/* * Copyright 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Affero Public License. * See the COPYING file in the main directory for details. * * This use of this software may be subject to additional restrictions. * See the LEGAL file in the main directory for details. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Compilation Flags SWLOOPBACK compile for software loopback testing */ #include #include #include #include "Threads.h" #include "USRPDevice.h" #include using namespace std; enum dboardConfigType { TXA_RXB, TXB_RXA, TXA_RXA, TXB_RXB }; const dboardConfigType dboardConfig = TXA_RXB; const double USRPDevice::masterClockRate = 64.0e6; USRPDevice::USRPDevice (double _desiredSampleRate, bool wSkipRx) : skipRx(wSkipRx) { LOG(INFO) << "creating USRP device..."; decimRate = (unsigned int) round(masterClockRate/_desiredSampleRate); actualSampleRate = masterClockRate/decimRate; #ifdef SWLOOPBACK samplePeriod = 1.0e6/actualSampleRate; loopbackBufferSize = 0; gettimeofday(&lastReadTime,NULL); firstRead = false; #endif } bool USRPDevice::open() { LOG(INFO) << "opening USRP device..."; #ifndef SWLOOPBACK string rbf = "std_inband.rbf"; //string rbf = "inband_1rxhb_1tx.rbf"; m_uRx.reset(); if (!skipRx) { try { m_uRx = usrp_standard_rx_sptr(usrp_standard_rx::make(0,decimRate,1,-1, usrp_standard_rx::FPGA_MODE_NORMAL, 1024,16*8,rbf)); #ifdef HAVE_LIBUSRP_3_2 m_uRx->set_fpga_master_clock_freq(masterClockRate); #endif } catch(...) { LOG(ERROR) << "make failed on Rx"; m_uRx.reset(); return false; } if (m_uRx->fpga_master_clock_freq() != masterClockRate) { LOG(ERROR) << "WRONG FPGA clock freq = " << m_uRx->fpga_master_clock_freq() << ", desired clock freq = " << masterClockRate; m_uRx.reset(); return false; } } try { m_uTx = usrp_standard_tx_sptr(usrp_standard_tx::make(0,decimRate*2,1,-1, 1024,16*8,rbf)); #ifdef HAVE_LIBUSRP_3_2 m_uTx->set_fpga_master_clock_freq(masterClockRate); #endif } catch(...) { LOG(ERROR) << "make failed on Tx"; m_uTx.reset(); return false; } if (m_uTx->fpga_master_clock_freq() != masterClockRate) { LOG(ERROR) << "WRONG FPGA clock freq = " << m_uTx->fpga_master_clock_freq() << ", desired clock freq = " << masterClockRate; m_uTx.reset(); return false; } if (!skipRx) m_uRx->stop(); m_uTx->stop(); #endif switch (dboardConfig) { case TXA_RXB: m_dbTx = m_uTx->db(0)[0]; m_dbRx = m_uRx->db(1)[0]; txSubdevSpec = usrp_subdev_spec(0,0); rxSubdevSpec = usrp_subdev_spec(1,0); break; case TXB_RXA: m_dbTx = m_uTx->db(1)[0]; m_dbRx = m_uRx->db(0)[0]; txSubdevSpec = usrp_subdev_spec(1,0); rxSubdevSpec = usrp_subdev_spec(0,0); break; case TXA_RXA: m_dbTx = m_uTx->db(0)[0]; m_dbRx = m_uRx->db(0)[0]; txSubdevSpec = usrp_subdev_spec(0,0); rxSubdevSpec = usrp_subdev_spec(0,0); break; case TXB_RXB: m_dbTx = m_uTx->db(1)[0]; m_dbRx = m_uRx->db(1)[0]; txSubdevSpec = usrp_subdev_spec(1,0); rxSubdevSpec = usrp_subdev_spec(1,0); break; default: m_dbTx = m_uTx->db(0)[0]; m_dbRx = m_uRx->db(1)[0]; txSubdevSpec = usrp_subdev_spec(0,0); rxSubdevSpec = usrp_subdev_spec(1,0); } samplesRead = 0; samplesWritten = 0; started = false; return true; } bool USRPDevice::start() { LOG(INFO) << "starting USRP..."; #ifndef SWLOOPBACK if (!m_uRx && !skipRx) return false; if (!m_uTx) return false; if (!skipRx) m_uRx->stop(); m_uTx->stop(); // Transmit settings - gain at midpoint m_dbTx->set_gain((m_dbRx->gain_min() + m_dbRx->gain_max()) / 2); m_dbTx->set_enable(true); m_uTx->set_mux(m_uTx->determine_tx_mux_value(txSubdevSpec)); // Receive settings - gain at max, antenna RX2 (if available) m_dbRx->set_gain(m_dbRx->gain_max()); m_uRx->set_mux(m_uRx->determine_rx_mux_value(rxSubdevSpec)); if (!m_dbRx->select_rx_antenna(1)) m_dbRx->select_rx_antenna(0); data = new short[currDataSize]; dataStart = 0; dataEnd = 0; timeStart = 0; timeEnd = 0; timestampOffset = 0; latestWriteTimestamp = 0; lastPktTimestamp = 0; hi32Timestamp = 0; isAligned = false; if (!skipRx) started = (m_uRx->start() && m_uTx->start()); else started = m_uTx->start(); return started; #else gettimeofday(&lastReadTime,NULL); return true; #endif } bool USRPDevice::stop() { #ifndef SWLOOPBACK if (!m_uRx) return false; if (!m_uTx) return false; delete[] currData; started = !(m_uRx->stop() && m_uTx->stop()); return !started; #else return true; #endif } double USRPDevice::maxTxGain() { return m_dbTx->gain_max(); } double USRPDevice::minTxGain() { return m_dbTx->gain_min(); } double USRPDevice::maxRxGain() { return m_dbRx->gain_max(); } double USRPDevice::minRxGain() { return m_dbRx->gain_min(); } double USRPDevice::setTxGain(double dB) { if (dB > maxTxGain()) dB = maxTxGain(); if (dB < minTxGain()) dB = minTxGain(); LOG(NOTICE) << "Setting TX gain to " << dB << " dB."; if (!m_dbRx->set_gain(dB)) LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting TX gain"; return dB; } double USRPDevice::setRxGain(double dB) { if (dB > maxRxGain()) dB = maxRxGain(); if (dB < minRxGain()) dB = minRxGain(); LOG(NOTICE) << "Setting TX gain to " << dB << " dB."; if (!m_dbRx->set_gain(dB)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting RX gain"; } else { rxGain = dB; } return rxGain; } // NOTE: Assumes sequential reads int USRPDevice::readSamples(short *buf, int len, bool *overrun, TIMESTAMP timestamp, bool *underrun, unsigned *RSSI) { #ifndef SWLOOPBACK if (!m_uRx) return 0; timestamp += timestampOffset; if (timestamp + len < timeStart) { memset(buf,0,len*2*sizeof(short)); return len; } if (underrun) *underrun = false; uint32_t *readBuf = NULL; while (1) { //guestimate USB read size int readLen=0; { int numSamplesNeeded = timestamp + len - timeEnd; if (numSamplesNeeded <=0) break; readLen = 512 * ((int) ceil((float) numSamplesNeeded/126.0)); } // read USRP packets, parse and save A/D data as needed if (readBuf!=NULL) delete[] readBuf; readBuf = new uint32_t[readLen/4]; readLen = m_uRx->read((void *)readBuf,readLen,overrun); for(int pktNum = 0; pktNum < (readLen/512); pktNum++) { // tmpBuf points to start of a USB packet uint32_t* tmpBuf = (uint32_t *) (readBuf+pktNum*512/4); TIMESTAMP pktTimestamp = usrp_to_host_u32(tmpBuf[1]); uint32_t word0 = usrp_to_host_u32(tmpBuf[0]); uint32_t chan = (word0 >> 16) & 0x1f; unsigned payloadSz = word0 & 0x1ff; LOG(DEBUG) << "first two bytes: " << hex << word0 << " " << dec << pktTimestamp; bool incrementHi32 = ((lastPktTimestamp & 0x0ffffffffll) > pktTimestamp); if (incrementHi32 && (timeStart!=0)) { LOG(DEBUG) << "high 32 increment!!!"; hi32Timestamp++; } pktTimestamp = (((TIMESTAMP) hi32Timestamp) << 32) | pktTimestamp; lastPktTimestamp = pktTimestamp; if (chan == 0x01f) { // control reply, check to see if its ping reply uint32_t word2 = usrp_to_host_u32(tmpBuf[2]); if ((word2 >> 16) == ((0x01 << 8) | 0x02)) { timestamp -= timestampOffset; timestampOffset = pktTimestamp - pingTimestamp + PINGOFFSET; LOG(DEBUG) << "updating timestamp offset to: " << timestampOffset; timestamp += timestampOffset; isAligned = true; } continue; } if (chan != 0) { LOG(DEBUG) << "chan: " << chan << ", timestamp: " << pktTimestamp << ", sz:" << payloadSz; continue; } if ((word0 >> 28) & 0x04) { if (underrun) *underrun = true; LOG(DEBUG) << "UNDERRUN in TRX->USRP interface"; } if (RSSI) *RSSI = (word0 >> 21) & 0x3f; if (!isAligned) continue; unsigned cursorStart = pktTimestamp - timeStart + dataStart; while (cursorStart*2 > currDataSize) { cursorStart -= currDataSize/2; } if (cursorStart*2 + payloadSz/2 > currDataSize) { // need to circle around buffer memcpy(data+cursorStart*2,tmpBuf+2,(currDataSize-cursorStart*2)*sizeof(short)); memcpy(data,tmpBuf+2+(currDataSize/2-cursorStart),payloadSz-(currDataSize-cursorStart*2)*sizeof(short)); } else { memcpy(data+cursorStart*2,tmpBuf+2,payloadSz); } if (pktTimestamp + payloadSz/2/sizeof(short) > timeEnd) timeEnd = pktTimestamp+payloadSz/2/sizeof(short); LOG(DEBUG) << "timeStart: " << timeStart << ", timeEnd: " << timeEnd << ", pktTimestamp: " << pktTimestamp; } } // copy desired data to buf unsigned bufStart = dataStart+(timestamp-timeStart); if (bufStart + len < currDataSize/2) { LOG(DEBUG) << "bufStart: " << bufStart; memcpy(buf,data+bufStart*2,len*2*sizeof(short)); memset(data+bufStart*2,0,len*2*sizeof(short)); } else { LOG(DEBUG) << "len: " << len << ", currDataSize/2: " << currDataSize/2 << ", bufStart: " << bufStart; unsigned firstLength = (currDataSize/2-bufStart); LOG(DEBUG) << "firstLength: " << firstLength; memcpy(buf,data+bufStart*2,firstLength*2*sizeof(short)); memset(data+bufStart*2,0,firstLength*2*sizeof(short)); memcpy(buf+firstLength*2,data,(len-firstLength)*2*sizeof(short)); memset(data,0,(len-firstLength)*2*sizeof(short)); } dataStart = (bufStart + len) % (currDataSize/2); timeStart = timestamp + len; if (readBuf!=NULL) delete[] readBuf; return len; #else if (loopbackBufferSize < 2) return 0; int numSamples = 0; struct timeval currTime; gettimeofday(&currTime,NULL); double timeElapsed = (currTime.tv_sec - lastReadTime.tv_sec)*1.0e6 + (currTime.tv_usec - lastReadTime.tv_usec); if (timeElapsed < samplePeriod) {return 0;} int numSamplesToRead = (int) floor(timeElapsed/samplePeriod); if (numSamplesToRead < len) return 0; if (numSamplesToRead > len) numSamplesToRead = len; if (numSamplesToRead > loopbackBufferSize/2) { firstRead =false; numSamplesToRead = loopbackBufferSize/2; } memcpy(buf,loopbackBuffer,sizeof(short)*2*numSamplesToRead); loopbackBufferSize -= 2*numSamplesToRead; memcpy(loopbackBuffer,loopbackBuffer+2*numSamplesToRead, sizeof(short)*loopbackBufferSize); numSamples = numSamplesToRead; if (firstRead) { int new_usec = lastReadTime.tv_usec + (int) round((double) numSamplesToRead * samplePeriod); lastReadTime.tv_sec = lastReadTime.tv_sec + new_usec/1000000; lastReadTime.tv_usec = new_usec % 1000000; } else { gettimeofday(&lastReadTime,NULL); firstRead = true; } samplesRead += numSamples; return numSamples; #endif } int USRPDevice::writeSamples(short *buf, int len, bool *underrun, unsigned long long timestamp, bool isControl) { #ifndef SWLOOPBACK if (!m_uTx) return 0; for (int i = 0; i < len*2; i++) { buf[i] = host_to_usrp_short(buf[i]); } int numWritten = 0; unsigned isStart = 1; unsigned RSSI = 0; unsigned CHAN = (isControl) ? 0x01f : 0x00; len = len*2*sizeof(short); int numPkts = (int) ceil((float)len/(float)504); unsigned isEnd = (numPkts < 2); uint32_t *outPkt = new uint32_t[128*numPkts]; int pktNum = 0; while (numWritten < len) { // pkt is pointer to start of a USB packet uint32_t *pkt = outPkt + pktNum*128; isEnd = (len - numWritten <= 504); unsigned payloadLen = ((len - numWritten) < 504) ? (len-numWritten) : 504; pkt[0] = (isStart << 12 | isEnd << 11 | (RSSI & 0x3f) << 5 | CHAN) << 16 | payloadLen; pkt[1] = timestamp & 0x0ffffffffll; memcpy(pkt+2,buf+(numWritten/sizeof(short)),payloadLen); numWritten += payloadLen; timestamp += payloadLen/2/sizeof(short); isStart = 0; pkt[0] = host_to_usrp_u32(pkt[0]); pkt[1] = host_to_usrp_u32(pkt[1]); pktNum++; } m_uTx->write((const void*) outPkt,sizeof(uint32_t)*128*numPkts,NULL); delete[] outPkt; samplesWritten += len/2/sizeof(short); return len/2/sizeof(short); #else int retVal = len; memcpy(loopbackBuffer+loopbackBufferSize,buf,sizeof(short)*2*len); samplesWritten += retVal; loopbackBufferSize += retVal*2; return retVal; #endif } bool USRPDevice::updateAlignment(TIMESTAMP timestamp) { #ifndef SWLOOPBACK short data[] = {0x00,0x02,0x00,0x00}; uint32_t *wordPtr = (uint32_t *) data; *wordPtr = host_to_usrp_u32(*wordPtr); bool tmpUnderrun; if (writeSamples((short *) data,1,&tmpUnderrun,timestamp & 0x0ffffffffll,true)) { pingTimestamp = timestamp; return true; } return false; #else return true; #endif } #ifndef SWLOOPBACK bool USRPDevice::setTxFreq(double wFreq) { usrp_tune_result result; if (m_uTx->tune(0, m_dbTx, wFreq, &result)) { LOG(INFO) << "set TX: " << wFreq << std::endl << " baseband freq: " << result.baseband_freq << std::endl << " DDC freq: " << result.dxc_freq << std::endl << " residual freq: " << result.residual_freq; return true; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "set TX: " << wFreq << "failed" << std::endl << " baseband freq: " << result.baseband_freq << std::endl << " DDC freq: " << result.dxc_freq << std::endl << " residual freq: " << result.residual_freq; return false; } } bool USRPDevice::setRxFreq(double wFreq) { usrp_tune_result result; if (m_uRx->tune(0, m_dbRx, wFreq, &result)) { LOG(INFO) << "set RX: " << wFreq << std::endl << " baseband freq: " << result.baseband_freq << std::endl << " DDC freq: " << result.dxc_freq << std::endl << " residual freq: " << result.residual_freq; return true; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "set RX: " << wFreq << "failed" << std::endl << " baseband freq: " << result.baseband_freq << std::endl << " DDC freq: " << result.dxc_freq << std::endl << " residual freq: " << result.residual_freq; return false; } } #else bool USRPDevice::setTxFreq(double wFreq) { return true;}; bool USRPDevice::setRxFreq(double wFreq) { return true;}; #endif RadioDevice *RadioDevice::make(double desiredSampleRate, bool skipRx) { return new USRPDevice(desiredSampleRate, skipRx); }