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* Copyright 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Affero Public License.
* See the COPYING file in the main directory for details.
* This use of this software may be subject to additional restrictions.
* See the LEGAL file in the main directory for details.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2010-07-04 22:28:06 +00:00
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2010-07-04 22:28:06 +00:00
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2010-07-04 22:28:06 +00:00
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <config.h>
#include "CLI.h"
#include <Logger.h>
#include <Globals.h>
#include <GSMConfig.h>
#include <GSMLogicalChannel.h>
#include <ControlCommon.h>
#include <TRXManager.h>
#include <PowerManager.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace CommandLine;
#define SUCCESS 0
#define BAD_NUM_ARGS 1
#define BAD_VALUE 2
#define NOT_FOUND 3
#define TOO_MANY_ARGS 4
#define FAILURE 5
extern TransceiverManager gTRX;
/** Standard responses in the CLI, much mach erorrCode enum. */
static const char* standardResponses[] = {
"success", // 0
"wrong number of arguments", // 1
"bad argument(s)", // 2
"command not found", // 3
"too many arguments for parser", // 4
"command failed", // 5
int Parser::execute(char* line, ostream& os, istream& is) const
// escape to the shell?
if (line[0]=='!') {
os << endl;
int retVal = system(line+1);
os << endl << "External call returned " << retVal << endl;
return SUCCESS;
// tokenize
char *argv[mMaxArgs];
int argc = 0;
char **ap;
// This is (almost) straight from the man page for strsep.
for (ap=argv; (*ap=strsep(&line," ")) != NULL; ) {
if (**ap != '\0') {
if (++ap >= &argv[mMaxArgs]) break;
else argc++;
// Blank line?
if (!argc) return SUCCESS;
// Find the command.
ParseTable::const_iterator cfp = mParseTable.find(argv[0]);
if (cfp == mParseTable.end()) {
return NOT_FOUND;
int (*func)(int,char**,ostream&,istream&);
func = cfp->second;
// Do it.
int retVal = (*func)(argc,argv,os,is);
// Give hint on bad # args.
if (retVal==BAD_NUM_ARGS) os << help(argv[0]) << endl;
return retVal;
int Parser::process(const char* line, ostream& os, istream& is) const
char *newLine = strdup(line);
int retVal = execute(newLine,os,is);
if (retVal>0) os << standardResponses[retVal] << endl;
return retVal;
const char * Parser::help(const string& cmd) const
HelpTable::const_iterator hp = mHelpTable.find(cmd);
if (hp==mHelpTable.end()) return "no help available";
return hp->second.c_str();
/**@name Commands for the CLI. */
// forward refs
int printStats(int argc, char** argv, ostream& os, istream& is);
A CLI command takes the argument in an array.
It returns 0 on success.
/** Set the logging file. */
int setlogfile(int argc, char** argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
if (argc!=2) return BAD_NUM_ARGS;
if (gSetLogFile(argv[1])) {
return SUCCESS;
os << "cannot open " << argv[1] << " for logging" << endl;
return FAILURE;
/** Display system uptime and current GSM frame number. */
int uptime(int argc, char** argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
if (argc!=1) return BAD_NUM_ARGS;
os << "Unix time " << time(NULL) << endl;
int seconds = gBTS.uptime();
if (seconds<120) {
os << "uptime " << seconds << " seconds, frame " << gBTS.time() << endl;
return SUCCESS;
float minutes = seconds / 60.0F;
if (minutes<120) {
os << "uptime " << minutes << " minutes, frame " << gBTS.time() << endl;
return SUCCESS;
float hours = minutes / 60.0F;
if (hours<48) {
os << "uptime " << hours << " hours, frame " << gBTS.time() << endl;
return SUCCESS;
float days = hours / 24.0F;
os << "uptime " << days << " days, frame " << gBTS.time() << endl;
return SUCCESS;
/** Give a list of available commands or describe a specific command. */
int showHelp(int argc, char** argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
if (argc==2) {
os << argv[1] << " " <<[1]) << endl;
return SUCCESS;
if (argc!=1) return BAD_NUM_ARGS;
ParseTable::const_iterator cp = gParser.begin();
os << endl << "Type \"help\" followed by the command name for help on that command." << endl << endl;
int c=0;
const int cols = 3;
while (cp != gParser.end()) {
const string& wd = cp->first;
os << wd << '\t';
if (wd.size()<8) os << '\t';
if (c%cols==0) os << endl;
if (c%cols!=0) os << endl;
os << endl << "Lines starting with '!' are escaped to the shell." << endl;
os << endl << "Use <cntrl-A>, <D> to detach from \"screen\", *not* <cntrl-C>." << endl << endl;
return SUCCESS;
/** A function to return -1, the exit code for the caller. */
int exit_function(int argc, char** argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
unsigned wait =0;
if (argc>2) return BAD_NUM_ARGS;
if (argc==2) wait = atoi(argv[1]);
if (wait!=0)
os << "waiting up to " << wait << " seconds for clearing of "
<< gBTS.TCHActive() << " active calls" << endl;
// Block creation of new channels.
// Wait up to the timeout for active channels to release.
time_t finish = time(NULL) + wait;
while (time(NULL)<finish) {
unsigned load = gBTS.SDCCHActive() + gBTS.TCHActive();
if (load==0) break;
bool loads = false;
if (gBTS.SDCCHActive()>0) {
LOG(WARN) << "dropping " << gBTS.SDCCHActive() << " control transactions on exit";
loads = true;
if (gBTS.TCHActive()>0) {
LOG(WARN) << "dropping " << gBTS.TCHActive() << " calls on exit";
loads = true;
if (loads) {
os << endl << "exiting with loads:" << endl;
if (gConfig.defines("Control.TMSITable.SavePath")) {"Control.TMSITable.SavePath"));
os << endl << "exiting..." << endl;
return -1;
// Forward ref.
int tmsis(int argc, char** argv, ostream& os, istream& is);
/** Dump TMSI table to a text file. */
int dumpTMSIs(const char* filename, istream& is)
ofstream fileout;, ios::out); // erases existing!
// FIXME -- Check that the file really opened.
// Fake an argument list to call printTMSIs.
char* subargv[] = {"tmsis", NULL};
int subargc = 1;
return tmsis(subargc, subargv, fileout, is);
/** Print or clear the TMSI table. */
int tmsis(int argc, char** argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
if (argc>=2) {
// Clear?
if (strcmp(argv[1],"clear")==0) {
if (argc!=2) return BAD_NUM_ARGS;
os << "clearing TMSI table" << endl;
return SUCCESS;
// Dump?
if (strcmp(argv[1],"dump")==0) {
if (argc!=3) return BAD_NUM_ARGS;
os << "dumping TMSI table to " << argv[2] << endl;
return dumpTMSIs(argv[2],is);
return BAD_VALUE;
if (argc!=1) return BAD_NUM_ARGS;
os << "TMSI IMSI IMEI age used" << endl;
os << endl << gTMSITable.size() << " TMSIs in table" << endl;
return SUCCESS;
/** Print the transactions table. */
int trans(int argc, char** argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
if (argc!=1) return BAD_NUM_ARGS;
// os << "TMSI IMSI IMEI age used" << endl;
os << endl << gTransactionTable.size() << " transactions in table" << endl;
return SUCCESS;
int findimsi(int argc, char** argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
if (argc!=2) {
os << "usage: findimsi <imsiprefix>\n";
return BAD_VALUE;
// FIXME -- THis should be moved into the TMSITable object to make it thread-safe.
Control::TMSIMap::const_iterator tp = gTMSITable.begin();
char buf[50]; // max size in decimal digits plus 1 plus RandomPositive
while (tp != gTMSITable.end()) {
std::string target;
sprintf(buf, "%d", tp->first);
std::string imsi = buf;
target.assign(imsi, 0, strlen(argv[1]));
if (target == argv[1])
os << tp->second << " 0x" << std::hex << tp->first << std::dec << endl;
return SUCCESS;
/** Submit an SMS for delivery to an IMSI. */
int sendsms(int argc, char** argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
if (argc!=3) return BAD_NUM_ARGS;
os << "enter text to send: ";
char txtBuf[161];
char *IMSI = argv[1];
char *srcAddr = argv[2];
Control::TransactionEntry transaction(
os << "message submitted for delivery" << endl;
return SUCCESS;
/** DEBUGGING: Sends a special sms that triggers a RRLP message to an IMSI. */
int sendrrlp(int argc, char** argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
if (argc!=3) return BAD_NUM_ARGS;
char *IMSI = argv[1];
UDPSocket sock(0,"",gConfig.getNum("SIP.Port"));
unsigned port = sock.port();
unsigned callID = random();
// Just fake out a SIP message.
const char form[] = "MESSAGE sip:IMSI%s@localhost SIP/2.0\nVia: SIP/2.0/TCP localhost;branch=z9hG4bK776sgdkse\nMax-Forwards: 2\nFrom: RRLP@localhost:%d;tag=49583\nTo: sip:IMSI%s@localhost\nCall-ID: %d@\nCSeq: 1 MESSAGE\nContent-Type: text/plain\nContent-Length: %lu\n\n%s\n";
char txtBuf[161];
char outbuf[2048];
os << "RRLP Triggering message submitted for delivery" << endl;
return SUCCESS;
/** Print current usage loads. */
int printStats(int argc, char** argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
if (argc!=1) return BAD_NUM_ARGS;
os << "SDCCH load: " << gBTS.SDCCHActive() << '/' << gBTS.SDCCHTotal() << endl;
os << "TCH/F load: " << gBTS.TCHActive() << '/' << gBTS.TCHTotal() << endl;
os << "AGCH/PCH load: " << gBTS.AGCHLoad() << ',' << gBTS.PCHLoad() << endl;
// paging table size
os << "Paging table size: " << gBTS.pager().pagingEntryListSize() << endl;
os << "Transactions/TMSIs: " << gTransactionTable.size() << ',' << gTMSITable.size() << endl;
// 3122 timer current value (the number of seconds an MS should hold off the next RACH)
os << "T3122: " << gBTS.T3122() << " ms" << endl;
return SUCCESS;
/** Get/Set MCC, MNC, LAC, CI. */
int cellID(int argc, char** argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
if (argc==1) {
os << "MCC=" << gConfig.getStr("GSM.MCC")
<< " MNC=" << gConfig.getStr("GSM.MNC")
<< " LAC=" << gConfig.getNum("GSM.LAC")
<< " CI=" << gConfig.getNum("GSM.CI")
<< endl;
return SUCCESS;
if (argc!=5) return BAD_NUM_ARGS;
// Safety check the args!!
char* MCC = argv[1];
char* MNC = argv[2];
if (strlen(MCC)!=3) {
os << "MCC must be three digits" << endl;
return BAD_VALUE;
int MNCLen = strlen(MNC);
if ((MNCLen<2)||(MNCLen>3)) {
os << "MNC must be two or three digits" << endl;
return BAD_VALUE;
return SUCCESS;
/** Print table of current transactions. */
int calls(int argc, char** argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
if (argc!=1) return BAD_NUM_ARGS;
Control::TransactionMap::const_iterator trans = gTransactionTable.begin();
int count = 0;
while (trans != gTransactionTable.end()) {
os << trans->second << endl;
os << endl << count << " transactions in table" << endl;
return SUCCESS;
/** Print or modify the global configuration table. */
int config(int argc, char** argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
// no args, just print
if (argc==1) {
return SUCCESS;
// one arg, pattern match and print
bool anything = false;
if (argc==2) {
StringMap::const_iterator p = gConfig.begin();
while (p != gConfig.end()) {
if (strstr(p->first.c_str(),argv[1])) {
os << p->first << ": " << p->second << endl;
anything = true;
if (!anything)
os << "nothing matching \"" << argv[1] << "\"" << endl;
return SUCCESS;
// >1 args: set new value
string val;
for (int i=2; i<argc; i++) {
if (i!=(argc-1)) val.append(" ");
bool existing = gConfig.defines(argv[1]);
if (!gConfig.set(argv[1],val)) {
os << argv[1] << " is static and connot be altered after initialization" << endl;
return BAD_VALUE;
if (!existing) {
os << "defined new config " << argv[1] << " as \"" << val << "\"" << endl;
// Anything created by the CLI is optional.
} else {
os << "changed " << argv[1] << " to \"" << val << "\"" << endl;
return SUCCESS;
/** Remove a configiuration value. */
int unconfig(int argc, char** argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
if (argc!=2) return BAD_NUM_ARGS;
if (gConfig.unset(argv[1])) {
os << "\"" << argv[1] << "\" removed from the configuration table" << endl;
return SUCCESS;
if (gConfig.defines(argv[1])) {
os << "\"" << argv[1] << "\" could not be removed" << endl;
} else {
os << "\"" << argv[1] << "\" was not in the table" << endl;
return BAD_VALUE;
/** Dump current configuration to a file. */
int configsave(int argc, char** argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
if (argc!=2) return BAD_NUM_ARGS;
fstream f;[1],fstream::out);
if ( {
os << "cannot open " << argv[1] << " for writing" << endl;
return FAILURE;
f << "# OpenBTS configuration file" << endl;
time_t now = time(NULL);
f << "# " << ctime(&now) << endl;
return SUCCESS;
/** Change the registration timers. */
int regperiod(int argc, char** argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
if (argc==1) {
os << "T3212 is " << gConfig.getNum("GSM.T3212") << " minutes" << endl;
os << "SIP registration period is " << gConfig.getNum("SIP.RegistrationPeriod")/60 << " minutes" << endl;
return SUCCESS;
if (argc>3) return BAD_NUM_ARGS;
unsigned newT3212 = strtol(argv[1],NULL,10);
if ((newT3212<6)||(newT3212>1530)) {
os << "valid T3212 range is 6..1530 minutes" << endl;
return BAD_VALUE;
// By defuault, make SIP registration period 1.5x the GSM registration period.
unsigned SIPRegPeriod = newT3212*90;
if (argc==3) {
SIPRegPeriod = 60*strtol(argv[2],NULL,10);
// Set the values in the table and on the GSM beacon.
// Done.
return SUCCESS;
/** Print the list of alarms kept by the logger, i.e. the last LOG(ALARM) << <text> */
int alarms(int argc, char** argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
std::ostream_iterator<std::string> output( os, "\n" );
std::list<std::string> alarms = gGetLoggerAlarms();
std::copy( alarms.begin(), alarms.end(), output );
return SUCCESS;
/** Version string. */
int version(int argc, char **argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
if (argc!=1) return BAD_NUM_ARGS;
os << "release " VERSION " built " __DATE__ << endl;
return SUCCESS;
/** Show start-up notices. */
int notices(int argc, char **argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
if (argc!=1) return BAD_NUM_ARGS;
os << endl << gOpenBTSWelcome << endl;
return SUCCESS;
int page(int argc, char **argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
if (argc==1) {
return SUCCESS;
if (argc!=3) return BAD_NUM_ARGS;
char *IMSI = argv[1];
if (strlen(IMSI)>15) {
os << IMSI << " is not a valid IMSI" << endl;
return BAD_VALUE;
Control::TransactionEntry dummy;
return SUCCESS;
int testcall(int argc, char **argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
if (argc!=3) return BAD_NUM_ARGS;
char *IMSI = argv[1];
if (strlen(IMSI)!=15) {
os << IMSI << " is not a valid IMSI" << endl;
return BAD_VALUE;
Control::TransactionEntry transaction(
return SUCCESS;
int endcall(int argc, char **argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
// FIXME -- This doesn't really work.
if (argc!=2) return BAD_NUM_ARGS;
unsigned transID = atoi(argv[1]);
Control::TransactionEntry target;
if (!gTransactionTable.find(transID,target)) {
os << transID << " not found in table";
return BAD_VALUE;
return SUCCESS;
void printChanInfo(const GSM::LogicalChannel* chan, ostream& os)
os << setw(2) << chan->TN();
os << " " << setw(9) << chan->typeAndOffset();
char buffer[1024];
sprintf(buffer,"%10d %5.2f %4d %5d %4d",
100.0*chan->FER(), (int)round(chan->RSSI()),
chan->actualMSPower(), chan->actualMSTiming());
os << " " << buffer;
const GSM::L3MeasurementResults& meas = chan->SACCH()->measurementResults();
if (!meas.MEAS_VALID()) {
sprintf(buffer,"%5d %5.2f",
os << " " << buffer;
} else {
os << " ----- ------";
os << endl;
int chans(int argc, char **argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
if (argc!=1) return BAD_NUM_ARGS;
os << "TN chan transaction UPFER RSSI TXPWR TXTA DNLEV DNBER" << endl;
os << "TN type id pct dB dBm sym dBm pct" << endl;
GSM::SDCCHList::const_iterator sChanItr = gBTS.SDCCHPool().begin();
while (sChanItr != gBTS.SDCCHPool().end()) {
const GSM::SDCCHLogicalChannel* sChan = *sChanItr;
if (sChan->active()) printChanInfo(sChan,os);
// TCHs
GSM::TCHList::const_iterator tChanItr = gBTS.TCHPool().begin();
while (tChanItr != gBTS.TCHPool().end()) {
const GSM::TCHFACCHLogicalChannel* tChan = *tChanItr;
if (tChan->active()) printChanInfo(tChan,os);
os << endl;
return SUCCESS;
int power(int argc, char **argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
os << "current downlink power " << gBTS.powerManager().power() << " dB wrt full scale" << endl;
os << "current attenuation bounds "
<< gConfig.getNum("GSM.PowerManager.MinAttenDB")
<< " to "
<< gConfig.getNum("GSM.PowerManager.MaxAttenDB")
<< " dB" << endl;
if (argc==1) return SUCCESS;
if (argc!=3) return BAD_NUM_ARGS;
int min = atoi(argv[1]);
int max = atoi(argv[2]);
if (min>max) return BAD_VALUE;
os << "new attenuation bounds "
<< gConfig.getNum("GSM.PowerManager.MinAttenDB")
<< " to "
<< gConfig.getNum("GSM.PowerManager.MaxAttenDB")
<< " dB" << endl;
return SUCCESS;
int rxgain(int argc, char** argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
os << "current RX gain is " << gConfig.getNum("GSM.RxGain") << " dB" << endl;
if (argc==1) return SUCCESS;
if (argc!=2) return BAD_NUM_ARGS;
int newGain = gTRX.ARFCN(0)->setRxGain(atoi(argv[1]));
os << "new RX gain is " << newGain << " dB" << endl;
return SUCCESS;
int noise(int argc, char** argv, ostream& os, istream& is)
if (argc!=1) return BAD_NUM_ARGS;
int noise = gTRX.ARFCN(0)->getNoiseLevel();
os << "noise RSSI is -" << noise << " dB wrt full scale" << endl;
os << "MS RSSI target is " << gConfig.getNum("GSM.RSSITarget") << " dB wrt full scale" << endl;
return SUCCESS;
//@} // CLI commands
// The constructor adds the commands.
addCommand("setlogfile", setlogfile, "<path> -- set the logging file to <path>.");
addCommand("uptime", uptime, "-- show BTS uptime and BTS frame number.");
addCommand("help", showHelp, "[command] -- list available commands or gets help on a specific command.");
addCommand("exit", exit_function, "[wait] -- exit the application, either immediately, or waiting for existing calls to clear with a timeout in seconds");
addCommand("tmsis", tmsis, "[\"clear\"] or [\"dump\" filename] -- print/clear the TMSI table or dump it to a file.");
addCommand("trans", trans, "-- print the transactions table.");
addCommand("findimsi", findimsi, "[IMSIPrefix] -- prints all imsi's that are prefixed by IMSIPrefix");
addCommand("sendsms", sendsms, "<IMSI> <src> -- send SMS to <IMSI>, addressed from <src>, after prompting.");
addCommand("sendrrlp", sendrrlp, "<IMSI> <hexstring> -- send RRLP message <hexstring> to <IMSI>.");
addCommand("load", printStats, "-- print the current activity loads.");
addCommand("cellid", cellID, "[MCC MNC LAC CI] -- get/set location area identity (MCC, MNC, LAC) and cell ID (CI)");
addCommand("calls", calls, "-- print the transaction table");
addCommand("config", config, "[] OR [patt] OR [key val(s)] -- print the current configuration, print configuration values matching a pattern, or set/change a configuration value");
addCommand("configsave", configsave, "<path> -- write the current configuration to a file");
addCommand("regperiod", regperiod, "[GSM] [SIP] -- get/set the registration period (GSM T3212), in MINUTES");
addCommand("alarms", alarms, "-- show latest alarms");
addCommand("version", version,"-- print the version string");
addCommand("page", page, "[IMSI time] -- dump the paging table or page the given IMSI for the given period");
addCommand("testcall", testcall, "IMSI time -- initiate a test call to a given IMSI with a given paging time");
addCommand("chans", chans, "-- report PHY status for active channels");
addCommand("power", power, "[minAtten maxAtten] -- report current attentuation or set min/max bounds");
addCommand("rxgain", rxgain, "[newRxgain] -- get/set the RX gain in dB");
addCommand("noise", noise, "-- report receive noise level in RSSI dB");
addCommand("unconfig", unconfig, "key -- remove a config value");
addCommand("notices", notices, "-- show startup copyright and legal notices");
// HACK -- Comment out these until they are fixed.
// addCommand("endcall", endcall,"trans# -- terminate the given transaction");
// vim: ts=4 sw=4