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// (C) 2022 by Harald Welte <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package main
import (
var (
gpsd_tcp = flag.String("gpsd","localhost:2947", "remote gpsd host:port")
listen_http = flag.String("http",":2112", "local HTTP listen host:port")
gpsMode = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "fix_mode",
Help: "gpsd mode (0=NoValueSeen, 1=NoFix, 2=2D fix, 3=3D fix)",
gpsLat = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "latitude",
Help: "Latitude in degrees: +/- signifies North/South.",
gpsLon = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "longitude",
Help: "Longitude in degrees: +/- signifies East/West.",
gpsAlt = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "altitude",
gpsEpt = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "estimated_error_timestamp",
Help: "Estimated time stamp error in seconds. Certainty unknown.",
gpsEpx = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "estimated_error_longitude",
Help: "Longitude error estimate in meters. Certainty unknown.",
gpsEpy = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "estimated_error_latitude",
Help: "Latitude error estimate in meters. Certainty unknown.",
gpsEpv = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "estimated_error_altitude",
Help: "Estimated vertical error in meters. Certainty unknown.",
gpsTrack = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "track",
Help: "Course over ground, degrees from true north.",
gpsSpeed = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "speed",
Help: "Speed over ground, meters per second.",
gpsClimb = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "climb",
Help: "Climb (positive) or sink (negative) rate, meters per second.",
gpsEpd = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "estimated_error_direction",
Help: "Estimated track (direction) error in degrees. Certainty unknown.",
gpsEps = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "estimated_error_speed",
Help: "Estimated speed error in meters per second. Certainty unknown.",
gpsEpc = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "estimated_error_climb",
Help: "Estimated climb error in meters per second. Certainty unknown.",
gpsNumSats = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "space_vehicles_total",
Help: "Total number of space vehicles observed.",
gpsNumSatsUsed = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "space_vehicles_used",
Help: "Number of space vehicles used in fix.",
gpsSvAz = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "space_vehicle_azimuth",
Help: "Per-SV Azimuth, degrees from true north.",
gpsSvEl = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "space_vehicle_elevation",
Help: "Per-SV Elevation in degrees.",
gpsSvSs = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "space_vehicle_signal_noise_ratio",
Help: "Per-SV Signal to Noise ratio in dBHz.",
gpsXdop = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "dilution_of_precision_longitude",
Help: "Longitudinal dilution of precision, a dimensionless factor which should be multiplied by a base UERE to get an error estimate.",
gpsYdop = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "dilution_of_precision_latitude",
Help: "Latitudinal dilution of precision, a dimensionless factor which should be multiplied by a base UERE to get an error estimate.",
gpsVdop = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "dilution_of_precision_altitude",
Help: "Vertical (altitude) dilution of precision, a dimensionless factor which should be multiplied by a base UERE to get an error estimate.",
gpsTdop = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "dilution_of_precision_time",
Help: "Time dilution of precision, a dimensionless factor which should be multiplied by a base UERE to get an error estimate.",
gpsHdop = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "dilution_of_precision_horizontal",
Help: "Horizontal dilution of precision, a dimensionless factor which should be multiplied by a base UERE to get a circular error estimate.",
gpsPdop = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "dilution_of_precision_position",
Help: "Position (spherical/3D) dilution of precision, a dimensionless factor which should be multiplied by a base UERE to get an error estimate.",
gpsGdop = promauto.NewGaugeVec(
prometheus.GaugeOpts {
Subsystem: "gpsd",
Name: "dilution_of_precision_geometric",
Help: "Geometric (hyperspherical) dilution of precision, a combination of PDOP and TDOP. A dimensionless factor which should be multiplied by a base UERE to get an error estimate.",
func main() {
var gps *gpsd.Session
var err error
fmt.Println("Connecting to gpsd at", *gpsd_tcp, "...")
if gps, err = gpsd.Dial(*gpsd_tcp); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to connect to GPSD: %s", err))
fmt.Println("Connected to gpsd!")
gps.AddFilter("TPV", func(r interface{}) {
tpv := r.(*gpsd.TPVReport)
//fmt.Println("TPV", tpv.Mode, tpv.Time)
gps.AddFilter("DEVICE", func(r interface{}) {
dev := r.(*gpsd.DEVICEReport)
fmt.Println("DEVICE", dev.Path, dev.Flags)
gps.AddFilter("SKY", func(r interface{}) {
sky := r.(*gpsd.SKYReport)
fmt.Println("SKY", sky.Satellites)
num_sats_used := 0
for i := 0; i < len(sky.Satellites); i++ {
num_sats_used += 1
prn_str := fmt.Sprintf("%.0f", sky.Satellites[i].PRN)
gpsSvAz.WithLabelValues(sky.Device, prn_str).Set(sky.Satellites[i].Az)
gpsSvEl.WithLabelValues(sky.Device, prn_str).Set(sky.Satellites[i].El)
gpsSvSs.WithLabelValues(sky.Device, prn_str).Set(sky.Satellites[i].Ss)
done := gps.Watch()
fmt.Println("Listening to HTTP requests at", *listen_http)
http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler())
http.ListenAndServe(*listen_http, nil)