[global] title "CAMEL: MT Call (t-CSI) example" [entities] # define the entities in the system (in order) a "A" gmsc_ssf "GMSC/gsmSSF" hlr "HLR" vmsc "VMSC" scf "gsmSCF" [messages] # define the protocol messages in-order a gmsc_ssf "ISUP IAM[MSISDN]" gmsc_ssf hlr "MAP SRI[MSISDN]" hlr vmsc "MAP PSI[IMSI]" vmsc hlr "MAP PSI-Res" hlr gmsc_ssf "MAP SRI-Res[T-CSI]" gmsc_ssf scf "CAP IDP" scf gmsc_ssf "CAP RRB, CUE" gmsc_ssf hlr "MAP SRI[MSISDN]" hlr vmsc "MAP PRN[IMSI]" vmsc hlr "MAP PRN-Res[MSRN]" hlr gmsc_ssf "MAP SRI-Res[MSRN]" gmsc_ssf vmsc "ISUP IAM[MSRN]" vmsc gmsc_ssf "ISUP ACM" gmsc_ssf a "ISUP ACM" vmsc gmsc_ssf "ISUP ANM" gmsc_ssf a "ISUP ANM" gmsc_ssf scf "CAP ERB[Answer]" a gmsc_ssf "ISUP REL" gmsc_ssf scf "CAP ERB[Disconnect]" gmsc_ssf vmsc "ISUP REL"