#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- import crypto_utils, utils, cards, readers, os, re, binascii, sys, exceptions, traceback, getopt, datetime from shell import Shell class Logger(object): def __init__(self, filename, stream, prefix = "# "): self.fp = file(filename, "w") self.stream = stream self.prefix = prefix self.need_prefix = True def println(self, string): if not self.need_prefix: self.fp.write("\n") self.need_prefix = True self.fp.write("\n".join(string.splitlines()) + "\n") def flush(self): return self.stream.flush() def close(self): self.fp.close() def writelines(self, lines): for line in lines: self.write(line) def write(self, line): if self.need_prefix: self.fp.write(self.prefix) self.need_prefix = False self.fp.write( ( ("\n"+self.prefix).join(line.splitlines()) ) ) if len(line) > 0 and line[-1] == "\n": self.fp.write("\n") self.need_prefix = True self.stream.write(line) class Cyberflex_Shell(Shell): def __init__(self, basename): self.print_backtrace = True self.reader = 0 self.logger = None Shell.__init__(self, basename) self.register_commands(self, self.NOCARD_COMMANDS) self.set_prompt("(No card) ") def cmd_runscript(self, filename, ask = True): "Run an APDU script from a file" fh = file(filename) doit = not ask #ignored_SWs = ["\x62\x82"] ignored_SWs = [] for line in fh: if line[:2] == "//" or line[:1] == "#": continue if not doit: print "?? %s" % line.strip() print "Execute? (Yes/No/All/Exit) ", answer = sys.stdin.readline() if answer[0].lower() in ('y', "\n"): pass elif answer[0].lower() == 'n': continue elif answer[0].lower() == 'a': doit = True elif answer[0].lower() == 'e': return else: continue self.parse_and_execute(line) if self.card.sw_changed and not self.card.check_sw(self.card.last_sw) \ and self.card.last_sw not in ignored_SWs: print "SW(%s) was not OK. Ignore (i) or Abort (a)? " % binascii.hexlify(self.card.last_sw), answer = sys.stdin.readline() if answer[0].lower() in ('i', "\n"): pass elif answer[0].lower() == 'a': return elif answer[0] == 'S': ignored_SWs.append(self.card.last_sw) pass else: return def cmd_listreaders(self): "List the available readers" for i, (name, obj) in enumerate(readers.list_readers()): print "%i: %s" % (i,name) def cmd_enc(self, *args): "Encrypt or decrypt with openssl-like interface" args = list(args) MODE_DECRYPT = "-d" MODE_ENCRYPT = "-e" mode = MODE_ENCRYPT if "-d" in args: mode = MODE_DECRYPT input = None if "-in" in args: i = args.index("-in") input = args[i+1] if "-K" not in args: raise ValueError, "Must specify key with -K" i = args.index("-K") key = args[i+1] key = binascii.a2b_hex("".join(key.split())) iv = None if "-iv" in args: i = args.index("-iv") iv = args[i+1] iv = binascii.a2b_hex("".join(iv.split())) cipher = "des" if args[0][0] != "-": cipher = args[0] text = None if "-text" in args: if input is not None: raise ValueError, "Can't give -in and -text" i = args.index("-text") text = binascii.a2b_hex("".join(args[i+1].split())) if text is None: if input is None: text = self.card.last_result.data else: fp = file(input) text = fp.read() fp.close() result = crypto_utils.cipher(mode == MODE_ENCRYPT, cipher, key, text, iv) self.card.last_result = utils.R_APDU(result+"\x00\x00") print utils.hexdump(result) def cmd_eval(self, *args): "Execute raw python code" eval(" ".join(args)) print def cmd_atr(self, *args): """Print the ATR of the currently inserted card.""" print "ATR: %s" % utils.hexdump(self.card.reader.get_ATR(), short=True) def cmd_save_response(self, file_name, start = None, end = None): "Save the data in the last response to a file. start and end are optional" lastlen = len(self.card.last_result.data) if start is not None: start = (lastlen + (int(start,0) % lastlen) ) % lastlen else: start = 0 if end is not None: end = (lastlen + (int(end,0) % lastlen) ) % lastlen else: end = lastlen fp = file(file_name, "w") try: fp.write(self.card.last_result.data[start:end]) finally: fp.close() def cmd_load_response(self, filename, start=None, end=None): "Load the data from a file and pretend it was the last response from the card. start and end are optional" fp = file(filename, "r") try: data = fp.read() finally: fp.close() datalen = len(data) if start is not None: start = (datalen + (int(start,0) % datalen) ) % datalen else: start = 0 if end is not None: end = (datalen + (int(end,0) % datalen) ) % datalen else: end = datalen self.card.last_result = utils.R_APDU(data[start:end] + "\x00\x00") def cmd_disconnect(self, *args): "Close the connection to the currently inserted card" self.unregister_post_hook(self._print_sw) self.fallback = None self.unregister_pre_hook(self._clear_sw) self.unregister_pre_hook(self._update_prompt) self.unregister_commands(self.card) self.unregister_commands(self, self.CARD_COMMANDS) self.register_commands(self, self.NOCARD_COMMANDS) self.card.close_card() self.set_prompt("(No card) ") def cmd_reconnect(self, reader = None): "Re-open the connection to the card" self.cmd_disconnect() self.cmd_connect(reader) def cmd_fancy(self, *args): "Parse a fancy APDU and print the result" apdu = utils.C_APDU.parse_fancy(*args) data = apdu.render() if hasattr(self, "card"): self.card.last_result = utils.R_APDU(data+"\x00\x00") print utils.hexdump(data) def _update_prompt(self): self.set_prompt(self.card.get_prompt() + " ") def _clear_sw(self): self.card.sw_changed = False self.card.last_delta = None def do_fancy_apdu(self, *args): "Parse and transmit a fancy APDU" apdu = None try: apdu = utils.C_APDU.parse_fancy(*args) except ValueError: raise NotImplementedError if apdu is not None: return self.do_apdu(apdu) def do_normal_apdu(self, *args): "Transmit an APDU" apdu_string = "".join(args) if not utils.C_APDU._apduregex.match(apdu_string): raise NotImplementedError apdu_binary = binascii.a2b_hex("".join(apdu_string.split())) apdu = utils.C_APDU(apdu_binary) return self.do_apdu(apdu) def do_raw_apdu(self, *args): "Transmit a raw data string as an APDU" apdu_string = "".join(args) apdu_binary = binascii.a2b_hex("".join(apdu_string.split())) apdu = utils.Raw_APDU(apdu_binary) return self.do_apdu(apdu) def do_apdu(self, apdu): response = self.card.send_apdu(apdu) if len(response.data) > 0: ## The SW is already printed by _print_sw as a post_hook print utils.hexdump(response.data) def pause_log(self): if self.logger is not None: sys.stdout = self.logger.stream def unpause_log(self): if self.logger is not None: sys.stdout = self.logger def start_log(self, filename): if self.logger is not None: self.stop_log() self.logger = Logger(filename, sys.stdout) sys.stdout = self.logger print "Logging to %s" % filename try: self.logger.println( "# ATR of currently inserted card is: %s" % utils.hexdump(self.card.reader.get_ATR(), short=True) ) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except: pass self.register_pre_hook(self.pause_log) def stop_log(self): if self.logger is not None: print "Log stopped" sys.stdout = self.logger.stream self.logger.flush() self.logger = None self.unregister_pre_hook(self.pause_log) def parse_and_execute(self, line): if self.logger is not None: self.logger.println( self.logger.prefix + "\n" + self.logger.prefix + "=== " + datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(" ") + " " + ("="*49) ) self.logger.println(line) if self.logger is not None: self.unpause_log() result = Shell.parse_and_execute(self, line) return result def cmd_log(self, filename = None): "Start (when given a filename) or stop (otherwise) logging to a file" if filename is not None: date = datetime.datetime.now() vars = { "HOMEDIR": os.environ["HOME"], "ISOTIME": date.isoformat() } self.start_log(filename % vars) else: self.stop_log() def _print_sw(self): to_print = [] if self.card.sw_changed: to_print.append(self.card.decode_statusword()) if self.card.last_delta is not None: to_print.append("%0.03gs" % self.card.last_delta) if to_print: print ", ".join(to_print) def _find_driver_class(driver_name): for i in dir(cards): _obj = getattr(cards, i) if driver_name.lower() == i.lower(): return _obj if hasattr(_obj, "DRIVER_NAME") and driver_name.lower() in [e.lower() for e in getattr(_obj, "DRIVER_NAME")]: return _obj raise NameError, "Class not found" _find_driver_class = staticmethod(_find_driver_class) def cmd_unloaddriver(self, driver_name): "Remove a driver from the current connection" self.unregister_commands(self.card) try: self.card.remove_classes( [self._find_driver_class(driver_name)] ) finally: self.register_commands(self.card) def cmd_loaddriver(self, driver_name): "Add a driver to the current connection" self.unregister_commands(self.card) try: self.card.add_classes( [self._find_driver_class(driver_name)] ) finally: self.register_commands(self.card) def cmd_connect(self, reader = None): "Open the connection to a card" if reader is None: reader = self.reader reader_object = readers.connect_to(reader) self.card = cards.new_card_object(reader_object) self.unregister_commands(self, self.NOCARD_COMMANDS) self.register_commands(self, self.CARD_COMMANDS) self.register_commands(self.card) self.register_pre_hook(self._update_prompt) self.register_pre_hook(self._clear_sw) shell.fallback = self.do_fancy_apdu shell.register_post_hook(self._print_sw) COMMANDS = dict(Shell.COMMANDS) COMMANDS.update( { "list_readers": cmd_listreaders, "eval": cmd_eval, "save_response": cmd_save_response, "load_response": cmd_load_response, "fancy": cmd_fancy, "enc": cmd_enc, "log": cmd_log, } ) CARD_COMMANDS = { "atr": cmd_atr, "disconnect": cmd_disconnect, "reconnect": cmd_reconnect, "driver_load": cmd_loaddriver, "driver_unload": cmd_unloaddriver, "raw": do_raw_apdu, "run_script": cmd_runscript, } NOCARD_COMMANDS = { "connect": cmd_connect, } def usage(): print """Cyberflex shell Synopsis: cyberflex-shell.py [options] [scriptfiles] Options: -r, --reader Select the reader to use, either by index or by name -l, --list-readers List the available readers and their indices -n, --dont-connect Don't connect to the card on startup -y, --dont-ask Don't ask for confirmation for every command run from the scriptfiles -i, --force-interactive Force interactive mode after running scripts from the command line -h, --help This help """ OPTIONS = "nyih" LONG_OPTIONS = ["dont-connect","dont-ask","force-interactive","help"] exit_now = False dont_connect = False dont_ask = False force_interactive = False reader = None if __name__ == "__main__": helper = readers.CommandLineArgumentHelper() (options, arguments) = helper.getopt(sys.argv[1:], OPTIONS, LONG_OPTIONS) for (option, value) in options: if option in ("-h","--help"): usage() exit_now = True if option in ("-n","--dont-connect"): dont_connect = True if option in ("-y","--dont-ask"): dont_ask = True if option in ("-i","--force-interactive"): force_interactive = True if exit_now: sys.exit() del exit_now print "Cyberflex shell" shell = Cyberflex_Shell("cyberflex-shell") if not dont_connect: shell.cmd_connect(helper.reader) shell.run_startup() for filename in arguments: shell.cmd_runscript(filename, not dont_ask) if len(arguments) == 0 or force_interactive: shell.run()