/* * Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Affero Public License. * See the COPYING file in the main directory for details. * * This use of this software may be subject to additional restrictions. * See the LEGAL file in the main directory for details. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "GSMConfig.h" #include "ControlCommon.h" #include "Sockets.h" #include "SIPUtility.h" #include "SIPInterface.h" #include using namespace std; using namespace SIP; using namespace GSM; using namespace Control; static const char emptyString[] = ""; // SIPMessageMap method definitions. void SIPMessageMap::write(const std::string& call_id, osip_message_t * msg) { LOG(DEBUG) << "call_id=" << call_id << " msg=" << msg; OSIPMessageFIFO * fifo = mMap.readNoBlock(call_id); if( fifo==NULL ) { // FIXME -- If this write fails, send "call leg non-existent" response on SIP interface. LOG(NOTICE) << "missing SIP FIFO "<write(msg); } osip_message_t * SIPMessageMap::read(const std::string& call_id, unsigned readTimeout) { LOG(DEBUG) << "call_id=" << call_id; OSIPMessageFIFO * fifo = mMap.readNoBlock(call_id); if (!fifo) { LOG(NOTICE) << "missing SIP FIFO "<read(readTimeout); if (!msg) throw SIPTimeout(); return msg; } bool SIPMessageMap::add(const std::string& call_id, const struct sockaddr_in* returnAddress) { OSIPMessageFIFO * fifo = new OSIPMessageFIFO(returnAddress); mMap.write(call_id, fifo); return true; } bool SIPMessageMap::remove(const std::string& call_id) { OSIPMessageFIFO * fifo = mMap.readNoBlock(call_id); if(fifo == NULL) return false; mMap.remove(call_id); return true; } // SIPInterface method definitions. bool SIPInterface::addCall(const string &call_id) { LOG(INFO) << "creating SIP message FIFO callID " << call_id; return mSIPMap.add(call_id,mSIPSocket.source()); } bool SIPInterface::removeCall(const string &call_id) { LOG(INFO) << "removing SIP message FIFO callID " << call_id; return mSIPMap.remove(call_id); } int SIPInterface::fifoSize(const std::string& call_id ) { OSIPMessageFIFO * fifo = mSIPMap.map().read(call_id,0); if(fifo==NULL) return -1; return fifo->size(); } SIPInterface::SIPInterface() :mSIPSocket(gConfig.getNum("SIP.Port"), gConfig.getStr("Asterisk.IP"), gConfig.getNum("Asterisk.Port")) { bool bres; mAsteriskPort = gConfig.getNum("Asterisk.Port"); mMessengerPort = gConfig.getNum("Smqueue.Port"); bres = resolveAddress(&mAsteriskAddress,gConfig.getStr("Asterisk.IP"),mAsteriskPort); assert(bres); bres = resolveAddress(&mMessengerAddress,gConfig.getStr("Smqueue.IP"),mMessengerPort); assert(bres); } void SIP::driveLoop( SIPInterface * si){ while (true) { si->drive(); } } void SIPInterface::start(){ // Start all the osip/ortp stuff. parser_init(); ortp_init(); ortp_scheduler_init(); // FIXME -- Can we coordinate this with the global logger? //ortp_set_log_level_mask(ORTP_MESSAGE|ORTP_WARNING|ORTP_ERROR); mDriveThread.start((void *(*)(void*))driveLoop,this ); } void SIPInterface::write(const struct sockaddr_in* dest, osip_message_t *msg) { char * str; size_t msgSize; osip_message_to_str(msg, &str, &msgSize); if (!str) { LOG(ERROR) << "osip_message_to_str produced a NULL pointer."; return; } char line[1000]; sscanf(str,"%[^\n]",line); LOG(INFO) << "write " << line; LOG(DEBUG) << "write " << str; mSocketLock.lock(); mSIPSocket.send((const struct sockaddr*)dest,str); mSocketLock.unlock(); free(str); } void SIPInterface::drive() { char buffer[2048]; LOG(DEBUG) << "blocking on socket"; int numRead = mSIPSocket.read(buffer); if (numRead<0) { LOG(ALARM) << "cannot read SIP socket."; return; } buffer[numRead+1] = '\0'; char line[sizeof(buffer)]; sscanf(buffer,"%[^\n]",line); LOG(INFO) << "read " << line; LOG(DEBUG) << "read " << buffer; try { // Parse the mesage. osip_message_t * msg; osip_message_init(&msg); osip_message_parse(msg, buffer, strlen(buffer)); if (msg->sip_method) LOG(DEBUG) << "read method " << msg->sip_method; // Must check if msg is an invite. // if it is, handle appropriatly. // FIXME -- Check return value in case this failed. checkInvite(msg); // FIXME -- Need to check for early BYE to stop paging . // If it's a BYE, find the corresponding transaction table entry. // If the Q931 state is "paging", or T3113 is expired, remove it. // Otherwise, we keep paging even though the call has ended. // Multiplex out the received SIP message to active calls. // If we write to non-existent call_id. // this is errant message so need to catch // Internal error excatpion. and give nice // message (instead of aborting) // Don't free call_id_num. It points into msg->call_id. char * call_id_num = osip_call_id_get_number(msg->call_id); if( call_id_num == NULL ) { LOG(WARN) << "message with no call id"; throw SIPError(); } LOG(DEBUG) << "got message " << msg << " with call id " << call_id_num << " and writing it to the map."; string call_num(call_id_num); // FIXME -- If this write fails, send "call leg non-existent" response on SIP interface. mSIPMap.write(call_num, msg); } catch(SIPException) { sscanf(buffer,"%[^\n]",line); LOG(WARN) << "errant SIP Message: " << line; } } bool SIPInterface::checkInvite( osip_message_t * msg ) { LOG(DEBUG); // Is there even a method? const char *method = msg->sip_method; if (!method) return false; // Check for INVITE or MESSAGE methods. GSM::ChannelType requiredChannel; bool channelAvailable = false; GSM::L3CMServiceType serviceType; if (strcmp(method,"INVITE") == 0) { // INVITE is for MTC. // Set the required channel type to match the assignment style. if (gConfig.defines("GSM.VEA")) { // Very early assignment. requiredChannel = GSM::TCHFType; channelAvailable = gBTS.TCHAvailable(); } else { // Early assignment requiredChannel = GSM::SDCCHType; channelAvailable = gBTS.SDCCHAvailable() && gBTS.TCHAvailable(); } serviceType = L3CMServiceType::MobileTerminatedCall; } else if (strcmp(method,"MESSAGE") == 0) { // MESSAGE is for MTSMS. requiredChannel = GSM::SDCCHType; channelAvailable = gBTS.SDCCHAvailable(); serviceType = L3CMServiceType::MobileTerminatedShortMessage; } else { // We must not handle this method. LOG(DEBUG) << "non-initiating SIP method " << method; return false; } // Check gBTS for channel availability. if (!channelAvailable) { // FIXME -- Send 503 "Service Unavailable" response on SIP interface. LOG(NOTICE) << "MTC CONGESTION, no " << requiredChannel << " availble for assignment"; return false; } LOG(INFO) << "set up MTC paging for channel=" << requiredChannel; // Get call_id from invite message. if (!msg->call_id) { // FIXME -- Send appropriate error on SIP interface. LOG(WARN) << "Incoming INVITE/MESSAGE with no call ID"; return false; } // Don't free call_id_num. It points into msg->call_id. const char * call_id_num = osip_call_id_get_number(msg->call_id); // Get request username (IMSI) from invite. // Form of the name is IMSI, and it should always be 19 char. const char * IMSI = msg->req_uri->username; LOG(INFO) << msg->sip_method << " to "<< IMSI; // IMSIs are 14 or 15 char + "IMSI" prefix unsigned namelen = strlen(IMSI); if ((namelen>19)||(namelen<18)) { LOG(WARN) << "INVITE/MESSAGE with malformed username \"" << IMSI << "\""; return false; } // Skip first 4 char "IMSI". IMSI+=4; // Make the mobile id we need for transaction and paging entries. L3MobileIdentity mobile_id(IMSI); // Check SIP map. Repeated entry? Page again. if (mSIPMap.map().readNoBlock(call_id_num) != NULL) { TransactionEntry transaction; if (!gTransactionTable.find(mobile_id,transaction)) { // FIXME -- Send "call leg non-existent" response on SIP interface. LOG(WARN) << "repeated INVITE/MESSAGE with no transaction record"; // Delete the bogus FIFO. mSIPMap.remove(call_id_num); return false; } LOG(INFO) << "repeated SIP INVITE/MESSAGE, repaging for transaction " << transaction; gBTS.pager().addID(mobile_id,requiredChannel,transaction); gTransactionTable.update(transaction); return false; } // Add an entry to the SIP Map to route inbound SIP messages. addCall(call_id_num); // Install transaction. LOG(INFO) << "make new transaction for " << mobile_id; // Put the caller ID in here if it's available. const char *callerID = NULL; const char *callerHost = NULL; osip_from_t *from = osip_message_get_from(msg); if (from) { osip_uri_t* url = osip_contact_get_url(from); if (url) { callerID = url->username; callerHost = url->host; } } if (!callerID) { callerID = emptyString; callerHost = emptyString; LOG(NOTICE) << "INVITE/MESSAGE with no From: username for " << mobile_id; } LOG(DEBUG) << "callerID " << callerID << "@" << callerHost; // Build the transaction table entry. // This constructor sets TI flag=0, TI=0 for an MT transaction. TransactionEntry transaction(mobile_id,serviceType,callerID); LOG(DEBUG) << "call_id_num \"" << call_id_num << "\""; LOG(DEBUG) << "IMSI \"" << IMSI << "\""; transaction.SIP().User(call_id_num,IMSI,callerID,callerHost); transaction.SIP().saveINVITE(msg); if (serviceType == L3CMServiceType::MobileTerminatedShortMessage) { osip_body_t *body; osip_message_get_body(msg,0,&body); if (!body) return false; char *text = body->body; if (text) { transaction.message(text); } else LOG(NOTICE) << "MTSMS incoming MESSAGE method with no message body for " << mobile_id; } LOG(INFO) << "MTC MTSMS making transaction and add to transaction table: "<< transaction; gTransactionTable.add(transaction); // Add to paging list and tell the remote SIP end that we are trying. LOG(DEBUG) << "MTC MTSMS new SIP invite, initial paging for mobile ID " << mobile_id; gBTS.pager().addID(mobile_id,requiredChannel,transaction); // FIXME -- Send TRYING? See MTCSendTrying for example. return true; } // vim: ts=4 sw=4