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% This file is a solution template for:
% - Talk at a conference/colloquium.
% - Talk length is about 20min.
% - Style is ornate.
% Copyright 2004 by Till Tantau <>.
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% the terms of the GNU Public License, version 2.
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\title{DATEX-L, the German CSPDN}
\subtitle{(Circuit Switched Public Data Network)}
\institute{Osmocom project}
\date[January 2023]{RetroNetCall}
% - Use the \inst command only if there are several affiliations.
% - Keep it simple, no one is interested in your street address.
% - Either use conference name or its abbreviation.
% - Not really informative to the audience, more for people (including
% yourself) who are reading the slides online
%\subject{Having fun with DECT}
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% \logo{\pgfuseimage{university-logo}}
% Delete this, if you do not want the table of contents to pop up at
% the beginning of each subsection:
% \begin{frame}<beamer>{Outline}
% \tableofcontents[currentsection,currentsubsection]
% \end{frame}
% If you wish to uncover everything in a step-wise fashion, uncomment
% the following command:
% Structuring a talk is a difficult task and the following structure
% may not be suitable. Here are some rules that apply for this
% solution:
% - Exactly two or three sections (other than the summary).
% - At *most* three subsections per section.
% - Talk about 30s to 2min per frame. So there should be between about
% 15 and 30 frames, all told.
% - A conference audience is likely to know very little of what you
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% - In a 20min talk, getting the main ideas across is hard
% enough. Leave out details, even if it means being less precise than
% you think necessary.
% - If you omit details that are vital to the proof/implementation,
% just say so once. Everybody will be happy with that.
%\part{Java SIM}
\item I never used Datex-L back in the day
\item All information presented is from historical books / specs / articles
\item My understanding might be incorrect; Corrections welcome!
\section{Cicruit Switched Packet Data Networks}
\begin{frame}{CSPDN? WTF?}
\item Circuit Switched
\item dedicated circuits, dialled and released
\item just like the good old telephony (PSTN) network
\item Public Data Network
\item available to the general public (like PSTN)
\item used for data, not speech (unlike PSTN)
CSPDNs were {\bf separate} networks, independent of telephony networks
\begin{frame}{Before CSPDNs}
\item Public switched Telephony network (PSTN)
\item analog 3.4 kHz circuit, end-to-end
\item initially manually switched, later electromechanical switching
\item Public switched Telex network (Telex)
\item 50 bit per second, asynchronous, analog
\item initially manually switched, later electromechanical switching
\item direct point-to-point links (Standleitung, HfD)
\item no switching involved; dedicated permanent leased circuit
\item HfD: {\em Hauptanschluß für Direktruf}: leased line with DCE/modem provided by operator
\item {\em Überlassung posteigener Stromwege}: just the bare coper, no DCE/modem provided by operator
\begin{frame}{Some basic terminology}
\item[DBP] Deutsche Bundespost; German postal services
\item[CSPDN] Circuit Switched Packet Data Network; describes abstract concept (CCITT/ITU-T)
\item[DATEX] DATa EXchange; Data services provided by Deutsche Bundespost
\item[DATEX-L] DATa EXchange Leitungsorientiert; CSPDN by Deutsche Bundespost
\item[DATEX-P] DATa EXchange Paketorientiert; PSPDN by Deutsche Bundespost (off-topic here)
\item[IDN] Integriertes Text- und Datennetz; German network used to provide Telex, Gentex and Datex services
\item[EDS] Elektronisches Datenvermittlungs-System; Switching technology used to implement IDN
\begin{frame}{Different Services/Networks in 1980}
\begin{frame}{Why DATEX-L or a CSPDN?}
Why have a separate data network, indepedent of the telephony network?
\item it's difficult to transmit digital data over hundreds or even thousands of kilometers of analog telephone lines
\item Modems for the PSTN were very expensive and slow in the 60s and 70s
\item Very long connection establishment time (pulse dialing, electromechanics)
\item a network with digital switching enables {\em re-generating} the signal hop-by-hop
\begin{frame}{DATEX-L Network Architecture}
\begin{frame}{DATEX-L points of presence}
\item 18 Datex-L Switches (DVST) all over Germany
\item 18 switch co-located mulitplexers (DUST-D)
\item 400 remote Multiplexers (DUST-U)
\begin{frame}{DATEX-L Terminology}
\item[DVST] {\em Datenvermittlungsstelle}; Data Switch
\item[DUST-D] {\em Datenumsetzerstelle am Standort der Datenvermittlungsstelle}; subscriber line
multiplexers co-located with DVST
\item[DUST-U] {\em Datenumsetzerstelle der unteren Netzebene}; subscriber line multiplexers located
remote from switches; typically in PSTN central offices that had no DVST
\item [DEE] {\em Datenendeinrichtung}; DTE (Data Terminal Equipment)
\item [DÜE] {\em Datenübertragungseinrichtung}; DCE (Data Communications Equipment)
\item [UEB] {\em Übertragungseinheiten}; line transmission interface at DUST
\item [DFG] {\em Datenfernschaltgerät}; Siemens implementation of DÜE (DCE)
\begin{frame}{DEE-DÜE (DTE-DCE) Interfaces}
\item interface to network was not the subscriber line, but a serial port
\item DATEX-L was a synchronous network, so synchronous interfaces preferred
\item sync interfaces: X.20 (300 bps) or X.21 (2400/4800/9600 bps)
\item async interfaces: X.20bis (300 bps), X.21bis (2400/4800/9600 bps)
\item asynchronous interfaces were more expensive, as
\item additional circuitry needed in DEE (DCE)
\item lower net throughput due to bits wasted for start/stop bits
\begin{frame}{DATEX-L Services}
\begin{tabular}{| l | l | l | l |}
Name & bps & Inaugurated & Subscriber Interface\\
DATEX-L200 & 50-200 & 1967 & X.20bis \\
DATEX-L300 & 300 & 1976 & X.20 or X.20bis \\
DATEX-L2400 & 2400 & 1978 & X.21 or X.21bis \\
DATEX-L4800 & 4800 & 1979 & X.21 or X.21bis \\
DATEX-L9600 & 9600 & 1970 & X.21 or X.21bis \\
\begin{frame}{DATEX-L DÜE/DCE/DFG: DFG 300 / DFG 2400}
\begin{frame}{DATEX-L DÜE/DCE/DFG: DFG 9600UE-1 / DFG9600UE-2}
\begin{frame}{Subcriber Line in DATEX-L}
\item remember: subscriber line was {\bf not} the public interface
\item depending on distance, different technologies used
\item predominantly pseudo-ternary coded base band transmission (UEB)
\item occasionally (long distance to DUST) modem 2DPSK/4DPSK (UEM)
\item 2-bit {\em envelope} added to every 8 user bits
\item 1 bit for synchronization purpose
\item 1 bit to differentiate user payload from signaling traffic
\item result: data rate on subscriber line 25\% higher than at user interface
\begin{frame}{DATEX-L Charges: Monthly subscription}
\begin{tabular}{| l | l | l |}
Service & Interface & Fee per month (DM)\\
DATEX-L300 & X.20 & 100\\
DATEX-L300 & X.20bis & 120\\
DATEX-L2400 & X.21 & 170\\
DATEX-L2400 & X.21bis & 200\\
DATEX-L4800 & X.21 & 270\\
DATEX-L4800 & X.21bis & 300\\
DATEX-L9600 & X.21 & 370\\
DATEX-L9600 & X.21bis & 400\\
\begin{frame}{DATEX-L Charges: Per connection/duration}
\item Pfg = Pfennig (1/100 DM)
\item fixed 5 Pfg for connection setup
\item distance and speed dependent charges for ever 0.1 s duration
\begin{frame}{DATEX-L Charges: What did it cost per MB?}
Inflation-corrected (1980->2022) charges in EUR per Megabyte:
\begin{tabular}{| l | r | r | r |}
Service & > 50km (day) & > 50km (night I) & > 50km (night II)\\
DATEX-L300 & 50.29 & 25.79 & 25.79\\
DATEX-L2400 & 7.52 & 3.87 & 1.93\\
DATEX-L4800 & 6.28 & 3.22 & 1.61\\
DATEX-L9600 & 5.35 & 2.74 & 1.36\\
\begin{frame}{DATEX-L International CSPDN interconnect}
\item 1970: France
\item 1973: Belgium
\item 1981: Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden (NPDN)
\begin{frame}{Datex-L DVST + DUST-D Floorplan}
\begin{frame}{Datex-L DVST + DUST Technical data}
\begin{tabular}{l | l}
Maximum capacity & 16384 connections \\
Maximum subscriber lines & 10880 .. 11500 \\
Maximum memory capacity & 1 MByte (core memory)\\
Maximum call setup rate & 30 per second / 60 per second\\
Power consumption & 80 kW @ 60 VDC + 15kW @ 220 VAC + air conditioning\\
net floor space (just racks) & 200 m\textsuperscript{2}\\
gross floor space & 1200 m\textsuperscript{2}
\begin{frame}{EDS History}
\item need for higher bit rate (than 50 bps Telex) wide area data transmission
\item conceptual development from 1965 onwards triggered by DBP
\item cooperation between Siemens and SEL (Standard Elektronik Lorenz)
\item production deployments as IDN at Deutsche Bundespost from 1975 onwards
\item more than 60\% of all Telex and Datex subscribers migrated to EDS in 1978
\item de-commissioned in 1996 when Datex-L was switched off
\begin{frame}{EDS System Structure}
\begin{frame}{DUST using Siemens ZD1000}
\begin{frame}{DUST using Siemens ZD1000}
\begin{frame}{DVST Hard Disk Storage}
\begin{frame}{The End}