higher layers.
class SACCHL1Encoder : public XCCHL1Encoder {
/**@name Physical header, GSM 04.04 6, 7.1, 7.2 */
volatile float mOrderedMSPower; ///< ordered MS tx power level, dBm
volatile float mOrderedMSTiming; ///< ordered MS timing advance in symbols
SACCHL1Encoder(unsigned wTN, const TDMAMapping& wMapping, SACCHL1FEC *wParent);
void orderedMSPower(int power) { mOrderedMSPower = power; }
void orderedMSTiming(int timing) { mOrderedMSTiming = timing; }
void setPhy(const SACCHL1Encoder&);
void setPhy(float RSSI, float timingError);
/** Override open() to initialize power and timing. */
void open();
//bool active() const { return true; }
SACCHL1FEC *SACCHParent() { return mSACCHParent; }
SACCHL1Decoder *SACCHSibling();
unsigned headerOffset() const { return 16; }
/** A warpper to send an L2 frame with a physical header. */
virtual void sendFrame(const L2Frame&);
/** The Common Control Channel (CCCH). Carries the AGCH, NCH, PCH. */
class CCCHL1Encoder : public XCCHL1Encoder {
CCCHL1Encoder(const TDMAMapping& wMapping,
L1FEC* wParent)
class SDCCHL1FEC : public L1FEC {
unsigned wTN,
const MappingPair& wMapping)
mEncoder = new XCCHL1Encoder(wTN,wMapping.downlink(),this);
mDecoder = new SDCCHL1Decoder(wTN,wMapping.uplink(),this);
class TCHFACCHL1FEC : public L1FEC {
TCHFACCHL1Decoder * mTCHDecoder;
TCHFACCHL1Encoder * mTCHEncoder;
unsigned wTN,
const MappingPair& wMapping)
mTCHEncoder = new TCHFACCHL1Encoder( wTN, wMapping.downlink(), this );
mEncoder = mTCHEncoder;
mTCHDecoder = new TCHFACCHL1Decoder( wTN, wMapping.uplink(), this );
mDecoder = mTCHDecoder;
/** Send a traffic frame. */
void sendTCH(const unsigned char * frame)
{ assert(mTCHEncoder); mTCHEncoder->sendTCH(frame); }
Receive a traffic frame.
Returns a pointer that must be deleted by calls.
Returns NULL is no data available.
unsigned char* recvTCH()
{ assert(mTCHDecoder); return mTCHDecoder->recvTCH(); }
unsigned queueSize() const
{ assert(mTCHDecoder); return mTCHDecoder->queueSize(); }
bool radioFailure() const
{ assert(mTCHDecoder); return mTCHDecoder->uplinkLost(); }
class SACCHL1FEC : public L1FEC {
SACCHL1Decoder *mSACCHDecoder;
SACCHL1Encoder *mSACCHEncoder;
unsigned wTN,
const MappingPair& wMapping)
mSACCHEncoder = new SACCHL1Encoder(wTN,wMapping.downlink(),this);
mEncoder = mSACCHEncoder;
mSACCHDecoder = new SACCHL1Decoder(wTN,wMapping.uplink(),this);
mDecoder = mSACCHDecoder;
SACCHL1Decoder *decoder() { return mSACCHDecoder; }
SACCHL1Encoder *encoder() { return mSACCHEncoder; }
/**@name Physical parameter access. */
float RSSI() const { return mSACCHDecoder->RSSI(); }
float timingError() const { return mSACCHDecoder->timingError(); }
int actualMSPower() const { return mSACCHDecoder->actualMSPower(); }
int actualMSTiming() const { return mSACCHDecoder->actualMSTiming(); }
void setPhy(const SACCHL1FEC&);
virtual void setPhy(float RSSI, float timingError);
class LoopbackL1FEC : public L1FEC {
LoopbackL1FEC(unsigned wTN)
mEncoder = new XCCHL1Encoder(wTN,gLoopbackTestFullMapping,this);
mDecoder = new SDCCHL1Decoder(wTN,gLoopbackTestFullMapping,this);
/** The common control channel (CCCH). */
class CCCHL1FEC : public L1FEC {
CCCHL1FEC(const TDMAMapping& wMapping)
mEncoder = new CCCHL1Encoder(wMapping,this);
A subclass for channels that have L2 and L3 so thin
that they are handled as special cases.
These are all broadcast and unicast channels.
class NDCCHL1FEC : public L1FEC {
void upstream(SAPMux*){ assert(0);}
class FCCHL1FEC : public NDCCHL1FEC {
mEncoder = new FCCHL1Encoder(this);
class RACHL1FEC : public NDCCHL1FEC {
RACHL1FEC(const TDMAMapping& wMapping)
mDecoder = new RACHL1Decoder(wMapping,this);
class SCHL1FEC : public NDCCHL1FEC {
mEncoder = new SCHL1Encoder(this);
class BCCHL1FEC : public NDCCHL1FEC {
mEncoder = new BCCHL1Encoder(this);
}; // namespace GSM
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