package OsmoLadder; # Perl Module to generate ladder diagrams for network protocols # # (C) 2010-2011 by Harald Welte # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. use GD; use GD::Arrow; my $ROW_SIZE = 50; my $HEAD_SIZE = 70; my $FOOT_SIZE = 50; my $COL_SIZE_MIN = 200; my $MARGIN_LR = 50; my $NODELINE_OVERLAP = 30; my $FONT = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSansBold.ttf"; sub compute_img_size($$) { my ($num_nodes, $num_msgs) = @_; my $height = (($num_msgs-1) * $ROW_SIZE) + $HEAD_SIZE + $FOOT_SIZE; my $width = 2*$MARGIN_LR + ($num_nodes-1)*$COL_SIZE_MIN; return ($width, $height); } sub compute_node_x($) { my $node_num = shift; return $MARGIN_LR + $node_num * $COL_SIZE_MIN; } sub compute_msg_y($) { my $msg_num = shift; return $HEAD_SIZE + $msg_num * $ROW_SIZE; } my %nodes; my $next_node_number = 0; my @msgs; sub new_node($$) { my ($name, $label) = @_; my %nn; $nn{'name'} = $name; $nn{'label'} = $label; $nn{'num'} = $next_node_number++; $nn{'x_pos'} = compute_node_x($nn{'num'}); $nodes{$name} = \%nn; } sub new_msg($$$$) { my ($src, $dst, $label, $flags) = @_; my %nm; $nm{'src'} = $src; $nm{'dst'} = $dst; $nm{'label'} = $label; $nm{'flags'} = $flags; push(@msgs, \%nm); } sub try_fontsize($$$) { my ($font, $text, $size) = @_; my @arr = GD::Image->stringFT(0, $font, $size, 0, 0, 0, $text); return ($arr[4] - $arr[0]); } sub get_fontsize($$$) { my ($font, $text, $x_avail) = @_; my $fontsize; for ($fontsize = 12; $fontsize >= 6; $fontsize--) { my $width = try_fontsize($font, $text, $fontsize); if ($width < $x_avail) { return ($fontsize, $width); } } return (6,0); } sub draw_scaled_label($$$$$) { my ($im, $text, $line_y, $start_x, $end_x) = @_; my $black = $im->colorAllocate(0, 0, 0); if ($start_x > $end_x) { my $tmp = $end_x; $end_x = $start_x; $start_x = $tmp; } my $delta_x = $end_x - $start_x; my ($fontsize, $x_pixels) = get_fontsize($FONT, $text, $delta_x); my $x_offset = ($delta_x - $x_pixels)/2; my @a = $im->stringFT($black, $FONT, $fontsize, 0, $start_x+$x_offset, $line_y-5, $text); } sub draw_msg_label($$$$$) { my ($im, $m, $line_y, $start_x, $end_x) = @_; my $text = $$m{'label'}; draw_scaled_label($im, $text, $line_y, $start_x, $end_x); } sub draw_graph($) { my $outfile_name = shift; my $num_nodes = keys %nodes; my $num_msgs = @msgs; my ($x, $y) = compute_img_size($num_nodes, $num_msgs); my $im = new GD::Image($x, $y); my $white = $im->colorAllocate(255, 255, 255); $im->transparent($white); my $black = $im->colorAllocate(0, 0, 0); # vertical lines for each of the nodes in the graph foreach my $n (values %nodes) { printf("node %s (%s)\n", $$n{'name'}, $$n{'label'}); my $line_x = $$n{'x_pos'}; my $start_y = compute_msg_y(0)-$NODELINE_OVERLAP; my $end_y = compute_msg_y($num_msgs-1)+$NODELINE_OVERLAP; $im->line($line_x, $start_y, $line_x, $end_y, $black); my $space_oneside = ($COL_SIZE_MIN/2) * 0.8; draw_scaled_label($im, $$n{'label'}, $start_y-10, $line_x-$space_oneside, $line_x+$space_oneside); } # draw per-message arrows $im->setThickness(2); my $msg_n = 0; foreach my $m (@msgs) { my $line_y = compute_msg_y($msg_n++); my $start_node = $nodes{$$m{'src'}}; my $end_node = $nodes{$$m{'dst'}}; my $start_x = $$start_node{'x_pos'}; my $end_x = $$end_node{'x_pos'}; if ($$m{'flags'} =~ /\W+both\W*/) { # FIXME } if ($$m{'flags'} =~ /\W+dashed\W*/) { print("setting dahsed style\n"); $im->setStyle($black, $black, gdTransparent, gdTransparent); } #$im->line($start_x, $line_y, $end_x, $line_y, $black); my $arrow = GD::Arrow::Full->new(-X1 => $end_x, -Y1 => $line_y, -X2 => $start_x, -Y2 => $line_y, -WIDTH => 3); $im->polygon($arrow, $black); draw_msg_label($im, $m, $line_y-5, $start_x, $end_x) } open(OUTFILE, ">$outfile_name"); print(OUTFILE $im->png); close(OUTFILE); } 1; __END__ sub test() { new_node('ms', 'MS'); new_node('bts', 'BTS'); new_node('bsc', 'BSC'); new_msg('ms', 'bts', 'RACH REQ', undef); new_msg('bts', 'bsc', 'RSL CHAN RQD', undef); new_msg('bsc', 'bts', 'RSL CHAN ACT', undef); new_msg('bts', 'bsc', 'RSL CHAN ACT ACK', undef); draw_graph(); } test();