# Config file for SMS server smqueue # Format of each line is. # The key name can contain no spaces. # Everything between the first space and the end of the line becomes the value. # Comments must start with "#" at the beginning of the line. # Blank lines are OK. # Logging level Log.Level INFO Log.Level.smcommands.cpp DEBUG # Logging file. Logs to stdout if this is not defined. #Log.FileName smqueue.log # LOG(ALARM) is printed and also sent as udp to this address. Log.Alarms.TargetIP $optional Log.Alarms.TargetIP Log.Alarms.TargetPort 10101 # Number of alarms saved in internal queue Log.Alarms.Max 10 savefile savedqueue.txt # Asterisk interface Asterisk.address # Local SIP config SIP.myPort 5063 # smqueue's addresses, as seen by the Asterisk server SIP.myIP SIP.myIP2 # A Boolean, defined or not defined Debug.print_as_we_validate $optional Debug.print_as_we_validate # Global relay host:port #SIP.global_relay SIP.global_relay # # SMS parameters # # ISDN address of source SMSC when we fake out a source SMSC. SMS.FakeSrcSMSC 0000 # The SMS HTTP gateway. # Comment out if you don't have one or if you want to use smqueue. #SMS.HTTP.Gateway api.clickatell.com # IF SMS.HTTP.Gateway IS DEFINED, SMS.HTTP.AccessString MUST ALSO BE DEFINED. #SMS.HTTP.AccessString sendmsg?user=xxxx&password=xxxx&api_id=xxxx # return SMS messages Bounce.Message.IMSILookupFailed Cannot determine return address; bouncing message. Text your phone number to 101 to register and try again. Bounce.Message.NotRegistered Phone not registered here. # Bounce from address Bounce.Code 411 # Shortcode codes # To leave a short code out of the system, # command out the "Code" configuration line. # Autoprovisioning function. # SHOULD BE MATCHED TO AUTOPROVISIONING CODE IN BTS CONFIG(S). SC.Register.Code 101 # Welcome message for new registration, sent as << phonenumber << SC.Register.Msg.WelcomeA Hello SC.Register.Msg.WelcomeB ! Text to 411 for system status. # Message for already registered phones, sent as << phonenumber << SC.Register.Msg.AlreadyA Your phone is already registered as SC.Register.Msg.AlreadyB . # Message for attempts to take a number alraedy assigned, sent as << phonenumber << SC.Register.Msg.TakenA The phone number SC.Register.Msg.TakenB is already in use. Try another, then call that one to talk to whoever took yours. # Message for internal errors, sent as << phonenumber << << imsi SC.Register.Msg.ErrorA Error in assigning SC.Register.Msg.ErrorB to # Bounds for valid number length SC.Register.Digits.Max 10 SC.Register.Digits.Min 7 # Allow "!!!" to override digit max/min bounds? # (A Boolean, either defined or not.) SC.Register.Digits.Override # System status. SC.Info.Code 411 # Debug dump of message queue. SC.DebugDump.Code 2336 # Return # of queued messags. SC.QuickChk.Code 2337 # Flush old messages. SC.ZapQueued.Code 2338 SC.ZapQueued.Password 6000 SC.WhiplashQuit.Code 314158 SC.WhiplashQuit.Password Snidely SC.WhiplashQuit.SaveFile testsave.txt