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/* netfilter connection tracking functions for Eclipse Titan
* (C) 2017 by Harald Welte <>
* Licensed under Eclipse Public License - v1.0 or GPLv2, at your choice */
module NetfilterConntrack_Functions {
external function f_get_conntracks_xml() return charstring;
external function f_get_conntrack_xml(charstring src_ip, charstring dst_ip, integer l4_proto, integer src_port, integer dst_port) return charstring;
import from UsefulTtcn3Types all;
import from IP_Types all;
import from http_www_netfilter_org_xml_libnetfilter_conntrack all;
external function enc_Flow(in Flow pdu) return octetstring
with { extension "prototype (convert) encode(XER:XER_EXTENDED)" }
external function dec_Flow(in octetstring stream) return Flow
with { extension "prototype (convert) decode(XER:XER_EXTENDED)" }
external function enc_Flows(in Flows pdu) return octetstring
with { extension "prototype (convert) encode(XER:XER_EXTENDED)" }
external function dec_Flows(in octetstring stream) return Flows
with { extension "prototype (convert) decode(XER:XER_EXTENDED)" }
const integer AF_INET := 2;
const integer AF_INET6 := 23;
type enumerated nfct_direction { DIR_ORIG, DIR_REPLY };
type record flow_info {
unsignedbyte l3_protocol,
charstring src_ip,
charstring dst_ip,
unsignedbyte l4_protocol,
unsignedshort src_port,
unsignedshort dst_port
/* reverse the L3 portion */
private function f_nfct_l3_reverse(template Layer3_type input) return template Layer3_type {
return {
protoname := input.protoname,
protonum := input.protonum,
src := input.dst,
dst := input.src
/* reverse the L4 portion */
private function f_nfct_l4_reverse(template Layer4_type input) return template Layer4_type {
return { protoname := input.protoname,
protonum := input.protonum,
sport := input.dport,
dport := }
/* reverse an Orig_repl_group template */
function f_nfct_orig_repl_reverse(template Orig_repl_group input) return template Orig_repl_group {
var template Orig_repl_group output
output.layer3 := f_nfct_l3_reverse(input.layer3)
output.layer4 := f_nfct_l4_reverse(input.layer4) :=
/* we cannot assume inverse direction counters have any relation to the forward direction */
output.counters := *
return output
private function f_proto_to_af(integer proto) return integer {
if (proto == c_ip_proto_ipv4) {
return AF_INET;
} else if (proto == c_ip_proto_ipv6) {
return AF_INET6;
} else {
return 0;
/* construct a template that can be used to match nf-conntrack XML */
function f_nfct_templ_from_flow(flow_info flowi) return template Flow {
/* construct original tuple from flow */
var template Orig_repl_group orig := {
layer3 := {
protoname := *,
protonum := int2str(f_proto_to_af(flowi.l3_protocol)),
src := flowi.src_ip,
dst := flowi.dst_ip
layer4 := {
protoname := *,
protonum := int2str(flowi.l4_protocol),
sport := flowi.src_port,
dport := flowi.dst_port
zone := *,
counters := *
/* create the inverse of the original tuple */
var template Orig_repl_group repl := f_nfct_orig_repl_reverse(orig)
return {
meta := { direction := "original", choice := { orig_repl_group := orig } },
meta_1 := { direction := "reply", choice := { orig_repl_group := repl } },
meta_2 := ?,
when := * }
/* get a single conntrack entry derived from the specified flow_info */
//{ meta := { direction := "original", choice := { orig_repl_group := { layer3 := { protoname := "ipv4", protonum := "2", src := "", dst := "" }, layer4 := { protoname := "udp", protonum := "17", sport := 1001, dport := 2001 }, zone := omit, counters := omit } } }, meta_1 := { direction := "reply", choice := { orig_repl_group := { layer3 := { protoname := "ipv4", protonum := "2", src := "", dst := "" }, layer4 := { protoname := "udp", protonum := "17", sport := 2001, dport := 1001 }, zone := omit, counters := omit } } }, meta_2 := { direction := "independent", choice := { indep_group := { state := omit, timeout_ := 30, mark := 0, secmark := omit, zone := omit, use := 2, id := 2741869312, assured := omit, unreplied := { }, timestamp := omit, deltatime := omit } } }, when := omit }
function f_get_conntracks(flow_info flowi) return Flows {
var charstring xml := f_get_conntrack_xml(flowi.src_ip, flowi.dst_ip, flowi.l4_protocol, flowi.src_port, flowi.dst_port)
return dec_Flows(unichar2oct(xml));
function f_get_conntrack(flow_info flowi) return Flow {
var Flows flows := f_get_conntracks(flowi);
return flows.flow_list[0];