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\title{Anatomy of modern cell phones}
{the 2012 update of the 2010 paper about 2005 phones ;)}
\author{Harald Welte <>}
{\\\\sysmocom GmbH}
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% - Keep it simple, no one is interested in your street address.
\date[] % (optional, should be abbreviation of conference name)
{August 8, 2012 / OSmocom Berlin User Group}
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\begin{frame}{About the speaker}
\item Using + toying with Linux since 1994
\item Kernel / bootloader / driver / firmware development since 1999
\item IT security expert, focus on network protocol security
\item Former core developer of Linux packet filter netfilter/iptables
\item Board-level Electrical Engineering
\item Always looking for interesting protocols (RFID, DECT, GSM)
\item OpenEXZ, OpenPCD, Openmoko, OpenBSC, OsmocomBB, OsmoSGSN
\section{Classic GSM phone architecture}
\begin{frame}{The classic GSM phone design}
\item Classic GSM mobile phones didn't really change much for 10 years from 1992 to 2002
\item RF circuitry for analog RX and TX (mixers, filters, PA)
\item DSP for radio modem, mostly Rx side, hardware modulator
\item Microcontroller (often ARM7TDMI) for protocol stack + UI
\item VCTCXO for clock generation
\item Serial Port with AT-commands over RS-232
% picture of calypso based phone
\begin{frame}{Improvements in classic GSM phone design}
\item DSP was becoming faster, permitted better voice codecs
\item DPS and controller merged in one chip/component to simply PCB design
\item Improvements on analog side from IF to zero-IF to low-IF designs
\item Smaller silicon processes for power and space savings
\section{Evolution to Smart Phones}
\begin{frame}{Personal Digital Assistants}
\item In the late 1990ies, PDAs became popular (Palm, Sharp, Compaq, ...)
\item A PDA was a mostly pen-operated embedded device with large screen
\item PDAs only had RS-232 to sync with desktop PCs but no wireless interfaces
\item Some people connect your PDA over RS-232 to the mobile phone
\item But: Until 2000, SMS and CSD was the only data transport medium
\begin{frame}{From classic phone to smart phone}
\item Companies started to put a phone and a PDA in one case
\item Interconnection between still a normal UART with AT commands
\item Phone part had keyboard and display removed, AT commands are only interface
\item OS on PDA side much more powerful than OS on phones at that time (PalmOS, Windows CE / PocketPC, ...)
\item PDA-side CPU called {\em Application Processor} (AP)
\item Phone-side CPU called {\em Baseband Processor} (BP)
\begin{frame}{smart phone evolution}
\item GSM phone (now called "modem") gets GPRS, later EDGE support
\item AP gets faster (from m68k/arm7tdmi to ARM920, ARM926, ARM11....)
\item Color displays, higher resolutions
\item Mobile GPUs for video encoding/decoding, cameras, ...
\item Resistive touch screens replaced by capacitive touch
\item AP OS more full-blown (Linux, iOS, ...)
\begin{frame}{Baseband processors: An abuse of feature phone SoCs!}
Until almost the end of the 2000's,
\item BPs continue to be made primarily for feature phones
\item BPs thus still contain keypad scan matrix, display interface, etc.
\item BPs external interfaces are primarily developed for connecting
the feature phone to a computer, i.e. USB.
Only recently, smart phones have been so popular that BPs are designed with them as
a primary user!
\begin{frame}{AP / BP memories}
\item AP and BP are separate SoCs
\item they each have their own address/memory bus and flash memories
\item those memories traditionally are in separate components for AP and BP
\item often an integrated NOR+SRAM (later NAND+SDRAM) for the BP
\item SDRAM + NAND (later mDDR + eMMC) on the the AP
\item You can still see the 'two brain syndrome' from the DPA +
featurephone legacy
\section{Current situation and trends}
\begin{frame}{2012 smart phones}
\item Has AP with two or four cores (Exynos 4412, Tegra 3, ...)
\item Has BP with ARM1176 core (better than AP some years ago!)
\item Still have the separation of AP and BP processor
\item Often still use AT commands to control the BP
\item Normally don't use UART physical interface anymore, as it's too slow for HSPA speeds
\subsection{AP/BP interface technologies}
\begin{frame}{AP/BP interfaces}
Many different variants exist today:
\begin{description}[MIPI HSI]
\item[USB] e.g. used around 2005/2006 by Motorola EZX
\item[MIPI HSI] High-Speed serial interface designed specifically for phones
\item[HSIC] A different USB physical layer (from
\item[DPRAM] Dual-Ported RAM
\begin{frame}{AP-BP IF: Universal Serial Bus}
\item full-speed USB significantly better than UART speeds
\item AP SoC often contained USB host controller anyway
\item BP (made for feature phones) also had USB instead of UART for PC connection
\begin{frame}{AP-BP IF: MIPI HSI}
\item HSI: High-Speed Synchronous Serial Interface
\item MIPI Alliance is a vendor consortium in the mobile space
\item They specify a variety of other interfaces, e.g. for display, battery, camera, ABB/DBB, ...
\item Adoption of MIPI HSI not very big (yet?) today
\begin{frame}{AP-BP IF: HSIC}
\item High-Speed Inter-Circuit specification from USB forum
\item removes USB phy for transmission over long wires
\item can transport high-speed USB (480 Mbits)
\item regular USB protocol stack on AP and BP
\item primarily used by Samsung for Infineon XGold BP
\begin{frame}{AP-BP IF: Dual-Ported RAM}
\item A RAM component with two separate Address and Data busses
\item Shared-Memory mailbox protocol between AP and BP
\item Lots of bus routing on PCB
\item Some AP have DPRAM internal and connect one side internally to the AP CPU core on the die
\item Very good match for SPoC (Smart Phone on a Chip) like Qualcomm MSM
\section{Smart Phone on a Chip}
\subsection{Introducing the SPoC}
\begin{frame}{Smart Phone on a Chip (SPoC)}
Around the time the Google G1 came out
\item Qualcomm was offering the first integrated SPoC (MSM7200)
\item Integrate AP and BP CPU core + their peripherals on one chip/die
\item Important for reducing required PCB footprint in devices
\item Important for reducing PCB routing requirements
\item Enables deeper integration between AP and BP
\begin{frame}{SPoC AP-BP integration}
\item So far, AP and BP had their own SoCs, address/memory bus, memories, etc.
\item With SPoC, you can simply use the same RAM and flash chips, and somehow divide them between AP and BP
\item part of the physical RAM is mapped into AP, another part into BP
\item part of the flash is accessed by the AP, another part by the BP
\item added benefit: you can map some RAM into both, and get a DPRAM-like shared memory mailbox interface for the AP-BP interface
\subsection{Industry Politics}
\begin{frame}{SPoC industry politics, 1/2}
\item For years, ST-Ericsson only alternative to QC with integrated AP+BP (U8500)
\item Infineon never had an AP business, only BP
\item Samsung System LSI never had a BP business, only AP
\item Nokia has been sleeping too long, then sold off their BP to Reensas
\item TI had a GSM/GPRS/EDGE BP business until 2008, then closed it down
\item NXP sold off their BP business and merged it with ST, later Ericsson Mobile Platforms (EMP) joined to create ST-Ericsson. They all lack a BP business
\begin{frame}{SPoC industry politics, 2/2}
\item Industry politics, continued
\item Broadcom has APs, but never been very successful in the BP market
\item Intel once had an AP business (X-Scale, PXA25x,26x,27x), but sold it to Marvell
\item Marvell had integrated AP + GSM/GPRS/EDGE BP, but no WCDMA
\item Do you understand why Intel bought the Infineon BP business?
\subsection{Routing around the problem}
\begin{frame}{Industry finds SPoC alternatives}{Samsung}
If you cannot get AP+BP in one package, you have to be innovative
\item Samsung has long successful AP line (s3c24xx, s3c6410, Exynos)
\item They also build mDDR and NAND flash as well as SD card controllers
\item They build MCP (Multi Chip Package) with multiple dies in one package
\item Reduces need for external memory components, simplifies PCB routing
\begin{frame}{Industry finds SPoC alternatives}{Texas Instruments}
If you cannot get AP+BP in one package, you have to be innovative
\item TI has successful OMAP3/OMAP4 AP business
\item They have no RAM/flash business, thus cannot do MCP
\item They start with PoP (Package on Package)
\item Idea: expose memory interface on top of SoC, then solder memory BGa on top of SoC
\item Saves PCB footprint and simplifies routing, but adds height!
\subsection{The odd SPoC alternatives}
\begin{frame}{Have it the Mediatek way}{The MTK GSM/GPRS/EDGE chipsets}
\item Users want features, they don't care about separate AP/BP
\item So instead of adding an AP to a feature phone, just add all the peripherals and software to the BP
\item Result: ARM7TDMI, later ARM920-EJS BP with hardware codec, GPU, lots of memory, JAVA, ...
\item Lots of applications like web browser, mail, games to make it look like a real smartphone
\item You save a lot in silicon footprint and ARM core licensing
\item Shipped up to 90 Million units / quarter !
\begin{frame}{Mediatek 3G Evolution}
\item Mediatek buys BP business from ADI (Analog Digital)
\item This most likely included Blackfin-based 3G baseband
\item Modern MTK chipsets are SPoC, with ARM9/ARM11 on AP side and ARM9 on BP
\item Shared memory components akin to Qualcomm solution
\item How can MTK become successful once they sell outside China (WCDMA patent licenses to QC?)
\begin{frame}{The ST-Ericsson low-cost solution}
\item Use a single CPU core for AP and BP
\item Run a hypervisor on it to virtualize the hardware
\item Run BP OS in one guest compartment, AP in another
\item Save on silicon cost/size and ARM core licensing like MTK
\item Used in very few phones
\begin{frame}{AP/BP chipset market distribution}
Out of ~ 70 phone models available on German market today,
\item Distribution by vendor
\item 47 are Qualcomm BP based (mostly SPoC)
\item 17 are Infineon BP based (BP-only)
\item 5 are ST-Ericsson based (SPoC / 2 core)
\item Distribution by AP/BP interface
\item 54 use shared memory interface
\item 8 use HSIC or USB
\item 4 use MIPI HSI
Careful: This is per models. Some models sell more units than 10 other models together ;)
Thanks for your attention. I hope we have time for Q\&A.