
142 lines
4.8 KiB

# Makefile for proceedings using the OLS/GCCSummit schema.
# Tools - some of the dvi programs are from dviutils-1.0-9.rpm
# pdftk is from pdftk-1.12-0.rpm
LATEX = latex
BIBTEX = bibtex
DVIPS = dvips
DVIPDF = echo dvipdfm
DVICONCAT = dviconcat
# EXTRATEX = /usr/share/texmf:
# Note: dvipdfm can be used to generate PDF from DVI in a pinch,
# but pdflatex seems to do slightly better. We'll invoke both
# latex and pdflatex in the latex2dvi script, and skip dvipdfm
# for now.
all: papers
# Get the set of all papers. DIRS can be set on the command line to
# suppress some of the papers; as a side effect this disables
# generation of the proceedings.
# To rebuild the Example paper, delete the EXAMPLE/ from the DIRS line below
#DIRS := $(subst /,,$(filter-out Texmf/ TEMPLATES/, $(wildcard */)))
ifeq ($(DIRS),)
DIRS := $(subst /,,$(filter-out EXAMPLE/ Texmf/ TEMPLATES/, $(wildcard */)))
all: proceedings
# Writing a dependency list for this file is impossible. We want it
# to be regenerated only when the set of subdirectories changes, but
# there is no way to know that. Fortunately, generating it is cheap.
ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS), clean)
@set fnord $(DIRS); shift; \
while [ $$# -gt 0 ]; do \
dir=$${1%/}; shift; \
printf '%s/%s-proc.tex: %s/%s-proc.stmp; @:\n' \
$$dir $$dir $$dir $$dir; \
printf '%s/%s-proc.stmp: ProcDefs.tex %s\n' $$dir $$dir $$prev; \
printf '\t./Texmf/make-wrapper $$^ $$@\n'; \
prev=$$dir/$$dir-proc.aux; \
done > $@T
@mv -f $@T $@
include $(SUBMAKES)
# $(space) expands to a single space.
space := $(empty) $(empty)
SEARCHPATH := $(subst $(space),:,$(DIRS)): # intentional trailing colon
# Render PDF and PostScript for each individual paper.
PS = $(
PDF = $(PAPERS:.dvi=.pdf)
papers: $(PS) $(PDF)
proceedings: Proceedings.pdf
# Render PDF and PostScript for the entire proceedings. This works as
# follows: For each paper we generate a wrapper file, $(paper)-proc.tex,
# which reads $(paper).tex in proceedings mode. The content of this file
# depends on a small number of settings extracted from the top-level
# Proceedings.tex, and the .aux file of the alphabetically previous paper.
# A DVI file generated (in the usual manner) from that wrapper file will
# be suitable for concatenation with all the other DVIs to make the full
# proceedings DVI, from which we then generate PostScript and PDF as usual.
# Stamp-file pattern to prevent trivial changes in Proceedings.tex from
# triggering a complete rebuild.
ProcDefs.tex: ProcDefs.stmp; @:
ProcDefs.stmp: Frontmatter.tex
{ echo '\PassOptionsToClass{proceedings}{ols}'; \
fgrep '\def\Proc' $<; } > ProcDefs.texT
./Texmf/move-if-change ProcDefs.texT ProcDefs.tex
echo timestamp > $@
ProcToc.tex: ProcToc.stmp; @:
ProcToc.stmp: $(PAPERS:.dvi=-proc.aux)
./Texmf/make-toc $(@:.stmp=.tex) $^
echo timestamp > $@
# These must have explicit rules; the implicit rules below are geared to
# subdirectories, and will not work.
Frontmatter.dvi: Frontmatter.tex ProcToc.tex
./Texmf/latex2dvi $(*F)
Proceedings.dvi: Frontmatter.dvi $(PAPERS:.dvi=-proc.dvi)
$(DVICONCAT) -o $@ $^
Proceedings.pdf: Frontmatter.pdf $(PAPERS:.dvi=-proc.pdf)
$(PDFCONCAT) $^ cat output $@ Proceedings.dvi
# Proceedings.pdf: Proceedings.dvi
# Utility.
-rm -f $(PAPERS) $(PS) $(PDF)
-rm -f $(PAPERS:.dvi=.aux) $(PAPERS:.dvi=.oaux) $(PAPERS:.dvi=.log)
-rm -f $(PAPERS:.dvi=.bbl) $(PAPERS:.dvi=.blg)
-rm -f $(PAPERS:.dvi=-proc.tex) $(PAPERS:.dvi=-proc.stmp)
-rm -f $(PAPERS:.dvi=-proc.dvi) $(PAPERS:.dvi=-proc.log)
-rm -f $(PAPERS:.dvi=-proc.pdf)
-rm -f $(PAPERS:.dvi=-proc.aux) $(PAPERS:.dvi=-proc.oaux)
-rm -f $(PAPERS:.dvi=-proc.bbl) $(PAPERS:.dvi=-proc.blg)
-rm -f ProcDefs.tex ProcDefs.stmp ProcToc.stmp ProcToc.tex
-rm -f Frontmatter.dvi Frontmatter.log Frontmatter.aux Frontmatter.oaux
-rm -f Proceedings.dvi Proceedings.pdf
# Pattern rules. Generation of PDF/PS from DVI is straightforward.
%.pdf: %.dvi
cd $(@D) && $(DVIPDF) -o $(@F) $(<F) %.dvi
cd $(@D) && $(DVIPS) -q -o $(@F) $(<F)
fig2dev -L eps $< >$@
fig2dev -L pdf $< >$@
# Properly regenerating a .dvi file from the corresponding .tex file
# requires running LaTeX (and possibly BibTeX) in a loop. GNU make
# cannot be coded to do this, so we have a helper script to do it.
# We read the .aux files for nefarious purposes, so make needs to be
# aware that this operation generates them too.
%.dvi %.aux: %.tex
cd $(@D) && TEXINPUTS=../Texmf:$$TEXINPUTS ../Texmf/latex2dvi $(*F)
.PHONY: all papers proceedings clean
.SECONDARY: # Never delete intermediate files.