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/* slidy.css
Copyright (c) 2005-2010 W3C (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
W3C liability, trademark, document use and software licensing
rules apply, see:
SJR: 2010-09-29: Modified for AsciiDoc slidy backend.
Mostly just commented out stuff that is handled by AsciiDoc's CSS files.
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hide images for work around for save as bug
where browsers fail to save images used by CSS
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/* SJR: AsciiDoc slidy backend tweaks */
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Copyright (c) 2005-2010 W3C (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
W3C liability, trademark, document use and software licensing
rules apply, see:
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window.attachEvent("onload", init);
hide_slides: function () {
if (document.body && !w3c_slidy.initialized) = "hidden";
setTimeout(w3c_slidy.hide_slides, 50);
// hack to persuade IE to compute correct document height
// as needed for simulating fixed positioning of toolbar
ie_hack: function () {
window.resizeBy(0, 1);
init: function () {
//alert("slidy starting test 10"); = "visible";
this.objects = document.body.getElementsByTagName("object");
this.slide_number = this.find_slide_number(location.href);
window.offscreenbuffering = true;
this.size_adjustment = this.find_size_adjust();
this.time_left = this.find_duration();
this.hide_image_toolbar(); // suppress IE image toolbar popup
this.init_outliner(); // activate fold/unfold support
this.title = document.title;
// work around for opera bug
this.is_xhtml = (document.body.tagName == "BODY" ? false : true);
if (this.slides.length > 0)
var slide = this.slides[this.slide_number];
if (this.slide_number > 0)
this.last_shown = this.previous_incremental_item(null);
this.last_shown = null;
this.add_class(this.slides[0], "first-slide");
this.toc = this.table_of_contents();
// bind event handlers without interfering with custom page scripts
// Tap events behave too weirdly to support clicks reliably on
// iPhone and iPad, so exclude these from click handler
if (!this.keyboardless)
this.add_listener(document.body, "click", this.mouse_button_click);
this.add_listener(document, "keydown", this.key_down);
this.add_listener(document, "keypress", this.key_press);
this.add_listener(window, "resize", this.resized);
this.add_listener(window, "scroll", this.scrolled);
this.add_listener(window, "unload", this.unloaded);
if (!document.body.onclick)
document.body.onclick = function () { };
if (this.ie7)
setTimeout(w3c_slidy.ie_hack, 100);
// for back button detection
setInterval(function () { w3c_slidy.check_location(); }, 200);
w3c_slidy.initialized = true;
// create div element with links to each slide
table_of_contents: function () {
var toc = this.create_element("div");
this.add_class(toc, "slidy_toc hidden");
//toc.setAttribute("tabindex", "0");
var heading = this.create_element("div");
this.add_class(heading, "toc-heading");
heading.innerHTML = "Table of Contents".localize();
var previous = null;
for (var i = 0; i < this.slides.length; ++i)
var title = this.has_class(this.slides[i], "title");
var num = document.createTextNode((i + 1) + ". ");
var a = this.create_element("a");
a.setAttribute("href", "#(" + (i+1) + ")");
if (title)
this.add_class(a, "titleslide");
var name = document.createTextNode(this.slide_name(i));
a.onclick = w3c_slidy.toc_click;
a.onkeydown = w3c_slidy.toc_keydown;
a.previous = previous;
if (previous) = a;
if (i == 0)
toc.first = a;
if (i < this.slides.length - 1)
var br = this.create_element("br");
previous = a;
toc.focus = function () {
if (this.first)
toc.onmouseup = w3c_slidy.mouse_button_up;
toc.onclick = function (e) {
if (w3c_slidy.selected_text_len <= 0)
if (e.cancel != undefined)
e.cancel = true;
if (e.returnValue != undefined)
e.returnValue = false;
return false;
document.body.insertBefore(toc, document.body.firstChild);
return toc;
is_shown_toc: function () {
return !w3c_slidy.has_class(w3c_slidy.toc, "hidden");
show_table_of_contents: function () {
w3c_slidy.remove_class(w3c_slidy.toc, "hidden");
var toc = w3c_slidy.toc;
if (w3c_slidy.ie7 && w3c_slidy.slide_number == 0)
setTimeout(w3c_slidy.ie_hack, 100);
hide_table_of_contents: function () {
w3c_slidy.add_class(w3c_slidy.toc, "hidden");
if (!w3c_slidy.opera)
toggle_table_of_contents: function () {
if (w3c_slidy.is_shown_toc())
// called on clicking toc entry
toc_click: function (e) {
if (!e)
e = window.event;
var target = w3c_slidy.get_target(e);
if (target && target.nodeType == 1)
var uri = target.getAttribute("href");
if (uri)
//alert("going to " + uri);
var slide = w3c_slidy.slides[w3c_slidy.slide_number];
w3c_slidy.slide_number = w3c_slidy.find_slide_number(uri);
slide = w3c_slidy.slides[w3c_slidy.slide_number];
w3c_slidy.last_shown = null;
if (!w3c_slidy.opera)
catch (e)
if (w3c_slidy.ie7) w3c_slidy.ie_hack();
return w3c_slidy.cancel(e);
// called onkeydown for toc entry
toc_keydown: function (event) {
var key;
if (!event)
var event = window.event;
// kludge around NS/IE differences
if (window.event)
key = window.event.keyCode;
else if (event.which)
key = event.which;
return true; // Yikes! unknown browser
// ignore event if key value is zero
// as for alt on Opera and Konqueror
if (!key)
return true;
// check for concurrent control/command/alt key
// but are these only present on mouse events?
if (event.ctrlKey || event.altKey)
return true;
if (key == 13)
var uri = this.getAttribute("href");
if (uri)
//alert("going to " + uri);
var slide = w3c_slidy.slides[w3c_slidy.slide_number];
w3c_slidy.slide_number = w3c_slidy.find_slide_number(uri);
slide = w3c_slidy.slides[w3c_slidy.slide_number];
w3c_slidy.last_shown = null;
if (!w3c_slidy.opera)
catch (e)
if (self.ie7)
return w3c_slidy.cancel(event);
if (key == 40 &&
return w3c_slidy.cancel(event);
if (key == 38 && this.previous)
return w3c_slidy.cancel(event);
return true;
// ### OBSOLETE ###
before_print: function () {
alert("before print");
// ### OBSOLETE ###
after_print: function () {
if (!this.view_all)
alert("after print");
// ### OBSOLETE ###
print_slides: function () {
// ### OBSOLETE ?? ###
toggle_view: function () {
if (this.view_all)
this.view_all = 0;
this.view_all = 1;
// prepare for printing ### OBSOLETE ###
show_all_slides: function () {
this.remove_class(document.body, "single_slide");
// restore after printing ### OBSOLETE ###
single_slide_view: function () {
this.add_class(document.body, "single_slide");
this.last_shown = this.previous_incremental_item(null);
// suppress IE's image toolbar pop up
hide_image_toolbar: function () {
if (!this.ns_pos)
var images = document.getElementsByTagName("IMG");
for (var i = 0; i < images.length; ++i)
images[i].setAttribute("galleryimg", "no");
unloaded: function (e) {
// Safari and Konqueror don't yet support getComputedStyle()
// and they always reload page when location.href is updated
is_KHTML: function () {
var agent = navigator.userAgent;
return (agent.indexOf("KHTML") >= 0 ? true : false);
// find slide name from first h1 element
// default to document title + slide number
slide_name: function (index) {
var name = null;
var slide = this.slides[index];
var heading = this.find_heading(slide);
if (heading)
name = this.extract_text(heading);
if (!name)
name = this.title + "(" + (index + 1) + ")";
name.replace(/\&/g, "&amp;");
name.replace(/\</g, "&lt;");
name.replace(/\>/g, "&gt;");
return name;
// find first h1 element in DOM tree
find_heading: function (node) {
if (!node || node.nodeType != 1)
return null;
if (node.nodeName == "H1" || node.nodeName == "h1")
return node;
var child = node.firstChild;
while (child)
node = this.find_heading(child);
if (node)
return node;
child = child.nextSibling;
return null;
// recursively extract text from DOM tree
extract_text: function (node) {
if (!node)
return "";
// text nodes
if (node.nodeType == 3)
return node.nodeValue;
// elements
if (node.nodeType == 1)
node = node.firstChild;
var text = "";
while (node)
text = text + this.extract_text(node);
node = node.nextSibling;
return text;
return "";
// find copyright text from meta element
find_copyright: function () {
var name, content;
var meta = document.getElementsByTagName("meta");
for (var i = 0; i < meta.length; ++i)
name = meta[i].getAttribute("name");
content = meta[i].getAttribute("content");
if (name == "copyright")
return content;
return null;
find_size_adjust: function () {
var name, content, offset;
var meta = document.getElementsByTagName("meta");
for (var i = 0; i < meta.length; ++i)
name = meta[i].getAttribute("name");
content = meta[i].getAttribute("content");
if (name == "font-size-adjustment")
return 1 * content;
return 1;
// <meta name="duration" content="20" /> for 20 minutes
find_duration: function () {
var name, content, offset;
var meta = document.getElementsByTagName("meta");
for (var i = 0; i < meta.length; ++i)
name = meta[i].getAttribute("name");
content = meta[i].getAttribute("content");
if (name == "duration")
return 60000 * content;
return null;
replace_by_non_breaking_space: function (str) {
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i)
str[i] = 160;
// ### CHECK ME ### is use of "li" okay for text/html?
// for XHTML do we also need to specify namespace?
init_outliner: function () {
var items = document.getElementsByTagName("li");
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i)
var target = items[i];
if (!this.has_class(target.parentNode, "outline"))
target.onclick = this.outline_click;
/* ### more work needed for IE6
if (!this.ns_pos)
target.onmouseover = this.hover_outline;
target.onmouseout = this.unhover_outline;
if (this.foldable(target))
target.foldable = true;
target.onfocus = function () {w3c_slidy.outline = this;};
target.onblur = function () {w3c_slidy.outline = null;};
if (!target.getAttribute("tabindex"))
target.setAttribute("tabindex", "0");
if (this.has_class(target, "expand"))
this.add_class(target, "nofold");
target.visible = true;
target.foldable = false;
foldable: function (item) {
if (!item || item.nodeType != 1)
return false;
var node = item.firstChild;
while (node)
if (node.nodeType == 1 && this.is_block(node))
return true;
node = node.nextSibling;
return false;
// ### CHECK ME ### switch to add/remove "hidden" class
fold: function (item) {
if (item)
this.remove_class(item, "unfolded");
this.add_class(item, "folded");
var node = item ? item.firstChild : null;
while (node)
if (node.nodeType == 1 && this.is_block(node)) // element
w3c_slidy.add_class(node, "hidden");
node = node.nextSibling;
item.visible = false;
// ### CHECK ME ### switch to add/remove "hidden" class
unfold: function (item) {
if (item)
this.add_class(item, "unfolded");
this.remove_class(item, "folded");
var node = item ? item.firstChild : null;
while (node)
if (node.nodeType == 1 && this.is_block(node)) // element
w3c_slidy.remove_class(node, "hidden");
node = node.nextSibling;
item.visible = true;
outline_click: function (e) {
if (!e)
e = window.event;
var rightclick = false;
var target = w3c_slidy.get_target(e);
while (target && target.visible == undefined)
target = target.parentNode;
if (!target)
return true;
if (e.which)
rightclick = (e.which == 3);
else if (e.button)
rightclick = (e.button == 2);
if (!rightclick && target.visible != undefined)
if (target.foldable)
if (target.visible)
e.cancel = true;
e.returnValue = false;
return false;
add_initial_prompt: function () {
var prompt = this.create_element("div");
prompt.setAttribute("class", "initial_prompt");
var p1 = this.create_element("p");
p1.setAttribute("class", "help");
if (this.keyboardless)
p1.innerHTML = "Tap footer to move to next slide";
p1.innerHTML = "Space or Right Arrow to move to next " +
"slide, click help below for more details";
this.add_listener(prompt, "click", function (e) {
if (e.cancel != undefined)
e.cancel = true;
if (e.returnValue != undefined)
e.returnValue = false;
return false;
this.initial_prompt = prompt;
setTimeout(function() {document.body.removeChild(prompt);}, 5000);
add_toolbar: function () {
var counter, page;
this.toolbar = this.create_element("div");
this.toolbar.setAttribute("class", "toolbar");
// a reasonably behaved browser
if (this.ns_pos || !this.ie6)
var right = this.create_element("div");
right.setAttribute("style", "float: right; text-align: right");
counter = this.create_element("span")
counter.innerHTML = "slide".localize() + " n/m";
var left = this.create_element("div");
left.setAttribute("style", "text-align: left");
// global end of slide indicator
this.eos = this.create_element("span");
this.eos.innerHTML = "* ";
var help = this.create_element("a");
help.setAttribute("href", this.help_page);
help.setAttribute("title", this.help_text.localize());
help.innerHTML = "help?".localize();
this.help_anchor = help; // save for focus hack
var gap1 = document.createTextNode(" ");
var contents = this.create_element("a");
contents.setAttribute("href", "javascript:w3c_slidy.toggle_table_of_contents()");
contents.setAttribute("title", "table of contents".localize());
contents.innerHTML = "contents?".localize();
var gap2 = document.createTextNode(" ");
var copyright = this.find_copyright();
if (copyright)
var span = this.create_element("span");
span.className = "copyright";
span.innerHTML = copyright;
this.toolbar.setAttribute("tabindex", "0");
else // IE6 so need to work around its poor CSS support
{ = (this.ie7 ? "fixed" : "absolute"); = "200"; = "99.9%"; = "1.2em"; = "auto"; = "0"; = "0"; = "0"; = "left"; = "60%"; = "red";
this.toolbar.borderWidth = 0;
this.toolbar.className = "toolbar"; = "rgb(240,240,240)";
// would like to have help text left aligned
// and page counter right aligned, floating
// div's don't work, so instead use nested
// absolutely positioned div's.
var sp = this.create_element("span");
sp.innerHTML = "&nbsp;&nbsp;*&nbsp;";
this.eos = sp; // end of slide indicator
var help = this.create_element("a");
help.setAttribute("href", this.help_page);
help.setAttribute("title", this.help_text.localize());
help.innerHTML = "help?".localize();
this.help_anchor = help; // save for focus hack
var gap1 = document.createTextNode(" ");
var contents = this.create_element("a");
contents.setAttribute("href", "javascript:toggleTableOfContents()");
contents.setAttribute("title", "table of contents".localize());
contents.innerHTML = "contents?".localize();
var gap2 = document.createTextNode(" ");
var copyright = this.find_copyright();
if (copyright)
var span = this.create_element("span");
span.innerHTML = copyright; = "black"; = "0.5em";
counter = this.create_element("div") = "absolute"; = "auto"; //"20%"; = "1.2em"; = "auto"; = 0; = "0"; = "right"; = "red"; = "rgb(240,240,240)";
counter.innerHTML = "slide".localize() + " n/m";
// ensure that click isn't passed through to the page
this.toolbar.onclick =
function (e) {
if (!e)
e = window.event;
var target =;
if (!target && e.srcElement)
target = e.srcElement;
// work around Safari bug
if (target && target.nodeType == 3)
target = target.parentNode;
if (target && target.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "a")
this.slide_number_element = counter;
// wysiwyg editors make it hard to use div elements
// e.g. amaya loses the div when you copy and paste
// this function wraps div elements around implicit
// slides which start with an h1 element and continue
// up to the next heading or div element
wrap_implicit_slides: function () {
var i, heading, node, next, div;
var headings = document.getElementsByTagName("h1");
if (!headings)
for (i = 0; i < headings.length; ++i)
heading = headings[i];
if (heading.parentNode != document.body)
node = heading.nextSibling;
div = document.createElement("div");
this.add_class(div, "slide");
document.body.replaceChild(div, heading);
while (node)
if (node.nodeType == 1 && // an element
(node.nodeName == "H1" ||
node.nodeName == "h1" ||
node.nodeName == "DIV" ||
node.nodeName == "div"))
next = node.nextSibling;
node = document.body.removeChild(node);
node = next;
// return new array of all slides
collect_slides: function () {
var slides = new Array();
var divs = document.body.getElementsByTagName("div");
for (var i = 0; i < divs.length; ++i)
div = divs.item(i);
if (this.has_class(div, "slide"))
// add slide to collection
slides[slides.length] = div;
// hide each slide as it is found
this.add_class(div, "hidden");
// add dummy <br/> at end for scrolling hack
var node1 = document.createElement("br");
var node2 = document.createElement("br");
else if (this.has_class(div, "background"))
{ // work around for Firefox SVG reload bug
// which otherwise replaces 1st SVG graphic with 2nd = "block";
this.slides = slides;
// return new array of all <div class="handout">
collect_notes: function () {
var notes = new Array();
var divs = document.body.getElementsByTagName("div");
for (var i = 0; i < divs.length; ++i)
div = divs.item(i);
if (this.has_class(div, "handout"))
// add note to collection
notes[notes.length] = div;
// and hide it
this.add_class(div, "hidden");
this.notes = notes;
// return new array of all <div class="background">
// including named backgrounds e.g. class="background titlepage"
collect_backgrounds: function () {
var backgrounds = new Array();
var divs = document.body.getElementsByTagName("div");
for (var i = 0; i < divs.length; ++i)
div = divs.item(i);
if (this.has_class(div, "background"))
// add background to collection
backgrounds[backgrounds.length] = div;
// and hide it
this.add_class(div, "hidden");
this.backgrounds = backgrounds;
// set click handlers on all anchors
patch_anchors: function () {
var self = w3c_slidy;
var handler = function (event) {
// compare this.href with location.href
// for link to another slide in this doc
if (self.page_address(this.href) == self.page_address(location.href))
// yes, so find new slide number
var newslidenum = self.find_slide_number(this.href);
if (newslidenum != self.slide_number)
var slide = self.slides[self.slide_number];
self.slide_number = newslidenum;
slide = self.slides[self.slide_number];
else if ( == null)
location.href = this.href;
self.disable_slide_click = true;
var anchors = document.body.getElementsByTagName("a");
for (var i = 0; i < anchors.length; ++i)
if (window.addEventListener)
anchors[i].addEventListener("click", handler, false);
anchors[i].attachEvent("onclick", handler);
// ### CHECK ME ### see which functions are invoked via setTimeout
// either directly or indirectly for use of w3c_slidy vs this
show_slide_number: function () {
var timer = w3c_slidy.get_timer();
w3c_slidy.slide_number_element.innerHTML = timer + "slide".localize() + " " +
(w3c_slidy.slide_number + 1) + "/" + w3c_slidy.slides.length;
// every 200mS check if the location has been changed as a
// result of the user activating the Back button/menu item
// doesn't work for Opera < 9.5
check_location: function () {
var hash = location.hash;
if (w3c_slidy.slide_number > 0 && (hash == "" || hash == "#"))
else if (hash.length > 2 && hash != "#("+(w3c_slidy.slide_number+1)+")")
var num = parseInt(location.hash.substr(2));
if (!isNaN(num))
if (w3c_slidy.time_left && w3c_slidy.slide_number > 0)
if (w3c_slidy.time_left > 0)
w3c_slidy.time_left -= 200;
get_timer: function () {
var timer = "";
if (w3c_slidy.time_left)
var mins, secs;
secs = Math.floor(w3c_slidy.time_left/1000);
mins = Math.floor(secs / 60);
secs = secs % 60;
timer = (mins ? mins+"m" : "") + secs + "s ";
return timer;
// this doesn't push location onto history stack for IE
// for which a hidden iframe hack is needed: load page into
// the iframe with script that set's parent's location.hash
// but that won't work for standalone use unless we can
// create the page dynamically via a javascript: URL
set_location: function () {
var uri = w3c_slidy.page_address(location.href);
var hash = "#(" + (w3c_slidy.slide_number+1) + ")";
if (w3c_slidy.slide_number >= 0)
uri = uri + hash;
if ( && !w3c_slidy.ie8)
if (uri != location.href) // && !khtml
location.href = uri;
if (this.khtml)
hash = "(" + (w3c_slidy.slide_number+1) + ")";
if (! && location.hash != hash && location.hash != "")
location.hash = hash;
document.title = w3c_slidy.title + " (" + (w3c_slidy.slide_number+1) + ")";
page_address: function (uri) {
var i = uri.indexOf("#");
if (i < 0)
i = uri.indexOf("%23");
// check if anchor is entire page
if (i < 0)
return uri; // yes
return uri.substr(0, i);
// only used for IE6 and IE7
on_frame_loaded: function (hash) {
location.hash = hash;
var uri = w3c_slidy.page_address(location.href);
location.href = uri + hash;
// history hack with thanks to Bertrand Le Roy
push_hash: function (hash) {
if (hash == "") hash = "#(1)";
window.location.hash = hash;
var doc = document.getElementById("historyFrame").contentWindow.document;"javascript:'<html></html>'");
// PWL modified this string literal to break the close script tag
// which otherwise gets parsed when incorporated
doc.write("<html><head><script type=\"text/javascript\">window.parent.w3c_slidy.on_frame_loaded('"+
(hash) + "');</" + "script></head><body>hello mum</body></html>");
// find current slide based upon location
// first find target anchor and then look
// for associated div element enclosing it
// finally map that to slide number
find_slide_number: function (uri) {
// first get anchor from page location
var i = uri.indexOf("#");
// check if anchor is entire page
if (i < 0)
return 0; // yes
var anchor = unescape(uri.substr(i+1));
// now use anchor as XML ID to find target
var target = document.getElementById(anchor);
if (!target)
// does anchor look like "(2)" for slide 2 ??
// where first slide is (1)
var re = /\((\d)+\)/;
if (anchor.match(re))
var num = parseInt(anchor.substring(1, anchor.length-1));
if (num > this.slides.length)
num = 1;
if (--num < 0)
num = 0;
return num;
// accept [2] for backwards compatibility
re = /\[(\d)+\]/;
if (anchor.match(re))
var num = parseInt(anchor.substring(1, anchor.length-1));
if (num > this.slides.length)
num = 1;
if (--num < 0)
num = 0;
return num;
// oh dear unknown anchor
return 0;
// search for enclosing slide
while (true)
// browser coerces html elements to uppercase!
if (target.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "div" &&
this.has_class(target, "slide"))
// found the slide element
// otherwise try parent element if any
target = target.parentNode;
if (!target)
return 0; // no luck!
for (i = 0; i < slides.length; ++i)
if (slides[i] == target)
return i; // success
// oh dear still no luck
return 0;
previous_slide: function (incremental) {
if (!w3c_slidy.view_all)
var slide;
if ((incremental || w3c_slidy.slide_number == 0) && w3c_slidy.last_shown != null)
w3c_slidy.last_shown = w3c_slidy.hide_previous_item(w3c_slidy.last_shown);
else if (w3c_slidy.slide_number > 0)
slide = w3c_slidy.slides[w3c_slidy.slide_number];
w3c_slidy.slide_number = w3c_slidy.slide_number - 1;
slide = w3c_slidy.slides[w3c_slidy.slide_number];
w3c_slidy.last_shown = w3c_slidy.previous_incremental_item(null);
if (!w3c_slidy.ns_pos)
next_slide: function (incremental) {
if (!w3c_slidy.view_all)
var slide, last = w3c_slidy.last_shown;
if (incremental || w3c_slidy.slide_number == w3c_slidy.slides.length - 1)
w3c_slidy.last_shown = w3c_slidy.reveal_next_item(w3c_slidy.last_shown);
if ((!incremental || w3c_slidy.last_shown == null) &&
w3c_slidy.slide_number < w3c_slidy.slides.length - 1)
slide = w3c_slidy.slides[w3c_slidy.slide_number];
w3c_slidy.slide_number = w3c_slidy.slide_number + 1;
slide = w3c_slidy.slides[w3c_slidy.slide_number];
w3c_slidy.last_shown = null;
else if (!w3c_slidy.last_shown)
if (last && incremental)
w3c_slidy.last_shown = last;
if (!w3c_slidy.ns_pos)
// to first slide with nothing revealed
// i.e. state at start of presentation
first_slide: function () {
if (!w3c_slidy.view_all)
var slide;
if (w3c_slidy.slide_number != 0)
slide = w3c_slidy.slides[w3c_slidy.slide_number];
w3c_slidy.slide_number = 0;
slide = w3c_slidy.slides[w3c_slidy.slide_number];
w3c_slidy.last_shown = null;
// goto last slide with everything revealed
// i.e. state at end of presentation
last_slide: function () {
if (!w3c_slidy.view_all)
var slide;
w3c_slidy.last_shown = null; //revealNextItem(lastShown);
if (w3c_slidy.last_shown == null &&
w3c_slidy.slide_number < w3c_slidy.slides.length - 1)
slide = w3c_slidy.slides[w3c_slidy.slide_number];
w3c_slidy.slide_number = w3c_slidy.slides.length - 1;
slide = w3c_slidy.slides[w3c_slidy.slide_number];
w3c_slidy.last_shown = w3c_slidy.previous_incremental_item(null);
w3c_slidy.last_shown = w3c_slidy.previous_incremental_item(null);
// ### check this and consider add/remove class
set_eos_status: function (state) {
if (this.eos) = (state ? "rgb(240,240,240)" : "red");
// first slide is 0
goto_slide: function (num) {
//alert("going to slide " + (num+1));
var slide = w3c_slidy.slides[w3c_slidy.slide_number];
w3c_slidy.slide_number = num;
slide = w3c_slidy.slides[w3c_slidy.slide_number];
w3c_slidy.last_shown = null;
document.title = w3c_slidy.title + " (" + (w3c_slidy.slide_number+1) + ")";
show_slide: function (slide) {
this.remove_class(slide, "hidden");
hide_slide: function (slide) {
this.add_class(slide, "hidden");
// show just the backgrounds pertinent to this slide
// when slide background-color is transparent
// this should now work with rgba color values
sync_background: function (slide) {
var background;
var bgColor;
if (slide.currentStyle)
bgColor = slide.currentStyle["backgroundColor"];
else if (document.defaultView)
var styles = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(slide,null);
if (styles)
bgColor = styles.getPropertyValue("background-color");
else // broken implementation probably due Safari or Konqueror
//alert("defective implementation of getComputedStyle()");
bgColor = "transparent";
bgColor == "transparent";
if (bgColor == "transparent" ||
bgColor.indexOf("rgba") >= 0 ||
bgColor.indexOf("opacity") >= 0)
var slideClass = this.get_class_list(slide);
for (var i = 0; i < this.backgrounds.length; i++)
background = this.backgrounds[i];
var bgClass = this.get_class_list(background);
if (this.matching_background(slideClass, bgClass))
this.remove_class(background, "hidden");
this.add_class(background, "hidden");
else // forcibly hide all backgrounds
hide_backgrounds: function () {
for (var i = 0; i < this.backgrounds.length; i++)
background = this.backgrounds[i];
this.add_class(background, "hidden");
// compare classes for slide and background
matching_background: function (slideClass, bgClass) {
var i, count, pattern, result;
// define pattern as regular expression
pattern = /\w+/g;
// check background class names
result = bgClass.match(pattern);
for (i = count = 0; i < result.length; i++)
if (result[i] == "hidden")
if (result[i] == "background")
if (count == 0) // default match
return true;
// check for matches and place result in array
result = slideClass.match(pattern);
// now check if desired name is present for background
for (i = count = 0; i < result.length; i++)
if (result[i] == "hidden")
if (this.has_token(bgClass, result[i]))
return true;
return false;
resized: function () {
var width = 0;
if ( typeof( window.innerWidth ) == 'number' )
width = window.innerWidth; // Non IE browser
else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth)
width = document.documentElement.clientWidth; // IE6
else if (document.body && document.body.clientWidth)
width = document.body.clientWidth; // IE4
var height = 0;
if ( typeof( window.innerHeight ) == 'number' )
height = window.innerHeight; // Non IE browser
else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight)
height = document.documentElement.clientHeight; // IE6
else if (document.body && document.body.clientHeight)
height = document.body.clientHeight; // IE4
if (height && (width/height > 1.05*1024/768))
width = height * 1024.0/768;
// IE fires onresize even when only font size is changed!
// so we do a check to avoid blocking < and > actions
if (width != w3c_slidy.last_width || height != w3c_slidy.last_height)
if (width >= 1100)
w3c_slidy.size_index = 5; // 4
else if (width >= 1000)
w3c_slidy.size_index = 4; // 3
else if (width >= 800)
w3c_slidy.size_index = 3; // 2
else if (width >= 600)
w3c_slidy.size_index = 2; // 1
else if (width)
w3c_slidy.size_index = 0;
// add in font size adjustment from meta element e.g.
// <meta name="font-size-adjustment" content="-2" />
// useful when slides have too much content ;-)
if (0 <= w3c_slidy.size_index + w3c_slidy.size_adjustment &&
w3c_slidy.size_index + w3c_slidy.size_adjustment < w3c_slidy.sizes.length)
w3c_slidy.size_index = w3c_slidy.size_index + w3c_slidy.size_adjustment;
// enables cross browser use of relative width/height
// on object elements for use with SVG and Flash media
w3c_slidy.adjust_object_dimensions(width, height);
if ( != w3c_slidy.sizes[w3c_slidy.size_index])
{ = w3c_slidy.sizes[w3c_slidy.size_index];
w3c_slidy.last_width = width;
w3c_slidy.last_height = height;
// force reflow to work around Mozilla bug
if (w3c_slidy.ns_pos)
var slide = w3c_slidy.slides[w3c_slidy.slide_number];
// force correct positioning of toolbar
scrolled: function () {
if (w3c_slidy.toolbar && !w3c_slidy.ns_pos && !w3c_slidy.ie7)
w3c_slidy.hack_offset = w3c_slidy.scroll_x_offset();
// hide toolbar = "none";
// make it reappear later
if (w3c_slidy.scrollhack == 0 && !w3c_slidy.view_all)
setTimeout(function () {w3c_slidy.show_toolbar(); }, 1000);
w3c_slidy.scrollhack = 1;
hide_toolbar: function () {
w3c_slidy.add_class(w3c_slidy.toolbar, "hidden");
// used to ensure IE refreshes toolbar in correct position
refresh_toolbar: function (interval) {
if (!w3c_slidy.ns_pos && !w3c_slidy.ie7)
setTimeout(function () {w3c_slidy.show_toolbar(); }, interval);
// restores toolbar after short delay
show_toolbar: function () {
if (w3c_slidy.want_toolbar)
{ = "block";
if (!w3c_slidy.ns_pos)
// adjust position to allow for scrolling
var xoffset = w3c_slidy.scroll_x_offset(); = xoffset; = xoffset;
// determine vertical scroll offset
//var yoffset = scrollYOffset();
// bottom is doc height - window height - scroll offset
//var bottom = documentHeight() - lastHeight - yoffset
//if (yoffset > 0 || documentHeight() > lastHeight)
// bottom += 16; // allow for height of scrollbar = 0; //bottom;
w3c_slidy.remove_class(w3c_slidy.toolbar, "hidden");
w3c_slidy.scrollhack = 0;
// set the keyboard focus to the help link on the
// toolbar to ensure that document has the focus
// IE doesn't always work with window.focus()
// and this hack has benefit of Enter for help
if (!w3c_slidy.opera)
catch (e)
// invoked via F key
toggle_toolbar: function () {
if (!w3c_slidy.view_all)
if (w3c_slidy.has_class(w3c_slidy.toolbar, "hidden"))
w3c_slidy.remove_class(w3c_slidy.toolbar, "hidden")
w3c_slidy.want_toolbar = 1;
w3c_slidy.add_class(w3c_slidy.toolbar, "hidden")
w3c_slidy.want_toolbar = 0;
scroll_x_offset: function () {
if (window.pageXOffset)
return self.pageXOffset;
if (document.documentElement &&
return document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
if (document.body)
return document.body.scrollLeft;
return 0;
scroll_y_offset: function () {
if (window.pageYOffset)
return self.pageYOffset;
if (document.documentElement &&
return document.documentElement.scrollTop;
if (document.body)
return document.body.scrollTop;
return 0;
// looking for a way to determine height of slide content
// the slide itself is set to the height of the window
optimize_font_size: function () {
var slide = w3c_slidy.slides[w3c_slidy.slide_number];
//var dh = documentHeight(); //getDocHeight(document);
var dh = slide.scrollHeight;
var wh = getWindowHeight();
var u = 100 * dh / wh;
alert("window utilization = " + u + "% (doc "
+ dh + " win " + wh + ")");
// from document object
get_doc_height: function (doc) {
if (!doc)
doc = document;
if (doc && doc.body && doc.body.offsetHeight)
return doc.body.offsetHeight; // ns/gecko syntax
if (doc && doc.body && doc.body.scrollHeight)
return doc.body.scrollHeight;
alert("couldn't determine document height");
get_window_height: function () {
if ( typeof( window.innerHeight ) == 'number' )
return window.innerHeight; // Non IE browser
if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight)
return document.documentElement.clientHeight; // IE6
if (document.body && document.body.clientHeight)
return document.body.clientHeight; // IE4
document_height: function () {
var sh, oh;
sh = document.body.scrollHeight;
oh = document.body.offsetHeight;
if (sh && oh)
return (sh > oh ? sh : oh);
// no idea!
return 0;
smaller: function () {
if (w3c_slidy.size_index > 0)
} = "none"; = w3c_slidy.sizes[w3c_slidy.size_index];
var slide = w3c_slidy.slides[w3c_slidy.slide_number];
setTimeout(function () {w3c_slidy.show_toolbar(); }, 50);
bigger: function () {
if (w3c_slidy.size_index < w3c_slidy.sizes.length - 1)
} = "none"; = w3c_slidy.sizes[w3c_slidy.size_index];
var slide = w3c_slidy.slides[w3c_slidy.slide_number];
setTimeout(function () {w3c_slidy.show_toolbar(); }, 50);
// enables cross browser use of relative width/height
// on object elements for use with SVG and Flash media
// with thanks to Ivan Herman for the suggestion
adjust_object_dimensions: function (width, height) {
for( var i = 0; i < w3c_slidy.objects.length; i++ )
var obj = this.objects[i];
var mimeType = obj.getAttribute("type");
if (mimeType == "image/svg+xml" || mimeType == "application/x-shockwave-flash")
if ( !obj.initialWidth )
obj.initialWidth = obj.getAttribute("width");
if ( !obj.initialHeight )
obj.initialHeight = obj.getAttribute("height");
if ( obj.initialWidth && obj.initialWidth.charAt(obj.initialWidth.length-1) == "%" )
var w = parseInt(obj.initialWidth.slice(0, obj.initialWidth.length-1));
var newW = width * (w/100.0);
if ( obj.initialHeight &&
obj.initialHeight.charAt(obj.initialHeight.length-1) == "%" )
var h = parseInt(obj.initialHeight.slice(0, obj.initialHeight.length-1));
var newH = height * (h/100.0);
obj.setAttribute("height", newH);
// needed for Opera to inhibit default behavior
// since Opera delivers keyPress even if keyDown
// was cancelled
key_press: function (event) {
if (!event)
event = window.event;
if (!w3c_slidy.key_wanted)
return w3c_slidy.cancel(event);
return true;
// See e.g. for keycodes
key_down: function (event) {
var key;
w3c_slidy.key_wanted = true;
if (!event)
event = window.event;
// kludge around NS/IE differences
if (window.event)
key = window.event.keyCode;
else if (event.which)
key = event.which;
return true; // Yikes! unknown browser
// ignore event if key value is zero
// as for alt on Opera and Konqueror
if (!key)
return true;
// check for concurrent control/command/alt key
// but are these only present on mouse events?
if (event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey)
return true;
// dismiss table of contents if visible
if (w3c_slidy.is_shown_toc() && key != 9 && key != 16 && key != 38 && key != 40)
if (key == 27 || key == 84 || key == 67)
return w3c_slidy.cancel(event);
if (key == 34) // Page Down
if (w3c_slidy.view_all)
return true;
return w3c_slidy.cancel(event);
else if (key == 33) // Page Up
if (w3c_slidy.view_all)
return true;
return w3c_slidy.cancel(event);
else if (key == 32) // space bar
return w3c_slidy.cancel(event);
else if (key == 37) // Left arrow
return w3c_slidy.cancel(event);
else if (key == 36) // Home
return w3c_slidy.cancel(event);
else if (key == 35) // End
return w3c_slidy.cancel(event);
else if (key == 39) // Right arrow
return w3c_slidy.cancel(event);
else if (key == 13) // Enter
if (w3c_slidy.outline)
if (w3c_slidy.outline.visible)
return w3c_slidy.cancel(event);
else if (key == 188) // < for smaller fonts
return w3c_slidy.cancel(event);
else if (key == 190) // > for larger fonts
return w3c_slidy.cancel(event);
else if (key == 189 || key == 109) // - for smaller fonts
return w3c_slidy.cancel(event);
else if (key == 187 || key == 191 || key == 107) // = + for larger fonts
return w3c_slidy.cancel(event);
else if (key == 83) // S for smaller fonts
return w3c_slidy.cancel(event);
else if (key == 66) // B for larger fonts
return w3c_slidy.cancel(event);
else if (key == 90) // Z for last slide
return w3c_slidy.cancel(event);
else if (key == 70) // F for toggle toolbar
return w3c_slidy.cancel(event);
else if (key == 65) // A for toggle view single/all slides
return w3c_slidy.cancel(event);
else if (key == 75) // toggle action of left click for next page
w3c_slidy.mouse_click_enabled = !w3c_slidy.mouse_click_enabled;
var alert_msg = (w3c_slidy.mouse_click_enabled ?
"enabled" : "disabled") + " mouse click advance";
return w3c_slidy.cancel(event);
else if (key == 84 || key == 67) // T or C for table of contents
if (w3c_slidy.toc)
return w3c_slidy.cancel(event);
else if (key == 72) // H for help
window.location = w3c_slidy.help_page;
return w3c_slidy.cancel(event);
//else alert("key code is "+ key);
return true;
// safe for both text/html and application/xhtml+xml
create_element: function (name) {
if (this.xhtml && (typeof document.createElementNS != 'undefined'))
return document.createElementNS("", name)
return document.createElement(name);
get_element_style: function (elem, IEStyleProp, CSSStyleProp) {
if (elem.currentStyle)
return elem.currentStyle[IEStyleProp];
else if (window.getComputedStyle)
var compStyle = window.getComputedStyle(elem, "");
return compStyle.getPropertyValue(CSSStyleProp);
return "";
// the string str is a whitespace separated list of tokens
// test if str contains a particular token, e.g. "slide"
has_token: function (str, token) {
if (str)
// define pattern as regular expression
var pattern = /\w+/g;
// check for matches
// place result in array
var result = str.match(pattern);
// now check if desired token is present
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++)
if (result[i] == token)
return true;
return false;
get_class_list: function (element) {
if (typeof element.className != 'undefined')
return element.className;
return element.getAttribute("class");
has_class: function (element, name) {
if (element.nodeType != 1)
return false;
var regexp = new RegExp("(^| )" + name + "\W*");
if (typeof element.className != 'undefined')
return regexp.test(element.className);
return regexp.test(element.getAttribute("class"));
remove_class: function (element, name) {
var regexp = new RegExp("(^| )" + name + "\W*");
var clsval = "";
if (typeof element.className != 'undefined')
clsval = element.className;
if (clsval)
clsval = clsval.replace(regexp, "");
element.className = clsval;
clsval = element.getAttribute("class");
if (clsval)
clsval = clsval.replace(regexp, "");
element.setAttribute("class", clsval);
add_class: function (element, name) {
if (!this.has_class(element, name))
if (typeof element.className != 'undefined')
element.className += " " + name;
var clsval = element.getAttribute("class");
clsval = clsval ? clsval + " " + name : name;
element.setAttribute("class", clsval);
// HTML elements that can be used with class="incremental"
// note that you can also put the class on containers like
// up, ol, dl, and div to make their contents appear
// incrementally. Upper case is used since this is what
// browsers report for HTML node names (text/html).
incremental_elements: null,
okay_for_incremental: function (name) {
if (!this.incremental_elements)
var inclist = new Array();
inclist["p"] = true;
inclist["pre"] = true;
inclist["li"] = true;
inclist["blockquote"] = true;
inclist["dt"] = true;
inclist["dd"] = true;
inclist["h2"] = true;
inclist["h3"] = true;
inclist["h4"] = true;
inclist["h5"] = true;
inclist["h6"] = true;
inclist["span"] = true;
inclist["address"] = true;
inclist["table"] = true;
inclist["tr"] = true;
inclist["th"] = true;
inclist["td"] = true;
inclist["img"] = true;
inclist["object"] = true;
this.incremental_elements = inclist;
return this.incremental_elements[name.toLowerCase()];
next_incremental_item: function (node) {
var br = this.is_xhtml ? "br" : "BR";
var slide = w3c_slidy.slides[w3c_slidy.slide_number];
for (;;)
node = w3c_slidy.next_node(slide, node);
if (node == null || node.parentNode == null)
if (node.nodeType == 1) // ELEMENT
if (node.nodeName == br)
if (w3c_slidy.has_class(node, "incremental")
&& w3c_slidy.okay_for_incremental(node.nodeName))
return node;
if (w3c_slidy.has_class(node.parentNode, "incremental")
&& !w3c_slidy.has_class(node, "non-incremental"))
return node;
return node;
previous_incremental_item: function (node) {
var br = this.is_xhtml ? "br" : "BR";
var slide = w3c_slidy.slides[w3c_slidy.slide_number];
for (;;)
node = w3c_slidy.previous_node(slide, node);
if (node == null || node.parentNode == null)
if (node.nodeType == 1)
if (node.nodeName == br)
if (w3c_slidy.has_class(node, "incremental")
&& w3c_slidy.okay_for_incremental(node.nodeName))
return node;
if (w3c_slidy.has_class(node.parentNode, "incremental")
&& !w3c_slidy.has_class(node, "non-incremental"))
return node;
return node;
// set visibility for all elements on current slide with
// a parent element with attribute class="incremental"
set_visibility_all_incremental: function (value) {
var node = this.next_incremental_item(null);
if (value == "hidden")
while (node)
w3c_slidy.add_class(node, "invisible");
node = w3c_slidy.next_incremental_item(node);
else // value == "visible"
while (node)
w3c_slidy.remove_class(node, "invisible");
node = w3c_slidy.next_incremental_item(node);
// reveal the next hidden item on the slide
// node is null or the node that was last revealed
reveal_next_item: function (node) {
node = w3c_slidy.next_incremental_item(node);
if (node && node.nodeType == 1) // an element
w3c_slidy.remove_class(node, "invisible");
return node;
// exact inverse of revealNextItem(node)
hide_previous_item: function (node) {
if (node && node.nodeType == 1) // an element
w3c_slidy.add_class(node, "invisible");
return this.previous_incremental_item(node);
// left to right traversal of root's content
next_node: function (root, node) {
if (node == null)
return root.firstChild;
if (node.firstChild)
return node.firstChild;
if (node.nextSibling)
return node.nextSibling;
for (;;)
node = node.parentNode;
if (!node || node == root)
if (node && node.nextSibling)
return node.nextSibling;
return null;
// right to left traversal of root's content
previous_node: function (root, node) {
if (node == null)
node = root.lastChild;
if (node)
while (node.lastChild)
node = node.lastChild;
return node;
if (node.previousSibling)
node = node.previousSibling;
while (node.lastChild)
node = node.lastChild;
return node;
if (node.parentNode != root)
return node.parentNode;
return null;
previous_sibling_element: function (el) {
el = el.previousSibling;
while (el && el.nodeType != 1)
el = el.previousSibling;
return el;
next_sibling_element: function (el) {
el = el.nextSibling;
while (el && el.nodeType != 1)
el = el.nextSibling;
return el;
first_child_element: function (el) {
var node;
for (node = el.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling)
if (node.nodeType == 1)
return node;
first_tag: function (element, tag) {
var node;
if (!this.is_xhtml)
tag = tag.toUpperCase();
for (node = element.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling)
if (node.nodeType == 1 && node.nodeName == tag)
return node;
hide_selection: function () {
if (window.getSelection) // Firefox, Chromium, Safari, Opera
var selection = window.getSelection();
if (selection.rangeCount > 0)
var range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
range.collapse (false);
else // Internet Explorer
var textRange = document.selection.createRange ();
textRange.collapse (false);
get_selected_text: function () {
if (window.getSelection)
return window.getSelection().toString();
if (document.getSelection)
return document.getSelection().toString();
if (document.selection)
return document.selection.createRange().text;
catch (e)
return "";
// make note of length of selected text
// as this evaluates to zero in click event
mouse_button_up: function (e) {
w3c_slidy.selected_text_len = w3c_slidy.get_selected_text().length;
// right mouse button click is reserved for context menus
// it is more reliable to detect rightclick than leftclick
mouse_button_click: function (e) {
var rightclick = false;
var leftclick = false;
var middleclick = false;
var target;
if (!e)
var e = window.event;
if (
target =;
else if (e.srcElement)
target = e.srcElement;
// work around Safari bug
if (target.nodeType == 3)
target = target.parentNode;
if (e.which) // all browsers except IE
leftclick = (e.which == 1);
middleclick = (e.which == 2);
rightclick = (e.which == 3);
else if (e.button)
// Konqueror gives 1 for left, 4 for middle
// IE6 gives 0 for left and not 1 as I expected
if (e.button == 4)
middleclick = true;
// all browsers agree on 2 for right button
rightclick = (e.button == 2);
else leftclick = true;
alert("you clicked over a " + target.nodeName + " element\n" +
"w3c_slidy.mouse_click_enabled = " + w3c_slidy.mouse_click_enabled + "\n" +
"leftclick = " + leftclick + "\n" +
"selected text length = " + w3c_slidy.selected_text_len);
//alert("selected text length = " + w3c_slidy.selected_text_len);
if (w3c_slidy.selected_text_len > 0)
e.cancel = true;
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"table of contents":"taula de continguts",
"Table of Contents":"Taula de Continguts",
"restart presentation":"Reiniciar presentació",
"Utilitzi el ratolí, barra espaiadora, tecles Esq./Dta. " +
"o Re pàg y Av pàg. Usi S i B per canviar grandària de font.",
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"table of contents":"obsah prezentace",
"Table of Contents":"Obsah prezentace",
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"table of contents":"Inhaltsverzeichnis",
"Table of Contents":"Inhaltsverzeichnis",
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"Benutzen Sie die Maus, Leerschlag, die Cursortasten links/rechts oder " +
"Page up/Page Down zum Wechseln der Seiten und S und B für die Schriftgrösse.",
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"contents?":"spis treści?",
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"les touches S et B pour modifier la taille de la police.",
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"table of contents":"tartalomjegyzék",
"Table of Contents":"Tartalomjegyzék",
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"használja a szóköz, a bal, vagy a jobb nyíl, illetve a Page Down, " +
"Page Up billentyűket. Az S és a B billentyűkkel változtathatja " +
"a szöveg méretét.",
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"table of contents":"indice",
"Table of Contents":"Indice",
"restart presentation":"Ricominciare la presentazione",
"Navigare con mouse, barra spazio, frecce sinistra/destra o " +
"PgUp e PgDn. Usare S e B per cambiare la dimensione dei caratteri.",
strings_el: {
"table of contents":"πίνακας περιεχομένων",
"Table of Contents":"Πίνακας Περιεχομένων",
"restart presentation":"επανεκκίνηση παρουσίασης",
"Πλοηγηθείτε με το κλίκ του ποντικιού, το space, τα βέλη αριστερά/δεξιά, " +
"ή Page Up και Page Down. Χρησιμοποιήστε τα πλήκτρα S και B για να αλλάξετε " +
"το μέγεθος της γραμματοσειράς.",
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"table of contents":"目次を表示",
"Table of Contents":"目次",
"restart presentation":"最初から再生",
"マウス左クリック ・ スペース ・ 左右キー " +
"または Page Up ・ Page Downで操作 S ・ Bでフォントサイズ変更",
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"Table of Contents":"目录",
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"用鼠标点击, 空格条, 左右箭头, Pg Up 和 Pg Dn 导航. " +
"用 S, B 改变字体大小.",
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"Table of Contents":"Оглавление",
"restart presentation":"перезапустить презентацию",
"Перемещайтесь кликая мышкой, используя клавишу пробел, стрелки" +
"влево/вправо или Pg Up и Pg Dn. Клавиши S и B меняют размер шрифта.",
strings_sv: {
"table of contents":"innehållsförteckning",
"Table of Contents":"Innehållsförteckning",
"restart presentation":"visa presentationen från början",
"restart?":"börja om"
"Bläddra med ett klick med vänstra musknappen, mellanslagstangenten, " +
"vänster- och högerpiltangenterna eller tangenterna Pg Up, Pg Dn. " +
"Använd tangenterna S och B för att ändra textens storlek.",
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<body class="article" style="max-width:45em">
<div id="header" class="slide">
<h1>pySim-shell - next generation SIM configuration tool</h1>
<span id="author">Harald Welte &lt;;</span><br />
<div class="sect1 slide">
<h1 id="_why_program_your_own_sim_cards">why program your own SIM cards?</h1>
<div class="sectionbody" style="max-width:45em">
<ul class="">
because you want to operate your own cellular network (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G)
<ul class="">
whether FOSS (Osmocom CNI, srsLTE, nextepc/open5gs, free5gc, OpenBTS, yateBTS, &#8230;)
but also proprietary (e.g. Amarisoft)
2G can use random 3rd party cards, but it&#8217;s not really convenient in most cases
Anything &gt;= 3G requires you to know the card-specific secrete keys
<ul class="">
in reality that translates to having your own programmable SIM cards
<div class="sect1 slide">
<h1 id="_some_smartcard_terminology">some smartcard terminology</h1>
<div class="sectionbody" style="max-width:45em">
<ul class="">
card filesystem
<ul class="">
<strong>MF</strong> (Master File): The root directory
<strong>DF</strong> (Dedicated File): A subdirectory
<strong>ADF</strong> (Application Dedicated File): Directory of an application (like USIM, ISIM)
<strong>EF</strong> (Entry File): A regulare file
<ul class="">
<strong>Transparent EF</strong>: An unstructured file
<strong>Linear Fixed EF</strong>: An file consisting of fixed-length records
<div class="sect1 slide">
<h1 id="_specs_vs_proprietary">specs vs. proprietary</h1>
<div class="sectionbody" style="max-width:45em">
<ul class="">
SIM cards are fully specified by a combination of ISU, ETSI and 3GPP specs
this covers only the operation after the card has been issued, e.g.
<ul class="">
reading and writing files accessible without PIN auth, after PIN auth
performing GSM authentication or UMTS AKA
it does <em>not</em> cover how the card is issued/provisioned
<ul class="">
secret key material (Ki / K / OP / OPc) is not readable from the card
it is an implementation detail on how the card manufacturer writes those to the card
this leads to the need for card-specific support / code in software like pySim
<div class="sect1 slide">
<h1 id="_pysim_classic">pySim "classic"</h1>
<div class="sectionbody" style="max-width:45em">
<ul class="">
originally developed in 2009 by Sylvain Munaut
Linux/FOSS tool for configuration of SuperSIM/MagicSIM
replicated what proprietary vendor tools did to configure IMSI, Ki, &#8230;
those ultra-cheap Chinese SIM cards at the time (from the SIM card cloning days of COMP128v1) shipped with binary-only windows programs
<div class="sect1 slide">
<h1 id="_pysim_classic_fundamentals">pySim "classic" fundamentals</h1>
<div class="sectionbody" style="max-width:45em">
<ul class="">
library code
<ul class="">
<em>transport</em> - how to exchange APDUs with card
<em>commands</em> - encoding of ISO7816-4 / TS 51.011 / ETS 102 221 commands
<em>cards</em> - classes implementing various different programmable SIM cards
executable programs
<ul class="">
<code>pySim-prog</code> for card programming
<code>pySim-read</code> for card reading
<div class="sect1 slide">
<h1 id="_pysim_transports">pySim transports</h1>
<div class="sectionbody" style="max-width:45em">
<ul class="">
transport - how to exchange APDUs with card
<ul class="">
<em>serial</em> transport for serial readers (UART Rx+Tx connected to I/O)
<em>pcsc</em> transport for pcsc-lite supported readers (e.g. USB CCID)
some more exotic options added later on by Vadim Yanitskiy:
<ul class="">
<em>calypso</em> for using L1CTL to talk to OsmocomBB on Ti Calypso phone
<em>modem_atcmd</em> for using AT+CSIM commands talking to a cellular modem
<div class="sect1 slide">
<h1 id="_advanced_pysim_classic_features">advanced pySim "classic" features</h1>
<div class="sectionbody" style="max-width:45em">
<ul class="">
batch programming of cards, using CSV file input
even with ability to execute external tool for driving motorized card readers
<div class="sect1 slide">
<h1 id="_limitations_of_pysim_classic">Limitations of pySim "classic"</h1>
<div class="sectionbody" style="max-width:45em">
<ul class="">
supports only very few files/parameters that can be programmed
<ul class="">
IMSI, MSISDN, Ki and SMSP was sufficient for making classic GSM SIMs work on your own network
today, people want to configure VoLTE/IMS parameters, 5G SUCI stuff, etc.
adding more fields to pySim-classic makes it unusable: Who wants to specify 250 different fields as command line arguments?
<div class="sect1 slide">
<h1 id="_usability_of_pysim_classic">Usability of pySim "classic"</h1>
<div class="sectionbody" style="max-width:45em">
<ul class="">
it was designed to program a batch of cards with defaults and random keys
there are all kinds of <em>automagic</em> bits happening if not all fields are specified
pySim at least originally assumed that you program a full card, and not that you perform incremental small changes
no user manual, very limited RADME and wiki instructions
<div class="sect1 slide">
<h1 id="_the_road_to_pysim_shell">the road to pySim-shell</h1>
<div class="sectionbody" style="max-width:45em">
<div class="paragraph"><p>What to do about the user interface?</p></div>
<ul class="">
GUIs are bad, they are not really scriptable/automatizable
GUIs are hard to portable, test automatically, etc.
people setting up FOSS cellular programs most likely use bash/zsh/tcsh on daily basis, so they are familiar with the concept of interactive shells / CLIs
so let&#8217;s do a CLI / shell / REPL!
<div class="sect1 slide">
<h1 id="_pysim_shell_and_code_cmd2_code">pySim-shell and <code>cmd2</code></h1>
<div class="sectionbody" style="max-width:45em">
<ul class="">
uses <code>cmd2</code> python module for the shell
<ul class="">
extremely powerful framework for building CLI/shell type interfaces
allows us to focus on implementing logic (like individual commands), not the shell itself
supports output redirection to local files
supports piping output through external programs ("| grep foo")
supports <code>argparse</code> to define commands and their options
supports [persistent] command history
allows to dynamically register and unregister commands
allows full control over tab completion items.
<div class="sect1 slide">
<h1 id="_pysim_shell_ui_fundamentals">pySim-shell UI fundamentals</h1>
<div class="sectionbody" style="max-width:45em">
<ul class="">
some global commands for things like PIN/CHV verification, enabling, disabling, unblcoking
you <code>select</code> your way through the card filesystem, like <em>cd</em> on bash/zsh/&#8230;
<ul class="">
tab-completion for [known] file names
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">Selecting a file</div>
<div class="content">
<pre><code>pySIM-shell (MF/ADF.USIM)&gt; select EF.IMSI
"file_descriptor": {
"shareable": true,
"file_type": "working_ef",
"structure": "transparent"
"file_identifier": "6F07",
"proprietary_info": {
"proprietary_D0": "20",
"proprietary_D2": "0F"
"life_cycle_status_int": "operational_activated",
"security_attrib_ref_expanded": "6F0603",
"file_size": 9,
"short_file_id": "38"
pySIM-shell (MF/ADF.USIM/EF.IMSI)&gt;</code></pre>
<div class="sect1 slide">
<h1 id="_pysim_shell_reading_writing">pySim-shell reading/writing</h1>
<div class="sectionbody" style="max-width:45em">
<ul class="">
context-sensitive <em>action</em> commands depend on the type of file selected
<ul class="">
<code>read_binary</code>, <code>update_binary</code>, &#8230; for transparent EF
<code>read_record</code>, <code>update_record</code>, &#8230; for linear fixed EF
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">Reading and updating a transparent EF</div>
<div class="content">
<pre><code>pySIM-shell (MF/ADF.USIM/EF.IMSI)&gt; read_binary
pySIM-shell (MF/ADF.USIM/EF.IMSI)&gt; update_binary 089910070000400301
pySIM-shell (MF/ADF.USIM/EF.IMSI)&gt; read_binary
<div class="sect1 slide">
<h1 id="_pysim_shell_decoding_encoding">pySim-shell decoding/encoding</h1>
<div class="sectionbody" style="max-width:45em">
<ul class="">
working with hex-encoded binary data is not very convenient
each specified file in the filesystem is represented by a python class
<ul class="">
class can provide encoder + decoder methods to go from binary to JSON and vice-versa
some shell commands combine reading a file from the card + decoding / encoding
<ul class="">
<code>read_binary_decoded</code>, <code>write_binary_decoded</code>, &#8230; for transparent EF
<code>read_record_decoded</code>, <code>write_record_decoded</code>, &#8230; for linear fixed EF
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">Reading and updating a decoded transparent EF</div>
<div class="content">
<pre><code>pySIM-shell (MF/ADF.USIM/EF.IMSI)&gt; read_binary_decoded
"imsi": "901700000043000"
pySIM-shell (MF/ADF.USIM/EF.IMSI)&gt; update_binary_decoded '{"imsi": "901700000043999"}'
pySIM-shell (MF/ADF.USIM/EF.IMSI)&gt; read_binary_decoded
"imsi": "901700000043999"
<div class="sect1 slide">
<h1 id="_pysim_shell_editing_of_single_parameters">pySim-shell editing of single parameters</h1>
<div class="sectionbody" style="max-width:45em">
<ul class="">
many files contain a lot of parameters
entering all of them as a single line in <code>update_binary_decoded</code> becomes rather cumbersome
<code>edit_binary_decoded</code> and <code>edit_record_decoded</code> to the rescue
<ul class="">
reads data from the card
decodes it to JSON
spawns whatever is your favorite text editor
you do your editing, save + exit
re-encodes the modified JSON
writes the result to the card
<div class="sect1 slide">
<h1 id="_pysim_shell_code_export_code">pySim-shell <code>export</code></h1>
<div class="sectionbody" style="max-width:45em">
<ul class="">
one-shot command to iterate over all [known] files below the current DF and dump them
output format is structured in a way that you can use it as a pySim-shell script
results in easy method to backup and restore a card
<div class="dlist"><dl class="">
<dt class="hdlist1">
only the ETSI/3GPP standard files that are covered by pySim classes are exported. There may be any
number of proprietary additional files on the card. Particularly K/OP/OPc or OTA keys are not exported this
<div class="sect1 slide">
<h1 id="_pysim_shell_advanced_cmd2_usage">pySim-shell advanced cmd2 usage</h1>
<div class="sectionbody" style="max-width:45em">
<ul class="">
<code>run_script</code>: execute any text file as script inside the pySim-shell
<code>run_pyscript</code>: execute a python script with access to all of the state / classes / methods
<code>ipy</code>: run an interactive IPython session
<code>py</code>: run an interactive python interpreter
<ul class="">
<code>card</code> represents the <code></code> instance
<code>rs</code> represents the <code>pySim.filesystem.RuntimeState</code>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">Using interactive python shell with access to pySim-shell state</div>
<div class="content">
<pre><code>pySIM-shell (MF)&gt; py
Python 3.9.2 (default, Feb 28 2021, 17:03:44)
[GCC 10.2.1 20210110] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
End with `Ctrl-D` (Unix) / `Ctrl-Z` (Windows), `quit()`, `exit()`.
Non-Python commands can be issued with: app("your command")
&gt;&gt;&gt; rs.selected_file
&lt;pySim.filesystem.CardMF object at 0x7f97952f3070&gt;
&gt;&gt;&gt; rs.selected_file.desc
'Master File (directory root)'</code></pre>
<div class="sect1 slide">
<h1 id="_other_recent_pysim_developments">Other recent pySim developments</h1>
<div class="sectionbody" style="max-width:45em">
<ul class="">
introduction of <code>sphinx</code> for generating documentation
adding API documentation at least for all of the <strong>new</strong> classes/methods that are used to build pySim-shell,
and which you need to extend to cover more files
automatic generation of pySim-shell command reference from <code>argparse</code> instances
keep your ADM1 pins per ICCID in a CSV file and automatically verify them
<div class="sect1 slide">
<h1 id="_pysim_shell_status">pySim-shell status</h1>
<div class="sectionbody" style="max-width:45em">
<ul class="">
many, if not most SIM/USIM/ISIM files defined
only few of them have JSON decoders and encoders yet
works for interactive use cases
not yet full feature parity with pySim-prog (no batch programming, &#8230;)
<div class="sect1 slide">
<h1 id="_call_for_contributions">Call for Contributions</h1>
<div class="sectionbody" style="max-width:45em">
<ul class="">
pySim-shell is already very usable, but needs your help!
<ul class="">
most files still need encoder + decoder methods to be implemented
we need automatic testing of encoders + decoders
we want JSON schema for the JSON representation of each file
we want to have batch programming in pySim-shell
<div class="paragraph"><p>So if you know a bit of python and care about SIM cards, please send your patches!</p></div>
<div class="sect1 slide">
<h1 id="_further_reading">Further Reading</h1>
<div class="sectionbody" style="max-width:45em">
<ul class="">
<a href="">pySim project page on</a>
<a href="">pySim source code / git repository</a>
<a href="">Video of talk "SIM card technology from A-Z"</a>
<div class="sect1 slide">
<h1 id="_eof">EOF</h1>
<div class="sectionbody" style="max-width:45em">
<div class="paragraph"><p>End of File</p></div>